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UB-FA MIAD School of Interior Architecture [BAB 2023]

dc.creatorRajković, Igor
dc.creatorKordić, Milena
dc.creatorRakonjac, Ivana
dc.creatorZorić, Ana
dc.description.abstractThe monograph UB-FA MIAD School of Interior Architecture has its primary purpose in education in interior architecture design, presenting the educational model of the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture (UB-FA). It covers the period of the first accredited interior architecture program launched in 2014 at the University of Belgrade. The publication makes a significant contribution by providing a retrospective view of the development of the specific field of interior architectural design at UB-FA, emphasizing the importance of educating interior architects – master engineers in interior design. The seven-year experience during the first accreditation cycle of the Master's study program in Interior Architecture (MIAD) is presented through subject curricula, students' achievements, and results during their studies. The publication presents the Educational Model of UB-FA MIAD, illustrated with specific tasks and teaching outcomes, accompanied by the authors' review of the educational process and the possibilities for improvement. The evaluation aspect of the teaching process and learning outcomes is a particular focus, demonstrating students' achievements upon completion of their education. The tendency to enhance the educational model in the field of interior architectural design, in line with the necessary flexibility that follows the trends of contemporary society, represents a significant contribution to a wider field of architectural design. A specific goal of the publication is to promote the UB-FA Master's study program, which focuses on the current field of interior architectural design. Illustrating the learning process and its multi-layered and diverse approach to characteristic topics in architecture and design, the UB-FA MIAD School of Interior Architecture aims to motivate students to pursue formal education in the field of interior
dc.description.abstractПубликација УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора осветљава развој едукације у области архитектонског пројектовања унутрашњег простора у области виског школства на простору Србије. Кроз ретроспективу развоја ове специфичне области архитектонског пројектовања на Универзитету у Београду – Архитектонском факултету, Монографија наглашава значаја едукације пројектаната – инжењера унутрашње архитектуре. Публикација, представљањем првог мастер академског програма УБ-АФ МУАД који тежиште поставља на актуелну област архитектонског пројектовања унутрашњег простора, даје увид у искуства и резултате наставног процеса, али и остварења студената након завршетка образовања кроз приказ њихових креативних пракси.sr
dc.publisherBelgrade: Balkan Architectural Biennalesr
dc.sourceBack to the roots : exhibition catalogue / 6th Balkan Architectural Biennale [BAB] 2023, Muzej grada Beograda , Belgrade City Museum 21-28. Novembersr
dc.subjectInterior Designsr
dc.subjectEducational Modelsr
dc.subjectUniversity of Belgrade - Alumnisr
dc.subjectInternational Exhibitionsr
dc.subjectMaster Studies in Interior Architecturesr
dc.titleУБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора [BAB 2023]sr
dc.titleUB-FA MIAD School of Interior Architecture [BAB 2023]sr
dcterms.abstractРајковић, Игор; Зориц, Aна; Ракоњац, Ивана; Кордић, Милена; UB-AF MUAD Škola arhitekture unutrašnjeg prostora [BAB 2023]; УБ-ФA МИAД Сцхоол оф Интериор Aрцхитецтуре [БAБ 2023]; УБ-ФA МИAД Сцхоол оф Интериор Aрцхитецтуре [БAБ 2023];



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