Macut, Nikola

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Macut, Nikola (10)
  • Мацут, Никола М. (1)

Author's Bibliography

Possibilities of staged renovation of reinforced concrete facades of multi-family buildings in the central zone of New Belgrade

Macut, Nikola; Žišić, Tijana; Ivanović-Šekularac, Jelena

(Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, 2024)

AU  - Macut, Nikola
AU  - Žišić, Tijana
AU  - Ivanović-Šekularac, Jelena
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - The central zone of New Belgrade represents an architectural and urban complex which construction
began in the early sixties of the twentieth century. In the period from the early sixties to the end
of the seventies, multi-family buildings were constructed in blocks: 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 and 30, and
today they are classifi ed as the most representative examples of domestic architecture. Based on its
architectural and urban characteristics, the central zone has the status of a spatial cultural-historical
entity from 2021. Although this zone represents a cultural asset, the multi-family buildings in the
blocks are examples of buildings that in the past few decades have not undergone any planned
renovations of facade envelopes. The goal of the work is to present the possibilities of restoring
facade envelopes through the process of staged renovations while considering ways of treating
the envelopes that potentially preserve the original appearance - given that the selected buildings
are treated as architectural heritage. Different reinforced concrete facade assemblies and existing
damages also require different approaches in staged renovations, as a legitimate solution to this
problem. Unplanned and unorganised works aimed at the restoration of facade envelopes led to
signifi cant damage and general degradation of both their non-transparent and transparent zones.
Despite such problems, the owners of the apartments in the buildings were forced, due to the lack
of organised renovations, to individually solve the encountered problems of facade assemblies. This
primarily refers to the replacement of dilapidated windows and doors in facade envelopes, while the
treatment of non-transparent zones was not carried out according to plan. This led to unfavourable
situations in which the degradation of facades is not prevented. By applying staged methods of
renovation and activating tenants, these problems can potentially be overcome, which is the main
goal of this paper.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture
C3  - Keeping up with technologies to imagine and build together sustainable, inclusive, and beautiful cities [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 8th International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, Belgrade, 2023
T1  - Possibilities of staged renovation of reinforced concrete facades of multi-family buildings in the central zone of New Belgrade
SP  - 356
EP  - 363
DO  - 10.18485/arh_pt.2024.8.ch42
ER  - 
author = "Macut, Nikola and Žišić, Tijana and Ivanović-Šekularac, Jelena",
year = "2024",
abstract = "The central zone of New Belgrade represents an architectural and urban complex which construction
began in the early sixties of the twentieth century. In the period from the early sixties to the end
of the seventies, multi-family buildings were constructed in blocks: 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 and 30, and
today they are classifi ed as the most representative examples of domestic architecture. Based on its
architectural and urban characteristics, the central zone has the status of a spatial cultural-historical
entity from 2021. Although this zone represents a cultural asset, the multi-family buildings in the
blocks are examples of buildings that in the past few decades have not undergone any planned
renovations of facade envelopes. The goal of the work is to present the possibilities of restoring
facade envelopes through the process of staged renovations while considering ways of treating
the envelopes that potentially preserve the original appearance - given that the selected buildings
are treated as architectural heritage. Different reinforced concrete facade assemblies and existing
damages also require different approaches in staged renovations, as a legitimate solution to this
problem. Unplanned and unorganised works aimed at the restoration of facade envelopes led to
signifi cant damage and general degradation of both their non-transparent and transparent zones.
Despite such problems, the owners of the apartments in the buildings were forced, due to the lack
of organised renovations, to individually solve the encountered problems of facade assemblies. This
primarily refers to the replacement of dilapidated windows and doors in facade envelopes, while the
treatment of non-transparent zones was not carried out according to plan. This led to unfavourable
situations in which the degradation of facades is not prevented. By applying staged methods of
renovation and activating tenants, these problems can potentially be overcome, which is the main
goal of this paper.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture",
journal = "Keeping up with technologies to imagine and build together sustainable, inclusive, and beautiful cities [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 8th International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, Belgrade, 2023",
title = "Possibilities of staged renovation of reinforced concrete facades of multi-family buildings in the central zone of New Belgrade",
pages = "356-363",
doi = "10.18485/arh_pt.2024.8.ch42"
Macut, N., Žišić, T.,& Ivanović-Šekularac, J.. (2024). Possibilities of staged renovation of reinforced concrete facades of multi-family buildings in the central zone of New Belgrade. in Keeping up with technologies to imagine and build together sustainable, inclusive, and beautiful cities [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 8th International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, Belgrade, 2023
Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture., 356-363.
Macut N, Žišić T, Ivanović-Šekularac J. Possibilities of staged renovation of reinforced concrete facades of multi-family buildings in the central zone of New Belgrade. in Keeping up with technologies to imagine and build together sustainable, inclusive, and beautiful cities [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 8th International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, Belgrade, 2023. 2024;:356-363.
doi:10.18485/arh_pt.2024.8.ch42 .
Macut, Nikola, Žišić, Tijana, Ivanović-Šekularac, Jelena, "Possibilities of staged renovation of reinforced concrete facades of multi-family buildings in the central zone of New Belgrade" in Keeping up with technologies to imagine and build together sustainable, inclusive, and beautiful cities [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 8th International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, Belgrade, 2023 (2024):356-363, . .

Reconstruction of the heritage building of the Žiča monastery for the purpose of sustainability

Šekularac, Nenad; Ivanović-Šekularac, Jelena; Macut, Nikola; Žišić, Tijana

(Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, 2024)

AU  - Šekularac, Nenad
AU  - Ivanović-Šekularac, Jelena
AU  - Macut, Nikola
AU  - Žišić, Tijana
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - The Žiča Monastery was built at the beginning of the 13th century, in Serbia, near the present-day town
of Kraljevo, in the village of Žiča, and was declared as a cultural monument of exceptional importance
in 1979. Even today, 800 years after its construction, the Žiča Monastery has high signifi cance and
represents an uninterrupted spiritual mission of the holy place for all Orthodox Serbs. The subject of the
research in this paper is the Dining Room within the Žiča Monastery property which was built in 1935.
The aim of the paper is to present a methodology which deals with sustainability and reconstruction
in case of adaptive re-use of historic buildings in accordance with modern needs. Restoration of
historic buildings that includes energy refurbishment measures will ensure successful reuse of
them. An appropriate systematic approach of the reconstruction of heritage buildings is crucial in its
preservation. All interventions on historic buildings, aimed at restoring and improving energy effi ciency,
are a reversible process and can be done in accordance with the conservation requirements.
The results of the research are recommendations for the restoration and adaptive re-use of historic
buildings, while meeting modern requirements for comfort and environmental protection. The greatest
contribution of this paper is the practical verifi cation of energy refurbishment of the restored historic
building, the Dining Room, by applying the principles and measures of energy effi ciency, maintaining
its authentic appearance. The possibility of practical verifi cation of the achieved results by applying
the principles and measures of energy effi ciency in the restoration of the listed historic building is of
great signifi cance.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture
C3  - Keeping up with technologies to imagine and build together sustainable, inclusive, and beautiful cities [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 8th International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, Belgrade, 2023
T1  - Reconstruction of the heritage building of the Žiča monastery for the purpose of sustainability
SP  - 364
EP  - 370
DO  - 10.18485/arh_pt.2024.8.ch43
ER  - 
author = "Šekularac, Nenad and Ivanović-Šekularac, Jelena and Macut, Nikola and Žišić, Tijana",
year = "2024",
abstract = "The Žiča Monastery was built at the beginning of the 13th century, in Serbia, near the present-day town
of Kraljevo, in the village of Žiča, and was declared as a cultural monument of exceptional importance
in 1979. Even today, 800 years after its construction, the Žiča Monastery has high signifi cance and
represents an uninterrupted spiritual mission of the holy place for all Orthodox Serbs. The subject of the
research in this paper is the Dining Room within the Žiča Monastery property which was built in 1935.
The aim of the paper is to present a methodology which deals with sustainability and reconstruction
in case of adaptive re-use of historic buildings in accordance with modern needs. Restoration of
historic buildings that includes energy refurbishment measures will ensure successful reuse of
them. An appropriate systematic approach of the reconstruction of heritage buildings is crucial in its
preservation. All interventions on historic buildings, aimed at restoring and improving energy effi ciency,
are a reversible process and can be done in accordance with the conservation requirements.
The results of the research are recommendations for the restoration and adaptive re-use of historic
buildings, while meeting modern requirements for comfort and environmental protection. The greatest
contribution of this paper is the practical verifi cation of energy refurbishment of the restored historic
building, the Dining Room, by applying the principles and measures of energy effi ciency, maintaining
its authentic appearance. The possibility of practical verifi cation of the achieved results by applying
the principles and measures of energy effi ciency in the restoration of the listed historic building is of
great signifi cance.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture",
journal = "Keeping up with technologies to imagine and build together sustainable, inclusive, and beautiful cities [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 8th International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, Belgrade, 2023",
title = "Reconstruction of the heritage building of the Žiča monastery for the purpose of sustainability",
pages = "364-370",
doi = "10.18485/arh_pt.2024.8.ch43"
Šekularac, N., Ivanović-Šekularac, J., Macut, N.,& Žišić, T.. (2024). Reconstruction of the heritage building of the Žiča monastery for the purpose of sustainability. in Keeping up with technologies to imagine and build together sustainable, inclusive, and beautiful cities [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 8th International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, Belgrade, 2023
Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture., 364-370.
Šekularac N, Ivanović-Šekularac J, Macut N, Žišić T. Reconstruction of the heritage building of the Žiča monastery for the purpose of sustainability. in Keeping up with technologies to imagine and build together sustainable, inclusive, and beautiful cities [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 8th International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, Belgrade, 2023. 2024;:364-370.
doi:10.18485/arh_pt.2024.8.ch43 .
Šekularac, Nenad, Ivanović-Šekularac, Jelena, Macut, Nikola, Žišić, Tijana, "Reconstruction of the heritage building of the Žiča monastery for the purpose of sustainability" in Keeping up with technologies to imagine and build together sustainable, inclusive, and beautiful cities [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 8th International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, Belgrade, 2023 (2024):364-370, . .

Формирање модела обнове армиранобетонских фасада на примеру вишепородичних зграда Новог Београда

Мацут, Никола М.

(Универзитет у Београду - Архитектонски факултет, 2022)

AU  - Мацут, Никола М.
PY  - 2022
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Основни циљ истраживања у раду представља процес успостављања модела обнове армиранобетонских фасада на основу њихове валоризације. У склопу процеса валоризације обрађене су вишепородичне зграде које су изграђене у периоду од 1958. до 1980. године са простора блокова 1 и 2 и централне зоне Новог Београда. Заједничка карактеристика зграда је да садрже армиранобетонске фасаде као доминантне чиниоце њихове материјализације и да представљају значајне примере домаће архитектуре који се третирају као архитектонско наслеђе, што је и био предуслов у склопу процеса избора адекватних примера архитектонских решења. Анализом структуре фасадних склопова изабраних зграда и осталих релевантних чињеница које су за њих везане, као и за савремене приступе обнови зграда, успостављени су одређени фактори у виду критеријума и ограничења. Дати фактори су заједно са дефинисаним циљевима обнове у виду: санације, енергетске санације и задржавања оригиналног изгледа фасада, послужили за формирање разноврсних модела обнове. Модели према свом карактеру представљају начине обнове у домену парцијалних и свеобухватних обнова нетранспарентних и транспарентних зона армиранобетонских фасадних склопова. Формирани модели обнове и ефекти њихове примене су анализирани на примерима изабраних зграда у виду студија случаја. Основни закључак након реализације студија случаја показује да ефикасност примене модела обнове може зависити од: форме објекта и фасадних елемената, конструкције фасадних елемената, примењених материјала, као и статуса објекта у случају када објекат представља културно добро. На основу свих релевантних података у раду, формиран је образац у виду упитника који се може примењивати у процесу одабира адекватног модела обнове армиранобетонских фасада вишепородичних зграда у реалним ситуацијама.
AB  - The main goal of the research in dissertation is the process of establishing renovation models for reinforced concrete facades based on their valorization. As part of the valorization process, multifamily buildings that were built in the period from 1958 to 1980 from the area of blocks 1 and 2 and the central zone of New Belgrade were processed. A common feature of buildings is that they contain reinforced concrete facades as the dominant factors of their materialization and represent significant examples of domestic architecture that are treated as architectural heritage, which was a prerequisite in the process of selecting adequate examples of architectural designs. The analysis of the structure of the facade assemblies of selected buildings and other relevant facts related to them, as well as modern approaches to the renovation of buildings, established certain factors in the form of criteria and limitations. The given factors, together with the defined goals of the renovation in the form of: renovation, energy rehabilitation and preservation of the original appearance of the facades, served to form various models of renovation. According to their character, the models represent ways of renovation in the domain of partial and comprehensive renovations of non-transparent and transparent zones of reinforced concrete facade assemblies. The formed models of renovation and the effects of their application were analyzed on the examples of selected buildings in the form of case studies. The basic conclusion after the case studies shows that the efficiency of the renovation models may depend on: the shape of the building and facade elements, construction of facade elements, applied materials, as well as the status of the building in case the building is a cultural property. Based on all relevant data in dissertation, form of a questionnaire is formed so that can be used in the process of selecting an adequate model for the renovation of reinforced concrete facades of multifamily buildings in real situations.
PB  - Универзитет у Београду - Архитектонски факултет
T2  - Универзитет у Београду
T1  - Формирање модела обнове армиранобетонских фасада на примеру вишепородичних зграда Новог Београда
T1  - Formation of renovation models for reinforced concrete facades on the example of multifamily buildings of New Belgrade
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Мацут, Никола М.",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Основни циљ истраживања у раду представља процес успостављања модела обнове армиранобетонских фасада на основу њихове валоризације. У склопу процеса валоризације обрађене су вишепородичне зграде које су изграђене у периоду од 1958. до 1980. године са простора блокова 1 и 2 и централне зоне Новог Београда. Заједничка карактеристика зграда је да садрже армиранобетонске фасаде као доминантне чиниоце њихове материјализације и да представљају значајне примере домаће архитектуре који се третирају као архитектонско наслеђе, што је и био предуслов у склопу процеса избора адекватних примера архитектонских решења. Анализом структуре фасадних склопова изабраних зграда и осталих релевантних чињеница које су за њих везане, као и за савремене приступе обнови зграда, успостављени су одређени фактори у виду критеријума и ограничења. Дати фактори су заједно са дефинисаним циљевима обнове у виду: санације, енергетске санације и задржавања оригиналног изгледа фасада, послужили за формирање разноврсних модела обнове. Модели према свом карактеру представљају начине обнове у домену парцијалних и свеобухватних обнова нетранспарентних и транспарентних зона армиранобетонских фасадних склопова. Формирани модели обнове и ефекти њихове примене су анализирани на примерима изабраних зграда у виду студија случаја. Основни закључак након реализације студија случаја показује да ефикасност примене модела обнове може зависити од: форме објекта и фасадних елемената, конструкције фасадних елемената, примењених материјала, као и статуса објекта у случају када објекат представља културно добро. На основу свих релевантних података у раду, формиран је образац у виду упитника који се може примењивати у процесу одабира адекватног модела обнове армиранобетонских фасада вишепородичних зграда у реалним ситуацијама., The main goal of the research in dissertation is the process of establishing renovation models for reinforced concrete facades based on their valorization. As part of the valorization process, multifamily buildings that were built in the period from 1958 to 1980 from the area of blocks 1 and 2 and the central zone of New Belgrade were processed. A common feature of buildings is that they contain reinforced concrete facades as the dominant factors of their materialization and represent significant examples of domestic architecture that are treated as architectural heritage, which was a prerequisite in the process of selecting adequate examples of architectural designs. The analysis of the structure of the facade assemblies of selected buildings and other relevant facts related to them, as well as modern approaches to the renovation of buildings, established certain factors in the form of criteria and limitations. The given factors, together with the defined goals of the renovation in the form of: renovation, energy rehabilitation and preservation of the original appearance of the facades, served to form various models of renovation. According to their character, the models represent ways of renovation in the domain of partial and comprehensive renovations of non-transparent and transparent zones of reinforced concrete facade assemblies. The formed models of renovation and the effects of their application were analyzed on the examples of selected buildings in the form of case studies. The basic conclusion after the case studies shows that the efficiency of the renovation models may depend on: the shape of the building and facade elements, construction of facade elements, applied materials, as well as the status of the building in case the building is a cultural property. Based on all relevant data in dissertation, form of a questionnaire is formed so that can be used in the process of selecting an adequate model for the renovation of reinforced concrete facades of multifamily buildings in real situations.",
publisher = "Универзитет у Београду - Архитектонски факултет",
journal = "Универзитет у Београду",
title = "Формирање модела обнове армиранобетонских фасада на примеру вишепородичних зграда Новог Београда, Formation of renovation models for reinforced concrete facades on the example of multifamily buildings of New Belgrade",
url = ""
Мацут, Н. М.. (2022). Формирање модела обнове армиранобетонских фасада на примеру вишепородичних зграда Новог Београда. in Универзитет у Београду
Универзитет у Београду - Архитектонски факултет..
Мацут НМ. Формирање модела обнове армиранобетонских фасада на примеру вишепородичних зграда Новог Београда. in Универзитет у Београду. 2022;. .
Мацут, Никола М., "Формирање модела обнове армиранобетонских фасада на примеру вишепородичних зграда Новог Београда" in Универзитет у Београду (2022), .

Restoration of a Historic Building in Order to Improve Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving—Case Study—The Dining Room within the Žiča Monastery Property

Šekularac, Nenad; Ivanović-Šekularac, Jelena; Petrovski, Aleksandar; Macut, Nikola; Radojević, Milan

(Basel : MDPI AG, 2020)

AU  - Šekularac, Nenad
AU  - Ivanović-Šekularac, Jelena
AU  - Petrovski, Aleksandar
AU  - Macut, Nikola
AU  - Radojević, Milan
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - A proper systematic approach to the restoration of historic buildings is crucial in the
preservation of heritage buildings. This paper presents the unity between the restoration of a
historic building and sustainability. The aim of the research is to establish an effective method for
the restoration of historic buildings and their reuse and sustainable renovation in terms of energy
efficiency, in accordance with modern needs and conservation requirements while maintaining the
authentic appearance. The main method in the paper is the observation of a historic building during
its restoration and exploitation, analysis and evaluation of the results achieved in improving energy
efficiency and energy saving in the example of the building within the Žica Monastery in Serbia, a
cultural monument of exceptional importance. The subject of the research is the Dining Room within
the Žiˇca Monastery and the analysis of the restoration results in order to ensure energy refurbishment
and cultural heritage enhancement. The research findings are recommendations for the restoration
and adaptive re-use of historic buildings, in accordance with modern requirements for comfort and
environmental protection. The greatest contribution of this paper is the practical verification of energy
refurbishment of the restored historic building, the Dining Room, by applying the principles and
measures of energy efficiency, maintaining the authentic appearance of the building, in accordance
with the conservation requirements.
PB  - Basel : MDPI AG
T2  - Sustainability
T1  - Restoration of a Historic Building in Order to Improve Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving—Case Study—The Dining Room within the Žiča Monastery Property
VL  - 12
IS  - 15
SP  - 6271
DO  - 10.3390/su12156271
ER  - 
author = "Šekularac, Nenad and Ivanović-Šekularac, Jelena and Petrovski, Aleksandar and Macut, Nikola and Radojević, Milan",
year = "2020",
abstract = "A proper systematic approach to the restoration of historic buildings is crucial in the
preservation of heritage buildings. This paper presents the unity between the restoration of a
historic building and sustainability. The aim of the research is to establish an effective method for
the restoration of historic buildings and their reuse and sustainable renovation in terms of energy
efficiency, in accordance with modern needs and conservation requirements while maintaining the
authentic appearance. The main method in the paper is the observation of a historic building during
its restoration and exploitation, analysis and evaluation of the results achieved in improving energy
efficiency and energy saving in the example of the building within the Žica Monastery in Serbia, a
cultural monument of exceptional importance. The subject of the research is the Dining Room within
the Žiˇca Monastery and the analysis of the restoration results in order to ensure energy refurbishment
and cultural heritage enhancement. The research findings are recommendations for the restoration
and adaptive re-use of historic buildings, in accordance with modern requirements for comfort and
environmental protection. The greatest contribution of this paper is the practical verification of energy
refurbishment of the restored historic building, the Dining Room, by applying the principles and
measures of energy efficiency, maintaining the authentic appearance of the building, in accordance
with the conservation requirements.",
publisher = "Basel : MDPI AG",
journal = "Sustainability",
title = "Restoration of a Historic Building in Order to Improve Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving—Case Study—The Dining Room within the Žiča Monastery Property",
volume = "12",
number = "15",
pages = "6271",
doi = "10.3390/su12156271"
Šekularac, N., Ivanović-Šekularac, J., Petrovski, A., Macut, N.,& Radojević, M.. (2020). Restoration of a Historic Building in Order to Improve Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving—Case Study—The Dining Room within the Žiča Monastery Property. in Sustainability
Basel : MDPI AG., 12(15), 6271.
Šekularac N, Ivanović-Šekularac J, Petrovski A, Macut N, Radojević M. Restoration of a Historic Building in Order to Improve Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving—Case Study—The Dining Room within the Žiča Monastery Property. in Sustainability. 2020;12(15):6271.
doi:10.3390/su12156271 .
Šekularac, Nenad, Ivanović-Šekularac, Jelena, Petrovski, Aleksandar, Macut, Nikola, Radojević, Milan, "Restoration of a Historic Building in Order to Improve Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving—Case Study—The Dining Room within the Žiča Monastery Property" in Sustainability, 12, no. 15 (2020):6271, . .

Preservation of original appearance of exposed concrete facades, case study: residential Block 23, New Belgrade

Macut, Nikola; Radivojević, Ana

(Belgrade : University, Faculty of Architecture, 2018)

AU  - Macut, Nikola
AU  - Radivojević, Ana
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Block 23, located in New Belgrade presents multifamily residential block constructed during
1970s. It was designed in the manner of the era of Brutalism. Consequently, exposed concrete
was selected and applied as the main material for bearing structures and façade envelopes.
This period was typical for the mass production of multifamily buildings and in the efforts to
perform faster construction of buildings, prefabricated building systems were in use.
Technique of prefabricated production enabled the production of specific shapes of façade elements.
Therefore, architects of the buildings in the Block 23 designed different types of facade
elements resulting with specific architectural expression of this urban complex. In general,
facade elements can be classified in specific groups by their shapes and dimensions. In the
analysed block, five main groups of elements are present such as: parapets, one storey panels,
linear elements, panels between windows and decorative elements.
After approximately 40 years of exploitation followed with different causes of damages and
decay of exposed concrete, the condition of those elements deteriorated and they need to be
reconstructed and renovated. Since these buildings do not fulfill the requirements of nowadays
regulation regarding energy efficiency of buildings they also require energy rehabilitation.
Having all this in mind, this paper strives to analyse potential solutions for reconstruction and
energy renovation of these prefabricated concrete facades with respect to the need of preservation
of their original appearence. This complex problem is supported by the fact that the block
has the status of previous protection as the architectural and cultural heritage of one important
period of Serbian architecture.
PB  - Belgrade : University, Faculty of Architecture
C3  - Conference Proceedings [Elektronski izvor] / 5th international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, [Belgrade]
T1  - Preservation of original appearance of exposed concrete facades, case study: residential Block 23, New Belgrade
SP  - 517
EP  - 525
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Macut, Nikola and Radivojević, Ana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Block 23, located in New Belgrade presents multifamily residential block constructed during
1970s. It was designed in the manner of the era of Brutalism. Consequently, exposed concrete
was selected and applied as the main material for bearing structures and façade envelopes.
This period was typical for the mass production of multifamily buildings and in the efforts to
perform faster construction of buildings, prefabricated building systems were in use.
Technique of prefabricated production enabled the production of specific shapes of façade elements.
Therefore, architects of the buildings in the Block 23 designed different types of facade
elements resulting with specific architectural expression of this urban complex. In general,
facade elements can be classified in specific groups by their shapes and dimensions. In the
analysed block, five main groups of elements are present such as: parapets, one storey panels,
linear elements, panels between windows and decorative elements.
After approximately 40 years of exploitation followed with different causes of damages and
decay of exposed concrete, the condition of those elements deteriorated and they need to be
reconstructed and renovated. Since these buildings do not fulfill the requirements of nowadays
regulation regarding energy efficiency of buildings they also require energy rehabilitation.
Having all this in mind, this paper strives to analyse potential solutions for reconstruction and
energy renovation of these prefabricated concrete facades with respect to the need of preservation
of their original appearence. This complex problem is supported by the fact that the block
has the status of previous protection as the architectural and cultural heritage of one important
period of Serbian architecture.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University, Faculty of Architecture",
journal = "Conference Proceedings [Elektronski izvor] / 5th international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, [Belgrade]",
title = "Preservation of original appearance of exposed concrete facades, case study: residential Block 23, New Belgrade",
pages = "517-525",
url = ""
Macut, N.,& Radivojević, A.. (2018). Preservation of original appearance of exposed concrete facades, case study: residential Block 23, New Belgrade. in Conference Proceedings [Elektronski izvor] / 5th international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, [Belgrade]
Belgrade : University, Faculty of Architecture., 517-525.
Macut N, Radivojević A. Preservation of original appearance of exposed concrete facades, case study: residential Block 23, New Belgrade. in Conference Proceedings [Elektronski izvor] / 5th international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, [Belgrade]. 2018;:517-525. .
Macut, Nikola, Radivojević, Ana, "Preservation of original appearance of exposed concrete facades, case study: residential Block 23, New Belgrade" in Conference Proceedings [Elektronski izvor] / 5th international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, [Belgrade] (2018):517-525, .

Possibilities for the use of geothermal energy in new residential buildings in Serbia, case study Urban Blocks in City of Kragujevac

Macut, Nikola; Jovanović-Popović, Milica; Andrić, Snežana

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča, Beograd, 2018)

AU  - Macut, Nikola
AU  - Jovanović-Popović, Milica
AU  - Andrić, Snežana
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Use of RES is an important element for achieving ambitious results for CO2 emission reduction in EU, emphasized and obligated by RES Directive, among other documents. In Serbia, as a candidate country and a signatory of Energy treaty, targets set by relevant documents reflect in benchmarks set by National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency, setting the level of reduction of energy consumption until 2018 for 9%, with more ambitious projections up to 2030. This calls for extensive research of possibilities for the use of renewable energy in buildings, its potentials and possible restrictions. Since the Directive states that low amount of energy required should be covered to a very significant extent by energy from renewable sources, including energy from renewable sources produced on-site or nearby, an investigation of possibilities for application of geothermal ground probes for a typical residential urban block in the city of Kragujevac is presented. This enables analysis of limitations imposed by legal and physical conditions: planning guidelines, type of ground, functional requests and infrastructural capacities. Typology of characteristic urban block layouts for residential buildings is generated, leading to projections of possible area covered with ground probes and calculations of relevant energy needed for heating, based on current regulations on energy efficiency in buildings. From these calculations, percentage of defined energy needs from possible geothermal ground probes is defined, enabling estimation of geothermal energy potential for new residential building blocks.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča, Beograd
T2  - Thermal Science
T1  - Possibilities for the use of geothermal energy in new residential buildings in Serbia, case study Urban Blocks in City of Kragujevac
VL  - 22
SP  - 1195
EP  - 1204
DO  - 10.2298/TSCI170602221M
ER  - 
author = "Macut, Nikola and Jovanović-Popović, Milica and Andrić, Snežana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Use of RES is an important element for achieving ambitious results for CO2 emission reduction in EU, emphasized and obligated by RES Directive, among other documents. In Serbia, as a candidate country and a signatory of Energy treaty, targets set by relevant documents reflect in benchmarks set by National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency, setting the level of reduction of energy consumption until 2018 for 9%, with more ambitious projections up to 2030. This calls for extensive research of possibilities for the use of renewable energy in buildings, its potentials and possible restrictions. Since the Directive states that low amount of energy required should be covered to a very significant extent by energy from renewable sources, including energy from renewable sources produced on-site or nearby, an investigation of possibilities for application of geothermal ground probes for a typical residential urban block in the city of Kragujevac is presented. This enables analysis of limitations imposed by legal and physical conditions: planning guidelines, type of ground, functional requests and infrastructural capacities. Typology of characteristic urban block layouts for residential buildings is generated, leading to projections of possible area covered with ground probes and calculations of relevant energy needed for heating, based on current regulations on energy efficiency in buildings. From these calculations, percentage of defined energy needs from possible geothermal ground probes is defined, enabling estimation of geothermal energy potential for new residential building blocks.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča, Beograd",
journal = "Thermal Science",
title = "Possibilities for the use of geothermal energy in new residential buildings in Serbia, case study Urban Blocks in City of Kragujevac",
volume = "22",
pages = "1195-1204",
doi = "10.2298/TSCI170602221M"
Macut, N., Jovanović-Popović, M.,& Andrić, S.. (2018). Possibilities for the use of geothermal energy in new residential buildings in Serbia, case study Urban Blocks in City of Kragujevac. in Thermal Science
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča, Beograd., 22, 1195-1204.
Macut N, Jovanović-Popović M, Andrić S. Possibilities for the use of geothermal energy in new residential buildings in Serbia, case study Urban Blocks in City of Kragujevac. in Thermal Science. 2018;22:1195-1204.
doi:10.2298/TSCI170602221M .
Macut, Nikola, Jovanović-Popović, Milica, Andrić, Snežana, "Possibilities for the use of geothermal energy in new residential buildings in Serbia, case study Urban Blocks in City of Kragujevac" in Thermal Science, 22 (2018):1195-1204, . .

Development for CO2 emissions reduction by the use of solar thermal collectors in the process of urban planning

Andrić, Snežana; Jovanović-Popović, Milica; Macut, Nikola

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča, Beograd, 2018)

AU  - Andrić, Snežana
AU  - Jovanović-Popović, Milica
AU  - Macut, Nikola
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Using RES is one of the most important characteristics of the sustainable and resilient development. Nowadays, need to minimize CO2 emissions is obligatory, especially in the sector of urban and architectural planning, since in Serbia approximately 50% of produced energy is spent in buildings. The CO2 emission, in urban structures, can and must be reduced at the different levels: building level, block, and city level. For the city of Kragujevac, based on urban parameters defined in General Urban Plan, typical urban block was chosen and typical building structure developed. Calculation were made, based on recommendations developed by the Ministry of mining and energy and Serbian regulations, for the energy needed for domestic hot water preparation. In this paper, the influences of architectural and urban parameters on the use of solar thermal collectors at the typical building and urban block level is investigated. Recommendations are prepared for principles of urban and architectural design in order to enable the use of collectors for domestic hot water preparation and in that way CO2 emission reduction. Developed methodology for the city of Kragujevac can be applied in defining design principles in whole the country and Balkans region, not only for the use of solar thermal collectors but also for the use of other RES.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča, Beograd
T2  - Thermal Science
T1  - Development for CO2 emissions reduction by the use of solar thermal collectors in the process of urban planning
VL  - 22
SP  - 1249
EP  - 1258
DO  - 10.2298/TSCI170601222A
ER  - 
author = "Andrić, Snežana and Jovanović-Popović, Milica and Macut, Nikola",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Using RES is one of the most important characteristics of the sustainable and resilient development. Nowadays, need to minimize CO2 emissions is obligatory, especially in the sector of urban and architectural planning, since in Serbia approximately 50% of produced energy is spent in buildings. The CO2 emission, in urban structures, can and must be reduced at the different levels: building level, block, and city level. For the city of Kragujevac, based on urban parameters defined in General Urban Plan, typical urban block was chosen and typical building structure developed. Calculation were made, based on recommendations developed by the Ministry of mining and energy and Serbian regulations, for the energy needed for domestic hot water preparation. In this paper, the influences of architectural and urban parameters on the use of solar thermal collectors at the typical building and urban block level is investigated. Recommendations are prepared for principles of urban and architectural design in order to enable the use of collectors for domestic hot water preparation and in that way CO2 emission reduction. Developed methodology for the city of Kragujevac can be applied in defining design principles in whole the country and Balkans region, not only for the use of solar thermal collectors but also for the use of other RES.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča, Beograd",
journal = "Thermal Science",
title = "Development for CO2 emissions reduction by the use of solar thermal collectors in the process of urban planning",
volume = "22",
pages = "1249-1258",
doi = "10.2298/TSCI170601222A"
Andrić, S., Jovanović-Popović, M.,& Macut, N.. (2018). Development for CO2 emissions reduction by the use of solar thermal collectors in the process of urban planning. in Thermal Science
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča, Beograd., 22, 1249-1258.
Andrić S, Jovanović-Popović M, Macut N. Development for CO2 emissions reduction by the use of solar thermal collectors in the process of urban planning. in Thermal Science. 2018;22:1249-1258.
doi:10.2298/TSCI170601222A .
Andrić, Snežana, Jovanović-Popović, Milica, Macut, Nikola, "Development for CO2 emissions reduction by the use of solar thermal collectors in the process of urban planning" in Thermal Science, 22 (2018):1249-1258, . .

Preservation of authentic expression of prefabricated concrete facades - case study: residential building in block 29, New Belgrade

Macut, Nikola; Radivojević, Ana

(Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, 2017)

AU  - Macut, Nikola
AU  - Radivojević, Ana
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Concrete and brick were typical materials of building fabric of multifamily residential buildings from Belgrade, from the 1960s until the 1980s. This was the period of intensive building construction, supported and financed by the state, when new parts of the Belgrade were erected, and New Belgrade was one of such new residential settlements. High intensity of construction that was typical for the period in question was followed by the application of various prefabricated construction systems that offered possibilities of creating diverse design solutions.
Nowadays efforts to improve the quality of existing residential buildings through the implementation of energy rehabilitation measures, raises the question of the need for preservation of original appearance. When such need exists, usual energy renovation measures such as addition of external thermal insulation and finishing layers are not considered appropriate. Therefore, such buildings seek for other type of intervention on the existing building fabric.
Having this in mind, this paper presents a case study of one of the residential buildings from the Block 29 in New Belgrade, designed by the Serbian architects Milosav Mitić and Mihailo Čanak during the 1960s.Thanks to its architectural values, today this blockhas the status of previous protection.Three main types of materialisation prevail on the building’s façade planes: concrete prefabricated elements with ceramic tiles as finishing, elements with exposed concrete and bricks applied on the walls. Today this building is approximately 50 years old, so the prefabricated facade elements are not in good condition and needs to be
repaired, but the building as a whole also needs to be energy renovated. Taking it all into account, problems and potential solutions of energy renovation and repair of prefabricated concrete facades that preserve their original appearance are examined on the example of the selected residential building.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture
PB  - Belgrade : Balkan Arcitectural Biennale
C3  - Book of Abstracts / International Conference "Balkan Patterns in Urbanism and Architecture: Challenges" [within] Balkan Architectural Biennale, 19-22.12.2017, Belgrade
T1  - Preservation of authentic expression of prefabricated concrete facades - case study: residential building in block 29, New Belgrade
SP  - 82
EP  - 82
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Macut, Nikola and Radivojević, Ana",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Concrete and brick were typical materials of building fabric of multifamily residential buildings from Belgrade, from the 1960s until the 1980s. This was the period of intensive building construction, supported and financed by the state, when new parts of the Belgrade were erected, and New Belgrade was one of such new residential settlements. High intensity of construction that was typical for the period in question was followed by the application of various prefabricated construction systems that offered possibilities of creating diverse design solutions.
Nowadays efforts to improve the quality of existing residential buildings through the implementation of energy rehabilitation measures, raises the question of the need for preservation of original appearance. When such need exists, usual energy renovation measures such as addition of external thermal insulation and finishing layers are not considered appropriate. Therefore, such buildings seek for other type of intervention on the existing building fabric.
Having this in mind, this paper presents a case study of one of the residential buildings from the Block 29 in New Belgrade, designed by the Serbian architects Milosav Mitić and Mihailo Čanak during the 1960s.Thanks to its architectural values, today this blockhas the status of previous protection.Three main types of materialisation prevail on the building’s façade planes: concrete prefabricated elements with ceramic tiles as finishing, elements with exposed concrete and bricks applied on the walls. Today this building is approximately 50 years old, so the prefabricated facade elements are not in good condition and needs to be
repaired, but the building as a whole also needs to be energy renovated. Taking it all into account, problems and potential solutions of energy renovation and repair of prefabricated concrete facades that preserve their original appearance are examined on the example of the selected residential building.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade : Balkan Arcitectural Biennale",
journal = "Book of Abstracts / International Conference "Balkan Patterns in Urbanism and Architecture: Challenges" [within] Balkan Architectural Biennale, 19-22.12.2017, Belgrade",
title = "Preservation of authentic expression of prefabricated concrete facades - case study: residential building in block 29, New Belgrade",
pages = "82-82",
url = ""
Macut, N.,& Radivojević, A.. (2017). Preservation of authentic expression of prefabricated concrete facades - case study: residential building in block 29, New Belgrade. in Book of Abstracts / International Conference "Balkan Patterns in Urbanism and Architecture: Challenges" [within] Balkan Architectural Biennale, 19-22.12.2017, Belgrade
Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture., 82-82.
Macut N, Radivojević A. Preservation of authentic expression of prefabricated concrete facades - case study: residential building in block 29, New Belgrade. in Book of Abstracts / International Conference "Balkan Patterns in Urbanism and Architecture: Challenges" [within] Balkan Architectural Biennale, 19-22.12.2017, Belgrade. 2017;:82-82. .
Macut, Nikola, Radivojević, Ana, "Preservation of authentic expression of prefabricated concrete facades - case study: residential building in block 29, New Belgrade" in Book of Abstracts / International Conference "Balkan Patterns in Urbanism and Architecture: Challenges" [within] Balkan Architectural Biennale, 19-22.12.2017, Belgrade (2017):82-82, .

Problem of protection of original appearance of prefabricated concrete facades and energy improvement measures - example of New Belgrade

Macut, Nikola; Radivojević, Ana

(Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, 2016)

AU  - Macut, Nikola
AU  - Radivojević, Ana
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - As a result of renewal of the Serbian capital after the World War II, a newly built residential
settlement named New Belgrade was erected on the left bank of the river Sava. The most
intensive time of its construction includes the period from 1950 to 1980, when prefabricated
construction systems were omnipresent. As a manner and reflection of that time, diverse design
solutions were applied on residential buildings from New Belgrade in which concrete was the
main façade material. The most widespread finishes were: exposed concrete panels with
different textures and reliefs; coated, i.e. painted concrete panels; concrete panels with ceramic
tiles finishing; combined façades of exposed concrete and brick.
Today, in many cases of New Belgrade residential blocks, there are serious damages of concrete
façades that require extensive repair. At the same time, some of the blocks enjoy the status of
previous protection as cultural monuments. On the other hand, referring to existing buildings, the
question of energy efficiency as one of the imperatives of nowadays building practice implies the
need for additional thermal insulation along the building’s thermal envelope. This type of
intervention is, in most of the cases, applied externally, representing in this way a measure that
might significantly change the original building appearance. In both cases, preservation of
appearance of concrete façades is questionable, which raises the problem of protection of
original appearance of analysed buildings.
This paper strives to present the overview of the applied concrete façades and their present
condition in selected residential blocks from New Belgrade in the light of energy performance of
their facade envelopes in the present state. This review should point out potentials and
limitations for their further improvement having in mind the need for preservation of authenticity
of the analysed buildings.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture
C3  - Conference Proceedings [Elektronski izvor] / 3rd international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, [14-15.04.2016, Belgrade]
T1  - Problem of protection of original appearance of prefabricated concrete facades and energy improvement measures - example of New Belgrade
SP  - 51
EP  - 58
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Macut, Nikola and Radivojević, Ana",
year = "2016",
abstract = "As a result of renewal of the Serbian capital after the World War II, a newly built residential
settlement named New Belgrade was erected on the left bank of the river Sava. The most
intensive time of its construction includes the period from 1950 to 1980, when prefabricated
construction systems were omnipresent. As a manner and reflection of that time, diverse design
solutions were applied on residential buildings from New Belgrade in which concrete was the
main façade material. The most widespread finishes were: exposed concrete panels with
different textures and reliefs; coated, i.e. painted concrete panels; concrete panels with ceramic
tiles finishing; combined façades of exposed concrete and brick.
Today, in many cases of New Belgrade residential blocks, there are serious damages of concrete
façades that require extensive repair. At the same time, some of the blocks enjoy the status of
previous protection as cultural monuments. On the other hand, referring to existing buildings, the
question of energy efficiency as one of the imperatives of nowadays building practice implies the
need for additional thermal insulation along the building’s thermal envelope. This type of
intervention is, in most of the cases, applied externally, representing in this way a measure that
might significantly change the original building appearance. In both cases, preservation of
appearance of concrete façades is questionable, which raises the problem of protection of
original appearance of analysed buildings.
This paper strives to present the overview of the applied concrete façades and their present
condition in selected residential blocks from New Belgrade in the light of energy performance of
their facade envelopes in the present state. This review should point out potentials and
limitations for their further improvement having in mind the need for preservation of authenticity
of the analysed buildings.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture",
journal = "Conference Proceedings [Elektronski izvor] / 3rd international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, [14-15.04.2016, Belgrade]",
title = "Problem of protection of original appearance of prefabricated concrete facades and energy improvement measures - example of New Belgrade",
pages = "51-58",
url = ""
Macut, N.,& Radivojević, A.. (2016). Problem of protection of original appearance of prefabricated concrete facades and energy improvement measures - example of New Belgrade. in Conference Proceedings [Elektronski izvor] / 3rd international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, [14-15.04.2016, Belgrade]
Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture., 51-58.
Macut N, Radivojević A. Problem of protection of original appearance of prefabricated concrete facades and energy improvement measures - example of New Belgrade. in Conference Proceedings [Elektronski izvor] / 3rd international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, [14-15.04.2016, Belgrade]. 2016;:51-58. .
Macut, Nikola, Radivojević, Ana, "Problem of protection of original appearance of prefabricated concrete facades and energy improvement measures - example of New Belgrade" in Conference Proceedings [Elektronski izvor] / 3rd international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, [14-15.04.2016, Belgrade] (2016):51-58, .

Prefabricated concrete facades and their existing condition: Case study of New Belgrade's residential buildings

Macut, Nikola; Radivojević, Ana

(CRC Press/Balkema, 2016)

AU  - Macut, Nikola
AU  - Radivojević, Ana
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Prefabricated construction systems were omnipresent in the period of large reconstruction of Serbia after the World War II. During the period from late 1950s until the 1980s, concrete was a prevailing material for bearing structures and facade envelopes. Being a newly built residential settlement of the Serbian capital - Belgrade, New Belgrade is selected as a fine example of the use of prefabricated construction. As a manner and reflection of that time diverse design solutions were applied to residential buildings in which concrete was the main facade material. This paper is aimed at presenting an overview of the current facade condition. Through the process of recording and mapping of damages, it would be possible to classify them by the types of causes. In the light of preservation of authenticity, i.e. original appearance of the analyzed buildings, these results would be essential for planning any further intervention of their facade envelopes.
PB  - CRC Press/Balkema
C3  - Structural analysis of historical constructions: anamnesis, diagnosis, therapy, controls
T1  - Prefabricated concrete facades and their existing condition: Case study of New Belgrade's residential buildings
SP  - 901
EP  - 907
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Macut, Nikola and Radivojević, Ana",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Prefabricated construction systems were omnipresent in the period of large reconstruction of Serbia after the World War II. During the period from late 1950s until the 1980s, concrete was a prevailing material for bearing structures and facade envelopes. Being a newly built residential settlement of the Serbian capital - Belgrade, New Belgrade is selected as a fine example of the use of prefabricated construction. As a manner and reflection of that time diverse design solutions were applied to residential buildings in which concrete was the main facade material. This paper is aimed at presenting an overview of the current facade condition. Through the process of recording and mapping of damages, it would be possible to classify them by the types of causes. In the light of preservation of authenticity, i.e. original appearance of the analyzed buildings, these results would be essential for planning any further intervention of their facade envelopes.",
publisher = "CRC Press/Balkema",
journal = "Structural analysis of historical constructions: anamnesis, diagnosis, therapy, controls",
title = "Prefabricated concrete facades and their existing condition: Case study of New Belgrade's residential buildings",
pages = "901-907",
url = ""
Macut, N.,& Radivojević, A.. (2016). Prefabricated concrete facades and their existing condition: Case study of New Belgrade's residential buildings. in Structural analysis of historical constructions: anamnesis, diagnosis, therapy, controls
CRC Press/Balkema., 901-907.
Macut N, Radivojević A. Prefabricated concrete facades and their existing condition: Case study of New Belgrade's residential buildings. in Structural analysis of historical constructions: anamnesis, diagnosis, therapy, controls. 2016;:901-907. .
Macut, Nikola, Radivojević, Ana, "Prefabricated concrete facades and their existing condition: Case study of New Belgrade's residential buildings" in Structural analysis of historical constructions: anamnesis, diagnosis, therapy, controls (2016):901-907, .

Technological and environmental aspects of rapid housing construction

Macut, Nikola; Stanković, Bojana; Ćuković-Ignjatović, Nataša

(Belgrade : Faculty of Architecture, 2014)

AU  - Macut, Nikola
AU  - Stanković, Bojana
AU  - Ćuković-Ignjatović, Nataša
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Rapid construction is a contemporary issue in building practice, related, but not
restricted to Modern Methods of Construction (MMC), and similar production
philosophies. While rapid construction is a worldwide applied principle of
constructions of various typologies, this paper explores options of its application in
Serbian housing practice since housing construction is still prevailing in the overall
construction activity. Also, there is a significant historic background in domestic
practice of prefabricated construction systems which was omnipresent in housing
sector after World War II, giving remarkable results, both in number of constructed
dwellings and their architectural quality. Although this practice existed throughout
following decades, it was restricted to social and refugee settlements, and thus it did
not re-establish itself as dominant in domestic circumstances, partially because it did
not evolve in accordance with contemporary requirements. Most of all, contemporary
paradigm of sustainability requires a new approach towards this practice, stressing
the correlation between applied technologies and its environmental aspects, but also
its social and economic values. These aspects define rapid housing construction in
terms of applied constructive systems and materials, organization of building, issues
of pollution such as waste, noise and dust, and pollution generated by material
production and transport. This paper presents a study of contemporary practice of
rapid housing construction with definitions of its technological and environmental
aspects and perspectives of its application in domestic conditions.
PB  - Belgrade : Faculty of Architecture
C3  - Places and Technologies 2014 [Elektronski izvor] : keeping up with technologies to improve places : conference proceedings : 1st international academic conference, Belgrade, 3-4. April 2014
T1  - Technological and environmental aspects of rapid housing construction
SP  - 507
EP  - 514
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Macut, Nikola and Stanković, Bojana and Ćuković-Ignjatović, Nataša",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Rapid construction is a contemporary issue in building practice, related, but not
restricted to Modern Methods of Construction (MMC), and similar production
philosophies. While rapid construction is a worldwide applied principle of
constructions of various typologies, this paper explores options of its application in
Serbian housing practice since housing construction is still prevailing in the overall
construction activity. Also, there is a significant historic background in domestic
practice of prefabricated construction systems which was omnipresent in housing
sector after World War II, giving remarkable results, both in number of constructed
dwellings and their architectural quality. Although this practice existed throughout
following decades, it was restricted to social and refugee settlements, and thus it did
not re-establish itself as dominant in domestic circumstances, partially because it did
not evolve in accordance with contemporary requirements. Most of all, contemporary
paradigm of sustainability requires a new approach towards this practice, stressing
the correlation between applied technologies and its environmental aspects, but also
its social and economic values. These aspects define rapid housing construction in
terms of applied constructive systems and materials, organization of building, issues
of pollution such as waste, noise and dust, and pollution generated by material
production and transport. This paper presents a study of contemporary practice of
rapid housing construction with definitions of its technological and environmental
aspects and perspectives of its application in domestic conditions.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Faculty of Architecture",
journal = "Places and Technologies 2014 [Elektronski izvor] : keeping up with technologies to improve places : conference proceedings : 1st international academic conference, Belgrade, 3-4. April 2014",
title = "Technological and environmental aspects of rapid housing construction",
pages = "507-514",
url = ""
Macut, N., Stanković, B.,& Ćuković-Ignjatović, N.. (2014). Technological and environmental aspects of rapid housing construction. in Places and Technologies 2014 [Elektronski izvor] : keeping up with technologies to improve places : conference proceedings : 1st international academic conference, Belgrade, 3-4. April 2014
Belgrade : Faculty of Architecture., 507-514.
Macut N, Stanković B, Ćuković-Ignjatović N. Technological and environmental aspects of rapid housing construction. in Places and Technologies 2014 [Elektronski izvor] : keeping up with technologies to improve places : conference proceedings : 1st international academic conference, Belgrade, 3-4. April 2014. 2014;:507-514. .
Macut, Nikola, Stanković, Bojana, Ćuković-Ignjatović, Nataša, "Technological and environmental aspects of rapid housing construction" in Places and Technologies 2014 [Elektronski izvor] : keeping up with technologies to improve places : conference proceedings : 1st international academic conference, Belgrade, 3-4. April 2014 (2014):507-514, .