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dc.creatorKordić, Milena
dc.description.abstractADAPTIVE BEAUTY: Reconstruction and Extension of the Old Stone Family House in Bar, Montenegro The importance of context, both in its site-specific and cultural dimensions, cannot be overstated when it comes to adapting and transforming old buildings into unique solutions for the contemporary built environment. The task here was the transformation of an old family stone house into two apartments with distinct entrances and roof terraces. This adaptation responds not only to the physical surroundings but also to the climatic challenges imposed by nature. The thick existing stone walls have been continued in height and finished with built-in, continuous, full-length greenery planters, fortified with modern waterproof coatings, showcasing how tradition can harmonize with innovation. In the core of the stone volume, a light glass extension was formulated with a floating white metal roof. The interplay between deep shadows cast by the roof and delicate metal profiles, adorned with cables supporting planters, demonstrates the fusion of nature and architecture. As greenery flourishes, it will not only enhance the aesthetics but also regulate climate conditions, rivaling the efficacy of thick stone walls while offering captivating views and a seamless indoor-outdoor connection. Adaptive architecture, which seeks to harmonize with its environment, inhabitants, and changing needs, is gaining momentum. It encompasses flexible, responsive, and interactive design principles, acknowledging the constant interplay between the built and natural worlds.sr
dc.publisherБеоград : Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда = Belgrade : Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgradesr
dc.sourceЗаштита градитељског наслеђа у 21. веку - изазови и могућности / [Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда], XII међународна научно-стручна конференција, Београд, 2023. = Preservation of architectural heritage in 21st century: challenges and opportunities / [Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade], XII international scientific-professional conference, Belgradesr
dc.subjectadaptive architecturesr
dc.titleAdaptive beauty: Reconstruction and Extension of the Old Stone Family House in Bar, Montenegrosr
dcterms.abstractКордић, Милена; Реконструкција и доградња аутентичне камене куће у Бару, Црна Гора; Реконструкција и доградња аутентичне камене куће у Бару, Црна Гора;



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