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Visual lightnes of concrete: New Belgrade municipality council

dc.creatorStojanović, Hristina
dc.description.abstractRad predstavlja istraživanje tektoničkog odnosa funkcije i konstrukcije na primeru zgrade Skupštine opštine Novi Beograd. Ovaj objekat projektovan je kao javni objekat za prostorne potrebe rada Narodnog odbora opštine i njegovih upravnih organa. Projekat je započet 1961. godine u Urbanističkom zavodu Beograda pod rukovodstvom arhitekata Stojana Maksimovića i Branislava Jovina i koncipiran, i kasnije realizovan, fazno, 1973. dodavanjem Aneksa i 1985. adaptacijom atrijuma u višenamensku salu. Ovaj fazni pristup projektu iznedrio je različite, vrlo upečatljive, načine artikulacije arhitektonskih elemenata u okviru jednog jezika, modernizma, u periodu njegovog progresivnog gašenja. Specifičan pristup zadatku i projektovanju društveno-odgovornog programa krije koncepciju lakoće kojom objekat odiše a koji se čita kroz tretman konstrukcije i funkcije objekta objedinjenih specifičnim arhitektonskim jezikom. Istraživanje se temelji na prikupljanju i analizi dostupne arhivske građe u vidu tehničke dokumentacije projekta, analizi konteksta u kojem objekat nastaje, što podrazumeva društveno okruženje (socijalistička država blagostanja) i epohalni stil (modernizam), kao i značaju i značenju prepoznatih arhitektonskih vrednosti. Namera ovog istraživanja je prikupljanje i sistematizacija građe vezane za ovu tematiku, kako bi se formirala početna osnova za buduća istraživanja, kao i utvrđivanje i razumevanje različitih tektoničkih odnosa izgrađenih objekata istog perioda, iste ili srodne tipologije, na prostorima Jugoslavije. Istraživačko pitanje koje se postavlja jeste kako učiti iz istorije graditeljstva, kako ga razumeti i interpretirati kako bi se unapredilo arhitektonsko delovanje danas.sr
dc.description.abstractThe period that followed the Second World War was, speaking of a global architectural scale, marked by major urban projects designed and based on the urban ideologies of the Le Corbusier’s Athens Charter published in 1943. Its impact on the urban politics of socialist Yugoslavia were present in the planning and construction of New Belgrade, which remained, the most intensive development in the history of the country’s capital, the city of Belgrade. Architectural design ideas for the New Belgrade were shaped according to the established global principles and socio-political context, concentrated on creating an architecture as a representative of new social values that will generate a new way of living. Although the way of promoting these values has changed over decades, the common idea remained as an unchanging imperative and lasted for almost half a century. However, the desire for the New Belgrade’s architecture to become a representative of the strength of a rising socialist country has never been fully achieved. Although the idea remained incomplete in its resulting, it is still present in the architecture of several buildings, considering the New Belgrade Municipality Council that testifies to the aspirations of the late 1960s and the beginning of 1970s urban ideology. This paper presents a research of the tectonic discourse between functionality and construction examined in the case study of the design and construction of the New Belgrade Municipality Council. The building was designed as a public facility providing spatial needs for the workers of the municipality’s National Committee and its administrative bodies. The project started in 1961 in the Institute for Urban Planning in Belgrade under the leadership of architects Stojan Maksimović and Branislav Jovin and was built in two stages. First stage took place in 1973 by designing and building the Annex and the second stage was developed in 1985 by adapting the atrium into a multipurpose hall. This design approach resulted in various, ingenious ways of articulating architectural elements within a single language, modernism, which was in that point, in the time of its slow fading. A specific approach to the task and design of a socially responsible program supports the concept of lightness which can be read through the intertwined treatment of the structure and function of the built object. The purpose of this research is to recognize architectural values from the aspect of the tectonic structure and the architectural design language, analyse them and give insight into the relationship between the applied construction system, facade design, use of materials, functionality and representation. The research is based on the collection and analysis of the available archival material which consists of the technical documentation of the project, the analysis of the social context (socialist welfare state) and the particular cultural context (modernism) in which the object was designed and built, as well as the meaning and significance of the recognized architectural values. The objective of this research is to collect and systematize the relevant material in order to form the initial data-base for the future research, as well as to establish and understand the different tectonic relations of the built objects of the same period in the territory of former Yugoslavia. The aim of this research is to question and explain particular design and construction methods, in order to understand them and interpret them for developing the tools and processes in the fields of architectural design.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Arhitektonski fakultetsr
dc.sourceNa međi umetnosti i inženjerstva : studije o posleratnoj arhitekturi u Beogradu i Srbijisr
dc.subjectSO Novi Beogradsr
dc.subjectNew Belgrade Municipality Councilsr
dc.titleVizuelna lakoća betona: SO Novi Beogradsr
dc.titleVisual lightnes of concrete: New Belgrade municipality councilsr
dcterms.abstractСтојановић, Христина; Визуелна лакоћа бетона: СО Нови Београд; Визуелна лакоћа бетона: СО Нови Београд;
dc.rights.holderHristina Stojanović, Luka Skansisr



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