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dc.creatorBiga, Dragana
dc.creatorČolić, Ratka
dc.creatorMilić, Đorđe
dc.creatorMüller, Harald
dc.creatorRadosavljević, Zoran
dc.creatorStošić, Maja
dc.creatorTrkulja, Siniša
dc.description.abstractIn this publication, the results of activities on modernisation and improvement of spatial and urban planning methodology are presented. This ensures a kind of standardisation in order to harmonise the categories of land use, as well as the use of planning symbols. At the same time, a standardised framework for the digital preparation of planning documents is created, and clear and transparent criteria for the implementation of planning documents are introduced. This will also improve the public participation in the process of preparation and implementation of planning documents and enable better archiving of planning documents in order to facilitate the use of data from the planning documents. The ultimate goal in the future is to unify the data from the Real Estate Cadastre and planning documents, so that they become open to public and available in an electronic form in such a way that information about the possibilities and limitations of construction can be obtained for each cadastral plot. Furthermore, the data about the prohibition of construction, if it is the matter of protected area under certain protection regimes or if it is the matter of land where no construction is planned, will be made available in a clear and unambiguous manner. This will create a transparent system in the planning and construction process, all with the aim to timely prevent and completely eradicate irregularities in the Republic of Serbia, such as construction without corresponding permits or construction that is in contradiction with the relevant permit and planning documents.sr
dc.publisherBelgrade: Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructuresr
dc.relationThe publication is a result of the Serbian German Cooperation project “Strengthening Municipal Land Management in Serbia”sr
dc.subjectland use classificationsr
dc.subjectplanning symbolssr
dc.subjecttransparency in decision-makingsr
dc.titleNational Land Use Code [studija]sr
dcterms.abstractСтошић, Маја; Бига, Драгана; Чолић, Ратка; Милић, Ђорђе; Мüллер, Харалд; Радосављевић, Зоран; Тркуља, Синиша; Натионал Ланд Усе Цоде; Натионал Ланд Усе Цоде;
dc.description.otherOva publikacija je objavljena 2017.godine, prihvaćena je od strane Ministarstva građevinarstva, saobraćaja i infrastrukture i usvojena kao Pravilnik 2020.godine - Pravilnik o klasifikaciji namene zemljišta i planskih simbola u dokumentima prostornog i urbanističkog planiranja (''Sl.glasnik RS'', broj 105/2020) https://www.mgsi.gov.rs/sites/default/files/Pravilnik%20o%20KNZ%20i%20planskim%20oznakama.pdf https://www.mgsi.gov.rs/sites/default/files/Pravilnik%20o%20KNZ%20i%20planskim%20oznakama%20-%20Prilog.pdfsr



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