Kordić, Milena

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Kordić, Milena (22)
  • Кордић, Милена (2)
  • Kordic, Milena (1)
  • Kordić, Milena S. (1)

Author's Bibliography

Stan u ulici Tomaša Ježa [46. Salon arhitekture]

Todorović, Dejan; Kordić, Milena

(Beograd : Muzej primenjene umetnosti = Belgrade : Museum of Applied Art, 2024)


Todorović, D.,& Kordić, M.. (2024). Stan u ulici Tomaša Ježa [46. Salon arhitekture]. in Imamo svoju politiku : [katalog izložbe] / 46. salon arhitekture, Muzej primenjene umetnosti, Beograd, 28. mart - 28. april, 2024  = We have our own policy : [exhibition catalog] / 46th Salon of Architecture, [28 March – 28 April 2024]
Beograd : Muzej primenjene umetnosti  = Belgrade : Museum of Applied Art., 64-64.
Todorović D, Kordić M. Stan u ulici Tomaša Ježa [46. Salon arhitekture]. in Imamo svoju politiku : [katalog izložbe] / 46. salon arhitekture, Muzej primenjene umetnosti, Beograd, 28. mart - 28. april, 2024  = We have our own policy : [exhibition catalog] / 46th Salon of Architecture, [28 March – 28 April 2024]. 2024;:64-64.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_2351 .
Todorović, Dejan, Kordić, Milena, "Stan u ulici Tomaša Ježa [46. Salon arhitekture]" in Imamo svoju politiku : [katalog izložbe] / 46. salon arhitekture, Muzej primenjene umetnosti, Beograd, 28. mart - 28. april, 2024  = We have our own policy : [exhibition catalog] / 46th Salon of Architecture, [28 March – 28 April 2024] (2024):64-64,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_2351 .

УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора [46. салон архитектуре]

Рајковић, Игор; Кордић, Милена; Ракоњац, Ивана; Зорић, Ана

(Београд : Музеј примењене уметности = Belgrade : Museum of Applied Art, 2024)


Рајковић, И., Кордић, М., Ракоњац, И.,& Зорић, А.. (2024). УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора [46. салон архитектуре]. in Имамо своју политику : [каталог изложбе] / 46. салон архитектуре, [28. март -28. април 2024.] = We have our own policy : [exhibition catalog] / 46th Salon of Architecture, [28 March – 28 April 2024]
Београд : Музеј примењене уметности  = Belgrade : Museum of Applied Art., 128-128.
Рајковић И, Кордић М, Ракоњац И, Зорић А. УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора [46. салон архитектуре]. in Имамо своју политику : [каталог изложбе] / 46. салон архитектуре, [28. март -28. април 2024.] = We have our own policy : [exhibition catalog] / 46th Salon of Architecture, [28 March – 28 April 2024]. 2024;:128-128.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_2347 .
Рајковић, Игор, Кордић, Милена, Ракоњац, Ивана, Зорић, Ана, "УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора [46. салон архитектуре]" in Имамо своју политику : [каталог изложбе] / 46. салон архитектуре, [28. март -28. април 2024.] = We have our own policy : [exhibition catalog] / 46th Salon of Architecture, [28 March – 28 April 2024] (2024):128-128,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_2347 .

Konstruisanje višeznačnosti savremene arhitekture kroz očuvanje kulturnog nasleđa

Kordić, Milena; Todorović, Dejan

(Београд : Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда = Belgrade : Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade, 2023)

AU  - Kordić, Milena
AU  - Todorović, Dejan
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1931
AB  - Reprogramiranje nasleđenih urbanih vila nosi izazov otvaranja privatnog, nedostupnog, a time i delimično “tajnog” prostora. Postupak istraživanja postojećeg, nasleđenog materijala podrazumeva otkrivanje i identifikaciju tragova nekadašnjih scenarija života i njima pripadajućih fragmenata prostora i programa. Ova mreža fragmenata gradi platformu za nove mogućnosti upotrebe prostora, posebno kada se kao zadatak postavi da program treba da se kreće u sferi javnog.

Transformaciju vile projektovane za svakodnevnu upotrebu, privatnog i subjektivnog sveta u poligon za otvaranje novih veza između ljudi u javnom prostoru grada, istražićemo kroz projekat rekonstrukcije i enterijera Vile Bruna Mozera, u ul. Mozerovoj, u Zemunu, projekat arhitekte Milana Zlokovića.

Tematski okvir zadatka usmerava na istraživanje nastanka enterijera kao discipline kroz izučavanje koncepta “kolekcije” (W. Benjamin). Lična istorija i identitet stanovnika prema ovim idejama, projektuje se, ali i drži na okupu putem “kolekcija” predmeta i elemenata u unutrašnjem prostoru. Kao istorijsku referencu za teorijski deo rada na zadatku istražićemo koncept “kabineta kurioziteta” (cabinet of curiosity, kunstroom, wonder-room).

Zahtev da se od privatnog, specifičnog i subjektivnog krene ka deljenom, opštem i objektivnom, obavezuje da novi programi proisteknu iz autentičnih, već postojećih kvaliteta i kapaciteta i da se time izbegne nepažljivo nametanje bezličnih, globalnih i površnih programa koji tvore “nemesta” (prostore bez identiteta). Polazak od subjektivnog i ličnog, metodološki daje čitav skup “neobičnosti” koje su već ušle u proces transformacije i vodi ka izgradnji originalnog i autentičnog programa.

"Gradska porodična vila uglednog Zemunca nemačkog porekla Bruna Mozera, vlasnika porodične vinarije Mozer, predstavlja jedinstven primer arhitekture ovog tipa stambenog objekta u beogradskoj arhitekturi s početka tridesetih godina 20. veka. Vila Mozer, smeštena na prostranoj parceli u širem rejonu centra Zemuna (posle Drugog svetskog rata u sastavu kompleksa NAVIP), u potpunosti je zasnovana na modernističkim oblikovnim idiomima pravilne geometrizovane strukture u kompoziciji kubičnih i poluobličastih volumena, ali s konvencionalnijom organizacijom unutrašnjeg prostora. Ravan krov je u potpunosti oslobođen i namenjen krovnoj terasi koja postaje trend u arhitekturi modernih jednoporodičnih stambenih objekata. Poput drugih modernih beogradskih kuća iz četvrte dekade 20. veka, i u arhitekturi Vile Mozer je akcenat stavljen na spoljašnje oblikovanje koje iskazuje nova stremljenja, dok je uređenje enterijera bilo manje osavremenjeno, pre svega, zbog objektivnih prilika sredine u kojoj nije bilo proizvoda iz industrijske proizvodnje ili dostupnih savremenih materijala (o tome svedoči i upotreba klasične stolarije)."

PB  - Београд : Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда = Belgrade : Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade
C3  - Заштита градитељског наслеђа у 21. веку - изазови и могућности / [Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда], XII међународна научно-стручна конференција, Београд, 2023 = Preservation of architectural heritage in 21st century: challenges and opportunities / [Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade], XII international scientific-professional conference, Belgrade
T1  - Konstruisanje višeznačnosti savremene arhitekture kroz očuvanje kulturnog nasleđa
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1931
ER  - 
author = "Kordić, Milena and Todorović, Dejan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Reprogramiranje nasleđenih urbanih vila nosi izazov otvaranja privatnog, nedostupnog, a time i delimično “tajnog” prostora. Postupak istraživanja postojećeg, nasleđenog materijala podrazumeva otkrivanje i identifikaciju tragova nekadašnjih scenarija života i njima pripadajućih fragmenata prostora i programa. Ova mreža fragmenata gradi platformu za nove mogućnosti upotrebe prostora, posebno kada se kao zadatak postavi da program treba da se kreće u sferi javnog.

Transformaciju vile projektovane za svakodnevnu upotrebu, privatnog i subjektivnog sveta u poligon za otvaranje novih veza između ljudi u javnom prostoru grada, istražićemo kroz projekat rekonstrukcije i enterijera Vile Bruna Mozera, u ul. Mozerovoj, u Zemunu, projekat arhitekte Milana Zlokovića.

Tematski okvir zadatka usmerava na istraživanje nastanka enterijera kao discipline kroz izučavanje koncepta “kolekcije” (W. Benjamin). Lična istorija i identitet stanovnika prema ovim idejama, projektuje se, ali i drži na okupu putem “kolekcija” predmeta i elemenata u unutrašnjem prostoru. Kao istorijsku referencu za teorijski deo rada na zadatku istražićemo koncept “kabineta kurioziteta” (cabinet of curiosity, kunstroom, wonder-room).

Zahtev da se od privatnog, specifičnog i subjektivnog krene ka deljenom, opštem i objektivnom, obavezuje da novi programi proisteknu iz autentičnih, već postojećih kvaliteta i kapaciteta i da se time izbegne nepažljivo nametanje bezličnih, globalnih i površnih programa koji tvore “nemesta” (prostore bez identiteta). Polazak od subjektivnog i ličnog, metodološki daje čitav skup “neobičnosti” koje su već ušle u proces transformacije i vodi ka izgradnji originalnog i autentičnog programa.

"Gradska porodična vila uglednog Zemunca nemačkog porekla Bruna Mozera, vlasnika porodične vinarije Mozer, predstavlja jedinstven primer arhitekture ovog tipa stambenog objekta u beogradskoj arhitekturi s početka tridesetih godina 20. veka. Vila Mozer, smeštena na prostranoj parceli u širem rejonu centra Zemuna (posle Drugog svetskog rata u sastavu kompleksa NAVIP), u potpunosti je zasnovana na modernističkim oblikovnim idiomima pravilne geometrizovane strukture u kompoziciji kubičnih i poluobličastih volumena, ali s konvencionalnijom organizacijom unutrašnjeg prostora. Ravan krov je u potpunosti oslobođen i namenjen krovnoj terasi koja postaje trend u arhitekturi modernih jednoporodičnih stambenih objekata. Poput drugih modernih beogradskih kuća iz četvrte dekade 20. veka, i u arhitekturi Vile Mozer je akcenat stavljen na spoljašnje oblikovanje koje iskazuje nova stremljenja, dok je uređenje enterijera bilo manje osavremenjeno, pre svega, zbog objektivnih prilika sredine u kojoj nije bilo proizvoda iz industrijske proizvodnje ili dostupnih savremenih materijala (o tome svedoči i upotreba klasične stolarije)."

publisher = "Београд : Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда = Belgrade : Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade",
journal = "Заштита градитељског наслеђа у 21. веку - изазови и могућности / [Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда], XII међународна научно-стручна конференција, Београд, 2023 = Preservation of architectural heritage in 21st century: challenges and opportunities / [Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade], XII international scientific-professional conference, Belgrade",
title = "Konstruisanje višeznačnosti savremene arhitekture kroz očuvanje kulturnog nasleđa",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1931"
Kordić, M.,& Todorović, D.. (2023). Konstruisanje višeznačnosti savremene arhitekture kroz očuvanje kulturnog nasleđa. in Заштита градитељског наслеђа у 21. веку - изазови и могућности / [Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда], XII међународна научно-стручна конференција, Београд, 2023 = Preservation of architectural heritage in 21st century: challenges and opportunities / [Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade], XII international scientific-professional conference, Belgrade
Београд : Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда = Belgrade : Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade..
Kordić M, Todorović D. Konstruisanje višeznačnosti savremene arhitekture kroz očuvanje kulturnog nasleđa. in Заштита градитељског наслеђа у 21. веку - изазови и могућности / [Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда], XII међународна научно-стручна конференција, Београд, 2023 = Preservation of architectural heritage in 21st century: challenges and opportunities / [Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade], XII international scientific-professional conference, Belgrade. 2023;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1931 .
Kordić, Milena, Todorović, Dejan, "Konstruisanje višeznačnosti savremene arhitekture kroz očuvanje kulturnog nasleđa" in Заштита градитељског наслеђа у 21. веку - изазови и могућности / [Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда], XII међународна научно-стручна конференција, Београд, 2023 = Preservation of architectural heritage in 21st century: challenges and opportunities / [Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade], XII international scientific-professional conference, Belgrade (2023),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1931 .

Arheologija pejzaža: Rekonstrukcija i dogradnja zgrade Muzeja Srema u Sremskoj Mitrovici

Kordić, Milena; Stamenović, Pavle; Todorović, Dejan; Bulajić, Đorđe

(Београд : Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда = Belgrade : Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade, 2023)

AU  - Kordić, Milena
AU  - Stamenović, Pavle
AU  - Todorović, Dejan
AU  - Bulajić, Đorđe
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1783
AB  - Na prostoru današnje Sremske Mitrovice nalazi se jedno od najvrednijih arheoloških nalazišta na teritoriji naše države, u kojem su tragovi antičkog grada Sirmijuma (jednog od prestolnih gradova Rimske imperije) preklopljeni sa svim potonjim slojevima života na ovom području od srednjeg veka do savremenog doba. Ova slojevitost svedoči o kontinuitetu života ali i njegovoj transformaciji, ali ovako bogata faktografija nema prezentaciju koja je adekvatna njenom značaju i atraktivnosti.
U radu sa studentima postavili smo pitanje kako vratiti fokus na bogato kulturno nasleđe koji ono zaslužuje i u društvu i u našim ličnim perspektivama? Kako da upoznamo dovoljno istorijski kontinuitet pripadajućeg nam prostora da bismo umeli da cenimo sebe i sopstveni kulturni identitet danas, koliko I heterogenost tog nasleđa i promene koje je ono preživelo u stalnim odnosima prema drugome i drugačijem?
U okviru nastave na prolećnom semestru školske 2021/22 godine na I godini Master akademskih studija Unutrašnja arhitektura Univerziteta u Beogradu – Arhitektonskog fakulteta, sa obe grupe studenata na modulu Studio M02 (Projekat 01 rukovodilac: doc. Dr Milena Kordić, asistent Dejan Todorović, Projekat 02 rukovodilac: doc. dr Pavle Stamenović, asistent Đorđe Bulajić) radili smo na predlozima Idejnih rešenja rekonstrukcije i dogradnje zgrade Muzeja Srema na trgu Svetog Stefana.
Kroz rad u Studiju postavili smo pitanje načina na koji savremenim projektantskim alatima možemo da učestvujemo u prostornom i kulturalnom kontinuitetu mesta, konkretno arheološkog nalazišta antičkog grada Sirmijuma. Poseban fokus usmeren je na razmeru koja je karakteristična za oblast unutrašnje arhitekture, gde se pitanje čovekomernosti može smatrati ključnim. Studenti su istražili i projektovali precizne intervencije i pozicije dizajna u relaciji prema specifičnom kontekstu i sadržaju. Pred vama su rezultati ovog rada koji pokazuju savremene modele prezentacije i interakcije sa kulturnim nasleđem arheološkog nalazišta.
PB  - Београд : Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда  = Belgrade : Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade
C3  - Заштита градитељског наслеђа у 21. веку - изазови и могућности / [Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда], XII међународна научно-стручна конференција, Београд, 2023 = Preservation of architectural heritage in 21st century: challenges and opportunities / [Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade], XII international scientific-professional conference, Belgrade
T1  - Arheologija pejzaža: Rekonstrukcija i dogradnja zgrade Muzeja Srema u Sremskoj Mitrovici
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1783
ER  - 
author = "Kordić, Milena and Stamenović, Pavle and Todorović, Dejan and Bulajić, Đorđe",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Na prostoru današnje Sremske Mitrovice nalazi se jedno od najvrednijih arheoloških nalazišta na teritoriji naše države, u kojem su tragovi antičkog grada Sirmijuma (jednog od prestolnih gradova Rimske imperije) preklopljeni sa svim potonjim slojevima života na ovom području od srednjeg veka do savremenog doba. Ova slojevitost svedoči o kontinuitetu života ali i njegovoj transformaciji, ali ovako bogata faktografija nema prezentaciju koja je adekvatna njenom značaju i atraktivnosti.
U radu sa studentima postavili smo pitanje kako vratiti fokus na bogato kulturno nasleđe koji ono zaslužuje i u društvu i u našim ličnim perspektivama? Kako da upoznamo dovoljno istorijski kontinuitet pripadajućeg nam prostora da bismo umeli da cenimo sebe i sopstveni kulturni identitet danas, koliko I heterogenost tog nasleđa i promene koje je ono preživelo u stalnim odnosima prema drugome i drugačijem?
U okviru nastave na prolećnom semestru školske 2021/22 godine na I godini Master akademskih studija Unutrašnja arhitektura Univerziteta u Beogradu – Arhitektonskog fakulteta, sa obe grupe studenata na modulu Studio M02 (Projekat 01 rukovodilac: doc. Dr Milena Kordić, asistent Dejan Todorović, Projekat 02 rukovodilac: doc. dr Pavle Stamenović, asistent Đorđe Bulajić) radili smo na predlozima Idejnih rešenja rekonstrukcije i dogradnje zgrade Muzeja Srema na trgu Svetog Stefana.
Kroz rad u Studiju postavili smo pitanje načina na koji savremenim projektantskim alatima možemo da učestvujemo u prostornom i kulturalnom kontinuitetu mesta, konkretno arheološkog nalazišta antičkog grada Sirmijuma. Poseban fokus usmeren je na razmeru koja je karakteristična za oblast unutrašnje arhitekture, gde se pitanje čovekomernosti može smatrati ključnim. Studenti su istražili i projektovali precizne intervencije i pozicije dizajna u relaciji prema specifičnom kontekstu i sadržaju. Pred vama su rezultati ovog rada koji pokazuju savremene modele prezentacije i interakcije sa kulturnim nasleđem arheološkog nalazišta.",
publisher = "Београд : Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда  = Belgrade : Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade",
journal = "Заштита градитељског наслеђа у 21. веку - изазови и могућности / [Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда], XII међународна научно-стручна конференција, Београд, 2023 = Preservation of architectural heritage in 21st century: challenges and opportunities / [Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade], XII international scientific-professional conference, Belgrade",
title = "Arheologija pejzaža: Rekonstrukcija i dogradnja zgrade Muzeja Srema u Sremskoj Mitrovici",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1783"
Kordić, M., Stamenović, P., Todorović, D.,& Bulajić, Đ.. (2023). Arheologija pejzaža: Rekonstrukcija i dogradnja zgrade Muzeja Srema u Sremskoj Mitrovici. in Заштита градитељског наслеђа у 21. веку - изазови и могућности / [Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда], XII међународна научно-стручна конференција, Београд, 2023 = Preservation of architectural heritage in 21st century: challenges and opportunities / [Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade], XII international scientific-professional conference, Belgrade
Београд : Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда  = Belgrade : Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade..
Kordić M, Stamenović P, Todorović D, Bulajić Đ. Arheologija pejzaža: Rekonstrukcija i dogradnja zgrade Muzeja Srema u Sremskoj Mitrovici. in Заштита градитељског наслеђа у 21. веку - изазови и могућности / [Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда], XII међународна научно-стручна конференција, Београд, 2023 = Preservation of architectural heritage in 21st century: challenges and opportunities / [Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade], XII international scientific-professional conference, Belgrade. 2023;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1783 .
Kordić, Milena, Stamenović, Pavle, Todorović, Dejan, Bulajić, Đorđe, "Arheologija pejzaža: Rekonstrukcija i dogradnja zgrade Muzeja Srema u Sremskoj Mitrovici" in Заштита градитељског наслеђа у 21. веку - изазови и могућности / [Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда], XII међународна научно-стручна конференција, Београд, 2023 = Preservation of architectural heritage in 21st century: challenges and opportunities / [Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade], XII international scientific-professional conference, Belgrade (2023),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1783 .

Arheologija pejzaža

Kordić, Milena; Stamenović, Pavle; Todorović, Dejan; Bulajić, Đorđe

(Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, 2023)


Kordić, M., Stamenović, P., Todorović, D.,& Bulajić, Đ.. (2023). Arheologija pejzaža. 
Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture..
Kordić M, Stamenović P, Todorović D, Bulajić Đ. Arheologija pejzaža. 2023;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1497 .
Kordić, Milena, Stamenović, Pavle, Todorović, Dejan, Bulajić, Đorđe, "Arheologija pejzaža" (2023),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1497 .

Mirroring Decomposability: The Toilet at The Faculty of Architecture [STRAND 2023]

Todorović, Dejan; Kordić, Milena

(Belgrade : STRAND - Sustaianble Urban Society Association, 2023)


Todorović, D.,& Kordić, M.. (2023). Mirroring Decomposability: The Toilet at The Faculty of Architecture [STRAND 2023]. in On architecture — Challenges in design : exhibition book / [[within] 11th International Multimedia Conference] On Architecture, December 2023 Belgrade, Serbia]
Belgrade : STRAND - Sustaianble Urban Society Association., 39-39.
Todorović D, Kordić M. Mirroring Decomposability: The Toilet at The Faculty of Architecture [STRAND 2023]. in On architecture — Challenges in design : exhibition book / [[within] 11th International Multimedia Conference] On Architecture, December 2023 Belgrade, Serbia]. 2023;:39-39.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1903 .
Todorović, Dejan, Kordić, Milena, "Mirroring Decomposability: The Toilet at The Faculty of Architecture [STRAND 2023]" in On architecture — Challenges in design : exhibition book / [[within] 11th International Multimedia Conference] On Architecture, December 2023 Belgrade, Serbia] (2023):39-39,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1903 .

The Emergence of Wholeness: Small Downtown Apartment [STRAND 2023]

Todorović, Dejan; Kordić, Milena

(Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association, 2023)


Todorović, D.,& Kordić, M.. (2023). The Emergence of Wholeness: Small Downtown Apartment [STRAND 2023]. in On architecture — Challenges in design : exhibition book / [[within] 11th International Multimedia Conference] On Architecture, December 2023 Belgrade, Serbia]
Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association., 37-37.
Todorović D, Kordić M. The Emergence of Wholeness: Small Downtown Apartment [STRAND 2023]. in On architecture — Challenges in design : exhibition book / [[within] 11th International Multimedia Conference] On Architecture, December 2023 Belgrade, Serbia]. 2023;:37-37.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1904 .
Todorović, Dejan, Kordić, Milena, "The Emergence of Wholeness: Small Downtown Apartment [STRAND 2023]" in On architecture — Challenges in design : exhibition book / [[within] 11th International Multimedia Conference] On Architecture, December 2023 Belgrade, Serbia] (2023):37-37,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1904 .

УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора

Рајковић, Игор; Кордић, Милена; Ракоњац, Ивана; Зорић, Ана

(Београд : Универзитет у Београду - Архитектонски факултет, 2023)

AU  - Рајковић, Игор
AU  - Кордић, Милена
AU  - Ракоњац, Ивана
AU  - Зорић, Ана
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1299
AB  - Монографија УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора основну намену налази у процесу едукације у области пројектовања унутрашње архитектуре кроз приказ модела наставног програма Универзитета у Београду – Архитектонског факултета (УБ-АФ). У Публикацији је представљен период првог акредитованог наставног програма архитектуре унутрашњег простора на Универзитету у Београду који је покренут 2014. године. Значајан допринос ове публикације је ретроспектива развоја специфичне области архитектонског пројектовања унутрашњег простора на УБ-АФ и осветљавање значаја едукације пројектаната – инжењера унутрашње архитектуре. Седмогодишње искуство током првог акредитационог циклуса студијског програма Мастер академске студије Унутрашње архитектуре (МУАД) представљено је кроз курикулуме предмета, резултате и достигнућа студената током наставе. Публикација даје приказ Едукативног модела УБ-АФ МУАД илустрованог конкретним задацима и резултатима у оквиру наставе уз критички осврт аутора на образовни процес и потребе за унапређењем. Посебан фокус је на аспекту евалуације наставног процеса и исхода учења кроз приказ постигнутих резултата студената након завршетка школовања. Значај Монографије огледа се у тежњи за унапређењем едукативног модела у области архитектонског пројектовања унутрашњих простора, са циљем остваривања неопходне флексибилности која прати тенденције савременог друштва. Посебан циљ Публикације је промовисање мастер академског програма УБ-АФ који тежиште поставља на актуелну област архитектонског пројектовања унутрашњег простора. Приказ наставног процеса, слојевитости и разноликости у приступу карактеристичним темама из области архитектуре и дизајна, за циљ има мотивацију студената за остваривање формалног образовања у области унутрашње архитектуре.
AB  - The monograph UB-FA MIAD School of Interior Architecture has its primary purpose in education in interior architecture, presenting the educational model of the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture (UB-FA). It covers the period of the first accredited interior architecture program launched in 2014 at the University of Belgrade. The publication makes a significant contribution by providing a retrospective view of the development of the specific field of interior architecture at UB-FA, emphasizing the importance of educating interior architects – master engineers in interior architecture. The seven-year experience during the first accreditation cycle of the Master’s study program in Interior Architecture (MIAD) is presented through subject curricula, students’ achievements, and results during their studies.
The publication presents the Educational Model UB-FA MIAD, illustrated with specific tasks and teaching outcomes, accompanied by the authors’ review of the educational process and the possibilities for improvement. The evaluation aspect of the teaching process and learning outcomes is a particular focus, demonstrating students’ achievements upon completion of their education.
The tendency to enhance the educational model in the field of interior architecture, in line with the necessary flexibility that follows the trends of contemporary society, represents a significant contribution to a wider field of architectural design. A specific goal of the publication is to promote the UB-FA Master’s study program, which focuses on the current field of interior architecture. Illustrating the learning process and its multi-layered and diverse approach to characteristic topics in architecture and design, the UB-FA MIAD School of Interior Architecture aims to motivate students to pursue formal education in the field of interior architecture.
PB  - Београд : Универзитет у  Београду - Архитектонски факултет
T1  - УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1299
ER  - 
author = "Рајковић, Игор and Кордић, Милена and Ракоњац, Ивана and Зорић, Ана",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Монографија УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора основну намену налази у процесу едукације у области пројектовања унутрашње архитектуре кроз приказ модела наставног програма Универзитета у Београду – Архитектонског факултета (УБ-АФ). У Публикацији је представљен период првог акредитованог наставног програма архитектуре унутрашњег простора на Универзитету у Београду који је покренут 2014. године. Значајан допринос ове публикације је ретроспектива развоја специфичне области архитектонског пројектовања унутрашњег простора на УБ-АФ и осветљавање значаја едукације пројектаната – инжењера унутрашње архитектуре. Седмогодишње искуство током првог акредитационог циклуса студијског програма Мастер академске студије Унутрашње архитектуре (МУАД) представљено је кроз курикулуме предмета, резултате и достигнућа студената током наставе. Публикација даје приказ Едукативног модела УБ-АФ МУАД илустрованог конкретним задацима и резултатима у оквиру наставе уз критички осврт аутора на образовни процес и потребе за унапређењем. Посебан фокус је на аспекту евалуације наставног процеса и исхода учења кроз приказ постигнутих резултата студената након завршетка школовања. Значај Монографије огледа се у тежњи за унапређењем едукативног модела у области архитектонског пројектовања унутрашњих простора, са циљем остваривања неопходне флексибилности која прати тенденције савременог друштва. Посебан циљ Публикације је промовисање мастер академског програма УБ-АФ који тежиште поставља на актуелну област архитектонског пројектовања унутрашњег простора. Приказ наставног процеса, слојевитости и разноликости у приступу карактеристичним темама из области архитектуре и дизајна, за циљ има мотивацију студената за остваривање формалног образовања у области унутрашње архитектуре., The monograph UB-FA MIAD School of Interior Architecture has its primary purpose in education in interior architecture, presenting the educational model of the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture (UB-FA). It covers the period of the first accredited interior architecture program launched in 2014 at the University of Belgrade. The publication makes a significant contribution by providing a retrospective view of the development of the specific field of interior architecture at UB-FA, emphasizing the importance of educating interior architects – master engineers in interior architecture. The seven-year experience during the first accreditation cycle of the Master’s study program in Interior Architecture (MIAD) is presented through subject curricula, students’ achievements, and results during their studies.
The publication presents the Educational Model UB-FA MIAD, illustrated with specific tasks and teaching outcomes, accompanied by the authors’ review of the educational process and the possibilities for improvement. The evaluation aspect of the teaching process and learning outcomes is a particular focus, demonstrating students’ achievements upon completion of their education.
The tendency to enhance the educational model in the field of interior architecture, in line with the necessary flexibility that follows the trends of contemporary society, represents a significant contribution to a wider field of architectural design. A specific goal of the publication is to promote the UB-FA Master’s study program, which focuses on the current field of interior architecture. Illustrating the learning process and its multi-layered and diverse approach to characteristic topics in architecture and design, the UB-FA MIAD School of Interior Architecture aims to motivate students to pursue formal education in the field of interior architecture.",
publisher = "Београд : Универзитет у  Београду - Архитектонски факултет",
title = "УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1299"
Рајковић, И., Кордић, М., Ракоњац, И.,& Зорић, А.. (2023). УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора. 
Београд : Универзитет у  Београду - Архитектонски факултет..
Рајковић И, Кордић М, Ракоњац И, Зорић А. УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора. 2023;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1299 .
Рајковић, Игор, Кордић, Милена, Ракоњац, Ивана, Зорић, Ана, "УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора" (2023),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1299 .

УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора [BAB 2023]

Rajković, Igor; Kordić, Milena; Rakonjac, Ivana; Zorić, Ana

(Belgrade: Balkan Architectural Biennale, 2023)


Rajković, I., Kordić, M., Rakonjac, I.,& Zorić, A.. (2023). УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора [BAB 2023]. in Back to the roots : exhibition catalogue / 6th Balkan Architectural Biennale [BAB] 2023, Muzej grada Beograda , Belgrade City Museum 21-28. November
Belgrade: Balkan Architectural Biennale., 43-43.
Rajković I, Kordić M, Rakonjac I, Zorić A. УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора [BAB 2023]. in Back to the roots : exhibition catalogue / 6th Balkan Architectural Biennale [BAB] 2023, Muzej grada Beograda , Belgrade City Museum 21-28. November. 2023;:43-43.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1877 .
Rajković, Igor, Kordić, Milena, Rakonjac, Ivana, Zorić, Ana, "УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора [BAB 2023]" in Back to the roots : exhibition catalogue / 6th Balkan Architectural Biennale [BAB] 2023, Muzej grada Beograda , Belgrade City Museum 21-28. November (2023):43-43,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1877 .

Adaptive beauty: Reconstruction and Extension of the Old Stone Family House in Bar, Montenegro

Kordić, Milena

(Београд : Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда = Belgrade : Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade, 2023)

AU  - Kordić, Milena
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1917
AB  - ADAPTIVE BEAUTY: Reconstruction and Extension of the Old Stone Family House in Bar, Montenegro

The importance of context, both in its site-specific and cultural dimensions, cannot be overstated when it comes to adapting and transforming old buildings into unique solutions for the contemporary built environment. The task here was the transformation of an old family stone house into two apartments with distinct entrances and roof terraces. This adaptation responds not only to the physical surroundings but also to the climatic challenges imposed by nature.

The thick existing stone walls have been continued in height and finished with built-in, continuous, full-length greenery planters, fortified with modern waterproof coatings, showcasing how tradition can harmonize with innovation. In the core of the stone volume, a light glass extension was formulated with a floating white metal roof. The interplay between deep shadows cast by the roof and delicate metal profiles, adorned with cables supporting planters, demonstrates the fusion of nature and architecture. As greenery flourishes, it will not only enhance the aesthetics but also regulate climate conditions, rivaling the efficacy of thick stone walls while offering captivating views and a seamless indoor-outdoor connection.

Adaptive architecture, which seeks to harmonize with its environment, inhabitants, and changing needs, is gaining momentum. It encompasses flexible, responsive, and interactive design principles, acknowledging the constant interplay between the built and natural worlds.
PB  - Београд : Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда  = Belgrade : Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade
C3  - Заштита градитељског наслеђа у 21. веку - изазови и могућности / [Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда], XII међународна научно-стручна конференција, Београд, 2023. = Preservation of architectural heritage in 21st century: challenges and opportunities / [Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade], XII international scientific-professional conference, Belgrade
T1  - Adaptive beauty: Reconstruction and Extension of the Old Stone Family House in Bar,  Montenegro
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1917
ER  - 
author = "Kordić, Milena",
year = "2023",
abstract = "ADAPTIVE BEAUTY: Reconstruction and Extension of the Old Stone Family House in Bar, Montenegro

The importance of context, both in its site-specific and cultural dimensions, cannot be overstated when it comes to adapting and transforming old buildings into unique solutions for the contemporary built environment. The task here was the transformation of an old family stone house into two apartments with distinct entrances and roof terraces. This adaptation responds not only to the physical surroundings but also to the climatic challenges imposed by nature.

The thick existing stone walls have been continued in height and finished with built-in, continuous, full-length greenery planters, fortified with modern waterproof coatings, showcasing how tradition can harmonize with innovation. In the core of the stone volume, a light glass extension was formulated with a floating white metal roof. The interplay between deep shadows cast by the roof and delicate metal profiles, adorned with cables supporting planters, demonstrates the fusion of nature and architecture. As greenery flourishes, it will not only enhance the aesthetics but also regulate climate conditions, rivaling the efficacy of thick stone walls while offering captivating views and a seamless indoor-outdoor connection.

Adaptive architecture, which seeks to harmonize with its environment, inhabitants, and changing needs, is gaining momentum. It encompasses flexible, responsive, and interactive design principles, acknowledging the constant interplay between the built and natural worlds.",
publisher = "Београд : Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда  = Belgrade : Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade",
journal = "Заштита градитељског наслеђа у 21. веку - изазови и могућности / [Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда], XII међународна научно-стручна конференција, Београд, 2023. = Preservation of architectural heritage in 21st century: challenges and opportunities / [Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade], XII international scientific-professional conference, Belgrade",
title = "Adaptive beauty: Reconstruction and Extension of the Old Stone Family House in Bar,  Montenegro",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1917"
Kordić, M.. (2023). Adaptive beauty: Reconstruction and Extension of the Old Stone Family House in Bar,  Montenegro. in Заштита градитељског наслеђа у 21. веку - изазови и могућности / [Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда], XII међународна научно-стручна конференција, Београд, 2023. = Preservation of architectural heritage in 21st century: challenges and opportunities / [Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade], XII international scientific-professional conference, Belgrade
Београд : Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда  = Belgrade : Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade..
Kordić M. Adaptive beauty: Reconstruction and Extension of the Old Stone Family House in Bar,  Montenegro. in Заштита градитељског наслеђа у 21. веку - изазови и могућности / [Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда], XII међународна научно-стручна конференција, Београд, 2023. = Preservation of architectural heritage in 21st century: challenges and opportunities / [Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade], XII international scientific-professional conference, Belgrade. 2023;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1917 .
Kordić, Milena, "Adaptive beauty: Reconstruction and Extension of the Old Stone Family House in Bar,  Montenegro" in Заштита градитељског наслеђа у 21. веку - изазови и могућности / [Завод за заштиту споменика културе града Београда], XII међународна научно-стручна конференција, Београд, 2023. = Preservation of architectural heritage in 21st century: challenges and opportunities / [Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade], XII international scientific-professional conference, Belgrade (2023),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1917 .

Adaptive beauty: reconstruction and extension of the old stone family house in Bar [Recognition STRAND 2023]

Kordić, Milena

(Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association, 2023)


Kordić, M.. (2023). Adaptive beauty: reconstruction and extension of the old stone family house in Bar [Recognition STRAND 2023]. in On architecture — Challenges in design : exhibition book / [[within] 11th International Multimedia Conference] On Architecture, December 2023 Belgrade, Serbia]
Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association., 51-51.
Kordić M. Adaptive beauty: reconstruction and extension of the old stone family house in Bar [Recognition STRAND 2023]. in On architecture — Challenges in design : exhibition book / [[within] 11th International Multimedia Conference] On Architecture, December 2023 Belgrade, Serbia]. 2023;:51-51.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1921 .
Kordić, Milena, "Adaptive beauty: reconstruction and extension of the old stone family house in Bar [Recognition STRAND 2023]" in On architecture — Challenges in design : exhibition book / [[within] 11th International Multimedia Conference] On Architecture, December 2023 Belgrade, Serbia] (2023):51-51,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1921 .

Life on the sunny side of the street : Adaptation and reconstruction of the aparment in Dobračina street, Belgrade

Kordić, Milena

(Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association, 2023)


Kordić, M.. (2023). Life on the sunny side of the street : Adaptation and reconstruction of the aparment in Dobračina street, Belgrade. in On architecture — Challenges in design : exhibition book / [[within] 11th International Multimedia Conference] On Architecture, December 2023 Belgrade, Serbia]
Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association., 36-36.
Kordić M. Life on the sunny side of the street : Adaptation and reconstruction of the aparment in Dobračina street, Belgrade. in On architecture — Challenges in design : exhibition book / [[within] 11th International Multimedia Conference] On Architecture, December 2023 Belgrade, Serbia]. 2023;:36-36.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1916 .
Kordić, Milena, "Life on the sunny side of the street : Adaptation and reconstruction of the aparment in Dobračina street, Belgrade" in On architecture — Challenges in design : exhibition book / [[within] 11th International Multimedia Conference] On Architecture, December 2023 Belgrade, Serbia] (2023):36-36,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1916 .

Fragility as Resilience: Designing the Balance of the Natural and Built on the example of an Open Competition for the Wider Area of the Hippodrome in Belgrade

Kordić, Milena; Batarilo, Svetlana; Gajić, Ranka

(Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association, 2022)

AU  - Kordić, Milena
AU  - Batarilo, Svetlana
AU  - Gajić, Ranka
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1890
AB  - In a global and local context today, it is difficult to recognize let alone to design a sensitive balance between natural and built, which will enable further development of human activities while developing awareness of the importance of preserving nature, its processes and balance. We must regulate the indisputable pressure to build new capacities of urban tissue with strategies that intertwine built and unbuilt, manmade and natural, into a single mechanism of interaction. 

The design concept, which puts the fragility of the named balance in the foreground, enables the spatial-program scenarios of life in cities to be placed in an interdependent relationship with the nature so that the concept of built structure does not rest on the strength of architectural form or technological solution. As a testing ground for studying these issues, we take the winning competition proposal of the urban-architectural competition for the area of the Hippodrome. The competition site belongs to the wider spatial area "Topčider", an especially significant and authentic space since it unites the city's natural, historical and cultural heritage. The competition proposal examines the possibilities for the development of the interconnectedness of nature and the city through the concept of fragility.
PB  - Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association
C3  - Philosophy of architecture [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 10th International Conference On Architecture, December 2022, Belgrade
T1  - Fragility as Resilience: Designing the Balance of the Natural and Built on the example of an Open Competition for the Wider Area of the Hippodrome in Belgrade
SP  - 304
EP  - 313
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1890
ER  - 
author = "Kordić, Milena and Batarilo, Svetlana and Gajić, Ranka",
year = "2022",
abstract = "In a global and local context today, it is difficult to recognize let alone to design a sensitive balance between natural and built, which will enable further development of human activities while developing awareness of the importance of preserving nature, its processes and balance. We must regulate the indisputable pressure to build new capacities of urban tissue with strategies that intertwine built and unbuilt, manmade and natural, into a single mechanism of interaction. 

The design concept, which puts the fragility of the named balance in the foreground, enables the spatial-program scenarios of life in cities to be placed in an interdependent relationship with the nature so that the concept of built structure does not rest on the strength of architectural form or technological solution. As a testing ground for studying these issues, we take the winning competition proposal of the urban-architectural competition for the area of the Hippodrome. The competition site belongs to the wider spatial area "Topčider", an especially significant and authentic space since it unites the city's natural, historical and cultural heritage. The competition proposal examines the possibilities for the development of the interconnectedness of nature and the city through the concept of fragility.",
publisher = "Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association",
journal = "Philosophy of architecture [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 10th International Conference On Architecture, December 2022, Belgrade",
title = "Fragility as Resilience: Designing the Balance of the Natural and Built on the example of an Open Competition for the Wider Area of the Hippodrome in Belgrade",
pages = "304-313",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1890"
Kordić, M., Batarilo, S.,& Gajić, R.. (2022). Fragility as Resilience: Designing the Balance of the Natural and Built on the example of an Open Competition for the Wider Area of the Hippodrome in Belgrade. in Philosophy of architecture [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 10th International Conference On Architecture, December 2022, Belgrade
Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association., 304-313.
Kordić M, Batarilo S, Gajić R. Fragility as Resilience: Designing the Balance of the Natural and Built on the example of an Open Competition for the Wider Area of the Hippodrome in Belgrade. in Philosophy of architecture [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 10th International Conference On Architecture, December 2022, Belgrade. 2022;:304-313.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1890 .
Kordić, Milena, Batarilo, Svetlana, Gajić, Ranka, "Fragility as Resilience: Designing the Balance of the Natural and Built on the example of an Open Competition for the Wider Area of the Hippodrome in Belgrade" in Philosophy of architecture [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 10th International Conference On Architecture, December 2022, Belgrade (2022):304-313,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1890 .

Multiplicity of things coming together over time : apartment in the city center

Kordić, Milena

(Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association, 2022)


Kordić, M.. (2022). Multiplicity of things coming together over time : apartment in the city center. in Philosophy of Architecture : book of abstracts / [Tenth International Multimedia Event] On Architecture, Belgrade 2022]
Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association., 19-19.
Kordić M. Multiplicity of things coming together over time : apartment in the city center. in Philosophy of Architecture : book of abstracts / [Tenth International Multimedia Event] On Architecture, Belgrade 2022]. 2022;:19-19.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1889 .
Kordić, Milena, "Multiplicity of things coming together over time : apartment in the city center" in Philosophy of Architecture : book of abstracts / [Tenth International Multimedia Event] On Architecture, Belgrade 2022] (2022):19-19,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1889 .

The Methodology for Supporting Land Use Management in Collective Housing towards Achieving Energy Efficiency: A Case Study of New Belgrade, Serbia

Gajić, Ranka; Golubović-Matić, Darinka; Mitrović, Biserka; Batarilo, Svetlana; Kordić, Milena

(MDPI, 2021)

AU  - Gajić, Ranka
AU  - Golubović-Matić, Darinka
AU  - Mitrović, Biserka
AU  - Batarilo, Svetlana
AU  - Kordić, Milena
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1155
AB  - This paper aims to establish a methodology for urban land use planning and management that provides an insight into the hierarchy of priorities between a large number of activities for planning actions, thus contributing to the concept of energy-efficient housing. This methodology includes three aspects of sustainable development: Economic, ecologic, and social, which serve as an overall criterion within which urban planners could make assessments of planned activities. The assessments are the core of the methodology—every aspect is assessed by concerning its costs, consequences on the urban environment, and the effects on the citizens’ quality of life. Ten experts were involved to prove the methodology’s effectiveness. As a result, a hierarchy between the activities is created, which would help an urban planner prioritize and order further activities. The applicability of the hierarchy was tested through a simulation of a reconstruction process of a collective housing area in New Belgrade, Serbia, from the view-point of land use and accessibility. This methodology contributes to the creation of the prioritized groups of activities, and a finalized hierarchy of the activities, while its application is seen in the process of making urban plans, and defining recommendations for its implementation.
T2  - Land
T1  - The Methodology for Supporting Land Use Management in Collective Housing towards Achieving Energy Efficiency: A Case Study of New Belgrade, Serbia
VL  - 10
IS  - 1
SP  - 42
DO  - 10.3390/land10010042
ER  - 
author = "Gajić, Ranka and Golubović-Matić, Darinka and Mitrović, Biserka and Batarilo, Svetlana and Kordić, Milena",
year = "2021",
abstract = "This paper aims to establish a methodology for urban land use planning and management that provides an insight into the hierarchy of priorities between a large number of activities for planning actions, thus contributing to the concept of energy-efficient housing. This methodology includes three aspects of sustainable development: Economic, ecologic, and social, which serve as an overall criterion within which urban planners could make assessments of planned activities. The assessments are the core of the methodology—every aspect is assessed by concerning its costs, consequences on the urban environment, and the effects on the citizens’ quality of life. Ten experts were involved to prove the methodology’s effectiveness. As a result, a hierarchy between the activities is created, which would help an urban planner prioritize and order further activities. The applicability of the hierarchy was tested through a simulation of a reconstruction process of a collective housing area in New Belgrade, Serbia, from the view-point of land use and accessibility. This methodology contributes to the creation of the prioritized groups of activities, and a finalized hierarchy of the activities, while its application is seen in the process of making urban plans, and defining recommendations for its implementation.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "Land",
title = "The Methodology for Supporting Land Use Management in Collective Housing towards Achieving Energy Efficiency: A Case Study of New Belgrade, Serbia",
volume = "10",
number = "1",
pages = "42",
doi = "10.3390/land10010042"
Gajić, R., Golubović-Matić, D., Mitrović, B., Batarilo, S.,& Kordić, M.. (2021). The Methodology for Supporting Land Use Management in Collective Housing towards Achieving Energy Efficiency: A Case Study of New Belgrade, Serbia. in Land
MDPI., 10(1), 42.
Gajić R, Golubović-Matić D, Mitrović B, Batarilo S, Kordić M. The Methodology for Supporting Land Use Management in Collective Housing towards Achieving Energy Efficiency: A Case Study of New Belgrade, Serbia. in Land. 2021;10(1):42.
doi:10.3390/land10010042 .
Gajić, Ranka, Golubović-Matić, Darinka, Mitrović, Biserka, Batarilo, Svetlana, Kordić, Milena, "The Methodology for Supporting Land Use Management in Collective Housing towards Achieving Energy Efficiency: A Case Study of New Belgrade, Serbia" in Land, 10, no. 1 (2021):42,
https://doi.org/10.3390/land10010042 . .

Oxygen [STRAND 2020]

Grbić, Milica; Radović, Senka; Dobrota, Miljana; Kordić, Milena; Milačić, Ida; Jovanović, Ana

(Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association, 2020)


Grbić, M., Radović, S., Dobrota, M., Kordić, M., Milačić, I.,& Jovanović, A.. (2020). Oxygen [STRAND 2020]. in Learning architecture : exhibition book / [Eight International Multimedia Event] On Architecture, Belgrade
Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association., 41-41.
Grbić M, Radović S, Dobrota M, Kordić M, Milačić I, Jovanović A. Oxygen [STRAND 2020]. in Learning architecture : exhibition book / [Eight International Multimedia Event] On Architecture, Belgrade. 2020;:41-41.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1923 .
Grbić, Milica, Radović, Senka, Dobrota, Miljana, Kordić, Milena, Milačić, Ida, Jovanović, Ana, "Oxygen [STRAND 2020]" in Learning architecture : exhibition book / [Eight International Multimedia Event] On Architecture, Belgrade (2020):41-41,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1923 .

Hostel Žabljak [Nagrada Četvrti crnogorski salon arhitekture 2020]

Krsmanović Stringheta, Marija; Kordić, Milena; Banjar Gojnić, Anđelka; Stringheta, Bruno

(Podgorica : Savez arhitekata Crne Gore, 2020)


Krsmanović Stringheta, M., Kordić, M., Banjar Gojnić, A.,& Stringheta, B.. (2020). Hostel Žabljak [Nagrada Četvrti crnogorski salon arhitekture 2020]. in Četvrti crnogorski salon arhitekture
Podgorica : Savez arhitekata Crne Gore..
Krsmanović Stringheta M, Kordić M, Banjar Gojnić A, Stringheta B. Hostel Žabljak [Nagrada Četvrti crnogorski salon arhitekture 2020]. in Četvrti crnogorski salon arhitekture. 2020;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1986 .
Krsmanović Stringheta, Marija, Kordić, Milena, Banjar Gojnić, Anđelka, Stringheta, Bruno, "Hostel Žabljak [Nagrada Četvrti crnogorski salon arhitekture 2020]" in Četvrti crnogorski salon arhitekture (2020),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1986 .

Polyclinic dr Zejnilović, Bar, Montenegro, 2019 [III nagrada BAB 2019]

Kordić, Milena; Otašević, Vanja

(Belgrade : Balkan Architectural Biennale, 2019)


Kordić, M.,& Otašević, V.. (2019). Polyclinic dr Zejnilović, Bar, Montenegro, 2019 [III nagrada BAB 2019]. in Decoding Balkan : [exhibition catalogue] / BAB [Balkan Architectural Biennale] 2019, 14th - 21st of november
Belgrade : Balkan Architectural Biennale., 107-107.
Kordić M, Otašević V. Polyclinic dr Zejnilović, Bar, Montenegro, 2019 [III nagrada BAB 2019]. in Decoding Balkan : [exhibition catalogue] / BAB [Balkan Architectural Biennale] 2019, 14th - 21st of november. 2019;:107-107.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1945 .
Kordić, Milena, Otašević, Vanja, "Polyclinic dr Zejnilović, Bar, Montenegro, 2019 [III nagrada BAB 2019]" in Decoding Balkan : [exhibition catalogue] / BAB [Balkan Architectural Biennale] 2019, 14th - 21st of november (2019):107-107,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1945 .

Biophilic architecture: nature-based design solutions for health and well-being in living spaces

Djokic, Vladan; Ristic Trajkovic, Jelena; Nikezic, Ana; Kordic, Milena

(İstanbul: DAKAM BOOKS - Özgür Öztürk DAKAM YAYINLARI, 2019)

AU  - Djokic, Vladan
AU  - Ristic Trajkovic, Jelena
AU  - Nikezic, Ana
AU  - Kordic, Milena
PY  - 2019
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1641
AB  - This research focuses on improving the well-being and health of citizens in 
terms of the design and development of living spaces in harmony with nature. In 
the contemporary moment, most cities suffer from health and environmental 
problems. Also, the growing awareness of climate change issues makes it even more 
apparent and essential to bring nature into our living spaces. Scientific studies have 
pointed out on a multiplicity of benefits of nature for people, especially for children 
and older populations. Bringing nature indoor causes increased participation in 
physical activities, improved mental health and cognitive function and an increase 
in social interaction between people. Nature and its elements have great power 
on the human body. The concept of biophilia advocates that there is an innate 
connection between humans and nature and that people tend to show a positive 
response when they experience a connection with nature. Accordingly, biophilic 
design is the design of spaces that promotes and encourages the interaction of 
humans with nature and natural systems. This paper researches different design 
methodologies, strategies, principles, scales, and concepts according to patterns of biophilic design and with a focus on their influence on the health and well-being of 
users. The research also opens further discussions about the potentials of sensitive 
and responsive biophilic design to improve the health and environmental problems of 
contemporary urban areas.
PB  - İstanbul: DAKAM BOOKS - Özgür Öztürk DAKAM YAYINLARI
C3  - Archdesign '19 / VI International architectural design conference  proceedings
T1  - Biophilic architecture: nature-based design solutions for health and well-being in living spaces
SP  - 171
EP  - 187
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1641
ER  - 
author = "Djokic, Vladan and Ristic Trajkovic, Jelena and Nikezic, Ana and Kordic, Milena",
year = "2019",
abstract = "This research focuses on improving the well-being and health of citizens in 
terms of the design and development of living spaces in harmony with nature. In 
the contemporary moment, most cities suffer from health and environmental 
problems. Also, the growing awareness of climate change issues makes it even more 
apparent and essential to bring nature into our living spaces. Scientific studies have 
pointed out on a multiplicity of benefits of nature for people, especially for children 
and older populations. Bringing nature indoor causes increased participation in 
physical activities, improved mental health and cognitive function and an increase 
in social interaction between people. Nature and its elements have great power 
on the human body. The concept of biophilia advocates that there is an innate 
connection between humans and nature and that people tend to show a positive 
response when they experience a connection with nature. Accordingly, biophilic 
design is the design of spaces that promotes and encourages the interaction of 
humans with nature and natural systems. This paper researches different design 
methodologies, strategies, principles, scales, and concepts according to patterns of biophilic design and with a focus on their influence on the health and well-being of 
users. The research also opens further discussions about the potentials of sensitive 
and responsive biophilic design to improve the health and environmental problems of 
contemporary urban areas.",
publisher = "İstanbul: DAKAM BOOKS - Özgür Öztürk DAKAM YAYINLARI",
journal = "Archdesign '19 / VI International architectural design conference  proceedings",
title = "Biophilic architecture: nature-based design solutions for health and well-being in living spaces",
pages = "171-187",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1641"
Djokic, V., Ristic Trajkovic, J., Nikezic, A.,& Kordic, M.. (2019). Biophilic architecture: nature-based design solutions for health and well-being in living spaces. in Archdesign '19 / VI International architectural design conference  proceedings
İstanbul: DAKAM BOOKS - Özgür Öztürk DAKAM YAYINLARI., 171-187.
Djokic V, Ristic Trajkovic J, Nikezic A, Kordic M. Biophilic architecture: nature-based design solutions for health and well-being in living spaces. in Archdesign '19 / VI International architectural design conference  proceedings. 2019;:171-187.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1641 .
Djokic, Vladan, Ristic Trajkovic, Jelena, Nikezic, Ana, Kordic, Milena, "Biophilic architecture: nature-based design solutions for health and well-being in living spaces" in Archdesign '19 / VI International architectural design conference  proceedings (2019):171-187,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1641 .

Bringing nature indoors: Design and development of indoor living spaces in harmony with nature for active and healthy ageing in urban environments

Djokić, Vladan; Ristić Trajković, Jelena; Nikezić, Ana; Kordić, Milena

(Riga: Riga Stradiņš University, 2018)

AU  - Djokić, Vladan
AU  - Ristić Trajković, Jelena
AU  - Nikezić, Ana
AU  - Kordić, Milena
PY  - 2018
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1650
AB  - The focus of this research is improving the well-being and happiness of the elderly in terms of the design and development of their indoor living spaces in harmony with nature. Multiple scientific 
studies have pointed out the benefits and importance of nature for people, especially 
for children and older populations. These benefits (increased participation in physical activities, improved mental health and cognitive function and an increase in social interaction) 
found through access to nature are key ingredients to well-being during ageing. As our population ages rapidly, and at the same time, the majority of people live in cities since urbanisation is continuing worldwide, it is important to provide and foster reconnection with nature for the senior members of our communities. Today’s cities suffer from many health and 
environmental problems. In recent years, the growing awareness of sustainability and climate 
change issues has made it even more apparent that bringing nature into our homes is essential. 
Bringing nature indoors causes people to feel happier, healthier, calmer, and, at the same time 
more energetic and optimistic about their lives. Natural environments also help to improve 
sleeping patterns, reduce pain, speed up recovery and even increase longevity. 
This research deals with different design strategies, principles, scales, concepts and patterns of 
biophilic design for elderly people, as well as their different benefits for health and well-being, with the aim of improving the design of dwelling environments in urban areas. The research also stimulates further discussions about the question of how bringing nature indoors through design (of interior/ architectural spaces, furniture) can improve the well-being of 
the elderly and how these can enable them to undertake activities that contribute to their well-being. It means creating a sensitive and responsive design that highlights a) a visual connection to nature, b) pulpability and soundness of nature and c) nurturing a sense of place, a 
community in which the role of aesthetics is crucial for behavioural change.
PB  - Riga: Riga Stradiņš University
C3  - First sheld-on conference meeting  : Proceedings Book, Riga 10th October 2018
T1  - Bringing nature  indoors: Design and  development of indoor  living spaces in harmony  with nature for active  and healthy ageing in  urban environments
SP  - 6
EP  - 9
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1650
ER  - 
author = "Djokić, Vladan and Ristić Trajković, Jelena and Nikezić, Ana and Kordić, Milena",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The focus of this research is improving the well-being and happiness of the elderly in terms of the design and development of their indoor living spaces in harmony with nature. Multiple scientific 
studies have pointed out the benefits and importance of nature for people, especially 
for children and older populations. These benefits (increased participation in physical activities, improved mental health and cognitive function and an increase in social interaction) 
found through access to nature are key ingredients to well-being during ageing. As our population ages rapidly, and at the same time, the majority of people live in cities since urbanisation is continuing worldwide, it is important to provide and foster reconnection with nature for the senior members of our communities. Today’s cities suffer from many health and 
environmental problems. In recent years, the growing awareness of sustainability and climate 
change issues has made it even more apparent that bringing nature into our homes is essential. 
Bringing nature indoors causes people to feel happier, healthier, calmer, and, at the same time 
more energetic and optimistic about their lives. Natural environments also help to improve 
sleeping patterns, reduce pain, speed up recovery and even increase longevity. 
This research deals with different design strategies, principles, scales, concepts and patterns of 
biophilic design for elderly people, as well as their different benefits for health and well-being, with the aim of improving the design of dwelling environments in urban areas. The research also stimulates further discussions about the question of how bringing nature indoors through design (of interior/ architectural spaces, furniture) can improve the well-being of 
the elderly and how these can enable them to undertake activities that contribute to their well-being. It means creating a sensitive and responsive design that highlights a) a visual connection to nature, b) pulpability and soundness of nature and c) nurturing a sense of place, a 
community in which the role of aesthetics is crucial for behavioural change.",
publisher = "Riga: Riga Stradiņš University",
journal = "First sheld-on conference meeting  : Proceedings Book, Riga 10th October 2018",
title = "Bringing nature  indoors: Design and  development of indoor  living spaces in harmony  with nature for active  and healthy ageing in  urban environments",
pages = "6-9",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1650"
Djokić, V., Ristić Trajković, J., Nikezić, A.,& Kordić, M.. (2018). Bringing nature  indoors: Design and  development of indoor  living spaces in harmony  with nature for active  and healthy ageing in  urban environments. in First sheld-on conference meeting  : Proceedings Book, Riga 10th October 2018
Riga: Riga Stradiņš University., 6-9.
Djokić V, Ristić Trajković J, Nikezić A, Kordić M. Bringing nature  indoors: Design and  development of indoor  living spaces in harmony  with nature for active  and healthy ageing in  urban environments. in First sheld-on conference meeting  : Proceedings Book, Riga 10th October 2018. 2018;:6-9.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1650 .
Djokić, Vladan, Ristić Trajković, Jelena, Nikezić, Ana, Kordić, Milena, "Bringing nature  indoors: Design and  development of indoor  living spaces in harmony  with nature for active  and healthy ageing in  urban environments" in First sheld-on conference meeting  : Proceedings Book, Riga 10th October 2018 (2018):6-9,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1650 .

Beyond scale. Imprinting of everyday life in the architectural and artistic forms

Krstić, Verica; Kordić, Milena

(Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, 2016)

AU  - Krstić, Verica
AU  - Kordić, Milena
PY  - 2016
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1153
UR  - https://saj-journal.org/archives-published-volumes/
AB  - As a starting point this paper questions the actualization of the concept of the atmosphere in contemporary architectural and artistic research both in theory and in practice. The concept of the atmosphere points to the possibility that the architectural and artistic practices directly operationalize their interests in the problems of everyday life and everyday culture. Architectural and artistic atmosphere are realized in the ratio 1:1, thus surpassing conditions typical for both discipline separately. Usefulness of the scale of 1:1 is the potential for interdiscursive exchange because it includes the experience of the physical body in space and represents a medium through which the social reality is engraved into the space. We propose that the production of the atmosphere could be a mechanism to imprint everyday life into architectural and artistic forms through real-size-multimediaworks.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture
T2  - SAJ : Serbian architectural journal
T1  - Beyond scale. Imprinting of everyday life in the architectural and artistic forms
VL  - 8
IS  - 3
SP  - 426
EP  - 439
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1153
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Verica and Kordić, Milena",
year = "2016",
abstract = "As a starting point this paper questions the actualization of the concept of the atmosphere in contemporary architectural and artistic research both in theory and in practice. The concept of the atmosphere points to the possibility that the architectural and artistic practices directly operationalize their interests in the problems of everyday life and everyday culture. Architectural and artistic atmosphere are realized in the ratio 1:1, thus surpassing conditions typical for both discipline separately. Usefulness of the scale of 1:1 is the potential for interdiscursive exchange because it includes the experience of the physical body in space and represents a medium through which the social reality is engraved into the space. We propose that the production of the atmosphere could be a mechanism to imprint everyday life into architectural and artistic forms through real-size-multimediaworks.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture",
journal = "SAJ : Serbian architectural journal",
title = "Beyond scale. Imprinting of everyday life in the architectural and artistic forms",
volume = "8",
number = "3",
pages = "426-439",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1153"
Krstić, V.,& Kordić, M.. (2016). Beyond scale. Imprinting of everyday life in the architectural and artistic forms. in SAJ : Serbian architectural journal
Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture., 8(3), 426-439.
Krstić V, Kordić M. Beyond scale. Imprinting of everyday life in the architectural and artistic forms. in SAJ : Serbian architectural journal. 2016;8(3):426-439.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1153 .
Krstić, Verica, Kordić, Milena, "Beyond scale. Imprinting of everyday life in the architectural and artistic forms" in SAJ : Serbian architectural journal, 8, no. 3 (2016):426-439,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1153 .

Forms of continuity in architectural space

Cigić, Petar; Kordić, Milena

(Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, 2016)

AU  - Cigić, Petar
AU  - Kordić, Milena
PY  - 2016
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/498
AB  - Starting from understanding the architectural space as one of many modes of continual urban
space, the research focuses on the interpretation of concepts developed in order to describe the
properties of the so-called cognitive architecture. In the last decade, guided by the issue of social
effects of architecture, many investigations in the field of theory of architecture were conducted
within the framework constituted from the philosophical elaborations of the notion of affect,
mainly by Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari and Brian Massumi. In some proposals, the concept of
cognitive architecture was established to describe the impact that the space occupied with new
information and communication technologies exerts on the domains of intellect and mental
disposition, coupled with the practices of every-day life. Cognitive architecture emerges as a
consequence of the intertwinings of physical and mental processes in individuals’ bodies, as well
as between them, that characterize social space in contemporary communication-information
age. The concept of cognitive architecture thus emphasizes the ways in which technologies of
communication shape the mental sphere of humans and its relation to material processes in
humans’ bodies. Paralleling this phenomenon, in the field of architectural design, the architect
Philippe Rahm has developed a practice based on investigations into the morphogenetic potential
of material flows in space. The flows in question comprise a series of chemical, physical and
biological transformations through which non-living materials and human mind and body become
directly connected. Comparing and intersecting theoretical interpretations of cognitive
architecture with Rahm’s design strategies, we shall offer a set of notions that trace new forms of
unity between mind, body and architectural space, as a contribution to the exploration of the
concept of bodily-mental-social continuum.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture
C3  - Conference Proceedings [Elektronski izvor] / 3rd international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, [14-15.04.2016, Belgrade]
T1  - Forms of continuity in architectural space
SP  - 555
EP  - 563
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_498
ER  - 
author = "Cigić, Petar and Kordić, Milena",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Starting from understanding the architectural space as one of many modes of continual urban
space, the research focuses on the interpretation of concepts developed in order to describe the
properties of the so-called cognitive architecture. In the last decade, guided by the issue of social
effects of architecture, many investigations in the field of theory of architecture were conducted
within the framework constituted from the philosophical elaborations of the notion of affect,
mainly by Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari and Brian Massumi. In some proposals, the concept of
cognitive architecture was established to describe the impact that the space occupied with new
information and communication technologies exerts on the domains of intellect and mental
disposition, coupled with the practices of every-day life. Cognitive architecture emerges as a
consequence of the intertwinings of physical and mental processes in individuals’ bodies, as well
as between them, that characterize social space in contemporary communication-information
age. The concept of cognitive architecture thus emphasizes the ways in which technologies of
communication shape the mental sphere of humans and its relation to material processes in
humans’ bodies. Paralleling this phenomenon, in the field of architectural design, the architect
Philippe Rahm has developed a practice based on investigations into the morphogenetic potential
of material flows in space. The flows in question comprise a series of chemical, physical and
biological transformations through which non-living materials and human mind and body become
directly connected. Comparing and intersecting theoretical interpretations of cognitive
architecture with Rahm’s design strategies, we shall offer a set of notions that trace new forms of
unity between mind, body and architectural space, as a contribution to the exploration of the
concept of bodily-mental-social continuum.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture",
journal = "Conference Proceedings [Elektronski izvor] / 3rd international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, [14-15.04.2016, Belgrade]",
title = "Forms of continuity in architectural space",
pages = "555-563",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_498"
Cigić, P.,& Kordić, M.. (2016). Forms of continuity in architectural space. in Conference Proceedings [Elektronski izvor] / 3rd international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, [14-15.04.2016, Belgrade]
Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture., 555-563.
Cigić P, Kordić M. Forms of continuity in architectural space. in Conference Proceedings [Elektronski izvor] / 3rd international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, [14-15.04.2016, Belgrade]. 2016;:555-563.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_498 .
Cigić, Petar, Kordić, Milena, "Forms of continuity in architectural space" in Conference Proceedings [Elektronski izvor] / 3rd international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, [14-15.04.2016, Belgrade] (2016):555-563,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_498 .

Interview with architect Philippe Rahm: Imagination without scientific knowledge is weak

Krstić, Verica; Kordić, Milena; Ristić-Trajković, Jelena

(Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, Beograd, 2015)

AU  - Krstić, Verica
AU  - Kordić, Milena
AU  - Ristić-Trajković, Jelena
PY  - 2015
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/177
PB  - Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Arhitektura i urbanizam
T1  - Interview with architect Philippe Rahm: Imagination without scientific knowledge is weak
T1  - Intervju sa arhitektom Filipom ramom - imaginacija bez naučnog saznanja nije dovoljna
IS  - 41
SP  - 75
EP  - 79
DO  - 10.5937/a-u0-9094
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Verica and Kordić, Milena and Ristić-Trajković, Jelena",
year = "2015",
publisher = "Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Arhitektura i urbanizam",
title = "Interview with architect Philippe Rahm: Imagination without scientific knowledge is weak, Intervju sa arhitektom Filipom ramom - imaginacija bez naučnog saznanja nije dovoljna",
number = "41",
pages = "75-79",
doi = "10.5937/a-u0-9094"
Krstić, V., Kordić, M.,& Ristić-Trajković, J.. (2015). Interview with architect Philippe Rahm: Imagination without scientific knowledge is weak. in Arhitektura i urbanizam
Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, Beograd.(41), 75-79.
Krstić V, Kordić M, Ristić-Trajković J. Interview with architect Philippe Rahm: Imagination without scientific knowledge is weak. in Arhitektura i urbanizam. 2015;(41):75-79.
doi:10.5937/a-u0-9094 .
Krstić, Verica, Kordić, Milena, Ristić-Trajković, Jelena, "Interview with architect Philippe Rahm: Imagination without scientific knowledge is weak" in Arhitektura i urbanizam, no. 41 (2015):75-79,
https://doi.org/10.5937/a-u0-9094 . .

Active house: A contemporary housing model for flood affected population

Stratimirović, Tatjana; Kordić, Milena; Marlović, Srđan

(Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš, 2015)

AU  - Stratimirović, Tatjana
AU  - Kordić, Milena
AU  - Marlović, Srđan
PY  - 2015
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/191
AB  - The effectiveness of architectural knowledge in the struggle for a better future can be seen in the attitude that a good design or a good architectural solution, does not belong solely to the privileged ones as an improvement of the basic requirements, rather quite the opposite, that it is created as a response to a need. The goal of physical and emotional wellbeing, combined with a long term strategy for reducing the negative impact of the built environment by converting it into a positive influence upon the natural ecosystem, brings together and advances bioclimatic principles, architectural design and sustainable construction in the contemporary housing model dubbed the Active House. The Active House Workshop was held, as part of a wider student initiative New Housing Models for Flood Affected Population, at the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. The purpose of the campaign was to provide help to flood affected communities and assistance in efforts for repairing buildings in Serbia, hit by the severe floods of May 2014. Students came up with nine design solutions for small family homes, which incorporate the principles of Active House into existing construction techniques. In an architectural context, when concerning repair work after flooding, the need to consider problems related to contemporary living conditions through the ‘active’ category is seen in a new understanding of nature which allows the replacement of a passive restoration model, with an active models for designing in interaction with the environment.
AB  - Snaga arhitektonskih znanja u borbi za bolju budućnost pokazuje se kroz stav da dobar projekat, odnosno kvalitetno arhitektonsko rešenje, ne pripada samo privilegovanima kao nadogradnja elementarnih uslova, već upravo obrnuto, da ono nastaje tek u okvirima nužnosti. Cilj zdravstvenog i emotivnog blagostanja, ukršten sa dugoročnom težnjom da se negativan uticaj građenog okruženja umanji i preinači u pozitivan doprinos prirodnoj sredini, spaja i unapređuje bioklimatske principe, arhitektonsko projektovanje i održivost gradnje u koncepciji Aktivne kuće. Ideja o Aktivnoj kući sažima obezbeđivanje komfora i opšte dobrobiti korisnika sa energetskom efikasnosti i zaštitom životne sredine. Radionica Aktivna kuća održana je, kao deo šire akcije studenata Novi modeli stanovanja za ugrožene u poplavama, na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, u svrhu pružanja pomoći ugroženoj društvenoj zajednici i doprinosa sanaciji objekata na području Srbije, pogođenom ekstremnim poplavama u maju mesecu 2014. Tokom rada u ovoj radionici studenti su proizveli devet idejnih rešenja malih porodičnih kuća gde su prepoznali principe Aktivne kuće u postojećim tehnikama gradnje. Na opštoj obrazovnoj ravni, reč je o proširenju zamisli predmeta arhitekture, tako što mu se inicijalno dodeljuje osnovna životna vrednost, čime bi mogao da zadobije koncepcijski status blizak živom organizmu, ili bar svakodnevnom životu. Potreba da se o problemima savremenih uslova života razmišlja kroz kategoriju “aktivnog” u arhitektonskom kontekstu manifestuje se kroz novo razumevanje prirode koje omogućava da se zamene pasivni modeli arhitektonskog saniranja posledica aktivnim modelima projektovanja sadejstva sa okruženjem.
PB  - Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš
T2  - Facta universitatis - series: Architecture and Civil Engineering
T1  - Active house: A contemporary housing model for flood affected population
T1  - Aktivna kuća - savremeni stambeni model za ugrožene u poplavama
VL  - 13
IS  - 2
SP  - 97
EP  - 111
DO  - 10.2298/FUACE1502097S
ER  - 
author = "Stratimirović, Tatjana and Kordić, Milena and Marlović, Srđan",
year = "2015",
abstract = "The effectiveness of architectural knowledge in the struggle for a better future can be seen in the attitude that a good design or a good architectural solution, does not belong solely to the privileged ones as an improvement of the basic requirements, rather quite the opposite, that it is created as a response to a need. The goal of physical and emotional wellbeing, combined with a long term strategy for reducing the negative impact of the built environment by converting it into a positive influence upon the natural ecosystem, brings together and advances bioclimatic principles, architectural design and sustainable construction in the contemporary housing model dubbed the Active House. The Active House Workshop was held, as part of a wider student initiative New Housing Models for Flood Affected Population, at the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. The purpose of the campaign was to provide help to flood affected communities and assistance in efforts for repairing buildings in Serbia, hit by the severe floods of May 2014. Students came up with nine design solutions for small family homes, which incorporate the principles of Active House into existing construction techniques. In an architectural context, when concerning repair work after flooding, the need to consider problems related to contemporary living conditions through the ‘active’ category is seen in a new understanding of nature which allows the replacement of a passive restoration model, with an active models for designing in interaction with the environment., Snaga arhitektonskih znanja u borbi za bolju budućnost pokazuje se kroz stav da dobar projekat, odnosno kvalitetno arhitektonsko rešenje, ne pripada samo privilegovanima kao nadogradnja elementarnih uslova, već upravo obrnuto, da ono nastaje tek u okvirima nužnosti. Cilj zdravstvenog i emotivnog blagostanja, ukršten sa dugoročnom težnjom da se negativan uticaj građenog okruženja umanji i preinači u pozitivan doprinos prirodnoj sredini, spaja i unapređuje bioklimatske principe, arhitektonsko projektovanje i održivost gradnje u koncepciji Aktivne kuće. Ideja o Aktivnoj kući sažima obezbeđivanje komfora i opšte dobrobiti korisnika sa energetskom efikasnosti i zaštitom životne sredine. Radionica Aktivna kuća održana je, kao deo šire akcije studenata Novi modeli stanovanja za ugrožene u poplavama, na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, u svrhu pružanja pomoći ugroženoj društvenoj zajednici i doprinosa sanaciji objekata na području Srbije, pogođenom ekstremnim poplavama u maju mesecu 2014. Tokom rada u ovoj radionici studenti su proizveli devet idejnih rešenja malih porodičnih kuća gde su prepoznali principe Aktivne kuće u postojećim tehnikama gradnje. Na opštoj obrazovnoj ravni, reč je o proširenju zamisli predmeta arhitekture, tako što mu se inicijalno dodeljuje osnovna životna vrednost, čime bi mogao da zadobije koncepcijski status blizak živom organizmu, ili bar svakodnevnom životu. Potreba da se o problemima savremenih uslova života razmišlja kroz kategoriju “aktivnog” u arhitektonskom kontekstu manifestuje se kroz novo razumevanje prirode koje omogućava da se zamene pasivni modeli arhitektonskog saniranja posledica aktivnim modelima projektovanja sadejstva sa okruženjem.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš",
journal = "Facta universitatis - series: Architecture and Civil Engineering",
title = "Active house: A contemporary housing model for flood affected population, Aktivna kuća - savremeni stambeni model za ugrožene u poplavama",
volume = "13",
number = "2",
pages = "97-111",
doi = "10.2298/FUACE1502097S"
Stratimirović, T., Kordić, M.,& Marlović, S.. (2015). Active house: A contemporary housing model for flood affected population. in Facta universitatis - series: Architecture and Civil Engineering
Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš., 13(2), 97-111.
Stratimirović T, Kordić M, Marlović S. Active house: A contemporary housing model for flood affected population. in Facta universitatis - series: Architecture and Civil Engineering. 2015;13(2):97-111.
doi:10.2298/FUACE1502097S .
Stratimirović, Tatjana, Kordić, Milena, Marlović, Srđan, "Active house: A contemporary housing model for flood affected population" in Facta universitatis - series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 13, no. 2 (2015):97-111,
https://doi.org/10.2298/FUACE1502097S . .

Epistemology of architectural design: From interdiscursive knowledge exchange to design strategy

Kordić, Milena

(Srpsko filozofsko društvo, Beograd, 2014)

AU  - Kordić, Milena
PY  - 2014
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/166
AB  - Tracing the influence of philosophical theories on architecture, the paper explores possibilities to expand the theoretical platform that allows for creation of new design methodological models. If, as a contemporary cultural context, we assume the shift in understanding of the world from determined and rational to multiple, temporal, and complex, then the (architectural) design models are moving from static and fixed to balanced dynamic systems. In such dynamic systems, order and disorder are pulsing toward each other continuously. In this paper, the transformation of existing to new design methodological models are investigated on an example of resonance of Gilles Deleuze’s philosophical ideas and thought-creative models of architect and theorist Peter Eisenman. Identifying the formative conditions for design methodology models, the paper introduces an open-end in the design methodology structure, from which the emergence of new creative models is possible.
AB  - Trasiranjem uticaja filozofskih teorija na arhitektonske, proširuje se mogućnost razvoja teorijskih osnova za formiranje novih projektantskih metodoloških modela. Ako kao savremeni kulturni kontekst pretpostavimo pomeraj u razumevanju sveta od determinisanog i racionalnog ka multiplom, temporalnom i kompleksnom; (arhitektonsko) delovanje u takvoj realnosti pomera se od fiksnog i stabilnog ka novom balansu serija dinamičkih sistema u kojima uređenost i neuređenost pulsiraju jedno ka drugome kontinualno. Na konkretnom primeru rezonancije filozofskih ideja Žila Deleza u modelima promišljanja i stvaranja arhitekte i teoretičara Pitera Ajzenmana, identifikuju se transformacije postojećih i začetci novih metodoloških modela za projektovanje. Prepoznavanjem formativnih uslova postojećih modela, rad ukazuje na jedan od takozvanih otvorenih krajeva iz kog je moguć razvoj novih modela, u formi klice sa potencijalom za razvoj ka nepoznatom.
PB  - Srpsko filozofsko društvo, Beograd
T2  - Theoria
T1  - Epistemology of architectural design: From interdiscursive knowledge exchange to design strategy
T1  - Epistemologija arhitektonskog projektovanja - od interdiskurzivne razmene znanja do projektantske strategije
VL  - 57
IS  - 2
SP  - 39
EP  - 64
DO  - 10.2298/THEO1402039K
ER  - 
author = "Kordić, Milena",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Tracing the influence of philosophical theories on architecture, the paper explores possibilities to expand the theoretical platform that allows for creation of new design methodological models. If, as a contemporary cultural context, we assume the shift in understanding of the world from determined and rational to multiple, temporal, and complex, then the (architectural) design models are moving from static and fixed to balanced dynamic systems. In such dynamic systems, order and disorder are pulsing toward each other continuously. In this paper, the transformation of existing to new design methodological models are investigated on an example of resonance of Gilles Deleuze’s philosophical ideas and thought-creative models of architect and theorist Peter Eisenman. Identifying the formative conditions for design methodology models, the paper introduces an open-end in the design methodology structure, from which the emergence of new creative models is possible., Trasiranjem uticaja filozofskih teorija na arhitektonske, proširuje se mogućnost razvoja teorijskih osnova za formiranje novih projektantskih metodoloških modela. Ako kao savremeni kulturni kontekst pretpostavimo pomeraj u razumevanju sveta od determinisanog i racionalnog ka multiplom, temporalnom i kompleksnom; (arhitektonsko) delovanje u takvoj realnosti pomera se od fiksnog i stabilnog ka novom balansu serija dinamičkih sistema u kojima uređenost i neuređenost pulsiraju jedno ka drugome kontinualno. Na konkretnom primeru rezonancije filozofskih ideja Žila Deleza u modelima promišljanja i stvaranja arhitekte i teoretičara Pitera Ajzenmana, identifikuju se transformacije postojećih i začetci novih metodoloških modela za projektovanje. Prepoznavanjem formativnih uslova postojećih modela, rad ukazuje na jedan od takozvanih otvorenih krajeva iz kog je moguć razvoj novih modela, u formi klice sa potencijalom za razvoj ka nepoznatom.",
publisher = "Srpsko filozofsko društvo, Beograd",
journal = "Theoria",
title = "Epistemology of architectural design: From interdiscursive knowledge exchange to design strategy, Epistemologija arhitektonskog projektovanja - od interdiskurzivne razmene znanja do projektantske strategije",
volume = "57",
number = "2",
pages = "39-64",
doi = "10.2298/THEO1402039K"
Kordić, M.. (2014). Epistemology of architectural design: From interdiscursive knowledge exchange to design strategy. in Theoria
Srpsko filozofsko društvo, Beograd., 57(2), 39-64.
Kordić M. Epistemology of architectural design: From interdiscursive knowledge exchange to design strategy. in Theoria. 2014;57(2):39-64.
doi:10.2298/THEO1402039K .
Kordić, Milena, "Epistemology of architectural design: From interdiscursive knowledge exchange to design strategy" in Theoria, 57, no. 2 (2014):39-64,
https://doi.org/10.2298/THEO1402039K . .