Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana (28)
  • Roter Blagojević, Mirjana (8)
  • Ротер Благојевић, Мирјана (1)
  • Ротер Благојевић, Мирјана З. (1)

Author's Bibliography

Trends for improvement of education and cooperation in the field of protection of architectural heritage at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture

Nikolić, Marko; Roter Blagojević, Mirjana; Takač, Ena

(Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco (FRDB) and International Institute Life Beyond Tourism (IILBT), 2020)

AU  - Nikolić, Marko
AU  - Roter Blagojević, Mirjana
AU  - Takač, Ena
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - This paper deals with different contemporary approaches to the improvement of education in the area of research and preservation of built heritage,
according to the international charters and recommendations and different education traditions in the European countries. It aims to point out the similarities and
differences in this field, with a particular accent on the contemporary educational curriculum at the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. The intention is to underline the new directions at different levels of the education process.
The education of the future architects and conservators at European schools in the
past was directed primarily to the history of conservations and technical aspects of
historic buildings and areas protection, rather than to cultural identity, specific characters and values of built and intangible heritage. The greatest challenge of the contemporary education programs for conservation experts is: how to teach them to identify
national, international and multicultural connections and how to link tangible and intangible cultural heritage? The main goal of student’s education is: how to developed
the student’s skills and understanding of identity and traditional values of historical
sites and possibilities of its preservation as part of modern renewal projects. The integration of various disciplines and skills in education’s curricula is another challenge
in the conservation experts’ education improvement.
PB  - Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco (FRDB) and International Institute Life Beyond Tourism (IILBT)
T2  - Proceedings of the Scientific Symposium Building Peace through Heritage - World Forum to Change through Dialogue Florence, 13-15 March 2020
T1  - Trends for improvement of education and cooperation in the field of protection of architectural heritage at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture
SP  - 177
EP  - 183
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Nikolić, Marko and Roter Blagojević, Mirjana and Takač, Ena",
year = "2020",
abstract = "This paper deals with different contemporary approaches to the improvement of education in the area of research and preservation of built heritage,
according to the international charters and recommendations and different education traditions in the European countries. It aims to point out the similarities and
differences in this field, with a particular accent on the contemporary educational curriculum at the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. The intention is to underline the new directions at different levels of the education process.
The education of the future architects and conservators at European schools in the
past was directed primarily to the history of conservations and technical aspects of
historic buildings and areas protection, rather than to cultural identity, specific characters and values of built and intangible heritage. The greatest challenge of the contemporary education programs for conservation experts is: how to teach them to identify
national, international and multicultural connections and how to link tangible and intangible cultural heritage? The main goal of student’s education is: how to developed
the student’s skills and understanding of identity and traditional values of historical
sites and possibilities of its preservation as part of modern renewal projects. The integration of various disciplines and skills in education’s curricula is another challenge
in the conservation experts’ education improvement.",
publisher = "Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco (FRDB) and International Institute Life Beyond Tourism (IILBT)",
journal = "Proceedings of the Scientific Symposium Building Peace through Heritage - World Forum to Change through Dialogue Florence, 13-15 March 2020",
title = "Trends for improvement of education and cooperation in the field of protection of architectural heritage at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture",
pages = "177-183",
url = ""
Nikolić, M., Roter Blagojević, M.,& Takač, E.. (2020). Trends for improvement of education and cooperation in the field of protection of architectural heritage at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture. in Proceedings of the Scientific Symposium Building Peace through Heritage - World Forum to Change through Dialogue Florence, 13-15 March 2020
Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco (FRDB) and International Institute Life Beyond Tourism (IILBT)., 177-183.
Nikolić M, Roter Blagojević M, Takač E. Trends for improvement of education and cooperation in the field of protection of architectural heritage at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture. in Proceedings of the Scientific Symposium Building Peace through Heritage - World Forum to Change through Dialogue Florence, 13-15 March 2020. 2020;:177-183. .
Nikolić, Marko, Roter Blagojević, Mirjana, Takač, Ena, "Trends for improvement of education and cooperation in the field of protection of architectural heritage at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture" in Proceedings of the Scientific Symposium Building Peace through Heritage - World Forum to Change through Dialogue Florence, 13-15 March 2020 (2020):177-183, .

Модернизација стамбене изградње прве половине 20. века у Београду – трансформација просторног концепта, конструкцијe и материјализацијe вишеспратних вишепородичних зграда

Ротер Благојевић, Мирјана; Ђукановић, Љиљана

(Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије (ИАУС), 2020)

AU  - Ротер Благојевић, Мирјана
AU  - Ђукановић, Љиљана
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Вишеспратне пословно-стамбене и стамбене зграде су све
присутније у Београду од 1900. год. и сведоче о његовој
убрзаној модернизацији. У периоду до Првог светског рата
се развијају основни типови вишепородичних стамбених
зграда и формирају карактеристични облици склопова
зграда и просторне организације станова. Како су градитељи
били образовани у средњоевропским центрима (Пешти,
Бечу, Минхену, Ахену, Берлину и Цириху), типови склопова
и станова су настајали под њиховим утицајем. Након рата,
поред старе активна је и млађа генерација градитеља
образована на Архитектонском одсеку Техничког факултета
у Београду, која доприноси већој разноврсности просторних
решења и јавља се утицај и других европских центара (Прага
и Париза). Кроз анализу су разматрани и компарирани
примери настали у периоду 1900−1914. и 1918−1941. год.
како би се дефинисали основни типови облика основа,
склопова зграда и просторне организације станова. Циљ
истраживања је да се потврди теза о континуитету развоја
и примене истих основних типова склопова зграда и
просторне организације станова у оба периода. Такође
је потврђена и теза о континуираној употреби масивне
конструкције за израду зидова у оба периода, док се
примена савременог материјала, армираног бетона, и
полумонтажне међуспратне конструкције Хербст усталила
током треће и четврте деценије 20. века.
AB  - Multi-storey business-residential and residential buildings have
been increasingly present in Belgrade since 1900 and testify to
its accelerated modernisation. In the period before the WWI,
the basic types of multi-family residential buildings were
developed and characteristic forms of building assemblies and
spatial organisation of apartments were formed. As builders
were educated in Central European centres (Pest, Vienna,
Munich, Aachen, Berlin and Zurich), the types of assemblies
and apartments were created according to their influence. After
the war, in addition to the old generation of architects, the
younger generation, educated at the Architectural Department
of the Technical Faculty in Belgrade, is also active, which
contributes to a greater variety of solutions and the influence
of other European centres (Prague and Paris). Through the
analysis, examples from the period 1900-14 and 1918-41 are
considered and compared to define the basic types of building
shapes, assemblies and spatial organization of apartments. The
research confirms the thesis on the continuity of development
and application of the same basic types of buildings and
spatial organisation of apartments in both periods. The thesis
of continuous use of masonry construction for making walls
in both periods was also confirmed, while the use of modern
material, reinforced concrete, and semi-prefabricated Herbst
construction was established during the third and fourth
decades of the 20th century.
PB  - Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије (ИАУС)
T2  - Архитектура и урбанизам
T1  - Модернизација стамбене изградње прве половине 20. века у Београду – трансформација просторног концепта, конструкцијe и материјализацијe вишеспратних вишепородичних зграда
T1  - Belgrade housing modernisation in the first half of 20th century – transformation of spatial concept, construction and materialization of multy-story residential buildings
IS  - 51
SP  - 46
EP  - 71
DO  - 10.5937/a-u0-29194
ER  - 
author = "Ротер Благојевић, Мирјана and Ђукановић, Љиљана",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Вишеспратне пословно-стамбене и стамбене зграде су све
присутније у Београду од 1900. год. и сведоче о његовој
убрзаној модернизацији. У периоду до Првог светског рата
се развијају основни типови вишепородичних стамбених
зграда и формирају карактеристични облици склопова
зграда и просторне организације станова. Како су градитељи
били образовани у средњоевропским центрима (Пешти,
Бечу, Минхену, Ахену, Берлину и Цириху), типови склопова
и станова су настајали под њиховим утицајем. Након рата,
поред старе активна је и млађа генерација градитеља
образована на Архитектонском одсеку Техничког факултета
у Београду, која доприноси већој разноврсности просторних
решења и јавља се утицај и других европских центара (Прага
и Париза). Кроз анализу су разматрани и компарирани
примери настали у периоду 1900−1914. и 1918−1941. год.
како би се дефинисали основни типови облика основа,
склопова зграда и просторне организације станова. Циљ
истраживања је да се потврди теза о континуитету развоја
и примене истих основних типова склопова зграда и
просторне организације станова у оба периода. Такође
је потврђена и теза о континуираној употреби масивне
конструкције за израду зидова у оба периода, док се
примена савременог материјала, армираног бетона, и
полумонтажне међуспратне конструкције Хербст усталила
током треће и четврте деценије 20. века., Multi-storey business-residential and residential buildings have
been increasingly present in Belgrade since 1900 and testify to
its accelerated modernisation. In the period before the WWI,
the basic types of multi-family residential buildings were
developed and characteristic forms of building assemblies and
spatial organisation of apartments were formed. As builders
were educated in Central European centres (Pest, Vienna,
Munich, Aachen, Berlin and Zurich), the types of assemblies
and apartments were created according to their influence. After
the war, in addition to the old generation of architects, the
younger generation, educated at the Architectural Department
of the Technical Faculty in Belgrade, is also active, which
contributes to a greater variety of solutions and the influence
of other European centres (Prague and Paris). Through the
analysis, examples from the period 1900-14 and 1918-41 are
considered and compared to define the basic types of building
shapes, assemblies and spatial organization of apartments. The
research confirms the thesis on the continuity of development
and application of the same basic types of buildings and
spatial organisation of apartments in both periods. The thesis
of continuous use of masonry construction for making walls
in both periods was also confirmed, while the use of modern
material, reinforced concrete, and semi-prefabricated Herbst
construction was established during the third and fourth
decades of the 20th century.",
publisher = "Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије (ИАУС)",
journal = "Архитектура и урбанизам",
title = "Модернизација стамбене изградње прве половине 20. века у Београду – трансформација просторног концепта, конструкцијe и материјализацијe вишеспратних вишепородичних зграда, Belgrade housing modernisation in the first half of 20th century – transformation of spatial concept, construction and materialization of multy-story residential buildings",
number = "51",
pages = "46-71",
doi = "10.5937/a-u0-29194"
Ротер Благојевић, М.,& Ђукановић, Љ.. (2020). Модернизација стамбене изградње прве половине 20. века у Београду – трансформација просторног концепта, конструкцијe и материјализацијe вишеспратних вишепородичних зграда. in Архитектура и урбанизам
Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије (ИАУС).(51), 46-71.
Ротер Благојевић М, Ђукановић Љ. Модернизација стамбене изградње прве половине 20. века у Београду – трансформација просторног концепта, конструкцијe и материјализацијe вишеспратних вишепородичних зграда. in Архитектура и урбанизам. 2020;(51):46-71.
doi:10.5937/a-u0-29194 .
Ротер Благојевић, Мирјана, Ђукановић, Љиљана, "Модернизација стамбене изградње прве половине 20. века у Београду – трансформација просторног концепта, конструкцијe и материјализацијe вишеспратних вишепородичних зграда" in Архитектура и урбанизам, no. 51 (2020):46-71, . .

Introduction of vernacular architecture studies at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade

Roter Blagojević, Mirjana; Nikolić, Marko

(Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, 2019)

AU  - Roter Blagojević, Mirjana
AU  - Nikolić, Marko
PY  - 2019
UR  -
UR  -
UR  - 
AB  - The paper examines the work of Aleksandar Deroko at the University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Architecture and the inclusion of his rich personal knowledge about the vernacular architecture in the study programme, which he gained from long-term field research. As an assistant professor, he introduced the interpretation of vernacular architecture in the course on Byzantine and Old Serbian Architecture in 1929. After the study programme reform in 1935, a new course – named Old Serbian Architecture – was established, with one semester dedicated to the medieval monumental architecture and the second to rural and urban houses. In 1945/46 academic year, the course was renamed Vernacular Architecture and it incorporated medieval and vernacular architecture of the former Yugoslavia. Practical assignments dealt more with vernacular architecture and, through them the student’s discovered the fundamental principles and methods of the vernacular construction. The goal of the studies was for students to comprehend and adopt basic traditional canons of construction and apply them to their own projects of cooperative centres, countryside schools, monasteries, etc. Through illustrations the paper will present, till now unpublished, student projects from the archives of Belgrade’s the Faculty of Architecture’s office for the architectural heritage of Serbia.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture
T2  - SAJ : Serbian architectural journal
T1  - Introduction of vernacular architecture studies at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade
VL  - 11
IS  - 1
SP  - 191
EP  - 212
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Roter Blagojević, Mirjana and Nikolić, Marko",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The paper examines the work of Aleksandar Deroko at the University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Architecture and the inclusion of his rich personal knowledge about the vernacular architecture in the study programme, which he gained from long-term field research. As an assistant professor, he introduced the interpretation of vernacular architecture in the course on Byzantine and Old Serbian Architecture in 1929. After the study programme reform in 1935, a new course – named Old Serbian Architecture – was established, with one semester dedicated to the medieval monumental architecture and the second to rural and urban houses. In 1945/46 academic year, the course was renamed Vernacular Architecture and it incorporated medieval and vernacular architecture of the former Yugoslavia. Practical assignments dealt more with vernacular architecture and, through them the student’s discovered the fundamental principles and methods of the vernacular construction. The goal of the studies was for students to comprehend and adopt basic traditional canons of construction and apply them to their own projects of cooperative centres, countryside schools, monasteries, etc. Through illustrations the paper will present, till now unpublished, student projects from the archives of Belgrade’s the Faculty of Architecture’s office for the architectural heritage of Serbia.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture",
journal = "SAJ : Serbian architectural journal",
title = "Introduction of vernacular architecture studies at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade",
volume = "11",
number = "1",
pages = "191-212",
url = ""
Roter Blagojević, M.,& Nikolić, M.. (2019). Introduction of vernacular architecture studies at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade. in SAJ : Serbian architectural journal
Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture., 11(1), 191-212.
Roter Blagojević M, Nikolić M. Introduction of vernacular architecture studies at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade. in SAJ : Serbian architectural journal. 2019;11(1):191-212. .
Roter Blagojević, Mirjana, Nikolić, Marko, "Introduction of vernacular architecture studies at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade" in SAJ : Serbian architectural journal, 11, no. 1 (2019):191-212, .

World cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija as a stability and peace factor in the region

Nikolić, Marko; Vukotić-Lazar, Marta; Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana

(Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco (FRDB) and Istituto Internazionale Life Beyond Tourism (IILBT), 2019)

AU  - Nikolić, Marko
AU  - Vukotić-Lazar, Marta
AU  - Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - The Republic of Serbia has one inscribed ancient and four medieval sites on the UNESCO
World Heritage List. The World Heritage Committee placed the church of the Holy Virgin of Ljeviška in Prizren and the Patriarchate of Peć Monastery, Dečani Monastery and
Gračanica Monastery on the List of World Heritage in Danger in 2006 due to difficulties in
their preservation and management, as well as for the damage they suffered during ethnic conflicts. Pursuant to the UN resolution 1244, they are currently in the territory under
the control of United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK). The Committee recommended
Serbia to work with UNESCO and UNMIK programmes and with the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in Kosovo for the purpose of protection of this World Heritage
site. However, in addition to these monuments, there are over 1500 holy places (monasteries, churches, cemeteries) in Kosovo and Metohija, which testify to the century-long
presence of the Serbian people and Orthodox religion. Over the course of the history,
they suffered multiple times as a consequence of wars and political turmoil, which has
been confirmed by international missions (UNESCO and the Council of Europe). With
the aim of preserving and protecting the monasteries, the need for the establishment of
protection zones was emphasized, which was specifically presented in provision V of the
Ahtisaari Plan for religious heritage. Due to its inclusion into the international system of
protection and monitoring and by means of WHS, in the immediate future, it is necessary
to restart the talks on how this cultural heritage could be understood as a key element
in establishing better cultural relations between Serbian and Albanian people. Through
their adequate preservation, improvement and management, within world heritage, they
become sites of significance for interpretation and presentation of cultural diversity, promotion of local and regional values, studies and education of the young, interethnic and
intercultural dialogue etc. In this sense, the paper examines the possibilities of improvement of the current state of their protection and presentation by way of integration of
international, national and local protection, understanding this area as a specific cultural
PB  - Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco (FRDB) and Istituto Internazionale Life Beyond Tourism (IILBT)
T2  - Proceedings of the International Symposium Heritage as a Builder of Place, The 21th General Assembly of the International Experts of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, Florence (Italy), March, 1-3, 2019
T1  - World cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija as a stability and peace factor in the region
VL  - 2
SP  - 351
EP  - 360
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Nikolić, Marko and Vukotić-Lazar, Marta and Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The Republic of Serbia has one inscribed ancient and four medieval sites on the UNESCO
World Heritage List. The World Heritage Committee placed the church of the Holy Virgin of Ljeviška in Prizren and the Patriarchate of Peć Monastery, Dečani Monastery and
Gračanica Monastery on the List of World Heritage in Danger in 2006 due to difficulties in
their preservation and management, as well as for the damage they suffered during ethnic conflicts. Pursuant to the UN resolution 1244, they are currently in the territory under
the control of United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK). The Committee recommended
Serbia to work with UNESCO and UNMIK programmes and with the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in Kosovo for the purpose of protection of this World Heritage
site. However, in addition to these monuments, there are over 1500 holy places (monasteries, churches, cemeteries) in Kosovo and Metohija, which testify to the century-long
presence of the Serbian people and Orthodox religion. Over the course of the history,
they suffered multiple times as a consequence of wars and political turmoil, which has
been confirmed by international missions (UNESCO and the Council of Europe). With
the aim of preserving and protecting the monasteries, the need for the establishment of
protection zones was emphasized, which was specifically presented in provision V of the
Ahtisaari Plan for religious heritage. Due to its inclusion into the international system of
protection and monitoring and by means of WHS, in the immediate future, it is necessary
to restart the talks on how this cultural heritage could be understood as a key element
in establishing better cultural relations between Serbian and Albanian people. Through
their adequate preservation, improvement and management, within world heritage, they
become sites of significance for interpretation and presentation of cultural diversity, promotion of local and regional values, studies and education of the young, interethnic and
intercultural dialogue etc. In this sense, the paper examines the possibilities of improvement of the current state of their protection and presentation by way of integration of
international, national and local protection, understanding this area as a specific cultural
publisher = "Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco (FRDB) and Istituto Internazionale Life Beyond Tourism (IILBT)",
journal = "Proceedings of the International Symposium Heritage as a Builder of Place, The 21th General Assembly of the International Experts of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, Florence (Italy), March, 1-3, 2019",
title = "World cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija as a stability and peace factor in the region",
volume = "2",
pages = "351-360",
url = ""
Nikolić, M., Vukotić-Lazar, M.,& Roter-Blagojević, M.. (2019). World cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija as a stability and peace factor in the region. in Proceedings of the International Symposium Heritage as a Builder of Place, The 21th General Assembly of the International Experts of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, Florence (Italy), March, 1-3, 2019
Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco (FRDB) and Istituto Internazionale Life Beyond Tourism (IILBT)., 2, 351-360.
Nikolić M, Vukotić-Lazar M, Roter-Blagojević M. World cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija as a stability and peace factor in the region. in Proceedings of the International Symposium Heritage as a Builder of Place, The 21th General Assembly of the International Experts of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, Florence (Italy), March, 1-3, 2019. 2019;2:351-360. .
Nikolić, Marko, Vukotić-Lazar, Marta, Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana, "World cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija as a stability and peace factor in the region" in Proceedings of the International Symposium Heritage as a Builder of Place, The 21th General Assembly of the International Experts of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, Florence (Italy), March, 1-3, 2019, 2 (2019):351-360, .

Прилог обележавању 125 година од рођења академика Александра Дерокa (1894–1988)

Ротер Благојевић, Мирјана З.

(Музеј науке и технике, 2019)

AU  - Ротер Благојевић, Мирјана З.
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Рад садржи општи преглед живота и рада академика Александра
Дерока (1894–1988), једне од најзначајнијих научних и уметничких
личности 20. века у Србији. На основу расположиве литературе
и обимне заоставштине која се чува у Архиву Српске академије
наука и уметности (САНУ) и другим институцијама, кроз сажети
приказ се сагледава његов изузетно богат професионални рад
у различитим областима – истраживањима и заштити културне
баштине, универзитетској настави, градитељској делатности и
уметности. Указује се на континуитет који је остварен у домену
проучавања старина и истраживању остатака средњовековних
манастира и утврђених градова, као и традиционалног народног
градитељства, што је непосредно утицало на његов педагошки
рад и архитектонско стваралаштво, чинећи их јединственом целином. Вишедеценијски рад на Архитектонском одсеку Техничког
факултета у Београду, касније Архитектонском факултету, који је
започео на предмету Византијска и стара српска архитектура, а
касније наставио кроз предмет Народна архитектура, чине га настављачем дела Михаила Валтровића, Драгутина Милутиновића
и Петра Поповића на пољу изучавања градитељског наслеђа и наставе из ове области у Србији. Његов ангажман у оквиру Српске
академије науке и уметности, од 1955. године, резултирао је значајним истраживањима и публикацијама које су и данас један од
најдрагоценијих доприноса истраживању средњовековног монументалног, али и традиционалног народног градитељства. Његова
архитектонска дела подигнута у Београду, али и по целој земљи – цркве, јавне и стамбене зграде, спомен обележја и друга здања,
сведоче о Дероковом доприносу српској архитектури и особеној
ауторској личности која им је кроз промишљање традиције утискивала властити печат. Из тог разлога, циљ овог рада је да се још
једном укаже на значај деловања Дерока у српској научној и уметничкој јавности, као и да се подстакну даља детаљнија истраживања и проучавања, како би се што продубљеније и објективније
валоризовала његова улога и значај за националну архитектуру
савременог доба.
PB  - Музеј науке и технике
T1  - Прилог обележавању 125 година од рођења академика Александра Дерокa (1894–1988)
IS  - 27
SP  - 185
EP  - 202
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ротер Благојевић, Мирјана З.",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Рад садржи општи преглед живота и рада академика Александра
Дерока (1894–1988), једне од најзначајнијих научних и уметничких
личности 20. века у Србији. На основу расположиве литературе
и обимне заоставштине која се чува у Архиву Српске академије
наука и уметности (САНУ) и другим институцијама, кроз сажети
приказ се сагледава његов изузетно богат професионални рад
у различитим областима – истраживањима и заштити културне
баштине, универзитетској настави, градитељској делатности и
уметности. Указује се на континуитет који је остварен у домену
проучавања старина и истраживању остатака средњовековних
манастира и утврђених градова, као и традиционалног народног
градитељства, што је непосредно утицало на његов педагошки
рад и архитектонско стваралаштво, чинећи их јединственом целином. Вишедеценијски рад на Архитектонском одсеку Техничког
факултета у Београду, касније Архитектонском факултету, који је
започео на предмету Византијска и стара српска архитектура, а
касније наставио кроз предмет Народна архитектура, чине га настављачем дела Михаила Валтровића, Драгутина Милутиновића
и Петра Поповића на пољу изучавања градитељског наслеђа и наставе из ове области у Србији. Његов ангажман у оквиру Српске
академије науке и уметности, од 1955. године, резултирао је значајним истраживањима и публикацијама које су и данас један од
најдрагоценијих доприноса истраживању средњовековног монументалног, али и традиционалног народног градитељства. Његова
архитектонска дела подигнута у Београду, али и по целој земљи – цркве, јавне и стамбене зграде, спомен обележја и друга здања,
сведоче о Дероковом доприносу српској архитектури и особеној
ауторској личности која им је кроз промишљање традиције утискивала властити печат. Из тог разлога, циљ овог рада је да се још
једном укаже на значај деловања Дерока у српској научној и уметничкој јавности, као и да се подстакну даља детаљнија истраживања и проучавања, како би се што продубљеније и објективније
валоризовала његова улога и значај за националну архитектуру
савременог доба.",
publisher = "Музеј науке и технике",
title = "Прилог обележавању 125 година од рођења академика Александра Дерокa (1894–1988)",
number = "27",
pages = "185-202",
url = ""
Ротер Благојевић, М. З.. (2019). Прилог обележавању 125 година од рођења академика Александра Дерокa (1894–1988). in PHLOGISTON / ФЛОГИСТОН
Музеј науке и технике.(27), 185-202.
Ротер Благојевић МЗ. Прилог обележавању 125 година од рођења академика Александра Дерокa (1894–1988). in PHLOGISTON / ФЛОГИСТОН. 2019;(27):185-202. .
Ротер Благојевић, Мирјана З., "Прилог обележавању 125 година од рођења академика Александра Дерокa (1894–1988)" in PHLOGISTON / ФЛОГИСТОН, no. 27 (2019):185-202, .

Doprinos Aleksandra Deroka razvoju nastave u oblasti istorije nacionalne arhitekture

Roter Blagojević, Mirjana; Nikolić, Marko; Takač, Ena

(Beograd : Društvo konzervatora Srbije, 2018)

AU  - Roter Blagojević, Mirjana
AU  - Nikolić, Marko
AU  - Takač, Ena
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Наставе у области архитектуре се на Великој школи у Београду и њеном Техничком факултету, се од седамдесетих година 19. века константно развијала и обогаћавала новим садржајима везаним за изучавање опште историје уметности и архитектуре, али и монументалног сакралног средњовековног градитељстава, у чему су заслужни родоначелници проучавања и заштите градитељског наслеђа у Србији, Михаило Валтровић и Драгутин С. Милутиновић. Оно се постепено уводило и равноправно примењивало у тадашњим студентским пројектима кроз предмет Византијски стил. То је био израз тежње да се створи препознатљив национални стил у ком ће се пројектовати тадашње грађевине, у чему је значајну улогу имао и професор Патар Поповић пре и након Првог светског рата. Значајна промена наступа тридесетих година 20. века када и традиционална народна архитектура добија већи значај у настави, највише захваљујући професору Дероку. Оснивањем Института за народну архитектуру и Катедре за народну архитектуру на Архитектонском факултету у Београду вернакуларна архитектура добија своје заслужено место у истраживањима и настави. То је настављено и у периоду након Другог светског рата, када наступају нови друштвани односи, сакрална архитектура се претежно не гради, а архитектура интернационалног стила  постаје доминантни облик изражавања. Монументално сакрално средњовековно градитељство се и даље изучава, али се оно више не примењује у студентским радовима и савременим пројектима, који искључиво следе тадашњи универзални модернизам.  
У оквиру предмета Народна архитектура од 1935. до 1956. додине професор Дероко на студенте преноси своје богато искуство, стечено дугорочним теренским истраживањима монументалне инародног градитељства, не само кроз предавања, већ и кроз рад на вежбама у оквиру којих су студенти радили пројекте савремених грађевина по принципима и са елементима традиционалног народног грађења. Кроз маштовито обликоване форме, али и поштовање карактера и традиције народне архитектуре, студенти су пројектовали различите савремене програме, као што су: куће за учитеље, школе, домови сеоских и градских народних одбора и сл. Студенти су кроз рад на новим грађевинама успостављали  властити однос према старој сеоској и градској архитектури у нашој средини, према њеном карактеру, значењима и вредностима, како би кроз своје пројекте оживљавали принципе и дух традиционалне архитектуре. Поред тога, сачувани студентски радови сведоче да је професор Дероко код студената посебно развијао способност да њихови технички цртежи на пројектима имају и ликовне квалитете, те су они поред цртежа у тушу били и акварелисани бојама. Поред основа и изгледа грађевина рађени су и аксонометријски прикази који су грађевине приказивали у непосредном окружењу. 
Својим радом са студентима на предмету Народна архитектура, касније Архитектура народа ФНРЈ, до одласка у пензију 1964. године, професор Дероко је оставио неизбрисив траг у историји Архитектонског факултета и целог Београдског универзитета, првенствено као педагог, али и као свестрани научник, градитељ, уметник и хуманиста.
PB  - Beograd : Društvo konzervatora Srbije
T2  - Glasnik Društva konzervatora Srbije
T1  - Doprinos Aleksandra Deroka razvoju nastave u oblasti istorije nacionalne arhitekture
IS  - 42
SP  - 281
EP  - 289
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Roter Blagojević, Mirjana and Nikolić, Marko and Takač, Ena",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Наставе у области архитектуре се на Великој школи у Београду и њеном Техничком факултету, се од седамдесетих година 19. века константно развијала и обогаћавала новим садржајима везаним за изучавање опште историје уметности и архитектуре, али и монументалног сакралног средњовековног градитељстава, у чему су заслужни родоначелници проучавања и заштите градитељског наслеђа у Србији, Михаило Валтровић и Драгутин С. Милутиновић. Оно се постепено уводило и равноправно примењивало у тадашњим студентским пројектима кроз предмет Византијски стил. То је био израз тежње да се створи препознатљив национални стил у ком ће се пројектовати тадашње грађевине, у чему је значајну улогу имао и професор Патар Поповић пре и након Првог светског рата. Значајна промена наступа тридесетих година 20. века када и традиционална народна архитектура добија већи значај у настави, највише захваљујући професору Дероку. Оснивањем Института за народну архитектуру и Катедре за народну архитектуру на Архитектонском факултету у Београду вернакуларна архитектура добија своје заслужено место у истраживањима и настави. То је настављено и у периоду након Другог светског рата, када наступају нови друштвани односи, сакрална архитектура се претежно не гради, а архитектура интернационалног стила  постаје доминантни облик изражавања. Монументално сакрално средњовековно градитељство се и даље изучава, али се оно више не примењује у студентским радовима и савременим пројектима, који искључиво следе тадашњи универзални модернизам.  
У оквиру предмета Народна архитектура од 1935. до 1956. додине професор Дероко на студенте преноси своје богато искуство, стечено дугорочним теренским истраживањима монументалне инародног градитељства, не само кроз предавања, већ и кроз рад на вежбама у оквиру којих су студенти радили пројекте савремених грађевина по принципима и са елементима традиционалног народног грађења. Кроз маштовито обликоване форме, али и поштовање карактера и традиције народне архитектуре, студенти су пројектовали различите савремене програме, као што су: куће за учитеље, школе, домови сеоских и градских народних одбора и сл. Студенти су кроз рад на новим грађевинама успостављали  властити однос према старој сеоској и градској архитектури у нашој средини, према њеном карактеру, значењима и вредностима, како би кроз своје пројекте оживљавали принципе и дух традиционалне архитектуре. Поред тога, сачувани студентски радови сведоче да је професор Дероко код студената посебно развијао способност да њихови технички цртежи на пројектима имају и ликовне квалитете, те су они поред цртежа у тушу били и акварелисани бојама. Поред основа и изгледа грађевина рађени су и аксонометријски прикази који су грађевине приказивали у непосредном окружењу. 
Својим радом са студентима на предмету Народна архитектура, касније Архитектура народа ФНРЈ, до одласка у пензију 1964. године, професор Дероко је оставио неизбрисив траг у историји Архитектонског факултета и целог Београдског универзитета, првенствено као педагог, али и као свестрани научник, градитељ, уметник и хуманиста.",
publisher = "Beograd : Društvo konzervatora Srbije",
journal = "Glasnik Društva konzervatora Srbije",
title = "Doprinos Aleksandra Deroka razvoju nastave u oblasti istorije nacionalne arhitekture",
number = "42",
pages = "281-289",
url = ""
Roter Blagojević, M., Nikolić, M.,& Takač, E.. (2018). Doprinos Aleksandra Deroka razvoju nastave u oblasti istorije nacionalne arhitekture. in Glasnik Društva konzervatora Srbije
Beograd : Društvo konzervatora Srbije.(42), 281-289.
Roter Blagojević M, Nikolić M, Takač E. Doprinos Aleksandra Deroka razvoju nastave u oblasti istorije nacionalne arhitekture. in Glasnik Društva konzervatora Srbije. 2018;(42):281-289. .
Roter Blagojević, Mirjana, Nikolić, Marko, Takač, Ena, "Doprinos Aleksandra Deroka razvoju nastave u oblasti istorije nacionalne arhitekture" in Glasnik Društva konzervatora Srbije, no. 42 (2018):281-289, .

Potentials of the Belgrade Industrial Heritage in the Context of Tourism Development

Nikolić, Marko; Roter Blagojević, Mirjana

(Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco, 2018)

AU  - Nikolić, Marko
AU  - Roter Blagojević, Mirjana
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The Belgrade Waterfront area along the Sava and the Danube rivers has a large number of abandoned industrial buildings that have significant values that need to be preserved and revitalized. Some steps in this direction have already been made and some industrial buildings represent significant premises in the tourist offer of the city. There are also listed cultural and historical units of outstanding and great value, such as the Belgrade Fortress and Kosančićev venac, which are the main element of historical and cultural identity of town are also important potential for the future positioning of the city of Belgrade as European tourist top destination.
In the last decades some development projects has had a negative effect with regard to the industrial heritage of Belgrade and  the historical cityscape, with its characteristic morphology and typology, is gradually fading away. In order to stop this tendency and demonstrate a will to achieve further sustainable development, it is necessary to redefine the approach to the protection of industrial zones, creating a new one for urban and spatial planning, taking into account all the values, tradition, authenticity and identity.
The paper will analyse possibilities to comprehend the problems of the city industrial heritage protection, its historical and urban context, its genesis and cultural and architectural values. Furthermore, possibilities of different approaches in presentation and modern utilization of the abandoned and ruined Belgrade industrial heritage will be investigated, in order to improve tourism development. Its specific cultural values and character have been taken as the basis of its future preservation and presentation as important cultural heritage and the part of the city identity and historic cityscape. In planning practice regeneration is most often driven by economic interests, while preservation of meaning and memory of place are neglected. 
In the present tourist offer of Belgrade the Savamala area was profiled as the top city's nightlife destination. The Beton Hall area, as well as many other old industrial buildings and warehouses, are quickly and spontaneously transformed into galleries, restaurants and hostels for young people. With the accelerated realization and construction of the "Belgrade on the water" project, a political paradigm of today economic grow of Belgrade, the Savamala spaces become too expensive to rent and the alternative independent cultural scene and tourist offer are forced to move on the Dorćol and Danube coast areas. The focus of analyze will be on the contemporary proposals for reactivation of Belgrade Waterfronts and its implementation. The question is: How the tourism market trends affect the cultural heritage protection policy and whether processes of industrial heritage reuse should be spontaneous or imposed?
PB  - Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco
PB  - Istituto Internazionale Life Beyond Tourism
C3  - Proceedings of the International Symposium Heritage for Planet Earth, The 20th General Assembly of the International Experts of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation,  Florence (Italy), March, 3-4, 2018
T1  - Potentials of the Belgrade Industrial Heritage in the Context of Tourism Development
SP  - 93
EP  - 99
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Nikolić, Marko and Roter Blagojević, Mirjana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The Belgrade Waterfront area along the Sava and the Danube rivers has a large number of abandoned industrial buildings that have significant values that need to be preserved and revitalized. Some steps in this direction have already been made and some industrial buildings represent significant premises in the tourist offer of the city. There are also listed cultural and historical units of outstanding and great value, such as the Belgrade Fortress and Kosančićev venac, which are the main element of historical and cultural identity of town are also important potential for the future positioning of the city of Belgrade as European tourist top destination.
In the last decades some development projects has had a negative effect with regard to the industrial heritage of Belgrade and  the historical cityscape, with its characteristic morphology and typology, is gradually fading away. In order to stop this tendency and demonstrate a will to achieve further sustainable development, it is necessary to redefine the approach to the protection of industrial zones, creating a new one for urban and spatial planning, taking into account all the values, tradition, authenticity and identity.
The paper will analyse possibilities to comprehend the problems of the city industrial heritage protection, its historical and urban context, its genesis and cultural and architectural values. Furthermore, possibilities of different approaches in presentation and modern utilization of the abandoned and ruined Belgrade industrial heritage will be investigated, in order to improve tourism development. Its specific cultural values and character have been taken as the basis of its future preservation and presentation as important cultural heritage and the part of the city identity and historic cityscape. In planning practice regeneration is most often driven by economic interests, while preservation of meaning and memory of place are neglected. 
In the present tourist offer of Belgrade the Savamala area was profiled as the top city's nightlife destination. The Beton Hall area, as well as many other old industrial buildings and warehouses, are quickly and spontaneously transformed into galleries, restaurants and hostels for young people. With the accelerated realization and construction of the "Belgrade on the water" project, a political paradigm of today economic grow of Belgrade, the Savamala spaces become too expensive to rent and the alternative independent cultural scene and tourist offer are forced to move on the Dorćol and Danube coast areas. The focus of analyze will be on the contemporary proposals for reactivation of Belgrade Waterfronts and its implementation. The question is: How the tourism market trends affect the cultural heritage protection policy and whether processes of industrial heritage reuse should be spontaneous or imposed?",
publisher = "Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco, Istituto Internazionale Life Beyond Tourism",
journal = "Proceedings of the International Symposium Heritage for Planet Earth, The 20th General Assembly of the International Experts of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation,  Florence (Italy), March, 3-4, 2018",
title = "Potentials of the Belgrade Industrial Heritage in the Context of Tourism Development",
pages = "93-99",
url = ""
Nikolić, M.,& Roter Blagojević, M.. (2018). Potentials of the Belgrade Industrial Heritage in the Context of Tourism Development. in Proceedings of the International Symposium Heritage for Planet Earth, The 20th General Assembly of the International Experts of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation,  Florence (Italy), March, 3-4, 2018
Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco., 93-99.
Nikolić M, Roter Blagojević M. Potentials of the Belgrade Industrial Heritage in the Context of Tourism Development. in Proceedings of the International Symposium Heritage for Planet Earth, The 20th General Assembly of the International Experts of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation,  Florence (Italy), March, 3-4, 2018. 2018;:93-99. .
Nikolić, Marko, Roter Blagojević, Mirjana, "Potentials of the Belgrade Industrial Heritage in the Context of Tourism Development" in Proceedings of the International Symposium Heritage for Planet Earth, The 20th General Assembly of the International Experts of the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation,  Florence (Italy), March, 3-4, 2018 (2018):93-99, .

Cultural landscape of ancient Viminacium and modern Kostolac – creation of a new approach to the preservation and presentation of its archaeological and industrial heritage

Nikolić, Emilija; Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana

(Belgrade : University, Faculty of Architecture, 2018)

AU  - Nikolić, Emilija
AU  - Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Viminacium, once an important Roman city and a legionary fortress near the Danube, situated
in the villages of Stari Kostolac and Drmno, in Serbia, near a strip coal mine and a power
plant, today is the most developed archaeological park in Serbia and is visited by many tourists.
However, the future sustainable development of the wider area requires the creation of a
more comprehensive approach to the presentation of its archaeological and industrial heritage,
connecting Viminacium and other historical traces into a cultural landscape where industrial
progress, heritage preservation and modern tourism are linked.
PB  - Belgrade : University, Faculty of Architecture
C3  - Conference Proceedings [Elektronski izvor] / 5th international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, [Belgrade]
T1  - Cultural landscape of ancient Viminacium and modern Kostolac – creation of a new approach to the preservation and presentation of its archaeological and industrial heritage
SP  - 785
EP  - 792
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Nikolić, Emilija and Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Viminacium, once an important Roman city and a legionary fortress near the Danube, situated
in the villages of Stari Kostolac and Drmno, in Serbia, near a strip coal mine and a power
plant, today is the most developed archaeological park in Serbia and is visited by many tourists.
However, the future sustainable development of the wider area requires the creation of a
more comprehensive approach to the presentation of its archaeological and industrial heritage,
connecting Viminacium and other historical traces into a cultural landscape where industrial
progress, heritage preservation and modern tourism are linked.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University, Faculty of Architecture",
journal = "Conference Proceedings [Elektronski izvor] / 5th international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, [Belgrade]",
title = "Cultural landscape of ancient Viminacium and modern Kostolac – creation of a new approach to the preservation and presentation of its archaeological and industrial heritage",
pages = "785-792",
url = ""
Nikolić, E.,& Roter-Blagojević, M.. (2018). Cultural landscape of ancient Viminacium and modern Kostolac – creation of a new approach to the preservation and presentation of its archaeological and industrial heritage. in Conference Proceedings [Elektronski izvor] / 5th international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, [Belgrade]
Belgrade : University, Faculty of Architecture., 785-792.
Nikolić E, Roter-Blagojević M. Cultural landscape of ancient Viminacium and modern Kostolac – creation of a new approach to the preservation and presentation of its archaeological and industrial heritage. in Conference Proceedings [Elektronski izvor] / 5th international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, [Belgrade]. 2018;:785-792. .
Nikolić, Emilija, Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana, "Cultural landscape of ancient Viminacium and modern Kostolac – creation of a new approach to the preservation and presentation of its archaeological and industrial heritage" in Conference Proceedings [Elektronski izvor] / 5th international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, [Belgrade] (2018):785-792, .

The 1923 Belgrade Master Plan - historic town modernization

Vukotić-Lazar, Marta; Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana

(Routledge, 2018)

AU  - Vukotić-Lazar, Marta
AU  - Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The paper analyses the 1923 Belgrade Master Plan's preparation and implementation process, a significant moment in Belgrade's political and urban history when, after the First World War, the city lost its centuries-long border position, becoming the capital of a newly established extended country, the Kingdom SHS, later the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. The goal of government and city authorities was to create a representative national capital and overcome the city's existential and functional problems. Crucial to the process was the Association of Serbian Architects and Engineers' organization of an international competition in 1921-1922. Twenty-two projects were submitted, from Vienna, Paris, Budapest, Berlin, Zurich, Prague, etc. First prize was not awarded, but 18 were rewarded and purchased. These represented the basis for creating a final plan, supervised by G. P. Kovalevsky. The 1923 Master Plan introduced very innovative and modern approaches to solving the city's problems and improving residential areas, traffic, and greenery. The paper discusses the plan's realization, its extensive changes and partial implementation, which greatly influenced later city development. Despite obstacles, the plan initiated some important and progressive ideas whose impact was vital for the functional transformation of the city and its realization represents Belgrade's modern urban heritage.
PB  - Routledge
T2  - Planning perspectives
T1  - The 1923 Belgrade Master Plan - historic town modernization
VL  - 33
IS  - 2
SP  - 271
EP  - 288
DO  - 10.1080/02665433.2017.1408485
ER  - 
author = "Vukotić-Lazar, Marta and Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The paper analyses the 1923 Belgrade Master Plan's preparation and implementation process, a significant moment in Belgrade's political and urban history when, after the First World War, the city lost its centuries-long border position, becoming the capital of a newly established extended country, the Kingdom SHS, later the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. The goal of government and city authorities was to create a representative national capital and overcome the city's existential and functional problems. Crucial to the process was the Association of Serbian Architects and Engineers' organization of an international competition in 1921-1922. Twenty-two projects were submitted, from Vienna, Paris, Budapest, Berlin, Zurich, Prague, etc. First prize was not awarded, but 18 were rewarded and purchased. These represented the basis for creating a final plan, supervised by G. P. Kovalevsky. The 1923 Master Plan introduced very innovative and modern approaches to solving the city's problems and improving residential areas, traffic, and greenery. The paper discusses the plan's realization, its extensive changes and partial implementation, which greatly influenced later city development. Despite obstacles, the plan initiated some important and progressive ideas whose impact was vital for the functional transformation of the city and its realization represents Belgrade's modern urban heritage.",
publisher = "Routledge",
journal = "Planning perspectives",
title = "The 1923 Belgrade Master Plan - historic town modernization",
volume = "33",
number = "2",
pages = "271-288",
doi = "10.1080/02665433.2017.1408485"
Vukotić-Lazar, M.,& Roter-Blagojević, M.. (2018). The 1923 Belgrade Master Plan - historic town modernization. in Planning perspectives
Routledge., 33(2), 271-288.
Vukotić-Lazar M, Roter-Blagojević M. The 1923 Belgrade Master Plan - historic town modernization. in Planning perspectives. 2018;33(2):271-288.
doi:10.1080/02665433.2017.1408485 .
Vukotić-Lazar, Marta, Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana, "The 1923 Belgrade Master Plan - historic town modernization" in Planning perspectives, 33, no. 2 (2018):271-288, . .

Understanding place in Serbia

Niković, Ana; Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana

(International Seminar on Urban Form, 2018)

AU  - Niković, Ana
AU  - Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana
PY  - 2018
UR  -
PB  - International Seminar on Urban Form
T2  - Urban Morphology
T1  - Understanding place in Serbia
VL  - 22
IS  - 1
SP  - 78
EP  - 79
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Niković, Ana and Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana",
year = "2018",
publisher = "International Seminar on Urban Form",
journal = "Urban Morphology",
title = "Understanding place in Serbia",
volume = "22",
number = "1",
pages = "78-79",
url = ""
Niković, A.,& Roter-Blagojević, M.. (2018). Understanding place in Serbia. in Urban Morphology
International Seminar on Urban Form., 22(1), 78-79.
Niković A, Roter-Blagojević M. Understanding place in Serbia. in Urban Morphology. 2018;22(1):78-79. .
Niković, Ana, Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana, "Understanding place in Serbia" in Urban Morphology, 22, no. 1 (2018):78-79, .

Cultural landscape of ancient Viminacium and modern Kostolac – creation of a new approach to the preservation and presentation of its archaeological and industrial heritage

Nikolić, Emilija; Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana

(Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, 2018)

AU  - Nikolić, Emilija
AU  - Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Viminacium, once an important Roman city and a legionary fortress near the Danube, situated
in the villages of Stari Kostolac and Drmno, in Serbia, near a strip coal mine and a power
plant, today is the most developed archaeological park in Serbia and is visited by many tourists.
However, the future sustainable development of the wider area requires the creation of a
more comprehensive approach to the presentation of its archaeological and industrial heritage,
connecting Viminacium and other historical traces into a cultural landscape where industrial
progress, heritage preservation and modern tourism are linked.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture
C3  - Conference Proceedings / 5th international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies
T1  - Cultural landscape of ancient Viminacium and modern Kostolac – creation of a new approach to the preservation and presentation of its archaeological and industrial heritage
SP  - 785
EP  - 792
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Nikolić, Emilija and Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Viminacium, once an important Roman city and a legionary fortress near the Danube, situated
in the villages of Stari Kostolac and Drmno, in Serbia, near a strip coal mine and a power
plant, today is the most developed archaeological park in Serbia and is visited by many tourists.
However, the future sustainable development of the wider area requires the creation of a
more comprehensive approach to the presentation of its archaeological and industrial heritage,
connecting Viminacium and other historical traces into a cultural landscape where industrial
progress, heritage preservation and modern tourism are linked.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture",
journal = "Conference Proceedings / 5th international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies",
title = "Cultural landscape of ancient Viminacium and modern Kostolac – creation of a new approach to the preservation and presentation of its archaeological and industrial heritage",
pages = "785-792",
url = ""
Nikolić, E.,& Roter-Blagojević, M.. (2018). Cultural landscape of ancient Viminacium and modern Kostolac – creation of a new approach to the preservation and presentation of its archaeological and industrial heritage. in Conference Proceedings / 5th international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies
Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture., 785-792.
Nikolić E, Roter-Blagojević M. Cultural landscape of ancient Viminacium and modern Kostolac – creation of a new approach to the preservation and presentation of its archaeological and industrial heritage. in Conference Proceedings / 5th international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies. 2018;:785-792. .
Nikolić, Emilija, Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana, "Cultural landscape of ancient Viminacium and modern Kostolac – creation of a new approach to the preservation and presentation of its archaeological and industrial heritage" in Conference Proceedings / 5th international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies (2018):785-792, .

Serbia: Current Risk in Heritage Protection

Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana; Nikolić, Marko; Vukotić-Lazar, Marta

(Berlin: ICOMOS and Hendrik Bäßler verlag, 2017)

AU  - Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana
AU  - Nikolić, Marko
AU  - Vukotić-Lazar, Marta
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - The important political and social changes in Serbia in the early
21st century started a process of democratisation, establishing
closer ties with Europe, which contributed to intensified efforts
for ratifying international conventions in the field of heritage protection
and management from 2007 onwards.1 However, despite
positive efforts, the protection and preservation of the cultural
heritage in Serbia still show signs of a transitional phase with
many of the general problems well-known in the former Eastern
European countries, as well as specific conditions which are the
result of recent political conflicts in the region, presenting a risk
to the preservation of heritage. In addition, the cultural heritage
in Serbia is also exposed to quite specific risks connected with an
extremely acute economic crisis, which marked all activities of
the heritage protection service during the 1990s. This is reflected
in the problems of collaboration between official institutions and
civil organisations. A crucial problem is non-compliance of the
current Law on Cultural Properties from 19942 with international
recommendations, and there is an urgent need to revise this act...
PB  - Berlin: ICOMOS and Hendrik Bäßler verlag
T2  - Heritage at risk = Patrimoine en péril = Patrimonio en peligro : world report 2014/2015 on monuments and sites in danger
T1  - Serbia: Current Risk in Heritage Protection
SP  - 125
EP  - 128
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana and Nikolić, Marko and Vukotić-Lazar, Marta",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The important political and social changes in Serbia in the early
21st century started a process of democratisation, establishing
closer ties with Europe, which contributed to intensified efforts
for ratifying international conventions in the field of heritage protection
and management from 2007 onwards.1 However, despite
positive efforts, the protection and preservation of the cultural
heritage in Serbia still show signs of a transitional phase with
many of the general problems well-known in the former Eastern
European countries, as well as specific conditions which are the
result of recent political conflicts in the region, presenting a risk
to the preservation of heritage. In addition, the cultural heritage
in Serbia is also exposed to quite specific risks connected with an
extremely acute economic crisis, which marked all activities of
the heritage protection service during the 1990s. This is reflected
in the problems of collaboration between official institutions and
civil organisations. A crucial problem is non-compliance of the
current Law on Cultural Properties from 19942 with international
recommendations, and there is an urgent need to revise this act...",
publisher = "Berlin: ICOMOS and Hendrik Bäßler verlag",
journal = "Heritage at risk = Patrimoine en péril = Patrimonio en peligro : world report 2014/2015 on monuments and sites in danger",
booktitle = "Serbia: Current Risk in Heritage Protection",
pages = "125-128",
url = ""
Roter-Blagojević, M., Nikolić, M.,& Vukotić-Lazar, M.. (2017). Serbia: Current Risk in Heritage Protection. in Heritage at risk = Patrimoine en péril = Patrimonio en peligro : world report 2014/2015 on monuments and sites in danger
Berlin: ICOMOS and Hendrik Bäßler verlag., 125-128.
Roter-Blagojević M, Nikolić M, Vukotić-Lazar M. Serbia: Current Risk in Heritage Protection. in Heritage at risk = Patrimoine en péril = Patrimonio en peligro : world report 2014/2015 on monuments and sites in danger. 2017;:125-128. .
Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana, Nikolić, Marko, Vukotić-Lazar, Marta, "Serbia: Current Risk in Heritage Protection" in Heritage at risk = Patrimoine en péril = Patrimonio en peligro : world report 2014/2015 on monuments and sites in danger (2017):125-128, .

Dilemmas and Problems in Active Reuse of Belgrade Industrial Architecture - The Case Study of the Sava River Area

Roter Blagojević, Mirjana; Nikolić, Marko

(Ljubljana : ICOMOS Slovenija - Slovensko nacionalno združenje za spomenike in spomeniška območja = Slovenian National Committee of ICOMOS, International Council on Monuments and Sites, 2017)

AU  - Roter Blagojević, Mirjana
AU  - Nikolić, Marko
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Exploration of possibilities of protection, rehabilitation and envision of sustainable
strategies for development of industrial areas and buildings are important topics which
have dominated in the sphere of theoretical and practical work in the field of protection of
industrial heritage in the last decades. The focus is not only on their physical protection but
also on the broader issues related to the contemporary reuse as places with cultural and
tourism potentials. That is important for urban and economic development of the industrial
areas, but that need to be in accordance with preservation of integrity and authenticity of
the place.
In the last decades, development of Belgrade has had a negative effect with regard to the
industrial heritage built in the late 19th and early 20thcentury. The lack of understanding
of preservation of elements which possess technological value as evidence of a certain
level of development of technological culture as well as intangible heritage connected to
the life and labour of workers is observed as the foremost problem. In order to stop this
tendency and demonstrate a will to achieve further sustainable development, it is necessary
to redefine the approach to the protection of Belgrade industrial zones, creating a new one
for urban and spatial planning, taking into account all the values, tradition, authenticity
and identity. With provided reconstructions and inadequate changes in the city industrial
zones, particularly along the Sava River bank, the historical cityscape, with its characteristic
morphology and typology, is gradually fading away.
A more active cooperation between Serbia and The International Committee for the
Conservation of the Industrial Heritage (TICCIH) as well as the ratification of The Nizhny Tagil
Charter for The Industrial Heritage (2003) would definitely contribute to a better approach
to the preservation of authenticity and integrity of industrial complexes within their
repurpose and changes demanded by new, contemporary features, so that national and
local institutions could take upon themselves the obligation to follow certain procedures and
approaches in the protection of industrial heritage.
PB  - Ljubljana : ICOMOS Slovenija - Slovensko nacionalno združenje za spomenike in spomeniška območja = Slovenian National Committee of ICOMOS, International Council on Monuments and Sites
T2  - Protection and Reuse of Industrial Heritage: Dilemmas, Problems, Examples
T1  - Dilemmas and Problems in Active Reuse of Belgrade Industrial Architecture - The Case Study of the Sava River Area
SP  - 25
EP  - 35
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Roter Blagojević, Mirjana and Nikolić, Marko",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Exploration of possibilities of protection, rehabilitation and envision of sustainable
strategies for development of industrial areas and buildings are important topics which
have dominated in the sphere of theoretical and practical work in the field of protection of
industrial heritage in the last decades. The focus is not only on their physical protection but
also on the broader issues related to the contemporary reuse as places with cultural and
tourism potentials. That is important for urban and economic development of the industrial
areas, but that need to be in accordance with preservation of integrity and authenticity of
the place.
In the last decades, development of Belgrade has had a negative effect with regard to the
industrial heritage built in the late 19th and early 20thcentury. The lack of understanding
of preservation of elements which possess technological value as evidence of a certain
level of development of technological culture as well as intangible heritage connected to
the life and labour of workers is observed as the foremost problem. In order to stop this
tendency and demonstrate a will to achieve further sustainable development, it is necessary
to redefine the approach to the protection of Belgrade industrial zones, creating a new one
for urban and spatial planning, taking into account all the values, tradition, authenticity
and identity. With provided reconstructions and inadequate changes in the city industrial
zones, particularly along the Sava River bank, the historical cityscape, with its characteristic
morphology and typology, is gradually fading away.
A more active cooperation between Serbia and The International Committee for the
Conservation of the Industrial Heritage (TICCIH) as well as the ratification of The Nizhny Tagil
Charter for The Industrial Heritage (2003) would definitely contribute to a better approach
to the preservation of authenticity and integrity of industrial complexes within their
repurpose and changes demanded by new, contemporary features, so that national and
local institutions could take upon themselves the obligation to follow certain procedures and
approaches in the protection of industrial heritage.",
publisher = "Ljubljana : ICOMOS Slovenija - Slovensko nacionalno združenje za spomenike in spomeniška območja = Slovenian National Committee of ICOMOS, International Council on Monuments and Sites",
journal = "Protection and Reuse of Industrial Heritage: Dilemmas, Problems, Examples",
booktitle = "Dilemmas and Problems in Active Reuse of Belgrade Industrial Architecture - The Case Study of the Sava River Area",
pages = "25-35",
url = ""
Roter Blagojević, M.,& Nikolić, M.. (2017). Dilemmas and Problems in Active Reuse of Belgrade Industrial Architecture - The Case Study of the Sava River Area. in Protection and Reuse of Industrial Heritage: Dilemmas, Problems, Examples
Ljubljana : ICOMOS Slovenija - Slovensko nacionalno združenje za spomenike in spomeniška območja = Slovenian National Committee of ICOMOS, International Council on Monuments and Sites., 25-35.
Roter Blagojević M, Nikolić M. Dilemmas and Problems in Active Reuse of Belgrade Industrial Architecture - The Case Study of the Sava River Area. in Protection and Reuse of Industrial Heritage: Dilemmas, Problems, Examples. 2017;:25-35. .
Roter Blagojević, Mirjana, Nikolić, Marko, "Dilemmas and Problems in Active Reuse of Belgrade Industrial Architecture - The Case Study of the Sava River Area" in Protection and Reuse of Industrial Heritage: Dilemmas, Problems, Examples (2017):25-35, .

Sustainability and the material aspect of traditional residential buildings in Serbia

Radivojević, Ana; Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana; Đukanović, Ljiljana

(Duxford, United Kingdom ; Cambridge, MA, United States : Woodhead Publishing Elsevier, 2017)

AU  - Radivojević, Ana
AU  - Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana
AU  - Đukanović, Ljiljana
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - This chapter discusses elements of sustainability related to the use of building materials in traditional houses in Serbia. After discussing the history and the socio-cultural context that contributed to the traditional architecture, the chapter further reviews basic types of rural and urban houses and typical structures and building materials that were used in their construction. Finally, the chapter traces and discusses the environmental features of building materials and structures.
PB  - Duxford, United Kingdom ; Cambridge, MA, United States : Woodhead Publishing Elsevier
T2  - Materials for a Healthy, Ecological and Sustainable Built Environment : Principles for Evaluation
T1  - Sustainability and the material aspect of traditional residential buildings in Serbia
SP  - 239
EP  - 254
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Radivojević, Ana and Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana and Đukanović, Ljiljana",
year = "2017",
abstract = "This chapter discusses elements of sustainability related to the use of building materials in traditional houses in Serbia. After discussing the history and the socio-cultural context that contributed to the traditional architecture, the chapter further reviews basic types of rural and urban houses and typical structures and building materials that were used in their construction. Finally, the chapter traces and discusses the environmental features of building materials and structures.",
publisher = "Duxford, United Kingdom ; Cambridge, MA, United States : Woodhead Publishing Elsevier",
journal = "Materials for a Healthy, Ecological and Sustainable Built Environment : Principles for Evaluation",
booktitle = "Sustainability and the material aspect of traditional residential buildings in Serbia",
pages = "239-254",
url = ""
Radivojević, A., Roter-Blagojević, M.,& Đukanović, L.. (2017). Sustainability and the material aspect of traditional residential buildings in Serbia. in Materials for a Healthy, Ecological and Sustainable Built Environment : Principles for Evaluation
Duxford, United Kingdom ; Cambridge, MA, United States : Woodhead Publishing Elsevier., 239-254.
Radivojević A, Roter-Blagojević M, Đukanović L. Sustainability and the material aspect of traditional residential buildings in Serbia. in Materials for a Healthy, Ecological and Sustainable Built Environment : Principles for Evaluation. 2017;:239-254. .
Radivojević, Ana, Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana, Đukanović, Ljiljana, "Sustainability and the material aspect of traditional residential buildings in Serbia" in Materials for a Healthy, Ecological and Sustainable Built Environment : Principles for Evaluation (2017):239-254, .

A new dialogue between the past and future - the archaeological site of Viminacium, within the new national and international frameworks

Nikolić, Emilija; Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana

(Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, Florence (Italy), 2017)

AU  - Nikolić, Emilija
AU  - Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - The main subject of the paper is the archaeological site of Viminacium, in Serbia, being, from 2015, on the UNESCO Tentative List, as a part of the monument Frontiers of the Roman Empire – WHS FRE. The aim of the paper is to present its wider context with protection and presentation processes which can not follow consistently stated principles of authenticity and integrity. Historical destructions caused the ruined state of the ancient structures, while open pit mining, conducted on the site, has made in situ presentation of many buildings impossible. These processes decrease the authenticity of the site and limit the possibilities for its preservation. However, on the other hand, they also create a reason for the establishment of a new concept for its presentation. The paper introduces Viminacium as a part of an ancient cultural route, the World Heritage Site, but also of a cultural landscape, aiming to improve its position within national and international frameworks, resulting in an increased visitor flow.
PB  - Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, Florence (Italy)
C3  - Heritage for Planet Earth 2017, “Smart Travel, Smart Architecture, Heritage and its Enjoyment for Dialogue”, Proceedings of the 19th International Assembly of the International Experts, Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, Florence (Italy), March 11th-13th,2017
T1  - A new dialogue between the past and future - the archaeological site of Viminacium, within the new national and international frameworks
SP  - 198
EP  - 204
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Nikolić, Emilija and Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The main subject of the paper is the archaeological site of Viminacium, in Serbia, being, from 2015, on the UNESCO Tentative List, as a part of the monument Frontiers of the Roman Empire – WHS FRE. The aim of the paper is to present its wider context with protection and presentation processes which can not follow consistently stated principles of authenticity and integrity. Historical destructions caused the ruined state of the ancient structures, while open pit mining, conducted on the site, has made in situ presentation of many buildings impossible. These processes decrease the authenticity of the site and limit the possibilities for its preservation. However, on the other hand, they also create a reason for the establishment of a new concept for its presentation. The paper introduces Viminacium as a part of an ancient cultural route, the World Heritage Site, but also of a cultural landscape, aiming to improve its position within national and international frameworks, resulting in an increased visitor flow.",
publisher = "Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, Florence (Italy)",
journal = "Heritage for Planet Earth 2017, “Smart Travel, Smart Architecture, Heritage and its Enjoyment for Dialogue”, Proceedings of the 19th International Assembly of the International Experts, Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, Florence (Italy), March 11th-13th,2017",
title = "A new dialogue between the past and future - the archaeological site of Viminacium, within the new national and international frameworks",
pages = "198-204",
url = ""
Nikolić, E.,& Roter-Blagojević, M.. (2017). A new dialogue between the past and future - the archaeological site of Viminacium, within the new national and international frameworks. in Heritage for Planet Earth 2017, “Smart Travel, Smart Architecture, Heritage and its Enjoyment for Dialogue”, Proceedings of the 19th International Assembly of the International Experts, Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, Florence (Italy), March 11th-13th,2017
Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, Florence (Italy)., 198-204.
Nikolić E, Roter-Blagojević M. A new dialogue between the past and future - the archaeological site of Viminacium, within the new national and international frameworks. in Heritage for Planet Earth 2017, “Smart Travel, Smart Architecture, Heritage and its Enjoyment for Dialogue”, Proceedings of the 19th International Assembly of the International Experts, Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, Florence (Italy), March 11th-13th,2017. 2017;:198-204. .
Nikolić, Emilija, Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana, "A new dialogue between the past and future - the archaeological site of Viminacium, within the new national and international frameworks" in Heritage for Planet Earth 2017, “Smart Travel, Smart Architecture, Heritage and its Enjoyment for Dialogue”, Proceedings of the 19th International Assembly of the International Experts, Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, Florence (Italy), March 11th-13th,2017 (2017):198-204, .

Serbian cultural territorial systems first experiences

Đukić, Aleksandra; Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana; Nikolić, Marko

(Springer, 2016)

AU  - Đukić, Aleksandra
AU  - Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana
AU  - Nikolić, Marko
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - In the first part of the chapter analyzed the legal and institutional context in the field of environment, spatial and urban planning and constructions in Serbia and its relation to the cultural heritage. The interest in the field of cultural heritage has long history – from early 19th century, but the modern approach to the cultural heritage protection is developed after the WWII. The protection of cultural and natural heritage is based on the Venice Charter (1964) and international conventions and recommendations, adopted in the late twentieth century and in more recent times. As the one of the most important international documents for future protection and improvement of cultural heritage today in Serbia is implemented the Council of Europe Faro Convention (2005), which offers ways to help the national, regional or local authorities and the civil society in general to establish an integrated approach to the preservation of cultural heritage as a basic element for future sustainable development. Sustainable planning and management of settlements are in the competence of the central and local authorities, and regulated by The Law on Planning and Construction (2009) and The Spatial plan of the Republic of Serbia (2010). The second part of chapter elaborate the recent actions and efforts in regeneration of rural heritage areas, as part of the overall economic and social development, based on an integration of rural areas into regional and urban planning processes, as well as economic, social and cultural policies. According the international methodology established by Council of Europe during the realization of The Regional Program by Cultural and Natural Heritage in South East Europe the Local Development Pilot Project Resava-Mlava were implemented on the territory of Municipalities Despotovac and Žagubica. The methodology which was used in the project involves the inclusion of local inhabitants in the form of various workshops. Among others institutions, in the research process of exploring and proposing a new approaches and models for heritage activation as a part of sustainable development of the region, professors and students of the Faculty of Architecture University of Belgrade were involved. The student’s projects successfully achieved their goal – to strengthen the awareness of the population of the heritage value as important resource for future sustainable development, as well as to provide municipal authorities with new, fresh ideas that can connect heritage protection with improvement of living condition. This provides a basis for elaboration of development strategy for this area in future.
PB  - Springer
T2  - Springer Geography
T1  - Serbian cultural territorial systems first experiences
SP  - 265
EP  - 284
DO  - 10.1007/978-3-319-20753-7_18
ER  - 
author = "Đukić, Aleksandra and Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana and Nikolić, Marko",
year = "2016",
abstract = "In the first part of the chapter analyzed the legal and institutional context in the field of environment, spatial and urban planning and constructions in Serbia and its relation to the cultural heritage. The interest in the field of cultural heritage has long history – from early 19th century, but the modern approach to the cultural heritage protection is developed after the WWII. The protection of cultural and natural heritage is based on the Venice Charter (1964) and international conventions and recommendations, adopted in the late twentieth century and in more recent times. As the one of the most important international documents for future protection and improvement of cultural heritage today in Serbia is implemented the Council of Europe Faro Convention (2005), which offers ways to help the national, regional or local authorities and the civil society in general to establish an integrated approach to the preservation of cultural heritage as a basic element for future sustainable development. Sustainable planning and management of settlements are in the competence of the central and local authorities, and regulated by The Law on Planning and Construction (2009) and The Spatial plan of the Republic of Serbia (2010). The second part of chapter elaborate the recent actions and efforts in regeneration of rural heritage areas, as part of the overall economic and social development, based on an integration of rural areas into regional and urban planning processes, as well as economic, social and cultural policies. According the international methodology established by Council of Europe during the realization of The Regional Program by Cultural and Natural Heritage in South East Europe the Local Development Pilot Project Resava-Mlava were implemented on the territory of Municipalities Despotovac and Žagubica. The methodology which was used in the project involves the inclusion of local inhabitants in the form of various workshops. Among others institutions, in the research process of exploring and proposing a new approaches and models for heritage activation as a part of sustainable development of the region, professors and students of the Faculty of Architecture University of Belgrade were involved. The student’s projects successfully achieved their goal – to strengthen the awareness of the population of the heritage value as important resource for future sustainable development, as well as to provide municipal authorities with new, fresh ideas that can connect heritage protection with improvement of living condition. This provides a basis for elaboration of development strategy for this area in future.",
publisher = "Springer",
journal = "Springer Geography",
booktitle = "Serbian cultural territorial systems first experiences",
pages = "265-284",
doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-20753-7_18"
Đukić, A., Roter-Blagojević, M.,& Nikolić, M.. (2016). Serbian cultural territorial systems first experiences. in Springer Geography
Springer., 265-284.
Đukić A, Roter-Blagojević M, Nikolić M. Serbian cultural territorial systems first experiences. in Springer Geography. 2016;:265-284.
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-20753-7_18 .
Đukić, Aleksandra, Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana, Nikolić, Marko, "Serbian cultural territorial systems first experiences" in Springer Geography (2016):265-284, . .

Contemporary architectural and urban design practice in Belgrade and Serbia through the perspective of urban morphology approach

Niković, Ana; Manić, Božidar; Đokić, Vladan; Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana

(Rome : U+D edition, 2016)

AU  - Niković, Ana
AU  - Manić, Božidar
AU  - Đokić, Vladan
AU  - Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - By analysing the contemporary architectural and urban design practice in Belgrade and Serbia the challenges in urban development can be identified and explained through the perspective of an urban morphology approach. The majority of these challenges are as a result of an inadequate relationship between different scales of professional interventions in built environment, as well as, an ineffective relationship between theory and practice. It should be noted that due to these challenges in urban development, the role of architects and professionals involved in urban designing and planning has been questioned. The findings indicate an emerging belief for the need for improved dialogue between professionals in relation to urban development in Serbia, as well as, interaction with wider professional networks. The general issues have already been expanded upon through the discourse of urban morphology and can result in the drafting of guidelines for further improvement of designing and planning practice in Belgrade and Serbia. The principal issues the urban morphology network in Serbia would be faced with are: consolidating up-to-date research and contributions; translating the key references and Glossary present within the Urban Morphology discourse; integrating theoretical and applied knowledge - developing a common morphological language – as a conceptual framework applicable to various typologies and urban tissues; providing a better understanding of the complex phenomenon of urban form; and introducing the morphological dimension to plans, that is, the concept of form into planning.
PB  - Rome : U+D edition
C3  - City as organism. New visions for urban life. Vol. 2, Conference Proceedings
T1  - Contemporary architectural and urban design practice in Belgrade and Serbia through the perspective of urban morphology approach
SP  - 1561
EP  - 1566
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Niković, Ana and Manić, Božidar and Đokić, Vladan and Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana",
year = "2016",
abstract = "By analysing the contemporary architectural and urban design practice in Belgrade and Serbia the challenges in urban development can be identified and explained through the perspective of an urban morphology approach. The majority of these challenges are as a result of an inadequate relationship between different scales of professional interventions in built environment, as well as, an ineffective relationship between theory and practice. It should be noted that due to these challenges in urban development, the role of architects and professionals involved in urban designing and planning has been questioned. The findings indicate an emerging belief for the need for improved dialogue between professionals in relation to urban development in Serbia, as well as, interaction with wider professional networks. The general issues have already been expanded upon through the discourse of urban morphology and can result in the drafting of guidelines for further improvement of designing and planning practice in Belgrade and Serbia. The principal issues the urban morphology network in Serbia would be faced with are: consolidating up-to-date research and contributions; translating the key references and Glossary present within the Urban Morphology discourse; integrating theoretical and applied knowledge - developing a common morphological language – as a conceptual framework applicable to various typologies and urban tissues; providing a better understanding of the complex phenomenon of urban form; and introducing the morphological dimension to plans, that is, the concept of form into planning.",
publisher = "Rome : U+D edition",
journal = "City as organism. New visions for urban life. Vol. 2, Conference Proceedings",
title = "Contemporary architectural and urban design practice in Belgrade and Serbia through the perspective of urban morphology approach",
pages = "1561-1566",
url = ""
Niković, A., Manić, B., Đokić, V.,& Roter-Blagojević, M.. (2016). Contemporary architectural and urban design practice in Belgrade and Serbia through the perspective of urban morphology approach. in City as organism. New visions for urban life. Vol. 2, Conference Proceedings
Rome : U+D edition., 1561-1566.
Niković A, Manić B, Đokić V, Roter-Blagojević M. Contemporary architectural and urban design practice in Belgrade and Serbia through the perspective of urban morphology approach. in City as organism. New visions for urban life. Vol. 2, Conference Proceedings. 2016;:1561-1566. .
Niković, Ana, Manić, Božidar, Đokić, Vladan, Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana, "Contemporary architectural and urban design practice in Belgrade and Serbia through the perspective of urban morphology approach" in City as organism. New visions for urban life. Vol. 2, Conference Proceedings (2016):1561-1566, .

The new technology era requirements and sustainable approach to industrial heritage renewal

Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana; Tufegdžić, Anica

(Elsevier Ltd, 2016)

AU  - Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana
AU  - Tufegdžić, Anica
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Nowadays, developments in technology and the introduction of the philosophy of sustainable development have led to significant changes in theory and practice of preservation and development of historic areas and buildings. Modern presentation of their cultural values and use require improving their condition and making them compliant with standards and requirements applicable to newly constructed buildings and spaces in terms of energy efficiency. However, this makes the task of preserving the authenticity and integrity of historic spaces and buildings and their basic historical and cultural value challenging. The idea of sustainable development, which in addition to environmental and economic dimensions also contains an equally important social dimension, has also brought to the fore the cultural heritage as a non-renewable resource. In this sense, historical areas and buildings should be regenerated and adapted to the needs of modern times by providing them with adequate purpose and continuous maintenance. Based on a case study and analyzed main aspects and optimization of sustainable use of industrial architecture, i.e. the Zrenjanin brewery, this paper strives to point out the need for their modernization and improvement, in accordance with respect of their integrity and authenticity during the renovation process.
PB  - Elsevier Ltd
T2  - Energy and buildings
T1  - The new technology era requirements and sustainable approach to industrial heritage renewal
VL  - 115
SP  - 148
EP  - 153
DO  - 10.1016/j.enbuild.2015.07.062
ER  - 
author = "Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana and Tufegdžić, Anica",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Nowadays, developments in technology and the introduction of the philosophy of sustainable development have led to significant changes in theory and practice of preservation and development of historic areas and buildings. Modern presentation of their cultural values and use require improving their condition and making them compliant with standards and requirements applicable to newly constructed buildings and spaces in terms of energy efficiency. However, this makes the task of preserving the authenticity and integrity of historic spaces and buildings and their basic historical and cultural value challenging. The idea of sustainable development, which in addition to environmental and economic dimensions also contains an equally important social dimension, has also brought to the fore the cultural heritage as a non-renewable resource. In this sense, historical areas and buildings should be regenerated and adapted to the needs of modern times by providing them with adequate purpose and continuous maintenance. Based on a case study and analyzed main aspects and optimization of sustainable use of industrial architecture, i.e. the Zrenjanin brewery, this paper strives to point out the need for their modernization and improvement, in accordance with respect of their integrity and authenticity during the renovation process.",
publisher = "Elsevier Ltd",
journal = "Energy and buildings",
title = "The new technology era requirements and sustainable approach to industrial heritage renewal",
volume = "115",
pages = "148-153",
doi = "10.1016/j.enbuild.2015.07.062"
Roter-Blagojević, M.,& Tufegdžić, A.. (2016). The new technology era requirements and sustainable approach to industrial heritage renewal. in Energy and buildings
Elsevier Ltd., 115, 148-153.
Roter-Blagojević M, Tufegdžić A. The new technology era requirements and sustainable approach to industrial heritage renewal. in Energy and buildings. 2016;115:148-153.
doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2015.07.062 .
Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana, Tufegdžić, Anica, "The new technology era requirements and sustainable approach to industrial heritage renewal" in Energy and buildings, 115 (2016):148-153, . .

From tradition to modernization - building techniques in Serbia during 19th and early 20th century

Radivojević, Ana; Đukanović, Ljiljana; Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana

(CRC Press/Balkema, 2016)

AU  - Radivojević, Ana
AU  - Đukanović, Ljiljana
AU  - Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Presenting the characteristics of residential architecture of Belgrade, this paper strives to synthesize the evolution of building techniques and building industry in Serbia since the time of the liberation from the Ottomans in the early 19th to the first decades of the 20th century. Great migrations to the cities are characteristic of the whole period, causing the need for intensive housing construction. As a reflection of the better political and economic situation from the 1870s to 1910s, in a short period, structural systems and building techniques have gradually evolved from half-timbered structures, through mixed systems and assemblies, to massive masonry structures modeled after the modern European structures and followed by adoption of reinforced concrete as a new construction material. Following with a certain time lag the trend of the times, application of modern materials was present, resulting with the establishment and development of domestic industry of building products.
PB  - CRC Press/Balkema
C3  - Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions: Anamnesis, diagnosis, therapy, controls - Proceedin
T1  - From tradition to modernization - building techniques in Serbia during 19th and early 20th century
SP  - 922
EP  - 929
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Radivojević, Ana and Đukanović, Ljiljana and Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Presenting the characteristics of residential architecture of Belgrade, this paper strives to synthesize the evolution of building techniques and building industry in Serbia since the time of the liberation from the Ottomans in the early 19th to the first decades of the 20th century. Great migrations to the cities are characteristic of the whole period, causing the need for intensive housing construction. As a reflection of the better political and economic situation from the 1870s to 1910s, in a short period, structural systems and building techniques have gradually evolved from half-timbered structures, through mixed systems and assemblies, to massive masonry structures modeled after the modern European structures and followed by adoption of reinforced concrete as a new construction material. Following with a certain time lag the trend of the times, application of modern materials was present, resulting with the establishment and development of domestic industry of building products.",
publisher = "CRC Press/Balkema",
journal = "Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions: Anamnesis, diagnosis, therapy, controls - Proceedin",
title = "From tradition to modernization - building techniques in Serbia during 19th and early 20th century",
pages = "922-929",
url = ""
Radivojević, A., Đukanović, L.,& Roter-Blagojević, M.. (2016). From tradition to modernization - building techniques in Serbia during 19th and early 20th century. in Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions: Anamnesis, diagnosis, therapy, controls - Proceedin
CRC Press/Balkema., 922-929.
Radivojević A, Đukanović L, Roter-Blagojević M. From tradition to modernization - building techniques in Serbia during 19th and early 20th century. in Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions: Anamnesis, diagnosis, therapy, controls - Proceedin. 2016;:922-929. .
Radivojević, Ana, Đukanović, Ljiljana, Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana, "From tradition to modernization - building techniques in Serbia during 19th and early 20th century" in Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions: Anamnesis, diagnosis, therapy, controls - Proceedin (2016):922-929, .

Disappearance of the traditional architecture – the key study of Stara Planina villages

Ljubenov, Gorica B.; Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana

(Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, 2016)

AU  - Ljubenov, Gorica B.
AU  - Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - This paper is focused on the disappearance of the traditional
architecture in the Stara Planina villages, in the Pirot area, at the
eastern border of Serbia. The paper gives authentic examples
of traditional rural architecture with emblematic traditional
elements and methods of construction, which have been
gradually disappearing over time due to abandonment of the
villages. Reasons leading to the villages withering away and the
decay of architecture in that mountain area are predominantly
enormous migrations of the village population to the cities as
a result of socio-economic changes and poverty of the region.
The abandonment of the villages leaves in its wake a sparse
ageing population, housing units and other structures in the state
of decay and ruin. In the past, the area was well-known as a
source of native, self- taught, builders called dunđeri, organized
in the groups of 10-15 people, tajva, famous and respected on
the territories of Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia. Nowadays their
descendants work and live in urban areas, and as a consequence,
the villages have not preserved their traditional building skills.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture
T2  - SAJ : Serbian architectural journal
T1  - Disappearance of the traditional architecture – the key study of Stara Planina villages
VL  - 8
IS  - 1
SP  - 43
EP  - 58
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ljubenov, Gorica B. and Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana",
year = "2016",
abstract = "This paper is focused on the disappearance of the traditional
architecture in the Stara Planina villages, in the Pirot area, at the
eastern border of Serbia. The paper gives authentic examples
of traditional rural architecture with emblematic traditional
elements and methods of construction, which have been
gradually disappearing over time due to abandonment of the
villages. Reasons leading to the villages withering away and the
decay of architecture in that mountain area are predominantly
enormous migrations of the village population to the cities as
a result of socio-economic changes and poverty of the region.
The abandonment of the villages leaves in its wake a sparse
ageing population, housing units and other structures in the state
of decay and ruin. In the past, the area was well-known as a
source of native, self- taught, builders called dunđeri, organized
in the groups of 10-15 people, tajva, famous and respected on
the territories of Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia. Nowadays their
descendants work and live in urban areas, and as a consequence,
the villages have not preserved their traditional building skills.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture",
journal = "SAJ : Serbian architectural journal",
title = "Disappearance of the traditional architecture – the key study of Stara Planina villages",
volume = "8",
number = "1",
pages = "43-58",
url = ""
Ljubenov, G. B.,& Roter-Blagojević, M.. (2016). Disappearance of the traditional architecture – the key study of Stara Planina villages. in SAJ : Serbian architectural journal
Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture., 8(1), 43-58.
Ljubenov GB, Roter-Blagojević M. Disappearance of the traditional architecture – the key study of Stara Planina villages. in SAJ : Serbian architectural journal. 2016;8(1):43-58. .
Ljubenov, Gorica B., Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana, "Disappearance of the traditional architecture – the key study of Stara Planina villages" in SAJ : Serbian architectural journal, 8, no. 1 (2016):43-58, .

Active Preservation and use of Historical Urban Centers - The case study of the Belgrade old city core

Roter Blagojević, Mirjana; Nikolić, Marko

(Green Lines Institute, 2015)

AU  - Roter Blagojević, Mirjana
AU  - Nikolić, Marko
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - Exploration of possibilities of protection, rehabilitation and envision of sustainable strategies of development of historical urban centres and environments are important topics which have dominated the sphere of theoretical and practical work in the field of cultural heritage for several decades. The focus is not only on their phyisical protection but also on the broader issues related to the management problems and contemporary use as place of living and a place with cultural and tourism potential. The includes the necessity of connecting local community and professionals; issues of providing social cohesion and economic development as well as the need for perservation of integrity, authenticity, diversity, significance and identity of the place. Similar processes occur in historic centres of European cities, which are manifested in specific manners: a trend of erasing diversity and distinction left by the local community and traditional functions which constitute the main character and the value of certain place has been recognized; dilapidation of old buildings and unacceptable modern interventions which change the morphology and the character of a place; complete destruction and loss of historic structures in the name of modernization and progress; mismatch and opposition of residential and public functions; etc. These processes and problems are also evident in the historic ambiences og Belgrade, especially in Kosančićev venac, the protected area with significant cultural, urban and architectural values. The work focuses on analysis of these processes in the present state of this historic environment, current institutial evaluation and the potential for its rehabilitation through activation of cultural and tourism potentials. The goal is to examine them in relation to the processes of improvement of similar European historic centres and application of the new, active methods in the integrated rehabilitation managment of historic city centres.
PB  - Green Lines Institute
C3  - REHAB 2015 - 2nd International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Structures
T1  - Active Preservation and use of Historical Urban Centers - The case study of the Belgrade old city core
VL  - 2
SP  - 1095
EP  - 1104
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Roter Blagojević, Mirjana and Nikolić, Marko",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Exploration of possibilities of protection, rehabilitation and envision of sustainable strategies of development of historical urban centres and environments are important topics which have dominated the sphere of theoretical and practical work in the field of cultural heritage for several decades. The focus is not only on their phyisical protection but also on the broader issues related to the management problems and contemporary use as place of living and a place with cultural and tourism potential. The includes the necessity of connecting local community and professionals; issues of providing social cohesion and economic development as well as the need for perservation of integrity, authenticity, diversity, significance and identity of the place. Similar processes occur in historic centres of European cities, which are manifested in specific manners: a trend of erasing diversity and distinction left by the local community and traditional functions which constitute the main character and the value of certain place has been recognized; dilapidation of old buildings and unacceptable modern interventions which change the morphology and the character of a place; complete destruction and loss of historic structures in the name of modernization and progress; mismatch and opposition of residential and public functions; etc. These processes and problems are also evident in the historic ambiences og Belgrade, especially in Kosančićev venac, the protected area with significant cultural, urban and architectural values. The work focuses on analysis of these processes in the present state of this historic environment, current institutial evaluation and the potential for its rehabilitation through activation of cultural and tourism potentials. The goal is to examine them in relation to the processes of improvement of similar European historic centres and application of the new, active methods in the integrated rehabilitation managment of historic city centres.",
publisher = "Green Lines Institute",
journal = "REHAB 2015 - 2nd International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Structures",
title = "Active Preservation and use of Historical Urban Centers - The case study of the Belgrade old city core",
volume = "2",
pages = "1095-1104",
url = ""
Roter Blagojević, M.,& Nikolić, M.. (2015). Active Preservation and use of Historical Urban Centers - The case study of the Belgrade old city core. in REHAB 2015 - 2nd International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Structures
Green Lines Institute., 2, 1095-1104.
Roter Blagojević M, Nikolić M. Active Preservation and use of Historical Urban Centers - The case study of the Belgrade old city core. in REHAB 2015 - 2nd International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Structures. 2015;2:1095-1104. .
Roter Blagojević, Mirjana, Nikolić, Marko, "Active Preservation and use of Historical Urban Centers - The case study of the Belgrade old city core" in REHAB 2015 - 2nd International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Structures, 2 (2015):1095-1104, .

Contemporary architectural and urban design practice in Belgrade and Serbia through the perspective of urban morphology approach

Niković, Ana; Manić, Božidar; Đokić, Vladan; Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana

(Rome : U + D Editions, 2015)

AU  - Niković, Ana
AU  - Manić, Božidar
AU  - Đokić, Vladan
AU  - Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana
PY  - 2015
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - By analysing the contemporary architectural and urban design practice in Belgrade and Serbia the challenges in urban development can be identified and explained through the perspective of an urban morphology approach. The majority of these challenges are as a result of an inadequate relationship between different scales of professional interventions in built environment, as well as, an ineffective relationship between theory and practice. It should be noted that due to these challenges in urban development, the role of architects and professionals involved in urban designing and planning has been questioned. The findings indicate an emerging belief for the need for improved dialogue between professionals in relation to urban development in Serbia, as well as, interaction with wider professional networks. The general issues have already been expanded upon through the discourse of urban morphology and can result in the drafting of guidelines for further improvement of designing and planning practice in Belgrade and Serbia. The principal issues the urban morphology network in Serbia would be faced with are: consolidating up-to-date research and contributions; translating the key references and Glossary present within the Urban Morphology discourse; integrating theoretical and applied knowledge - developing a common morphological language – as a conceptual framework applicable to various typologies and urban tissues; providing a better understanding of the complex phenomenon of urban form; and introducing the morphological dimension to plans, that is, the concept of form into planning.
PB  - Rome : U + D Editions
C3  - City as organism. New visions for urban life. Book of Abstracts
T1  - Contemporary architectural and urban design practice in Belgrade and Serbia through the perspective of urban morphology approach
SP  - 239
EP  - 240
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Niković, Ana and Manić, Božidar and Đokić, Vladan and Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana",
year = "2015",
abstract = "By analysing the contemporary architectural and urban design practice in Belgrade and Serbia the challenges in urban development can be identified and explained through the perspective of an urban morphology approach. The majority of these challenges are as a result of an inadequate relationship between different scales of professional interventions in built environment, as well as, an ineffective relationship between theory and practice. It should be noted that due to these challenges in urban development, the role of architects and professionals involved in urban designing and planning has been questioned. The findings indicate an emerging belief for the need for improved dialogue between professionals in relation to urban development in Serbia, as well as, interaction with wider professional networks. The general issues have already been expanded upon through the discourse of urban morphology and can result in the drafting of guidelines for further improvement of designing and planning practice in Belgrade and Serbia. The principal issues the urban morphology network in Serbia would be faced with are: consolidating up-to-date research and contributions; translating the key references and Glossary present within the Urban Morphology discourse; integrating theoretical and applied knowledge - developing a common morphological language – as a conceptual framework applicable to various typologies and urban tissues; providing a better understanding of the complex phenomenon of urban form; and introducing the morphological dimension to plans, that is, the concept of form into planning.",
publisher = "Rome : U + D Editions",
journal = "City as organism. New visions for urban life. Book of Abstracts",
title = "Contemporary architectural and urban design practice in Belgrade and Serbia through the perspective of urban morphology approach",
pages = "239-240",
url = ""
Niković, A., Manić, B., Đokić, V.,& Roter-Blagojević, M.. (2015). Contemporary architectural and urban design practice in Belgrade and Serbia through the perspective of urban morphology approach. in City as organism. New visions for urban life. Book of Abstracts
Rome : U + D Editions., 239-240.
Niković A, Manić B, Đokić V, Roter-Blagojević M. Contemporary architectural and urban design practice in Belgrade and Serbia through the perspective of urban morphology approach. in City as organism. New visions for urban life. Book of Abstracts. 2015;:239-240. .
Niković, Ana, Manić, Božidar, Đokić, Vladan, Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana, "Contemporary architectural and urban design practice in Belgrade and Serbia through the perspective of urban morphology approach" in City as organism. New visions for urban life. Book of Abstracts (2015):239-240, .

Golden era of lager breweries in the southern Austro-Hungarian empire

Tufegdžić, Anica; Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana

(Maney Publishing, 2015)

AU  - Tufegdžić, Anica
AU  - Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - This paper reviews the context and continuity of beer production in the southern Austro-Hungarian Empire during the period of the dual monarchy or Dualism (1867-1914). Brewing, which in this region dates from the mid-18th century, was the first activity with characteristics of industrial production. The development of breweries is considered through four spatial levels: industrial building/complex; settlement (Pancevo, Vrsac, Veliki Beckerek, Becej, Apatin); the province of Vojvodina (the southern part of Habsburg Monarchy, later the Austro-Hungarian Empire and now in Serbia); and Central Europe. The research concentrates on discovering the role of beer production in the industrialisation and urbanisation of Vojvodina during the period of Dualism and contains descriptions of representative examples in an urban context, a spatial concept, technological processes, and construction and architectural design. Different lager beer production sites have been analysed to define types of breweries according to the position of the basic functional units of the production process. The changes in the social system are discussed in relation to the determination of housing models and types of public buildings in industrial complexes. Focusing on the five oldest breweries in Vojvodina, this paper demonstrates not only the importance they had as generators of local development, but also that they were an echo of the technological and architectural codes of Central Europe.
PB  - Maney Publishing
T2  - Industrial archaeology review
T1  - Golden era of lager breweries in the southern Austro-Hungarian empire
VL  - 37
IS  - 1
SP  - 33
EP  - 47
DO  - 10.1179/0309072815Z.00000000041
ER  - 
author = "Tufegdžić, Anica and Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana",
year = "2015",
abstract = "This paper reviews the context and continuity of beer production in the southern Austro-Hungarian Empire during the period of the dual monarchy or Dualism (1867-1914). Brewing, which in this region dates from the mid-18th century, was the first activity with characteristics of industrial production. The development of breweries is considered through four spatial levels: industrial building/complex; settlement (Pancevo, Vrsac, Veliki Beckerek, Becej, Apatin); the province of Vojvodina (the southern part of Habsburg Monarchy, later the Austro-Hungarian Empire and now in Serbia); and Central Europe. The research concentrates on discovering the role of beer production in the industrialisation and urbanisation of Vojvodina during the period of Dualism and contains descriptions of representative examples in an urban context, a spatial concept, technological processes, and construction and architectural design. Different lager beer production sites have been analysed to define types of breweries according to the position of the basic functional units of the production process. The changes in the social system are discussed in relation to the determination of housing models and types of public buildings in industrial complexes. Focusing on the five oldest breweries in Vojvodina, this paper demonstrates not only the importance they had as generators of local development, but also that they were an echo of the technological and architectural codes of Central Europe.",
publisher = "Maney Publishing",
journal = "Industrial archaeology review",
title = "Golden era of lager breweries in the southern Austro-Hungarian empire",
volume = "37",
number = "1",
pages = "33-47",
doi = "10.1179/0309072815Z.00000000041"
Tufegdžić, A.,& Roter-Blagojević, M.. (2015). Golden era of lager breweries in the southern Austro-Hungarian empire. in Industrial archaeology review
Maney Publishing., 37(1), 33-47.
Tufegdžić A, Roter-Blagojević M. Golden era of lager breweries in the southern Austro-Hungarian empire. in Industrial archaeology review. 2015;37(1):33-47.
doi:10.1179/0309072815Z.00000000041 .
Tufegdžić, Anica, Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana, "Golden era of lager breweries in the southern Austro-Hungarian empire" in Industrial archaeology review, 37, no. 1 (2015):33-47, . .

Zlata Vuksanović Macura: San o gradu - međunarodni konkurs za urbanističko uređenje Beograda 1921-1922, Orion art, Beograd, 2015.

Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana

(Muzej primenjene umetnosti, Beograd, 2015)

AU  - Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana
PY  - 2015
UR  -
PB  - Muzej primenjene umetnosti, Beograd
T2  - Zbornik - Muzej primenjene umetnosti
T1  - Zlata Vuksanović Macura: San o gradu - međunarodni konkurs za urbanističko uređenje Beograda 1921-1922, Orion art, Beograd, 2015.
IS  - 11
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana",
year = "2015",
publisher = "Muzej primenjene umetnosti, Beograd",
journal = "Zbornik - Muzej primenjene umetnosti",
title = "Zlata Vuksanović Macura: San o gradu - međunarodni konkurs za urbanističko uređenje Beograda 1921-1922, Orion art, Beograd, 2015.",
number = "11",
url = ""
Roter-Blagojević, M.. (2015). Zlata Vuksanović Macura: San o gradu - međunarodni konkurs za urbanističko uređenje Beograda 1921-1922, Orion art, Beograd, 2015.. in Zbornik - Muzej primenjene umetnosti
Muzej primenjene umetnosti, Beograd.(11).
Roter-Blagojević M. Zlata Vuksanović Macura: San o gradu - međunarodni konkurs za urbanističko uređenje Beograda 1921-1922, Orion art, Beograd, 2015.. in Zbornik - Muzej primenjene umetnosti. 2015;(11). .
Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana, "Zlata Vuksanović Macura: San o gradu - međunarodni konkurs za urbanističko uređenje Beograda 1921-1922, Orion art, Beograd, 2015." in Zbornik - Muzej primenjene umetnosti, no. 11 (2015), .

The modernization and urban transformation of Belgrade in the 19th and early 20th century

Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana

(Graz : Verl. der Techn. Univ. Graz, 2015)

AU  - Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - The main goal of the paper is to highlight some important issues connected with the process of urban and architectural modernization of Belgrade in the late 19th and early 20th century and its impact on further development of the city and the contemporary state. Its focus is on the important political, social and cultural changes and urban and architectural transformation of the city from Levantine to a European one. After the Serbian Principality was established in the early 19th century influences of European culture and classical architecture started to come in, but an Ottoman way of living was still quite obvious. In spite of all the significant changes taking place by 1867 after the Turks and their army left the Serbian towns, still, there were no political, social or economic conditions necessary for the radical urban and architectural transformation of Belgrade and other settlements. But the process of social and cultural changes already started, focusing on emancipation from the influences of the East and on further development by adopting western social and cultural values. The changes were supported by the Austrian Empire and many Serbs, who were born and educated there, come to Serbia. An extensive transformation of the Belgrade old town surrounded by a trench started according to a plan made by Emilijan Josimović in 1867, which proposed replacement of the Levantine morphology with a regular orthogonal city matrix. The intention was to follow what Vienna and Budapest had done in their reconstructions at that time. After the proclamation of Kingdom in 1882, an extensive transformation of Belgrade started and its growth into a modern western town as a result of foreign investments, coming mostly from the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Particularly important was the construction of the railway tracks, connecting Serbia with its northern and eastern neighbouring countries. The turn of the century was marked by intensive constructions. In the early 20th century, the European influences in architecture and urbanism were quite strong and the first Master Plan of Belgrade was made by a French architect Alban Chambond in 1912. He covered the town with a new orthogonal street network, with numerous diagonal directions, in the spirit of the 19th-century French academic town planning. He also proposed the formation of eleven monumental ensembles with imposing public buildings. He planned a circular boulevard, in the Haussmann style scale, thus clearly dividing an urbanized area from its periphery. However, the Master Plan did not consider problems of the inherited urban structure and those of the poor infrastructure. And for that reason, the Belgrade engineers and architects criticized the city authorities for their inadequate approach to resolving the infrastructural problems of the city. Some of these problems were solved after the WWI, but many are still present in our days.
PB  - Graz : Verl. der Techn. Univ. Graz
T2  - Planning Capital Cities: Belgrade, Bucharest, Sofia
T1  - The modernization and urban transformation of Belgrade in the 19th and early 20th century
SP  - 20
EP  - 42
DO  - 10.3217/978-3-85125-398-6
ER  - 
author = "Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana",
year = "2015",
abstract = "The main goal of the paper is to highlight some important issues connected with the process of urban and architectural modernization of Belgrade in the late 19th and early 20th century and its impact on further development of the city and the contemporary state. Its focus is on the important political, social and cultural changes and urban and architectural transformation of the city from Levantine to a European one. After the Serbian Principality was established in the early 19th century influences of European culture and classical architecture started to come in, but an Ottoman way of living was still quite obvious. In spite of all the significant changes taking place by 1867 after the Turks and their army left the Serbian towns, still, there were no political, social or economic conditions necessary for the radical urban and architectural transformation of Belgrade and other settlements. But the process of social and cultural changes already started, focusing on emancipation from the influences of the East and on further development by adopting western social and cultural values. The changes were supported by the Austrian Empire and many Serbs, who were born and educated there, come to Serbia. An extensive transformation of the Belgrade old town surrounded by a trench started according to a plan made by Emilijan Josimović in 1867, which proposed replacement of the Levantine morphology with a regular orthogonal city matrix. The intention was to follow what Vienna and Budapest had done in their reconstructions at that time. After the proclamation of Kingdom in 1882, an extensive transformation of Belgrade started and its growth into a modern western town as a result of foreign investments, coming mostly from the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Particularly important was the construction of the railway tracks, connecting Serbia with its northern and eastern neighbouring countries. The turn of the century was marked by intensive constructions. In the early 20th century, the European influences in architecture and urbanism were quite strong and the first Master Plan of Belgrade was made by a French architect Alban Chambond in 1912. He covered the town with a new orthogonal street network, with numerous diagonal directions, in the spirit of the 19th-century French academic town planning. He also proposed the formation of eleven monumental ensembles with imposing public buildings. He planned a circular boulevard, in the Haussmann style scale, thus clearly dividing an urbanized area from its periphery. However, the Master Plan did not consider problems of the inherited urban structure and those of the poor infrastructure. And for that reason, the Belgrade engineers and architects criticized the city authorities for their inadequate approach to resolving the infrastructural problems of the city. Some of these problems were solved after the WWI, but many are still present in our days.",
publisher = "Graz : Verl. der Techn. Univ. Graz",
journal = "Planning Capital Cities: Belgrade, Bucharest, Sofia",
booktitle = "The modernization and urban transformation of Belgrade in the 19th and early 20th century",
pages = "20-42",
doi = "10.3217/978-3-85125-398-6"
Roter-Blagojević, M.. (2015). The modernization and urban transformation of Belgrade in the 19th and early 20th century. in Planning Capital Cities: Belgrade, Bucharest, Sofia
Graz : Verl. der Techn. Univ. Graz., 20-42.
Roter-Blagojević M. The modernization and urban transformation of Belgrade in the 19th and early 20th century. in Planning Capital Cities: Belgrade, Bucharest, Sofia. 2015;:20-42.
doi:10.3217/978-3-85125-398-6 .
Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana, "The modernization and urban transformation of Belgrade in the 19th and early 20th century" in Planning Capital Cities: Belgrade, Bucharest, Sofia (2015):20-42, . .