Stojanović, Hristina

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  • Stojanović, Hristina (19)
  • Meseldžija, Hristina (5)
  • Stojanovic, Hristina (2)
  • Стојановић, Христина (2)
  • Меселџија, Христина (1)
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Улога архитектонског цртежа у процесу пројектовања на почетку XXI века

Меселџија, Христина

(Београд : Универзитет у Београду - Архитектонски факултет, 2023)

AU  - Меселџија, Христина
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Истраживање полази од претпоставке да у ери дигиталног преокрета архитектонски 
цртеж у процесу архитектонског пројектовања постаје свестрано, вишеслојно и 
хибридно средство које поред улоге преносиоца информација, има и све значајније место 
у истраживању концепатa архитектонског простора. У процесу обликовања 
архитектонског простора, улога архитектонског цртежа је један од кључних елемената 
стваралачког процеса архитекте. У савременом контексту архитектонске делатности 
подстакнутим развојем информационих технологија, који консеквентно интерпретира 
аналитичке процедуре развијане током двадесетог века – структурализам и 
постструктурализам, употреба дигиталних алата у процесу пројектовања доводи до 
преиспитивања креативне, односно ментално-моторичке спреге између мисаоних 
процеса и материјалних експресија које производи рука архитекте. 
Истраживање проблематизује позицију цртежа између два становишта - цртежа као 
крајњег циља истраживања и цртежа као истраживачког алата. Фокус истраживања 
усмерен је на препознавање истраживачког потенцијала цртежа у процесу 
архитектонског пројектовања и идентификацију његових различитих појавних облика. 
Истраживачко питање које се поставља односи се на улоге и начине на који цртеж, 
дефинисан кроз призму структуралистичке и постструктуралистичке интерпретативне 
перспективе, оснажује процес архитектонског пројектовања у савременом 
архитектонском контексту.
Један од кључних доприноса истраживања представља дефинисање критичког апарата 
за анализу цртежа као специфичне методологије идентификације истраживачког 
потенцијала у процесу пројектовања. Применом конкретног апарата и успостављених 
методолошких корака у едукацијском процесу и конкурсној пракси, које су препознате 
као области архитектонске струке у којима је истраживачка улога цртежа највидљивија, 
идентификовани су специфични истраживачки модели цртежа који обликују процес 
пројектовања у двадесет и првом веку. Ови модели, именовани трансформацијско-наративни, репрезентативно-транскриптивни и спекулативно-симулациони модел,
представљају хибридне облике цртежа који настају као последица развоја и примене 
дигиталних алата у архитектури, као одговор на критичко сагледавање и 
проблематизацију глобалних друштвено-културолошких феномена и као одраз тежње 
ка позиционирању архитектуре као истраживачке делатности.
AB  - The main thesis of the research states that, in the age of the digital turn, the architectural
drawing as part of the design process is becoming a versatile, multi-layered and hybrid tool
which, in addition to its primary role of distributing information, has an increasingly important
position in exploring architectural design concepts. The architect's approach to the application
of the drawing in the process of architectural design is one of the key elements of their creative
process. In the contemporary context shaped by the development of information
technologies, the discipline of architecture is consequently reinterpreting and collaborating
with analytical strategies developed during the twentieth century – structuralism and post-structuralism, whilst the use of digital tools in architecture results in re-examining the creative
relationship between thought processes that take place in the architect’s mind and the material
expressions produced by the architect’s hand.
The research discusses the position of the drawing between two standpoints – the first
presuming the drawing as a final result of the research process and the second understanding
the drawing as a research tool. This dissertation focuses on discovering the research potential
of the drawing as part of the design process and its various manifestations. The question that
arises is related to the roles and manners in which the architectural drawing, perceived through
the lens of structuralist and post-structuralist theoretical perspectives, shapes and encourages
the contemporary design process.
One of the key contributions of this dissertation is the research methodology based on
establishing a critical apparatus as a tool for analysing architectural drawings, with the aim
of identifying their research potential within the design process. The research subject for
developing this critical apparatus is the field of architectural education and architectural
competition practice, which are recognized as areas of the architectural profession most legible
for recognizing the research potential ofthe drawing. The application ofthe proposed analytical
methodology results in discovering specific research models of the drawing that have shaped
the design process during the twenty-first century: transformative-narrative, representational-transcriptive, and speculative-simulative model. These models, as hybrid forms of the
architectural drawing, emerge as a result of the application of digital tools in architecture in
response to the critical perception and problematization of global socio-cultural phenomena.
Furthermore, they aspire to advance the discipline of architecture within the scope of research
PB  - Београд : Универзитет у Београду - Архитектонски факултет
T1  - Улога архитектонског цртежа у процесу пројектовања на почетку XXI века
T1  - The Role of Architectural Drawing in the Design Process at the Beginning of the XXI Century
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Меселџија, Христина",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Истраживање полази од претпоставке да у ери дигиталног преокрета архитектонски 
цртеж у процесу архитектонског пројектовања постаје свестрано, вишеслојно и 
хибридно средство које поред улоге преносиоца информација, има и све значајније место 
у истраживању концепатa архитектонског простора. У процесу обликовања 
архитектонског простора, улога архитектонског цртежа је један од кључних елемената 
стваралачког процеса архитекте. У савременом контексту архитектонске делатности 
подстакнутим развојем информационих технологија, који консеквентно интерпретира 
аналитичке процедуре развијане током двадесетог века – структурализам и 
постструктурализам, употреба дигиталних алата у процесу пројектовања доводи до 
преиспитивања креативне, односно ментално-моторичке спреге између мисаоних 
процеса и материјалних експресија које производи рука архитекте. 
Истраживање проблематизује позицију цртежа између два становишта - цртежа као 
крајњег циља истраживања и цртежа као истраживачког алата. Фокус истраживања 
усмерен је на препознавање истраживачког потенцијала цртежа у процесу 
архитектонског пројектовања и идентификацију његових различитих појавних облика. 
Истраживачко питање које се поставља односи се на улоге и начине на који цртеж, 
дефинисан кроз призму структуралистичке и постструктуралистичке интерпретативне 
перспективе, оснажује процес архитектонског пројектовања у савременом 
архитектонском контексту.
Један од кључних доприноса истраживања представља дефинисање критичког апарата 
за анализу цртежа као специфичне методологије идентификације истраживачког 
потенцијала у процесу пројектовања. Применом конкретног апарата и успостављених 
методолошких корака у едукацијском процесу и конкурсној пракси, које су препознате 
као области архитектонске струке у којима је истраживачка улога цртежа највидљивија, 
идентификовани су специфични истраживачки модели цртежа који обликују процес 
пројектовања у двадесет и првом веку. Ови модели, именовани трансформацијско-наративни, репрезентативно-транскриптивни и спекулативно-симулациони модел,
представљају хибридне облике цртежа који настају као последица развоја и примене 
дигиталних алата у архитектури, као одговор на критичко сагледавање и 
проблематизацију глобалних друштвено-културолошких феномена и као одраз тежње 
ка позиционирању архитектуре као истраживачке делатности., The main thesis of the research states that, in the age of the digital turn, the architectural
drawing as part of the design process is becoming a versatile, multi-layered and hybrid tool
which, in addition to its primary role of distributing information, has an increasingly important
position in exploring architectural design concepts. The architect's approach to the application
of the drawing in the process of architectural design is one of the key elements of their creative
process. In the contemporary context shaped by the development of information
technologies, the discipline of architecture is consequently reinterpreting and collaborating
with analytical strategies developed during the twentieth century – structuralism and post-structuralism, whilst the use of digital tools in architecture results in re-examining the creative
relationship between thought processes that take place in the architect’s mind and the material
expressions produced by the architect’s hand.
The research discusses the position of the drawing between two standpoints – the first
presuming the drawing as a final result of the research process and the second understanding
the drawing as a research tool. This dissertation focuses on discovering the research potential
of the drawing as part of the design process and its various manifestations. The question that
arises is related to the roles and manners in which the architectural drawing, perceived through
the lens of structuralist and post-structuralist theoretical perspectives, shapes and encourages
the contemporary design process.
One of the key contributions of this dissertation is the research methodology based on
establishing a critical apparatus as a tool for analysing architectural drawings, with the aim
of identifying their research potential within the design process. The research subject for
developing this critical apparatus is the field of architectural education and architectural
competition practice, which are recognized as areas of the architectural profession most legible
for recognizing the research potential ofthe drawing. The application ofthe proposed analytical
methodology results in discovering specific research models of the drawing that have shaped
the design process during the twenty-first century: transformative-narrative, representational-transcriptive, and speculative-simulative model. These models, as hybrid forms of the
architectural drawing, emerge as a result of the application of digital tools in architecture in
response to the critical perception and problematization of global socio-cultural phenomena.
Furthermore, they aspire to advance the discipline of architecture within the scope of research
publisher = "Београд : Универзитет у Београду - Архитектонски факултет",
title = "Улога архитектонског цртежа у процесу пројектовања на почетку XXI века, The Role of Architectural Drawing in the Design Process at the Beginning of the XXI Century",
url = ""
Меселџија, Х.. (2023). Улога архитектонског цртежа у процесу пројектовања на почетку XXI века. 
Београд : Универзитет у Београду - Архитектонски факултет..
Меселџија Х. Улога архитектонског цртежа у процесу пројектовања на почетку XXI века. 2023;. .
Меселџија, Христина, "Улога архитектонског цртежа у процесу пројектовања на почетку XXI века" (2023), .

Na međi umetnosti i inženjerstva : studije o posleratnoj arhitekturi u Beogradu i Srbiji [45. Salon arhitekture]

Skansi, Luka; Jerkovic-Babovic, Bojana; Dzombic Sokolovic, Neda; Petrović, Milica; Pavicevic, Darko; Graovac, Ana; Jovanovic, Predrag; Stojanovic, Hristina; Lovrinčević, Ivana; Brankov, Borjan; Zoric, Ana; Djordjevic, Aleksandra; Subotić, Aleksandra; Basta, Jelena

(Београд : Музеј примењене уметности = Belgrade : Museum of Applied Art, 2023)


Skansi, L., Jerkovic-Babovic, B., Dzombic Sokolovic, N., Petrović, M., Pavicevic, D., Graovac, A., Jovanovic, P., Stojanovic, H., Lovrinčević, I., Brankov, B., Zoric, A., Djordjevic, A., Subotić, A.,& Basta, J.. (2023). Na međi umetnosti i inženjerstva : studije o posleratnoj arhitekturi u Beogradu i Srbiji [45. Salon arhitekture]. in Салон дијалога : [каталог изложбе] / 45. салон архитектуре, [28. март – 29. април 2023.]  = Salon of dialogues : [exhibition catalog] / 45th Salon of Architecture, [28 March – 29 April 2023]
Београд : Музеј примењене уметности  = Belgrade : Museum of Applied Art., 123-123.
Skansi L, Jerkovic-Babovic B, Dzombic Sokolovic N, Petrović M, Pavicevic D, Graovac A, Jovanovic P, Stojanovic H, Lovrinčević I, Brankov B, Zoric A, Djordjevic A, Subotić A, Basta J. Na međi umetnosti i inženjerstva : studije o posleratnoj arhitekturi u Beogradu i Srbiji [45. Salon arhitekture]. in Салон дијалога : [каталог изложбе] / 45. салон архитектуре, [28. март – 29. април 2023.]  = Salon of dialogues : [exhibition catalog] / 45th Salon of Architecture, [28 March – 29 April 2023]. 2023;:123-123. .
Skansi, Luka, Jerkovic-Babovic, Bojana, Dzombic Sokolovic, Neda, Petrović, Milica, Pavicevic, Darko, Graovac, Ana, Jovanovic, Predrag, Stojanovic, Hristina, Lovrinčević, Ivana, Brankov, Borjan, Zoric, Ana, Djordjevic, Aleksandra, Subotić, Aleksandra, Basta, Jelena, "Na međi umetnosti i inženjerstva : studije o posleratnoj arhitekturi u Beogradu i Srbiji [45. Salon arhitekture]" in Салон дијалога : [каталог изложбе] / 45. салон архитектуре, [28. март – 29. април 2023.]  = Salon of dialogues : [exhibition catalog] / 45th Salon of Architecture, [28 March – 29 April 2023] (2023):123-123, .

8th Kilometer [23. Salon arhitekture Novi Sad]

Bekić, Iva; Gajić, Irena; Dukanac, Dalia; Đorđević, Stefan; Zlatković, Snežana; Ješić, Mirjana; Stojanović, Hristina; Cigić, Petar

(Novi Sad : Društvo arhitekata Novog Sada, 2022)


Bekić, I., Gajić, I., Dukanac, D., Đorđević, S., Zlatković, S., Ješić, M., Stojanović, H.,& Cigić, P.. (2022). 8th Kilometer [23. Salon arhitekture Novi Sad]. in 23. Salon arhitekture Novi Sad = The 23rd Salon of architecture Novi Sad : 15.10 - 30.10.2022
Novi Sad : Društvo arhitekata Novog Sada., 111-111.
Bekić I, Gajić I, Dukanac D, Đorđević S, Zlatković S, Ješić M, Stojanović H, Cigić P. 8th Kilometer [23. Salon arhitekture Novi Sad]. in 23. Salon arhitekture Novi Sad = The 23rd Salon of architecture Novi Sad : 15.10 - 30.10.2022. 2022;:111-111. .
Bekić, Iva, Gajić, Irena, Dukanac, Dalia, Đorđević, Stefan, Zlatković, Snežana, Ješić, Mirjana, Stojanović, Hristina, Cigić, Petar, "8th Kilometer [23. Salon arhitekture Novi Sad]" in 23. Salon arhitekture Novi Sad = The 23rd Salon of architecture Novi Sad : 15.10 - 30.10.2022 (2022):111-111, .

Осми километар [44. салон архитектуре]

Бекић, Ива; Цигић, Петар; Дуканац, Далиа; Ђорђевић, Стефан; Гајић, Ирена; Јешић, Мирјана; Стојановић, Христина; Златковић, Снежана

(Музеј примењене уметности, Београд, 2022)


Бекић, И., Цигић, П., Дуканац, Д., Ђорђевић, С., Гајић, И., Јешић, М., Стојановић, Х.,& Златковић, С.. (2022). Осми километар [44. салон архитектуре]. in Заокрет : [каталог изложбе] / 44. салон архитектуре, Музеј примењене уметности, 30.03 – 30.04. 2022
Музеј примењене уметности, Београд., 86-86.
Бекић И, Цигић П, Дуканац Д, Ђорђевић С, Гајић И, Јешић М, Стојановић Х, Златковић С. Осми километар [44. салон архитектуре]. in Заокрет : [каталог изложбе] / 44. салон архитектуре, Музеј примењене уметности, 30.03 – 30.04. 2022. 2022;:86-86. .
Бекић, Ива, Цигић, Петар, Дуканац, Далиа, Ђорђевић, Стефан, Гајић, Ирена, Јешић, Мирјана, Стојановић, Христина, Златковић, Снежана, "Осми километар [44. салон архитектуре]" in Заокрет : [каталог изложбе] / 44. салон архитектуре, Музеј примењене уметности, 30.03 – 30.04. 2022 (2022):86-86, .

Methodology of Representation and Transcription of Architectural Space: Discovering the Hybrid Model of Architectural Drawing

Meseldžija, Hristina

(Belgrade: STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association, 2022)

AU  - Meseldžija, Hristina
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - This paper problematizes the position of contemporary architectural drawing by examining its manifestations in new, hybrid forms and roles of drawing, as a consequence of the paradigmatic changes brought about by the digital revolution. Furthermore, it assumes that the drawing in the architectural design process becomes a versatile, multi-layered and hybrid tool, which has an increasingly important role in the field of architectural research. Digital technologies are influencing the way in which the architectural drawing participates in the design process and the process of representing architectural space by establishing different models of drawing. One of these models is based on the methodology of transcribing architectural space, which includes the simultaneous use of drawing as a means of research and representation. Selected model discussed in this paper, examines the use of traditional drawing techniques, everyday tools for documenting space and digital applications for simulating virtual reality experience. Combining these three, arises the possibility of creating a novel visual language in architecture, which is here to be discussed.
PB  - Belgrade: STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association
C3  - Philosophy of Architecture [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 10th International Conference On Architecture, December 2022, Belgrade
T1  - Methodology of Representation and Transcription of Architectural Space: Discovering the Hybrid Model of Architectural Drawing
SP  - 201
EP  - 209
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Meseldžija, Hristina",
year = "2022",
abstract = "This paper problematizes the position of contemporary architectural drawing by examining its manifestations in new, hybrid forms and roles of drawing, as a consequence of the paradigmatic changes brought about by the digital revolution. Furthermore, it assumes that the drawing in the architectural design process becomes a versatile, multi-layered and hybrid tool, which has an increasingly important role in the field of architectural research. Digital technologies are influencing the way in which the architectural drawing participates in the design process and the process of representing architectural space by establishing different models of drawing. One of these models is based on the methodology of transcribing architectural space, which includes the simultaneous use of drawing as a means of research and representation. Selected model discussed in this paper, examines the use of traditional drawing techniques, everyday tools for documenting space and digital applications for simulating virtual reality experience. Combining these three, arises the possibility of creating a novel visual language in architecture, which is here to be discussed.",
publisher = "Belgrade: STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association",
journal = "Philosophy of Architecture [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 10th International Conference On Architecture, December 2022, Belgrade",
title = "Methodology of Representation and Transcription of Architectural Space: Discovering the Hybrid Model of Architectural Drawing",
pages = "201-209",
url = ""
Meseldžija, H.. (2022). Methodology of Representation and Transcription of Architectural Space: Discovering the Hybrid Model of Architectural Drawing. in Philosophy of Architecture [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 10th International Conference On Architecture, December 2022, Belgrade
Belgrade: STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association., 201-209.
Meseldžija H. Methodology of Representation and Transcription of Architectural Space: Discovering the Hybrid Model of Architectural Drawing. in Philosophy of Architecture [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 10th International Conference On Architecture, December 2022, Belgrade. 2022;:201-209. .
Meseldžija, Hristina, "Methodology of Representation and Transcription of Architectural Space: Discovering the Hybrid Model of Architectural Drawing" in Philosophy of Architecture [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 10th International Conference On Architecture, December 2022, Belgrade (2022):201-209, .

Representationally-transcriptive Model of Architectural Drawing [STRAND 2022]

Meseldžija, Hristina

(Belgrade: STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association, 2022)


Meseldžija, H.. (2022). Representationally-transcriptive Model of Architectural Drawing [STRAND 2022]. in Philosophy of Architecture : book of abstracts / [Tenth International Multimedia Event] On Architecture, Belgrade 2022]
Belgrade: STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association., 49-49.
Meseldžija H. Representationally-transcriptive Model of Architectural Drawing [STRAND 2022]. in Philosophy of Architecture : book of abstracts / [Tenth International Multimedia Event] On Architecture, Belgrade 2022]. 2022;:49-49. .
Meseldžija, Hristina, "Representationally-transcriptive Model of Architectural Drawing [STRAND 2022]" in Philosophy of Architecture : book of abstracts / [Tenth International Multimedia Event] On Architecture, Belgrade 2022] (2022):49-49, .

From invariance to difference: architectural drawing in the digital age between structuralism and post-structuralism

Meseldžija, Hristina

(Niš : University of Niš, 2022)

AU  - Meseldžija, Hristina
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Radical changes in architectural thinking resulted in shifting the role of drawing in the architectural design process. This paper examines the act of reading the architectural drawing in contemporary design practice. Focusing on the field of humanities, this paper aims to define different perspectives of understanding and interpreting the work of drawing. Various positions of contemporary architectural drawing can be traced by following two parallel lines of development, whose theoretical settings are still important and relevant in the present-day. These pathways share their common ground in Ferdinand de Saussure’s setting of linguistic theory from the late nineteenth century. Architects engaged in the academic work, as well as practitioners, showed great interest for philosophy and new philosophical practices, which later contributed in re-examining the architectural discipline and establishing a new theoretical framework. In the 1960s, due to a change in the architectural paradigm caused by the current anthropocentrism and the breakthrough of the humanities into the architectural discipline, architecture articulated its own trends, building on the premises of French philosophers. The rising interest for philosophers who based their doctrines on the development of linguistic theory generated two overriding methodological directions – structuralism, with a focus on the idea of establishing universal internal structures as cultural foundations, and poststructuralism - as its critique, which shifts focus to radical articulation of the specificity of individual elements. Considering the terms invariance and difference as the basic concepts, the subject of analysis of this paper is an architectural drawing which in the contemporary architectural education as the most meritorious field of research in architectural design, occupies different forms and enjoys manifold interpretations in different contexts.
PB  - Niš : University of Niš
T2  - Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering
T1  - From invariance to difference: architectural drawing in the digital age between structuralism and post-structuralism
VL  - 20
IS  - 1
SP  - 101
EP  - 114
DO  - 10.2298/FUACE220515009M
ER  - 
author = "Meseldžija, Hristina",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Radical changes in architectural thinking resulted in shifting the role of drawing in the architectural design process. This paper examines the act of reading the architectural drawing in contemporary design practice. Focusing on the field of humanities, this paper aims to define different perspectives of understanding and interpreting the work of drawing. Various positions of contemporary architectural drawing can be traced by following two parallel lines of development, whose theoretical settings are still important and relevant in the present-day. These pathways share their common ground in Ferdinand de Saussure’s setting of linguistic theory from the late nineteenth century. Architects engaged in the academic work, as well as practitioners, showed great interest for philosophy and new philosophical practices, which later contributed in re-examining the architectural discipline and establishing a new theoretical framework. In the 1960s, due to a change in the architectural paradigm caused by the current anthropocentrism and the breakthrough of the humanities into the architectural discipline, architecture articulated its own trends, building on the premises of French philosophers. The rising interest for philosophers who based their doctrines on the development of linguistic theory generated two overriding methodological directions – structuralism, with a focus on the idea of establishing universal internal structures as cultural foundations, and poststructuralism - as its critique, which shifts focus to radical articulation of the specificity of individual elements. Considering the terms invariance and difference as the basic concepts, the subject of analysis of this paper is an architectural drawing which in the contemporary architectural education as the most meritorious field of research in architectural design, occupies different forms and enjoys manifold interpretations in different contexts.",
publisher = "Niš : University of Niš",
journal = "Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering",
title = "From invariance to difference: architectural drawing in the digital age between structuralism and post-structuralism",
volume = "20",
number = "1",
pages = "101-114",
doi = "10.2298/FUACE220515009M"
Meseldžija, H.. (2022). From invariance to difference: architectural drawing in the digital age between structuralism and post-structuralism. in Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering
Niš : University of Niš., 20(1), 101-114.
Meseldžija H. From invariance to difference: architectural drawing in the digital age between structuralism and post-structuralism. in Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering. 2022;20(1):101-114.
doi:10.2298/FUACE220515009M .
Meseldžija, Hristina, "From invariance to difference: architectural drawing in the digital age between structuralism and post-structuralism" in Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 20, no. 1 (2022):101-114, . .

8th kilometer : [exhibition reviews] : Pavilion of Serbia at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia, 22.05 - 21.11. 2021

Bekić, Iva; Cigić, Petar; Dukanac, Dalia; Đorđević, Stefan; Gajić, Irena; Ješić, Mirjana; Meseldžija, Hristina; Zlatković, Snežana

(Belgrade : Museum of Applied Art = Београд : Музеј примењене уметности = Belgrado : Il Museo di arti applicate, 2021)


Bekić, I., Cigić, P., Dukanac, D., Đorđević, S., Gajić, I., Ješić, M., Meseldžija, H.,& Zlatković, S.. (2021). 8th kilometer : [exhibition reviews] : Pavilion of Serbia at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia, 22.05 - 21.11. 2021. 
Belgrade : Museum of Applied Art  = Београд : Музеј примењене уметности = Belgrado : Il Museo di arti applicate..
Bekić I, Cigić P, Dukanac D, Đorđević S, Gajić I, Ješić M, Meseldžija H, Zlatković S. 8th kilometer : [exhibition reviews] : Pavilion of Serbia at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia, 22.05 - 21.11. 2021. 2021;. .
Bekić, Iva, Cigić, Petar, Dukanac, Dalia, Đorđević, Stefan, Gajić, Irena, Ješić, Mirjana, Meseldžija, Hristina, Zlatković, Snežana, "8th kilometer : [exhibition reviews] : Pavilion of Serbia at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia, 22.05 - 21.11. 2021" (2021), .

Каталог изложбе Осми километар, 17. Бијенале архитектуре у Венецији [награда Ранко Радовић]

Бекић, Ива; Цигић, Петар; Дуканац, Далиа; Ђорђевић, Стефан; Гајић, Ирена; Јешић, Мирјана; Стојановић, Христина; Златковић, Снежана

(Београд : УЛУПУДС, 2021)


Бекић, И., Цигић, П., Дуканац, Д., Ђорђевић, С., Гајић, И., Јешић, М., Стојановић, Х.,& Златковић, С.. (2021). Каталог изложбе Осми километар, 17. Бијенале архитектуре у Венецији [награда Ранко Радовић]. in Награда Ранко Радовић 2021 : за критичко - теоријске текстове о архитектури, урбанизму и граду, за реализовано архитектонско дело, за телевизијске емисије, изложбе, мултимедијалне презентације
Београд : УЛУПУДС..
Бекић И, Цигић П, Дуканац Д, Ђорђевић С, Гајић И, Јешић М, Стојановић Х, Златковић С. Каталог изложбе Осми километар, 17. Бијенале архитектуре у Венецији [награда Ранко Радовић]. in Награда Ранко Радовић 2021 : за критичко - теоријске текстове о архитектури, урбанизму и граду, за реализовано архитектонско дело, за телевизијске емисије, изложбе, мултимедијалне презентације. 2021;. .
Бекић, Ива, Цигић, Петар, Дуканац, Далиа, Ђорђевић, Стефан, Гајић, Ирена, Јешић, Мирјана, Стојановић, Христина, Златковић, Снежана, "Каталог изложбе Осми километар, 17. Бијенале архитектуре у Венецији [награда Ранко Радовић]" in Награда Ранко Радовић 2021 : за критичко - теоријске текстове о архитектури, урбанизму и граду, за реализовано архитектонско дело, за телевизијске емисије, изложбе, мултимедијалне презентације (2021), .

Vizuelna lakoća betona: SO Novi Beograd

Stojanović, Hristina

(Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Arhitektonski fakultet, 2021)

AU  - Stojanović, Hristina
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Rad predstavlja istraživanje tektoničkog odnosa funkcije i konstrukcije na primeru 
zgrade Skupštine opštine Novi Beograd. Ovaj objekat projektovan je kao javni 
objekat za prostorne potrebe rada Narodnog odbora opštine i njegovih upravnih 
organa. Projekat je započet 1961. godine u Urbanističkom zavodu Beograda pod 
rukovodstvom arhitekata Stojana Maksimovića i Branislava Jovina i koncipiran, i 
kasnije realizovan, fazno, 1973. dodavanjem Aneksa i 1985. adaptacijom atrijuma u 
višenamensku salu. Ovaj fazni pristup projektu iznedrio je različite, vrlo upečatljive, 
načine artikulacije arhitektonskih elemenata u okviru jednog jezika, modernizma, u 
periodu njegovog progresivnog gašenja. Specifičan pristup zadatku i projektovanju 
društveno-odgovornog programa krije koncepciju lakoće kojom objekat odiše a 
koji se čita kroz tretman konstrukcije i funkcije objekta objedinjenih specifičnim 
arhitektonskim jezikom.
Istraživanje se temelji na prikupljanju i analizi dostupne arhivske građe u vidu 
tehničke dokumentacije projekta, analizi konteksta u kojem objekat nastaje, što 
podrazumeva društveno okruženje (socijalistička država blagostanja) i epohalni 
stil (modernizam), kao i značaju i značenju prepoznatih arhitektonskih vrednosti. 
Namera ovog istraživanja je prikupljanje i sistematizacija građe vezane za ovu 
tematiku, kako bi se formirala početna osnova za buduća istraživanja, kao i 
utvrđivanje i razumevanje različitih tektoničkih odnosa izgrađenih objekata istog 
perioda, iste ili srodne tipologije, na prostorima Jugoslavije. Istraživačko pitanje koje 
se postavlja jeste kako učiti iz istorije graditeljstva, kako ga razumeti i interpretirati 
kako bi se unapredilo arhitektonsko delovanje danas.
AB  - The period that followed the Second World War was, speaking of a global 
architectural scale, marked by major urban projects designed and based on the 
urban ideologies of the Le Corbusier’s Athens Charter published in 1943. Its impact 
on the urban politics of socialist Yugoslavia were present in the planning and 
construction of New Belgrade, which remained, the most intensive development 
in the history of the country’s capital, the city of Belgrade. Architectural design 
ideas for the New Belgrade were shaped according to the established global 
principles and socio-political context, concentrated on creating an architecture 
as a representative of new social values that will generate a new way of living. 
Although the way of promoting these values has changed over decades, the 
common idea remained as an unchanging imperative and lasted for almost half 
a century. However, the desire for the New Belgrade’s architecture to become a 
representative of the strength of a rising socialist country has never been fully 
achieved. Although the idea remained incomplete in its resulting, it is still present 
in the architecture of several buildings, considering the New Belgrade Municipality 
Council that testifies to the aspirations of the late 1960s and the beginning of 1970s 
urban ideology.
This paper presents a research of the tectonic discourse between functionality 
and construction examined in the case study of the design and construction of the 
New Belgrade Municipality Council. The building was designed as a public facility 
providing spatial needs for the workers of the municipality’s National Committee 
and its administrative bodies. The project started in 1961 in the Institute for Urban 
Planning in Belgrade under the leadership of architects Stojan Maksimović and 
Branislav Jovin and was built in two stages. First stage took place in 1973 by 
designing and building the Annex and the second stage was developed in 1985 
by adapting the atrium into a multipurpose hall. This design approach resulted 
in various, ingenious ways of articulating architectural elements within a single 
language, modernism, which was in that point, in the time of its slow fading. A 
specific approach to the task and design of a socially responsible program supports 
the concept of lightness which can be read through the intertwined treatment of 
the structure and function of the built object. The purpose of this research is to 
recognize architectural values from the aspect of the tectonic structure and the 
architectural design language, analyse them and give insight into the relationship 
between the applied construction system, facade design, use of materials, 
functionality and representation.
The research is based on the collection and analysis of the available archival 
material which consists of the technical documentation of the project, the analysis 
of the social context (socialist welfare state) and the particular cultural context 
(modernism) in which the object was designed and built, as well as the meaning 
and significance of the recognized architectural values. The objective of this 
research is to collect and systematize the relevant material in order to form the 
initial data-base for the future research, as well as to establish and understand the 
different tectonic relations of the built objects of the same period in the territory of 
former Yugoslavia. The aim of this research is to question and explain particular 
design and construction methods, in order to understand them and interpret them 
for developing the tools and processes in the fields of architectural design.
PB  - Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Arhitektonski fakultet
T2  - Na međi umetnosti i inženjerstva : studije o posleratnoj arhitekturi u Beogradu i Srbiji
T1  - Vizuelna lakoća betona: SO Novi Beograd
T1  - Visual lightnes of concrete:  New Belgrade municipality council
SP  - 164
EP  - 183
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stojanović, Hristina",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Rad predstavlja istraživanje tektoničkog odnosa funkcije i konstrukcije na primeru 
zgrade Skupštine opštine Novi Beograd. Ovaj objekat projektovan je kao javni 
objekat za prostorne potrebe rada Narodnog odbora opštine i njegovih upravnih 
organa. Projekat je započet 1961. godine u Urbanističkom zavodu Beograda pod 
rukovodstvom arhitekata Stojana Maksimovića i Branislava Jovina i koncipiran, i 
kasnije realizovan, fazno, 1973. dodavanjem Aneksa i 1985. adaptacijom atrijuma u 
višenamensku salu. Ovaj fazni pristup projektu iznedrio je različite, vrlo upečatljive, 
načine artikulacije arhitektonskih elemenata u okviru jednog jezika, modernizma, u 
periodu njegovog progresivnog gašenja. Specifičan pristup zadatku i projektovanju 
društveno-odgovornog programa krije koncepciju lakoće kojom objekat odiše a 
koji se čita kroz tretman konstrukcije i funkcije objekta objedinjenih specifičnim 
arhitektonskim jezikom.
Istraživanje se temelji na prikupljanju i analizi dostupne arhivske građe u vidu 
tehničke dokumentacije projekta, analizi konteksta u kojem objekat nastaje, što 
podrazumeva društveno okruženje (socijalistička država blagostanja) i epohalni 
stil (modernizam), kao i značaju i značenju prepoznatih arhitektonskih vrednosti. 
Namera ovog istraživanja je prikupljanje i sistematizacija građe vezane za ovu 
tematiku, kako bi se formirala početna osnova za buduća istraživanja, kao i 
utvrđivanje i razumevanje različitih tektoničkih odnosa izgrađenih objekata istog 
perioda, iste ili srodne tipologije, na prostorima Jugoslavije. Istraživačko pitanje koje 
se postavlja jeste kako učiti iz istorije graditeljstva, kako ga razumeti i interpretirati 
kako bi se unapredilo arhitektonsko delovanje danas., The period that followed the Second World War was, speaking of a global 
architectural scale, marked by major urban projects designed and based on the 
urban ideologies of the Le Corbusier’s Athens Charter published in 1943. Its impact 
on the urban politics of socialist Yugoslavia were present in the planning and 
construction of New Belgrade, which remained, the most intensive development 
in the history of the country’s capital, the city of Belgrade. Architectural design 
ideas for the New Belgrade were shaped according to the established global 
principles and socio-political context, concentrated on creating an architecture 
as a representative of new social values that will generate a new way of living. 
Although the way of promoting these values has changed over decades, the 
common idea remained as an unchanging imperative and lasted for almost half 
a century. However, the desire for the New Belgrade’s architecture to become a 
representative of the strength of a rising socialist country has never been fully 
achieved. Although the idea remained incomplete in its resulting, it is still present 
in the architecture of several buildings, considering the New Belgrade Municipality 
Council that testifies to the aspirations of the late 1960s and the beginning of 1970s 
urban ideology.
This paper presents a research of the tectonic discourse between functionality 
and construction examined in the case study of the design and construction of the 
New Belgrade Municipality Council. The building was designed as a public facility 
providing spatial needs for the workers of the municipality’s National Committee 
and its administrative bodies. The project started in 1961 in the Institute for Urban 
Planning in Belgrade under the leadership of architects Stojan Maksimović and 
Branislav Jovin and was built in two stages. First stage took place in 1973 by 
designing and building the Annex and the second stage was developed in 1985 
by adapting the atrium into a multipurpose hall. This design approach resulted 
in various, ingenious ways of articulating architectural elements within a single 
language, modernism, which was in that point, in the time of its slow fading. A 
specific approach to the task and design of a socially responsible program supports 
the concept of lightness which can be read through the intertwined treatment of 
the structure and function of the built object. The purpose of this research is to 
recognize architectural values from the aspect of the tectonic structure and the 
architectural design language, analyse them and give insight into the relationship 
between the applied construction system, facade design, use of materials, 
functionality and representation.
The research is based on the collection and analysis of the available archival 
material which consists of the technical documentation of the project, the analysis 
of the social context (socialist welfare state) and the particular cultural context 
(modernism) in which the object was designed and built, as well as the meaning 
and significance of the recognized architectural values. The objective of this 
research is to collect and systematize the relevant material in order to form the 
initial data-base for the future research, as well as to establish and understand the 
different tectonic relations of the built objects of the same period in the territory of 
former Yugoslavia. The aim of this research is to question and explain particular 
design and construction methods, in order to understand them and interpret them 
for developing the tools and processes in the fields of architectural design.",
publisher = "Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Arhitektonski fakultet",
journal = "Na međi umetnosti i inženjerstva : studije o posleratnoj arhitekturi u Beogradu i Srbiji",
booktitle = "Vizuelna lakoća betona: SO Novi Beograd, Visual lightnes of concrete:  New Belgrade municipality council",
pages = "164-183",
url = ""
Stojanović, H.. (2021). Vizuelna lakoća betona: SO Novi Beograd. in Na međi umetnosti i inženjerstva : studije o posleratnoj arhitekturi u Beogradu i Srbiji
Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Arhitektonski fakultet., 164-183.
Stojanović H. Vizuelna lakoća betona: SO Novi Beograd. in Na međi umetnosti i inženjerstva : studije o posleratnoj arhitekturi u Beogradu i Srbiji. 2021;:164-183. .
Stojanović, Hristina, "Vizuelna lakoća betona: SO Novi Beograd" in Na međi umetnosti i inženjerstva : studije o posleratnoj arhitekturi u Beogradu i Srbiji (2021):164-183, .

Vrtić u Kragujevcu [priznanje 22. Salona arhitekture u Novom Sadu]

Milanović, Dejan; Šišović, Grozdana; Milanović, Nikola; Jevremović, Ivana; Stojanović, Hristina

(Novi Sad : Društvo arhitekata Novog Sada, 2020)


Milanović, D., Šišović, G., Milanović, N., Jevremović, I.,& Stojanović, H.. (2020). Vrtić u Kragujevcu [priznanje 22. Salona arhitekture u Novom Sadu]. in 22. salon arhitekture Novi Sad : [Novi Sad, 15. 10. - 22. 10. 2020] = The 22nd Salon of architecture Novi Sad : [Novi Sad, October 15th - October 22nd 2020]
Novi Sad : Društvo arhitekata Novog Sada., 143-143.
Milanović D, Šišović G, Milanović N, Jevremović I, Stojanović H. Vrtić u Kragujevcu [priznanje 22. Salona arhitekture u Novom Sadu]. in 22. salon arhitekture Novi Sad : [Novi Sad, 15. 10. - 22. 10. 2020] = The 22nd Salon of architecture Novi Sad : [Novi Sad, October 15th - October 22nd 2020]. 2020;:143-143. .
Milanović, Dejan, Šišović, Grozdana, Milanović, Nikola, Jevremović, Ivana, Stojanović, Hristina, "Vrtić u Kragujevcu [priznanje 22. Salona arhitekture u Novom Sadu]" in 22. salon arhitekture Novi Sad : [Novi Sad, 15. 10. - 22. 10. 2020] = The 22nd Salon of architecture Novi Sad : [Novi Sad, October 15th - October 22nd 2020] (2020):143-143, .

Moderni u Beograd [42. Salon arhitekture]

Cigić, Petar; Dukanac, Dalia; Gajić, Irena; Stojanović, Hristina; Bekić, Iva; Ješić, Mirjana; Zlatković, Snežana; Đorđević, Stefan

(Beograd : Muzej primenjene umetnosti = Belgrade : Museum of Applied Art, 2020)


Cigić, P., Dukanac, D., Gajić, I., Stojanović, H., Bekić, I., Ješić, M., Zlatković, S.,& Đorđević, S.. (2020). Moderni u Beograd [42. Salon arhitekture]. in Uporno-otporno / 42. salon arhitekture, Muzej primenjene umetnosti, Beograd, 10. septembar - 03. oktobar 2020
Beograd : Muzej primenjene umetnosti = Belgrade : Museum of Applied Art., 127-127.
Cigić P, Dukanac D, Gajić I, Stojanović H, Bekić I, Ješić M, Zlatković S, Đorđević S. Moderni u Beograd [42. Salon arhitekture]. in Uporno-otporno / 42. salon arhitekture, Muzej primenjene umetnosti, Beograd, 10. septembar - 03. oktobar 2020. 2020;:127-127. .
Cigić, Petar, Dukanac, Dalia, Gajić, Irena, Stojanović, Hristina, Bekić, Iva, Ješić, Mirjana, Zlatković, Snežana, Đorđević, Stefan, "Moderni u Beograd [42. Salon arhitekture]" in Uporno-otporno / 42. salon arhitekture, Muzej primenjene umetnosti, Beograd, 10. septembar - 03. oktobar 2020 (2020):127-127, .

Изложбе Модерни у Београду: Галерија Колектив, Галерија ФЛУ, Улична галерија, OZON ArtSpace, Коларчева задужбина [награда Ранко Радовић]

Cigić, Petar; Zlatković, Snežana; Stojanovic, Hristina; Dukanac, Dalia; Gajić, Irena; Bekić, Iva; Ješić, Mirjana; Đorđević, Stefan

(Удружење ликовних уметника примењених уметности и дизајнера Србије, 2020)


Cigić, P., Zlatković, S., Stojanovic, H., Dukanac, D., Gajić, I., Bekić, I., Ješić, M.,& Đorđević, S.. (2020). Изложбе Модерни у Београду: Галерија Колектив, Галерија ФЛУ, Улична галерија, OZON ArtSpace, Коларчева задужбина [награда Ранко Радовић]. in Награда Ранко Радовић [категорија телевизијске емисије, изложбе, мултимедијалне презентације]
Удружење ликовних уметника примењених уметности и дизајнера Србије..
Cigić P, Zlatković S, Stojanovic H, Dukanac D, Gajić I, Bekić I, Ješić M, Đorđević S. Изложбе Модерни у Београду: Галерија Колектив, Галерија ФЛУ, Улична галерија, OZON ArtSpace, Коларчева задужбина [награда Ранко Радовић]. in Награда Ранко Радовић [категорија телевизијске емисије, изложбе, мултимедијалне презентације]. 2020;. .
Cigić, Petar, Zlatković, Snežana, Stojanovic, Hristina, Dukanac, Dalia, Gajić, Irena, Bekić, Iva, Ješić, Mirjana, Đorđević, Stefan, "Изложбе Модерни у Београду: Галерија Колектив, Галерија ФЛУ, Улична галерија, OZON ArtSpace, Коларчева задужбина [награда Ранко Радовић]" in Награда Ранко Радовић [категорија телевизијске емисије, изложбе, мултимедијалне презентације] (2020), .

Eighth kilometer: Call for Ideas / Osmi kilometar: Anketni konkurs [Pobedničko rešenje]

Bekić, Iva; Gajić, Irena; Dukanac, Dalia; Đorđević, Stefan; Zlatković, Snežana; Ješić, Mirjana; Stojanović, Hristina; Cigić, Petar



Bekić, I., Gajić, I., Dukanac, D., Đorđević, S., Zlatković, S., Ješić, M., Stojanović, H.,& Cigić, P.. (2020). Eighth kilometer: Call for Ideas / Osmi kilometar: Anketni konkurs [Pobedničko rešenje]. .
Bekić I, Gajić I, Dukanac D, Đorđević S, Zlatković S, Ješić M, Stojanović H, Cigić P. Eighth kilometer: Call for Ideas / Osmi kilometar: Anketni konkurs [Pobedničko rešenje]. 2020;. .
Bekić, Iva, Gajić, Irena, Dukanac, Dalia, Đorđević, Stefan, Zlatković, Snežana, Ješić, Mirjana, Stojanović, Hristina, Cigić, Petar, "Eighth kilometer: Call for Ideas / Osmi kilometar: Anketni konkurs [Pobedničko rešenje]" (2020), .

Methodology of hybridization in architecture: elementality readings in axonometric drawings

Lovrinčević, Ivana; Stojanović, Hristina

(Beograd : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association, 2020)

AU  - Lovrinčević, Ivana
AU  - Stojanović, Hristina
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - The subject of this paper is hybrid architecture, and the topic of research is the methodology of architectural hybridization with an emphasis on its elementality. Hybridity in architecture is defined as a tendency to transform and take on new forms, in terms of shape and function, manifesting itself through formal transformation or exclusively, through the perceptual apparatus of the user. This paper seeks to investigate the process of hybrid formation in architecture through the principles of hybridization and, closely determine and define the concept of hybrids. Hybrid is seen as a re-interpretation of architectural thought and concept that is a consequence of changes in stylistic order and reactions to reconfigurations of cultural and social formations. According to this, the problem of hybridization is examined through case studies mapped through different stylistic periods. Each case study will observe the process of formation of one of the hybrid objects. For the purposes ofthis paper, a special methodological apparatus has been established • diagrammatic mapping of the principle of hybridization through an axonometric graphical representation. Combining the instrumental technique of diagram mapping and the representative technique of axonometric drawing, the established apparatus relies on two procedures: analytical representation of the bare structure and synthetic implementation of potential programs inhabiting it. Therefore, each case study will be subjected to diagrammatic mapping which will result in the definition of general and palúular methodological formations of hybridization, as well as the basic principles of hybridization.
PB  - Beograd : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association
C3  - Learning architecture : proceedings / [Eight International Conference] On Architecture, [4-5 December 2020], Belgrade
T1  - Methodology of hybridization in architecture: elementality readings in axonometric drawings
SP  - 64
EP  - 81
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Lovrinčević, Ivana and Stojanović, Hristina",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The subject of this paper is hybrid architecture, and the topic of research is the methodology of architectural hybridization with an emphasis on its elementality. Hybridity in architecture is defined as a tendency to transform and take on new forms, in terms of shape and function, manifesting itself through formal transformation or exclusively, through the perceptual apparatus of the user. This paper seeks to investigate the process of hybrid formation in architecture through the principles of hybridization and, closely determine and define the concept of hybrids. Hybrid is seen as a re-interpretation of architectural thought and concept that is a consequence of changes in stylistic order and reactions to reconfigurations of cultural and social formations. According to this, the problem of hybridization is examined through case studies mapped through different stylistic periods. Each case study will observe the process of formation of one of the hybrid objects. For the purposes ofthis paper, a special methodological apparatus has been established • diagrammatic mapping of the principle of hybridization through an axonometric graphical representation. Combining the instrumental technique of diagram mapping and the representative technique of axonometric drawing, the established apparatus relies on two procedures: analytical representation of the bare structure and synthetic implementation of potential programs inhabiting it. Therefore, each case study will be subjected to diagrammatic mapping which will result in the definition of general and palúular methodological formations of hybridization, as well as the basic principles of hybridization.",
publisher = "Beograd : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association",
journal = "Learning architecture : proceedings / [Eight International Conference] On Architecture, [4-5 December 2020], Belgrade",
title = "Methodology of hybridization in architecture: elementality readings in axonometric drawings",
pages = "64-81",
url = ""
Lovrinčević, I.,& Stojanović, H.. (2020). Methodology of hybridization in architecture: elementality readings in axonometric drawings. in Learning architecture : proceedings / [Eight International Conference] On Architecture, [4-5 December 2020], Belgrade
Beograd : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association., 64-81.
Lovrinčević I, Stojanović H. Methodology of hybridization in architecture: elementality readings in axonometric drawings. in Learning architecture : proceedings / [Eight International Conference] On Architecture, [4-5 December 2020], Belgrade. 2020;:64-81. .
Lovrinčević, Ivana, Stojanović, Hristina, "Methodology of hybridization in architecture: elementality readings in axonometric drawings" in Learning architecture : proceedings / [Eight International Conference] On Architecture, [4-5 December 2020], Belgrade (2020):64-81, .

Likovna transkripcija i digitalna reprezentacija arhitektonskog prostora [42. Salon arhitekture]

Stojanović, Hristina

(Beograd : Muzej primenjene umetnosti = Belgrade : Museum of Applied Art, 2020)


Stojanović, H.. (2020). Likovna transkripcija i digitalna reprezentacija arhitektonskog prostora [42. Salon arhitekture]. in Uporno-otporno / 42. salon arhitekture, Muzej primenjene umetnosti, Beograd, 10. septembar - 03. oktobar 2020
Beograd : Muzej primenjene umetnosti = Belgrade : Museum of Applied Art., 129-129.
Stojanović H. Likovna transkripcija i digitalna reprezentacija arhitektonskog prostora [42. Salon arhitekture]. in Uporno-otporno / 42. salon arhitekture, Muzej primenjene umetnosti, Beograd, 10. septembar - 03. oktobar 2020. 2020;:129-129. .
Stojanović, Hristina, "Likovna transkripcija i digitalna reprezentacija arhitektonskog prostora [42. Salon arhitekture]" in Uporno-otporno / 42. salon arhitekture, Muzej primenjene umetnosti, Beograd, 10. septembar - 03. oktobar 2020 (2020):129-129, .

Augmented Experience - EASA Radionica u Rijeci [Priznanje] [29. Međunarodni Salon urbanizma]

Stojanović, Hristina; Milanović, Nikola

(Beograd : Udruženje urbanista Srbije, 2020)


Stojanović, H.,& Milanović, N.. (2020). Augmented Experience - EASA Radionica u Rijeci [Priznanje] [29. Međunarodni Salon urbanizma]. in 29. Међународни салон урбанизма = 29th International Urban Planners Exhibition, Kragujevac, November 10-13
Beograd : Udruženje urbanista Srbije., 09.03-09.03.
Stojanović H, Milanović N. Augmented Experience - EASA Radionica u Rijeci [Priznanje] [29. Međunarodni Salon urbanizma]. in 29. Међународни салон урбанизма = 29th International Urban Planners Exhibition, Kragujevac, November 10-13. 2020;:09.03-09.03. .
Stojanović, Hristina, Milanović, Nikola, "Augmented Experience - EASA Radionica u Rijeci [Priznanje] [29. Međunarodni Salon urbanizma]" in 29. Међународни салон урбанизма = 29th International Urban Planners Exhibition, Kragujevac, November 10-13 (2020):09.03-09.03, .

Discovering the hybrid model of architectural drawing at the beginning of the XXI century

Meseldžija, Hristina

(Belgrade : Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, 2020)

AU  - Meseldžija, Hristina
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Professional, as well as research framework of contemporary architectural design implies a
field articulated by the development of information technologies. So far, it has represented an
area of the most rapid exchange of opinions and ideas, being subjected to various interpretations
and speculations in different phases of the architectural design process – from initial ideas
to final architectural simulations and realisations. Radical changes in architectural thinking
have directly reflected on the usage and ways of understanding architectural drawing in the
architectural design process. Furthermore, this situation led to radical changes in the traditional
process of designing the architectural space. In the context of understanding the relationship
between the architect and the drawing as his/her only authorial work, this relationship is being
usurped by the implementation of the computer software as an intermediary tool between the
two. The introduction of software in the architectural design process influences the emerging
forms of the architectural drawing, offering new possibilities such as direct, current and
omnipresent manipulation, as well as a multitude of representational possibilities.
This paper problematizes the position of architectural drawing by examining its manifestations
at the beginning of the twenty-first century as a consequence of the paradigmatic changes
brought about by the digital revolution. Architectural drawing at the beginning of the century
is disappearing in its traditional sense and is being replaced by different forms and roles in the
architectural design process. Since the conducted research is observed primarily through the
discipline of architecture, and more closely, through the field of visual arts, it will examine the
role of drawing in the area of architectural representation. Additionally, the research results
emerging in the form of a hybrid model of architectural drawing, will be discussed in terms
of its creative potential and further explorative applicability within the field of architectural
PB  - Belgrade : Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade
T2  - SAJ - Serbian Architectural Journal
T1  - Discovering the hybrid model of architectural drawing at the beginning of the XXI century
VL  - 12
IS  - 2
SP  - 102
EP  - 119
DO  - 10.5937/saj2002102M
ER  - 
author = "Meseldžija, Hristina",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Professional, as well as research framework of contemporary architectural design implies a
field articulated by the development of information technologies. So far, it has represented an
area of the most rapid exchange of opinions and ideas, being subjected to various interpretations
and speculations in different phases of the architectural design process – from initial ideas
to final architectural simulations and realisations. Radical changes in architectural thinking
have directly reflected on the usage and ways of understanding architectural drawing in the
architectural design process. Furthermore, this situation led to radical changes in the traditional
process of designing the architectural space. In the context of understanding the relationship
between the architect and the drawing as his/her only authorial work, this relationship is being
usurped by the implementation of the computer software as an intermediary tool between the
two. The introduction of software in the architectural design process influences the emerging
forms of the architectural drawing, offering new possibilities such as direct, current and
omnipresent manipulation, as well as a multitude of representational possibilities.
This paper problematizes the position of architectural drawing by examining its manifestations
at the beginning of the twenty-first century as a consequence of the paradigmatic changes
brought about by the digital revolution. Architectural drawing at the beginning of the century
is disappearing in its traditional sense and is being replaced by different forms and roles in the
architectural design process. Since the conducted research is observed primarily through the
discipline of architecture, and more closely, through the field of visual arts, it will examine the
role of drawing in the area of architectural representation. Additionally, the research results
emerging in the form of a hybrid model of architectural drawing, will be discussed in terms
of its creative potential and further explorative applicability within the field of architectural
publisher = "Belgrade : Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade",
journal = "SAJ - Serbian Architectural Journal",
title = "Discovering the hybrid model of architectural drawing at the beginning of the XXI century",
volume = "12",
number = "2",
pages = "102-119",
doi = "10.5937/saj2002102M"
Meseldžija, H.. (2020). Discovering the hybrid model of architectural drawing at the beginning of the XXI century. in SAJ - Serbian Architectural Journal
Belgrade : Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade., 12(2), 102-119.
Meseldžija H. Discovering the hybrid model of architectural drawing at the beginning of the XXI century. in SAJ - Serbian Architectural Journal. 2020;12(2):102-119.
doi:10.5937/saj2002102M .
Meseldžija, Hristina, "Discovering the hybrid model of architectural drawing at the beginning of the XXI century" in SAJ - Serbian Architectural Journal, 12, no. 2 (2020):102-119, . .

Recent Transformations of the Drawing into Virtual Space by Using Analog Techniques

Stojanović, Hristina; Milanović, Nikola

(Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, 2019)

AU  - Stojanović, Hristina
AU  - Milanović, Nikola
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - In this paper we will evaluate the results of the research by design 
methodology exploring the symbiotic relationship between analogue drawing 
techniques and digital representation tools including virtual reality platforms. Recent 
drawing transformations are conducted in the prospect of the post-media aesthetics 
understood as a projected part of the continuum of old and new culture of mediums. 
Analogue drawing techniques include myriad of non-computational drawing 
techniques and the digital representation is conducted using virtual reality platforms. 
The research design methodology presented in this research will be explained 
through its development within the post-graduate studies project and the results of 
the workshop following it.
PB  - Belgrade : University of  Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture
C3  - Possible worlds of contemporary aesthetics: aesthetics between history, geography and media : proceedings / 21st International Congress of Aesthetics ICA 2019, Belgrade
T1  - Recent Transformations of the Drawing into Virtual Space by Using Analog Techniques
SP  - 1054
EP  - 1063
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stojanović, Hristina and Milanović, Nikola",
year = "2019",
abstract = "In this paper we will evaluate the results of the research by design 
methodology exploring the symbiotic relationship between analogue drawing 
techniques and digital representation tools including virtual reality platforms. Recent 
drawing transformations are conducted in the prospect of the post-media aesthetics 
understood as a projected part of the continuum of old and new culture of mediums. 
Analogue drawing techniques include myriad of non-computational drawing 
techniques and the digital representation is conducted using virtual reality platforms. 
The research design methodology presented in this research will be explained 
through its development within the post-graduate studies project and the results of 
the workshop following it.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of  Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture",
journal = "Possible worlds of contemporary aesthetics: aesthetics between history, geography and media : proceedings / 21st International Congress of Aesthetics ICA 2019, Belgrade",
title = "Recent Transformations of the Drawing into Virtual Space by Using Analog Techniques",
pages = "1054-1063",
url = ""
Stojanović, H.,& Milanović, N.. (2019). Recent Transformations of the Drawing into Virtual Space by Using Analog Techniques. in Possible worlds of contemporary aesthetics: aesthetics between history, geography and media : proceedings / 21st International Congress of Aesthetics ICA 2019, Belgrade
Belgrade : University of  Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture., 1054-1063.
Stojanović H, Milanović N. Recent Transformations of the Drawing into Virtual Space by Using Analog Techniques. in Possible worlds of contemporary aesthetics: aesthetics between history, geography and media : proceedings / 21st International Congress of Aesthetics ICA 2019, Belgrade. 2019;:1054-1063. .
Stojanović, Hristina, Milanović, Nikola, "Recent Transformations of the Drawing into Virtual Space by Using Analog Techniques" in Possible worlds of contemporary aesthetics: aesthetics between history, geography and media : proceedings / 21st International Congress of Aesthetics ICA 2019, Belgrade (2019):1054-1063, .

Minimalizam u gestu : preispitivanja [BINA 2019]

Milanović, Nikola; Stojanović, Hristina; Lovrinčević, Ivana

(Beograd : Društvo arhitekata Beograda : Kulturni centar Beograda = Association of Belgrade Architects : Cultural Centre of Belgrade, 2019)

AU  - Milanović, Nikola
AU  - Stojanović, Hristina
AU  - Lovrinčević, Ivana
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Projektantska praksa Ured studija sagledava se kroz temu „[…]minimalizam u gestu (i materijalu) […]“ na referentnim projektima različitih tipologija. Predavanje prikazuje nekoliko projekata studija 
 odabranih sa idejom da daju kratak osvrt na pe togodišnji projektantski opus i iskustvo. Razmatra 
 se konstanta u radu studija preispitivanjem oda branih projekata kroz prizmu citiranog komentara 
žirija 38. Salona arhitekture, što je ujedno bila i prva verifikacija rada studija od strane stručne 
 javnosti. Postavlja se pitanje da li projektantski opus karakteriše opisani arhitektonski izraz i na koji način se on projektuje i manifestuje. Dalje, disku tuje se uslovljenost minimalizma u izrazu kroz temu kompromisa između koncepta i zahteva investitora (klijenta) gde se, pre svega, česta preispitivanja označavaju kao pozitivan i aktivan odnos izme đu arhitekte i klijenta. U tom kontekstu uočava  se i preispitivanje kao važan deo procesa u radu Studija, ne samo u svetlu komunikacije sa klijen tima već i specifične projektantske metodologije. Ona se razvija kroz akademsko iskustvo u nastavi i u naučnoistraživačkom radu. Isto tako, dometi i napredak projektantske prakse preispituju se i verifikuju učešćem na izložbama i konkursima iz referentnih oblasti.
AB  - Ured studio’s architectural practice is discussed on reference projects of different typologies through the topic of “[...] minimalism in gesture (and material) [...]”. The lecture presents several projects selected with the idea to give a brief overview of five-year design work and experience. The constant in the Ured studio’s work is reviewed by rethinking the selected projects through the prism of the quoted comment of the 38. Salon of architecture jury. This acknowl edgement was also the first verification of the studio’s architectural practices by the professional public. The question is whether the studio’s opus is characterized by the described manner in architecture, and how it is designed or manifested. Furthermore, the condi tionality of minimalism in gesture is discussed through the topic of compromise between the concept and the requirements of the investor (client), where, first of all, frequent reviews are signified as a positive and active relationship between the architect and the client. In this context, rethinking is also seen as an important part of the process in the work of the studio, not only through communication with clients, but also through a specific design methodology. It is developed and challenged through academic experience in teaching and scientific research. Likewise, the achievements and progress of the design practice are questioned and verified by participation in exhibitions and competitions from reference areas.
PB  - Beograd : Društvo arhitekata Beograda : Kulturni centar Beograda = Association of Belgrade Architects : Cultural Centre of Belgrade
T2  - Pozitivno/Aktivno = Positive/Active / 14. Beogradska internacionalna nedelja arhitekture, 09 - 30. maj 2019 = [Fourteenth] 14th Belgrade International Architecture Week, 09th - 30th May 2019
T1  - Minimalizam u gestu : preispitivanja [BINA 2019]
T1  - Minimalism in gesture : rethinking [BINA 2019]
SP  - 168
EP  - 169
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Milanović, Nikola and Stojanović, Hristina and Lovrinčević, Ivana",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Projektantska praksa Ured studija sagledava se kroz temu „[…]minimalizam u gestu (i materijalu) […]“ na referentnim projektima različitih tipologija. Predavanje prikazuje nekoliko projekata studija 
 odabranih sa idejom da daju kratak osvrt na pe togodišnji projektantski opus i iskustvo. Razmatra 
 se konstanta u radu studija preispitivanjem oda branih projekata kroz prizmu citiranog komentara 
žirija 38. Salona arhitekture, što je ujedno bila i prva verifikacija rada studija od strane stručne 
 javnosti. Postavlja se pitanje da li projektantski opus karakteriše opisani arhitektonski izraz i na koji način se on projektuje i manifestuje. Dalje, disku tuje se uslovljenost minimalizma u izrazu kroz temu kompromisa između koncepta i zahteva investitora (klijenta) gde se, pre svega, česta preispitivanja označavaju kao pozitivan i aktivan odnos izme đu arhitekte i klijenta. U tom kontekstu uočava  se i preispitivanje kao važan deo procesa u radu Studija, ne samo u svetlu komunikacije sa klijen tima već i specifične projektantske metodologije. Ona se razvija kroz akademsko iskustvo u nastavi i u naučnoistraživačkom radu. Isto tako, dometi i napredak projektantske prakse preispituju se i verifikuju učešćem na izložbama i konkursima iz referentnih oblasti., Ured studio’s architectural practice is discussed on reference projects of different typologies through the topic of “[...] minimalism in gesture (and material) [...]”. The lecture presents several projects selected with the idea to give a brief overview of five-year design work and experience. The constant in the Ured studio’s work is reviewed by rethinking the selected projects through the prism of the quoted comment of the 38. Salon of architecture jury. This acknowl edgement was also the first verification of the studio’s architectural practices by the professional public. The question is whether the studio’s opus is characterized by the described manner in architecture, and how it is designed or manifested. Furthermore, the condi tionality of minimalism in gesture is discussed through the topic of compromise between the concept and the requirements of the investor (client), where, first of all, frequent reviews are signified as a positive and active relationship between the architect and the client. In this context, rethinking is also seen as an important part of the process in the work of the studio, not only through communication with clients, but also through a specific design methodology. It is developed and challenged through academic experience in teaching and scientific research. Likewise, the achievements and progress of the design practice are questioned and verified by participation in exhibitions and competitions from reference areas.",
publisher = "Beograd : Društvo arhitekata Beograda : Kulturni centar Beograda = Association of Belgrade Architects : Cultural Centre of Belgrade",
journal = "Pozitivno/Aktivno = Positive/Active / 14. Beogradska internacionalna nedelja arhitekture, 09 - 30. maj 2019 = [Fourteenth] 14th Belgrade International Architecture Week, 09th - 30th May 2019",
title = "Minimalizam u gestu : preispitivanja [BINA 2019], Minimalism in gesture : rethinking [BINA 2019]",
pages = "168-169",
url = ""
Milanović, N., Stojanović, H.,& Lovrinčević, I.. (2019). Minimalizam u gestu : preispitivanja [BINA 2019]. in Pozitivno/Aktivno = Positive/Active / 14. Beogradska internacionalna nedelja arhitekture, 09 - 30. maj 2019 = [Fourteenth] 14th Belgrade International Architecture Week, 09th - 30th May 2019
Beograd : Društvo arhitekata Beograda : Kulturni centar Beograda = Association of Belgrade Architects : Cultural Centre of Belgrade., 168-169.
Milanović N, Stojanović H, Lovrinčević I. Minimalizam u gestu : preispitivanja [BINA 2019]. in Pozitivno/Aktivno = Positive/Active / 14. Beogradska internacionalna nedelja arhitekture, 09 - 30. maj 2019 = [Fourteenth] 14th Belgrade International Architecture Week, 09th - 30th May 2019. 2019;:168-169. .
Milanović, Nikola, Stojanović, Hristina, Lovrinčević, Ivana, "Minimalizam u gestu : preispitivanja [BINA 2019]" in Pozitivno/Aktivno = Positive/Active / 14. Beogradska internacionalna nedelja arhitekture, 09 - 30. maj 2019 = [Fourteenth] 14th Belgrade International Architecture Week, 09th - 30th May 2019 (2019):168-169, .

VP 11-13 [41. Salon arhitekture]

Milanović, Nikola; Marković, Bojana; Milanović, Dejan; Lovrinčević, Ivana; Stojanović, Hristina

(Beograd : Muzej primenjene umetnosti = Belgrade : Museum of Applied Art, 2019)


Milanović, N., Marković, B., Milanović, D., Lovrinčević, I.,& Stojanović, H.. (2019). VP 11-13 [41. Salon arhitekture]. in Na ivici : [katalog izložbe] / 41. salon arhitekture, Muzej primenjene umetnosti, [Beograd], 27. mart - 30. april
Beograd : Muzej primenjene umetnosti = Belgrade : Museum of Applied Art., 45-45.
Milanović N, Marković B, Milanović D, Lovrinčević I, Stojanović H. VP 11-13 [41. Salon arhitekture]. in Na ivici : [katalog izložbe] / 41. salon arhitekture, Muzej primenjene umetnosti, [Beograd], 27. mart - 30. april. 2019;:45-45. .
Milanović, Nikola, Marković, Bojana, Milanović, Dejan, Lovrinčević, Ivana, Stojanović, Hristina, "VP 11-13 [41. Salon arhitekture]" in Na ivici : [katalog izložbe] / 41. salon arhitekture, Muzej primenjene umetnosti, [Beograd], 27. mart - 30. april (2019):45-45, .

C6 [41. Salon arhitekture]

Milanović, Nikola; Marković, Bojana; Stojanović, Hristina; Lovrinčević, Ivana

(Beograd : Muzej primenjene umetnosti = Belgrade : Museum of Applied Art, 2019)


Milanović, N., Marković, B., Stojanović, H.,& Lovrinčević, I.. (2019). C6 [41. Salon arhitekture]. in Na ivici : [katalog izložbe] / 41. salon arhitekture, Muzej primenjene umetnosti, [Beograd], 27. mart - 30. april
Beograd : Muzej primenjene umetnosti = Belgrade : Museum of Applied Art., 47-47.
Milanović N, Marković B, Stojanović H, Lovrinčević I. C6 [41. Salon arhitekture]. in Na ivici : [katalog izložbe] / 41. salon arhitekture, Muzej primenjene umetnosti, [Beograd], 27. mart - 30. april. 2019;:47-47. .
Milanović, Nikola, Marković, Bojana, Stojanović, Hristina, Lovrinčević, Ivana, "C6 [41. Salon arhitekture]" in Na ivici : [katalog izložbe] / 41. salon arhitekture, Muzej primenjene umetnosti, [Beograd], 27. mart - 30. april (2019):47-47, .

SCGM doo Headquarters [41. Salon arhitekture]

Milanović, Nikola; Stojanović, Hristina; Lovrinčević, Ivana

(Beograd : Muzej primenjene umetnosti = Belgrade : Museum of Applied Art, 2019)


Milanović, N., Stojanović, H.,& Lovrinčević, I.. (2019). SCGM doo Headquarters [41. Salon arhitekture]. in Na ivici : [katalog izložbe] / 41. salon arhitekture, Muzej primenjene umetnosti, [Beograd], 27. mart -30. april 2019
Beograd : Muzej primenjene umetnosti = Belgrade : Museum of Applied Art., 60-60.
Milanović N, Stojanović H, Lovrinčević I. SCGM doo Headquarters [41. Salon arhitekture]. in Na ivici : [katalog izložbe] / 41. salon arhitekture, Muzej primenjene umetnosti, [Beograd], 27. mart -30. april 2019. 2019;:60-60. .
Milanović, Nikola, Stojanović, Hristina, Lovrinčević, Ivana, "SCGM doo Headquarters [41. Salon arhitekture]" in Na ivici : [katalog izložbe] / 41. salon arhitekture, Muzej primenjene umetnosti, [Beograd], 27. mart -30. april 2019 (2019):60-60, .

Augmented Experience

Stojanović, Hristina; Milanović, Nikola

(Beograd : Muzej primenjene umetnosti = Belgrade : Museum of Applied Art, 2019)


Stojanović, H.,& Milanović, N.. (2019). Augmented Experience. in Na ivici : [katalog izložbe] / 41. salon arhitekture, Muzej primenjene umetnosti, [Beograd], 27. mart -30. april 2019
Beograd : Muzej primenjene umetnosti = Belgrade : Museum of Applied Art., 81-81.
Stojanović H, Milanović N. Augmented Experience. in Na ivici : [katalog izložbe] / 41. salon arhitekture, Muzej primenjene umetnosti, [Beograd], 27. mart -30. april 2019. 2019;:81-81. .
Stojanović, Hristina, Milanović, Nikola, "Augmented Experience" in Na ivici : [katalog izložbe] / 41. salon arhitekture, Muzej primenjene umetnosti, [Beograd], 27. mart -30. april 2019 (2019):81-81, .

C6 - Collective Housing [STRAND 2018]

Milanović, Nikola; Marković, Bojana; Lovrinčević, Ivana; Stojanović, Hristina; Bilobrk, David

(Belgrade: STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association, 2018)


Milanović, N., Marković, B., Lovrinčević, I., Stojanović, H.,& Bilobrk, D.. (2018). C6 - Collective Housing [STRAND 2018]. in New Materials and Design in Architecture and Art / Sixth International Exhibition On Architecture, [Belgrade, 2018]
Belgrade: STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association., 7-7.
Milanović N, Marković B, Lovrinčević I, Stojanović H, Bilobrk D. C6 - Collective Housing [STRAND 2018]. in New Materials and Design in Architecture and Art / Sixth International Exhibition On Architecture, [Belgrade, 2018]. 2018;:7-7. .
Milanović, Nikola, Marković, Bojana, Lovrinčević, Ivana, Stojanović, Hristina, Bilobrk, David, "C6 - Collective Housing [STRAND 2018]" in New Materials and Design in Architecture and Art / Sixth International Exhibition On Architecture, [Belgrade, 2018] (2018):7-7, .