Krstić – Furundžić, Aleksandra

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Krstić – Furundžić, Aleksandra (2)
  • Krstić-Furundžić, Aleksandra (1)

Author's Bibliography

Trends in the integration of photovoltaic facilities into the built environment

Krstić – Furundžić, Aleksandra; Scognamiglio, Alessandra; Devetakovic, Mirjana; Frontini, Francesco; Sudimac, Budimir

(Emerald Publishing Limited, 2020)

AU  - Krstić – Furundžić, Aleksandra
AU  - Scognamiglio, Alessandra
AU  - Devetakovic, Mirjana
AU  - Frontini, Francesco
AU  - Sudimac, Budimir
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present a critical review of the key trends in the integration of
photovoltaic (PV) facilities into the built environment in cities. This is regarded as part of a series of measures
towards wider use of renewable energy sources.
Design/methodology/approach – The problem has been approached from the point that cities are
consumers of large amounts of energy. They require uninterrupted energy supply but with dynamic power
profile. Mainly consumption of energy generated from fossil fuels is present nowadays with significant
pollution of the environment as a consequence. The sustainable energy transition in cities means increasing
the supply of energy from renewable sources.
Findings – The paper points to the integration of PV renewable systems in the built environment,
opportunities and constraints, design conditions and tools. The consideration of the constraints which creates
urban environment is carried out to understand the complexity of selecting locations in the cities. The paper
gives an overview of the possibilities of PV systems integration in the built environment and discusses
physical limitations in the urban environment and simulation tools as well as challenges and research and
development issues.
Research limitations/implications – The paper offers a critical review of the PV applications which
have been illustrated with examples from developed countries. However, examples from developing markets
have not been considered. Future work would address this limitation and enable the discussion from a
comparative perspective.
Social implications – The study gives a comprehensive overview of PV integrations in contemporary
cities, stimulating architects’ practitioners to acquire the PV technology and aesthetics, and to apply it in
future developments.
Originality/value – Observing the use of PV applications from the perspective of architects and designers
the discussion and examples covered in this paper offers an original review, which provides the base future indepth studies on PV applications in various contexts.
PB  - Emerald Publishing Limited
T2  - Open House International
T1  - Trends in the integration of photovoltaic facilities into the built environment
VL  - 45
IS  - 1/2
SP  - 195
EP  - 207
DO  - 10.1108/OHI-04-2020-0015
ER  - 
author = "Krstić – Furundžić, Aleksandra and Scognamiglio, Alessandra and Devetakovic, Mirjana and Frontini, Francesco and Sudimac, Budimir",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present a critical review of the key trends in the integration of
photovoltaic (PV) facilities into the built environment in cities. This is regarded as part of a series of measures
towards wider use of renewable energy sources.
Design/methodology/approach – The problem has been approached from the point that cities are
consumers of large amounts of energy. They require uninterrupted energy supply but with dynamic power
profile. Mainly consumption of energy generated from fossil fuels is present nowadays with significant
pollution of the environment as a consequence. The sustainable energy transition in cities means increasing
the supply of energy from renewable sources.
Findings – The paper points to the integration of PV renewable systems in the built environment,
opportunities and constraints, design conditions and tools. The consideration of the constraints which creates
urban environment is carried out to understand the complexity of selecting locations in the cities. The paper
gives an overview of the possibilities of PV systems integration in the built environment and discusses
physical limitations in the urban environment and simulation tools as well as challenges and research and
development issues.
Research limitations/implications – The paper offers a critical review of the PV applications which
have been illustrated with examples from developed countries. However, examples from developing markets
have not been considered. Future work would address this limitation and enable the discussion from a
comparative perspective.
Social implications – The study gives a comprehensive overview of PV integrations in contemporary
cities, stimulating architects’ practitioners to acquire the PV technology and aesthetics, and to apply it in
future developments.
Originality/value – Observing the use of PV applications from the perspective of architects and designers
the discussion and examples covered in this paper offers an original review, which provides the base future indepth studies on PV applications in various contexts.",
publisher = "Emerald Publishing Limited",
journal = "Open House International",
title = "Trends in the integration of photovoltaic facilities into the built environment",
volume = "45",
number = "1/2",
pages = "195-207",
doi = "10.1108/OHI-04-2020-0015"
Krstić – Furundžić, A., Scognamiglio, A., Devetakovic, M., Frontini, F.,& Sudimac, B.. (2020). Trends in the integration of photovoltaic facilities into the built environment. in Open House International
Emerald Publishing Limited., 45(1/2), 195-207.
Krstić – Furundžić A, Scognamiglio A, Devetakovic M, Frontini F, Sudimac B. Trends in the integration of photovoltaic facilities into the built environment. in Open House International. 2020;45(1/2):195-207.
doi:10.1108/OHI-04-2020-0015 .
Krstić – Furundžić, Aleksandra, Scognamiglio, Alessandra, Devetakovic, Mirjana, Frontini, Francesco, Sudimac, Budimir, "Trends in the integration of photovoltaic facilities into the built environment" in Open House International, 45, no. 1/2 (2020):195-207, . .

Izgrađeno okruženje i rezilijentnost grada

Krstić-Furundžić, Aleksandra

(Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet bezbednosti, 2018)

AU  - Krstić-Furundžić, Aleksandra
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Rast populacije, koji uzrokuje neizbežno širenje gradova, klimatske promene i rastuća
oskudica konvencionalnih izvora energije, fosilnih goriva, rezultuju pojavom raznovrsnih
problema i poremećaja, što predstavlja izazove za razvoj principa i strategija kako urbanog
planiranja tako i projektovanja i gradnje zgrada koji će pomoći našim gradovima da se suoče sa uticajima tih stresova. Za povećanje rezilijentnosti grada kroz projektovanje zgrada
važna su dva pitanja: smanjenje potrošnje energije proizvedene iz fosilnih goriva i smanjenje zagađenja životne sredine. Veći kapacitet rezilijentnosti grada u budućnosti uključuje i
postizanje energetske i ekološke bezbednosti, što podrazumeva razvoj tehnologija za korišćenje obnovljivih izvora energije i u skladu sa tim strategija kako za projektovanje i gradnju novih zgrada, tako i za energetsku sanaciju postojećih zgrada. U tom smislu u radu se
navode strateški principi za projektovanje i izgradnju zgrada.
Za ostvarenje energetski efikasnih zgrada omotač zgrade je najodgovorniji deo strukture
zgrade. Osim zaštite od nepovoljnog vremena, osvetljenja i buke, komponente omotača
zgrade dobijaju i ulogu proizvodnje energije. U radu se razmatraju inovativni koncepti i
tehnologije materijalizacije omotača zgrada značajni za postizanje rezilijentnosti zgrada i
time bezbednost životne sredine. Ukazuje se na projektantski koncept aktivnog odnosa
zgrade i okruženja i u tom kontekstu razmatraju relevantne tehnologije i tehnička rešenja.
Doprinos energetske sanacije zgrada rezilijentnosti grada pokazan je kroz diskusiju rezultata izvesnih prethodnih istraživanja. Pažnja je posvećena mogućnosti smanjenja potrošnje
fosilnih goriva i zagađenja životne sredine, čime se doprinesi umanjenju klimatskih promena, što je jedan od aspekata postizanja urbane bezbednosti.
AB  - Cities are complex and dynamic structures that have existed for thousands of years despite
many different influences and processes and resulting problems and disorders, which are
the challenges that cities are continuously subjected to. In this sense, every city has its specific features, but nowadays, it is possible to distinguish several key processes with a continuously growing trend and related to: global population growth and migrations, intensive
energy consumption in spite of decreasing availability of conventional energy sources, environmental pollution and climate change. For cities to be able to resist negative impacts of
these processes in future, new and revised strategies for developing resilience of cities are
Scientific and professional circles consider a resilient city to be a city that has developed
strategies and capacities to help absorb future shocks and stresses to its social, economic,
and technical systems and infrastructures so as to still be able to maintain essentially the
same functions, structures, systems, and identity (, 2016). The term resilience means the capacity of a system to absorb disturbance and reorganize while undergoing
change so as to still retain essentially the same function, structure, identity, and feedbacks
(The Resilience Alliance; Walker et al., 2004).
Especially important is the ability to learn from the process of absorbing these disturbances
– the ability to perceive the data and feedback on the results. This upgrades resilience of the
system and helps to overcome disorders.
When it comes to global population growth, according to projections the world population will
continue to grow until at least 2050, with the population reaching 9 billion in 2040, and some
predictions putting the population in 2050 as high as 11 billion (
According to the United Nations Population Fund, 2008 marked the year when more than 50
percent of all people, 3.3 billion, lived in urban areas, a figure expected to rise to 70 percent by
2050 (UN, 2008).The same source indicates that in Europe 75 percent of the population already
lives in urban areas, and predictions are that this number will reach 80 percent by 2020. In terms of
resources of our planet, this increase in the number of population is considered unsustainable.
Rapid population migration to cities leads to a dramatic expansion of cities, causing a large number
of various disorders and problems which cities have to face, not only social, but also those that
reflect the physical structure of the city, buildings and infrastructure, as well as identity.
Given that the world’s existing building stock includes a large percentage of buildings that
were built during the periods when energy consumption for the building operation was not
the subject of substantial consideration, it is observed that it consumes a large amount of
energy produced by conventional energy sources, fossil fuels. This problem increases due
to intensive migration of population from rural and underdeveloped smaller urban areas to
the cities, and because of intensive industrial development. From a global standpoint, cities
consume between 60 and 80 percent of electrical energy and are responsible for large emissions of greenhouse gases (UN, 2008), especially carbon dioxide, which causes considerable environmental pollution, and climate change. Buildings and their supporting infrastructures are said to be responsible for emitting 50% of CO2 emissions, possibly rising to
70% if urban transportation is included (Jones et al., 2009). At a global level, if fossil fuels
continue to be burnt at a ’business as usual’ trajectory, in a matter of a couple of decades,
we will cross the 450 ppm level, taken as the limit for keeping global warming under 20°C
(BBC, 2013; Jones, 2014). Assessments are that the production of fossil fuels globally will
reach a maximum between 2010 and 2020, after which we are to face a decline in production and problems of exhausted sources of these fuels. This disorder has a direct impact
on the growth of the price of these fuels, which can lead to complex problems.
The aforementioned processes and associated disorders and problems affect the urban safety contributing to the complexity of the security issues. These issues and strategies for the
achievement of the flexibility and resilience of cities can be considered from different aspects. In this paper, consideration is focused on the built environment, respectively buildings whose role and importance for achieving urban resilience are discussed. In this sense,
the subjects of discussion are strategic commitments related to the principles of design and
construction of buildings and the use of modern architectural technology.
When it comes to increasing the resilience of the city through the design of buildings, the
following two issues are important: reducing the consumption of energy produced from
fossil fuels and environmental pollution. Increasing energy scarcity and climate change are
recognized as key challenges affecting development of the principles and strategies of urban and building design which will help our cities to cope with the impacts of these stresses. The strategic guidelines for the design of buildings are one of the main factors to increase the resilience of the city. Solutions are expected with new technologies that use renewable energy sources and in strategies of controlled/rational consumption of energy.
Overall, it is important to bear in mind that a resistant perspective acknowledges that change
is constant and prediction difficult in a world that is complex and dynamic (Ward, 2007).
The energy performance of a city’s infrastructure and building fabric is a key determinant
of its capacity for resilience (Applegath, 2012). In the case of new buildings, technologies
for conservation and energy production must be involved in their design from the very
beginning, while the existing buildings need to be well thermally insulated in order to be
suitable for the installation of infrastructure for the use of renewable energy sources such as
solar collectors for water heating and photovoltaic modules. In this way, the buildings
acquire the potential for reaching the category of zero energy buildings.
Buildings have to be designed in such a way to enable new or existing urban structures
transform in less energy-intensive and less carbon-intensive ones, instead of the current
urban structures characterized by high energy consumption. In this sense, it is essential that
buildings are more energy independent, and can produce enough energy for their needs or
produce a greater amount that can be directed to cover certain needs of the community.
Design approaches should be connected to the uniqueness of the geographical origin of the
community, their tradition and national history, religious and social beliefs, so that the population can accept them.
Architectural concepts that incorporate an active relationship between the building and its
surroundings are resulting from the awareness of the complexity, dynamics and changeability of our environment. An active relationship between the building and its surroundings involves the implementation of the technologies of heating, cooling, ventilation and
natural lighting that are based on the use of natural forces (such as the pressure differences,
differences in temperature and humidity), and the use of renewable energy sources.
Development of renewable energy technologies that can be incorporated in buildings, as
well as architectural concepts and technology of zero energy buildings are crucial to increase the resilience capacity of cities and buildings in the future.
In this paper, through a comparative analysis of case studies and the results of certain previous researches, relevant technologies and technical solutions are discussed and the
importance of built environment, more exactly of buildings for achieving the resilience of
the city is shown. Attention is paid to the possibilities of reducing fossil fuel consumption
and pollution of the environment, thus contributing to reduction of climate change, which is
one of the prerequisites if we want to achieve urban safety.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet bezbednosti
C3  - Prva naučna konferencija "Urbana bezbednost i urbani razvoj" = First Scientific Conference "Urban Security and Urban Development" (21. 06. 2017 ; Beograd)
T1  - Izgrađeno okruženje i rezilijentnost grada
T1  - Built environment and city resilience
SP  - 11
EP  - 29
DO  - 10.18485/fb_ubur.2018.1.ch1
ER  - 
author = "Krstić-Furundžić, Aleksandra",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Rast populacije, koji uzrokuje neizbežno širenje gradova, klimatske promene i rastuća
oskudica konvencionalnih izvora energije, fosilnih goriva, rezultuju pojavom raznovrsnih
problema i poremećaja, što predstavlja izazove za razvoj principa i strategija kako urbanog
planiranja tako i projektovanja i gradnje zgrada koji će pomoći našim gradovima da se suoče sa uticajima tih stresova. Za povećanje rezilijentnosti grada kroz projektovanje zgrada
važna su dva pitanja: smanjenje potrošnje energije proizvedene iz fosilnih goriva i smanjenje zagađenja životne sredine. Veći kapacitet rezilijentnosti grada u budućnosti uključuje i
postizanje energetske i ekološke bezbednosti, što podrazumeva razvoj tehnologija za korišćenje obnovljivih izvora energije i u skladu sa tim strategija kako za projektovanje i gradnju novih zgrada, tako i za energetsku sanaciju postojećih zgrada. U tom smislu u radu se
navode strateški principi za projektovanje i izgradnju zgrada.
Za ostvarenje energetski efikasnih zgrada omotač zgrade je najodgovorniji deo strukture
zgrade. Osim zaštite od nepovoljnog vremena, osvetljenja i buke, komponente omotača
zgrade dobijaju i ulogu proizvodnje energije. U radu se razmatraju inovativni koncepti i
tehnologije materijalizacije omotača zgrada značajni za postizanje rezilijentnosti zgrada i
time bezbednost životne sredine. Ukazuje se na projektantski koncept aktivnog odnosa
zgrade i okruženja i u tom kontekstu razmatraju relevantne tehnologije i tehnička rešenja.
Doprinos energetske sanacije zgrada rezilijentnosti grada pokazan je kroz diskusiju rezultata izvesnih prethodnih istraživanja. Pažnja je posvećena mogućnosti smanjenja potrošnje
fosilnih goriva i zagađenja životne sredine, čime se doprinesi umanjenju klimatskih promena, što je jedan od aspekata postizanja urbane bezbednosti., Cities are complex and dynamic structures that have existed for thousands of years despite
many different influences and processes and resulting problems and disorders, which are
the challenges that cities are continuously subjected to. In this sense, every city has its specific features, but nowadays, it is possible to distinguish several key processes with a continuously growing trend and related to: global population growth and migrations, intensive
energy consumption in spite of decreasing availability of conventional energy sources, environmental pollution and climate change. For cities to be able to resist negative impacts of
these processes in future, new and revised strategies for developing resilience of cities are
Scientific and professional circles consider a resilient city to be a city that has developed
strategies and capacities to help absorb future shocks and stresses to its social, economic,
and technical systems and infrastructures so as to still be able to maintain essentially the
same functions, structures, systems, and identity (, 2016). The term resilience means the capacity of a system to absorb disturbance and reorganize while undergoing
change so as to still retain essentially the same function, structure, identity, and feedbacks
(The Resilience Alliance; Walker et al., 2004).
Especially important is the ability to learn from the process of absorbing these disturbances
– the ability to perceive the data and feedback on the results. This upgrades resilience of the
system and helps to overcome disorders.
When it comes to global population growth, according to projections the world population will
continue to grow until at least 2050, with the population reaching 9 billion in 2040, and some
predictions putting the population in 2050 as high as 11 billion (
According to the United Nations Population Fund, 2008 marked the year when more than 50
percent of all people, 3.3 billion, lived in urban areas, a figure expected to rise to 70 percent by
2050 (UN, 2008).The same source indicates that in Europe 75 percent of the population already
lives in urban areas, and predictions are that this number will reach 80 percent by 2020. In terms of
resources of our planet, this increase in the number of population is considered unsustainable.
Rapid population migration to cities leads to a dramatic expansion of cities, causing a large number
of various disorders and problems which cities have to face, not only social, but also those that
reflect the physical structure of the city, buildings and infrastructure, as well as identity.
Given that the world’s existing building stock includes a large percentage of buildings that
were built during the periods when energy consumption for the building operation was not
the subject of substantial consideration, it is observed that it consumes a large amount of
energy produced by conventional energy sources, fossil fuels. This problem increases due
to intensive migration of population from rural and underdeveloped smaller urban areas to
the cities, and because of intensive industrial development. From a global standpoint, cities
consume between 60 and 80 percent of electrical energy and are responsible for large emissions of greenhouse gases (UN, 2008), especially carbon dioxide, which causes considerable environmental pollution, and climate change. Buildings and their supporting infrastructures are said to be responsible for emitting 50% of CO2 emissions, possibly rising to
70% if urban transportation is included (Jones et al., 2009). At a global level, if fossil fuels
continue to be burnt at a ’business as usual’ trajectory, in a matter of a couple of decades,
we will cross the 450 ppm level, taken as the limit for keeping global warming under 20°C
(BBC, 2013; Jones, 2014). Assessments are that the production of fossil fuels globally will
reach a maximum between 2010 and 2020, after which we are to face a decline in production and problems of exhausted sources of these fuels. This disorder has a direct impact
on the growth of the price of these fuels, which can lead to complex problems.
The aforementioned processes and associated disorders and problems affect the urban safety contributing to the complexity of the security issues. These issues and strategies for the
achievement of the flexibility and resilience of cities can be considered from different aspects. In this paper, consideration is focused on the built environment, respectively buildings whose role and importance for achieving urban resilience are discussed. In this sense,
the subjects of discussion are strategic commitments related to the principles of design and
construction of buildings and the use of modern architectural technology.
When it comes to increasing the resilience of the city through the design of buildings, the
following two issues are important: reducing the consumption of energy produced from
fossil fuels and environmental pollution. Increasing energy scarcity and climate change are
recognized as key challenges affecting development of the principles and strategies of urban and building design which will help our cities to cope with the impacts of these stresses. The strategic guidelines for the design of buildings are one of the main factors to increase the resilience of the city. Solutions are expected with new technologies that use renewable energy sources and in strategies of controlled/rational consumption of energy.
Overall, it is important to bear in mind that a resistant perspective acknowledges that change
is constant and prediction difficult in a world that is complex and dynamic (Ward, 2007).
The energy performance of a city’s infrastructure and building fabric is a key determinant
of its capacity for resilience (Applegath, 2012). In the case of new buildings, technologies
for conservation and energy production must be involved in their design from the very
beginning, while the existing buildings need to be well thermally insulated in order to be
suitable for the installation of infrastructure for the use of renewable energy sources such as
solar collectors for water heating and photovoltaic modules. In this way, the buildings
acquire the potential for reaching the category of zero energy buildings.
Buildings have to be designed in such a way to enable new or existing urban structures
transform in less energy-intensive and less carbon-intensive ones, instead of the current
urban structures characterized by high energy consumption. In this sense, it is essential that
buildings are more energy independent, and can produce enough energy for their needs or
produce a greater amount that can be directed to cover certain needs of the community.
Design approaches should be connected to the uniqueness of the geographical origin of the
community, their tradition and national history, religious and social beliefs, so that the population can accept them.
Architectural concepts that incorporate an active relationship between the building and its
surroundings are resulting from the awareness of the complexity, dynamics and changeability of our environment. An active relationship between the building and its surroundings involves the implementation of the technologies of heating, cooling, ventilation and
natural lighting that are based on the use of natural forces (such as the pressure differences,
differences in temperature and humidity), and the use of renewable energy sources.
Development of renewable energy technologies that can be incorporated in buildings, as
well as architectural concepts and technology of zero energy buildings are crucial to increase the resilience capacity of cities and buildings in the future.
In this paper, through a comparative analysis of case studies and the results of certain previous researches, relevant technologies and technical solutions are discussed and the
importance of built environment, more exactly of buildings for achieving the resilience of
the city is shown. Attention is paid to the possibilities of reducing fossil fuel consumption
and pollution of the environment, thus contributing to reduction of climate change, which is
one of the prerequisites if we want to achieve urban safety.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet bezbednosti",
journal = "Prva naučna konferencija "Urbana bezbednost i urbani razvoj" = First Scientific Conference "Urban Security and Urban Development" (21. 06. 2017 ; Beograd)",
title = "Izgrađeno okruženje i rezilijentnost grada, Built environment and city resilience",
pages = "11-29",
doi = "10.18485/fb_ubur.2018.1.ch1"
Krstić-Furundžić, A.. (2018). Izgrađeno okruženje i rezilijentnost grada. in Prva naučna konferencija "Urbana bezbednost i urbani razvoj" = First Scientific Conference "Urban Security and Urban Development" (21. 06. 2017 ; Beograd)
Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet bezbednosti., 11-29.
Krstić-Furundžić A. Izgrađeno okruženje i rezilijentnost grada. in Prva naučna konferencija "Urbana bezbednost i urbani razvoj" = First Scientific Conference "Urban Security and Urban Development" (21. 06. 2017 ; Beograd). 2018;:11-29.
doi:10.18485/fb_ubur.2018.1.ch1 .
Krstić-Furundžić, Aleksandra, "Izgrađeno okruženje i rezilijentnost grada" in Prva naučna konferencija "Urbana bezbednost i urbani razvoj" = First Scientific Conference "Urban Security and Urban Development" (21. 06. 2017 ; Beograd) (2018):11-29, . .

Energy optimization of the building envelope of the representative sample of the existing residential building in Banja Luka

Gajić, Darija; Krstić – Furundžić, Aleksandra

(Belgrade : Faculty of Architecture, 2014)

AU  - Gajić, Darija
AU  - Krstić – Furundžić, Aleksandra
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - The primary task of this paper is to present to the scientific and professional
community the application of regulations in the field of energy efficiency of Serbia and
Croatia, based on the specific example of a representative sample of the building
envelope of the existing residential building, in the climatic conditions of the city of
Banja Luka (Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina). It will be pointed out to the
adequate settings of a limit for maximum U-values (limit for maximum thermal
transmittance values) for the elements of the building envelope, in order to comply
with specific heat transmission losses in relation to the factor of building form (A/V
ratio) for residental buildings, in case of refurbishment of entire envelopes of existing
residential buildings, as well as in case of building new ones. This paper presents the
analysis of energy savings and costs of measures applied to the energy optimization
of the building envelope on the representative sample of the existing residential
building in Banja Luka.
PB  - Belgrade : Faculty of Architecture
C3  - Places and Technologies 2014 [Elektronski izvor] : keeping up with technologies to improve places : conference proceedings : 1st international academic conference, Belgrade, 3-4. April 2014
T1  - Energy optimization of the building envelope of the representative sample of the existing residential building in Banja Luka
SP  - 629
EP  - 639
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Gajić, Darija and Krstić – Furundžić, Aleksandra",
year = "2014",
abstract = "The primary task of this paper is to present to the scientific and professional
community the application of regulations in the field of energy efficiency of Serbia and
Croatia, based on the specific example of a representative sample of the building
envelope of the existing residential building, in the climatic conditions of the city of
Banja Luka (Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina). It will be pointed out to the
adequate settings of a limit for maximum U-values (limit for maximum thermal
transmittance values) for the elements of the building envelope, in order to comply
with specific heat transmission losses in relation to the factor of building form (A/V
ratio) for residental buildings, in case of refurbishment of entire envelopes of existing
residential buildings, as well as in case of building new ones. This paper presents the
analysis of energy savings and costs of measures applied to the energy optimization
of the building envelope on the representative sample of the existing residential
building in Banja Luka.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Faculty of Architecture",
journal = "Places and Technologies 2014 [Elektronski izvor] : keeping up with technologies to improve places : conference proceedings : 1st international academic conference, Belgrade, 3-4. April 2014",
title = "Energy optimization of the building envelope of the representative sample of the existing residential building in Banja Luka",
pages = "629-639",
url = ""
Gajić, D.,& Krstić – Furundžić, A.. (2014). Energy optimization of the building envelope of the representative sample of the existing residential building in Banja Luka. in Places and Technologies 2014 [Elektronski izvor] : keeping up with technologies to improve places : conference proceedings : 1st international academic conference, Belgrade, 3-4. April 2014
Belgrade : Faculty of Architecture., 629-639.
Gajić D, Krstić – Furundžić A. Energy optimization of the building envelope of the representative sample of the existing residential building in Banja Luka. in Places and Technologies 2014 [Elektronski izvor] : keeping up with technologies to improve places : conference proceedings : 1st international academic conference, Belgrade, 3-4. April 2014. 2014;:629-639. .
Gajić, Darija, Krstić – Furundžić, Aleksandra, "Energy optimization of the building envelope of the representative sample of the existing residential building in Banja Luka" in Places and Technologies 2014 [Elektronski izvor] : keeping up with technologies to improve places : conference proceedings : 1st international academic conference, Belgrade, 3-4. April 2014 (2014):629-639, .