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dc.contributorNepravishta, Florian
dc.contributorMaliqari, Andrea
dc.creatorDevetaković, Mirjana
dc.creatorNepravishta, Florian
dc.creatorRadović, Goran
dc.creatorRadojević, Milan
dc.description.abstractThe modernisation of cities could happen in different ways and at different levels, but development could not happen without energy, and sustainable development could not happen without sustainable energy (Holliday & Yumkella, n.d.). Using the energy that comes from the sun is one of the earliest energy usages. However, modern solar systems offer the possibility of using solar energy in a wide area of urban and rural activities. Although present in every corner of the world (Kumar et al., 2016), solar energy usage is still under examination and constant technical improvement (El-Faouri et al., 2016). Replacement of standard street lights with solar ones equipped with LED (Light Emitting Diode) lighting represents not only a technical improvement but also a significant energy savings step (Alkholidi & Hamam, 2019), (Miskovic, 2013). Solar street lights are more expensive than standard ones but combined with the LED technology, and they are more economical in terms of energy consumption, reparation needs and maintenance (Spahiu et al., 2018). In this study, we examine the modernisation of cityscapes of three Balkan cities – Cetinje (Montenegro), Tirana (Albania) and Belgrade (Serbia), through the introduction of photovoltaic (PV) street lighting. After giving the basic information on solar street lights, we present the solar street light systems in three Balkan cities and discuss these applications.sr
dc.publisherFaculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU), Polytechnic University of Tiranasr
dc.sourceModernisation and globalisation new paradigms in architecture, city, territorysr
dc.subjectSolar street lightsr
dc.subjectPhotovoltaic (PV) street lightingsr
dc.subjectModernisation of cityscapessr
dc.titleModernisation of the built environment by integration of PV technology: the case of street light systemssr
dcterms.abstractДеветаковић, Мирјана; Неправисхта, Флориан; Радовић, Горан; Радојевић, Милан;
dc.rights.holderLa scuola di Pitagora editricesr



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