Mitrović, Biserka

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Mitrović, Biserka (36)
  • Митровић, Бисерка (12)
  • Mitrovic, Biserka (2)
  • Mitrović, Biserka Č. (1)

Author's Bibliography

Нелегална урбанизација и климатске промене – последице и ризици погрешних одлука

Митровић, Бисерка; Марић, Јелена; Бараћ, Мирјана

(Београд : Удружење инжењера Београда, 2023)

AU  - Митровић, Бисерка
AU  - Марић, Јелена
AU  - Бараћ, Мирјана
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Овај рад се бави утицајем последица утицаја климатских промена на токове урбанизације, са посебним освртом на нелегална и неформална насеља, чија је изложеност овим утицајима знатно већа и/или другачија него што је у плански изграђеним деловима града. 
Урбано планирање се данас суочава са бројним и растућим изазовима, као што су убрзана урбанизација, управљање растом града и неформална насеља, климатске промене, велики демографски притисци и сиромаштво, потребе за енергијом, и другим (Mitrović & Antonić, 2013). Са друге стране, број становника у нелегалним и неформалним насељима одавно је премашио милијарду становника на свим континентима и у различито развијеним земљама. Становници неформалних /нелегалних насеља постају све рањивији и под утицајем широког спектра опасности и ризика, као што су: различите заразне болести, лоше управљање и одлагање отпада, клизишта, поплаве, лоша инфраструктура која не може да прихвати бујичне воде, недостатак или лоша канализација, недостатак или лош приступ здравственим сервисима, и другог. Због тога је неопходно да одрживо урбано планирање и коришћење земљишта адаптирају модалитете рада на промене и растуће урбане проблеме и да се доследно примењују утемељени принципи како би се осигурала делотворност урбаних политика (UN-Habitat, 2009; World Bank Institute, 2010).
Локације и подручја неких нелегалних насеља представљају посебан проблем јер доприносе повећању ризика ових насеља од катастрофа, те је потребно извршити анализу локација неформалних/нелегалних подручја са становишта процене ризика од катастрофа и последица климатских промена. Стога је циљ рада да осветли и класификује ризике у нелегалним насељима и препоручи мере који би могли да смање штетне утицаје нежељених утицаја климатских промена.
AB  - This paper deals with the impact of the effects of climate change on the
course of urbanization, with a special focus on illegal and informal
settlements, whose exposure to these impacts is significantly greater
and/or different than in the planned parts of the city.
Today, urban planning faces numerous and growing challenges, such as
accelerated urbanization, management of city growth and informal
settlements, climate change, large demographic pressures and poverty,
energy needs, and others (Mitrović & Antonić, 2013). On the other hand,
the number of inhabitants in illegal and informal settlements has exceeded
one billion inhabitants on all continents and in differently developed
countries. Inhabitants of informal/illegal settlements are becoming
increasingly vulnerable and under the influence of a wide range of hazards
and risks, such as: various infectious diseases, poor waste management
and disposal, landslides, floods, poor infrastructure that cannot handle
stormwater, lack or poor sanitation, lack or poor access to health services,
and others. Therefore, it is necessary that sustainable urban planning and
land use adapt work modalities to changes and growing urban problems
and that established principles are consistently applied to ensure the
effectiveness of urban policies (UN-Habitat, 2009; World Bank Institute,
The locations and areas of some illegal settlements represent a special
problem because they contribute to increasing the risk of these settlements
from disasters. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the locations of
informal/illegal areas from the point of view of assessing the risk of
disasters and the consequences of climate change. Concluding, the aim of
the work is to highlight and classify the risks in illegal settlements and
recommend measures that could reduce the harmful effects of the adverse
effects of climate change.
PB  - Београд : Удружење инжењера Београда
C3  - XV Научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем "Климатске промене и урбанизација", Београд
T1  - Нелегална урбанизација и климатске промене – последице и ризици погрешних одлука
T1  - Illegal urbanization and climate change - consequences and risks of wrong decisions
SP  - 82
EP  - 96
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Митровић, Бисерка and Марић, Јелена and Бараћ, Мирјана",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Овај рад се бави утицајем последица утицаја климатских промена на токове урбанизације, са посебним освртом на нелегална и неформална насеља, чија је изложеност овим утицајима знатно већа и/или другачија него што је у плански изграђеним деловима града. 
Урбано планирање се данас суочава са бројним и растућим изазовима, као што су убрзана урбанизација, управљање растом града и неформална насеља, климатске промене, велики демографски притисци и сиромаштво, потребе за енергијом, и другим (Mitrović & Antonić, 2013). Са друге стране, број становника у нелегалним и неформалним насељима одавно је премашио милијарду становника на свим континентима и у различито развијеним земљама. Становници неформалних /нелегалних насеља постају све рањивији и под утицајем широког спектра опасности и ризика, као што су: различите заразне болести, лоше управљање и одлагање отпада, клизишта, поплаве, лоша инфраструктура која не може да прихвати бујичне воде, недостатак или лоша канализација, недостатак или лош приступ здравственим сервисима, и другог. Због тога је неопходно да одрживо урбано планирање и коришћење земљишта адаптирају модалитете рада на промене и растуће урбане проблеме и да се доследно примењују утемељени принципи како би се осигурала делотворност урбаних политика (UN-Habitat, 2009; World Bank Institute, 2010).
Локације и подручја неких нелегалних насеља представљају посебан проблем јер доприносе повећању ризика ових насеља од катастрофа, те је потребно извршити анализу локација неформалних/нелегалних подручја са становишта процене ризика од катастрофа и последица климатских промена. Стога је циљ рада да осветли и класификује ризике у нелегалним насељима и препоручи мере који би могли да смање штетне утицаје нежељених утицаја климатских промена., This paper deals with the impact of the effects of climate change on the
course of urbanization, with a special focus on illegal and informal
settlements, whose exposure to these impacts is significantly greater
and/or different than in the planned parts of the city.
Today, urban planning faces numerous and growing challenges, such as
accelerated urbanization, management of city growth and informal
settlements, climate change, large demographic pressures and poverty,
energy needs, and others (Mitrović & Antonić, 2013). On the other hand,
the number of inhabitants in illegal and informal settlements has exceeded
one billion inhabitants on all continents and in differently developed
countries. Inhabitants of informal/illegal settlements are becoming
increasingly vulnerable and under the influence of a wide range of hazards
and risks, such as: various infectious diseases, poor waste management
and disposal, landslides, floods, poor infrastructure that cannot handle
stormwater, lack or poor sanitation, lack or poor access to health services,
and others. Therefore, it is necessary that sustainable urban planning and
land use adapt work modalities to changes and growing urban problems
and that established principles are consistently applied to ensure the
effectiveness of urban policies (UN-Habitat, 2009; World Bank Institute,
The locations and areas of some illegal settlements represent a special
problem because they contribute to increasing the risk of these settlements
from disasters. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the locations of
informal/illegal areas from the point of view of assessing the risk of
disasters and the consequences of climate change. Concluding, the aim of
the work is to highlight and classify the risks in illegal settlements and
recommend measures that could reduce the harmful effects of the adverse
effects of climate change.",
publisher = "Београд : Удружење инжењера Београда",
journal = "XV Научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем "Климатске промене и урбанизација", Београд",
title = "Нелегална урбанизација и климатске промене – последице и ризици погрешних одлука, Illegal urbanization and climate change - consequences and risks of wrong decisions",
pages = "82-96",
url = ""
Митровић, Б., Марић, Ј.,& Бараћ, М.. (2023). Нелегална урбанизација и климатске промене – последице и ризици погрешних одлука. in XV Научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем "Климатске промене и урбанизација", Београд
Београд : Удружење инжењера Београда., 82-96.
Митровић Б, Марић Ј, Бараћ М. Нелегална урбанизација и климатске промене – последице и ризици погрешних одлука. in XV Научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем "Климатске промене и урбанизација", Београд. 2023;:82-96. .
Митровић, Бисерка, Марић, Јелена, Бараћ, Мирјана, "Нелегална урбанизација и климатске промене – последице и ризици погрешних одлука" in XV Научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем "Климатске промене и урбанизација", Београд (2023):82-96, .

Студентска изложба: одрживи територијални развој подручја Звездарске шуме

Митровић, Бисерка; Бараћ, Мирјана; Марић, Jelena

(Београд : Удружење инжењера Београда, 2023)

AU  - Митровић, Бисерка
AU  - Бараћ, Мирјана
AU  - Марић, Jelena
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Предмет “Одрживи територијални развој” по свом карактеру укључује теоријска и апликативна знања уз примену различитих метода рада и представља завршни обавезни студио који се користи синтезом знања стечених током претходних година у области одрживог урбаног и тероторијалног планирања и одрживог урбаног предела. Циљеви предмета везани су за: а) упознавање студената са основама територијалног развоја у специфичним природним, социјалним и просторним условима; б) савладавање, усвајање и примену различитих теоретских и практичних приступа планирању у сложеном природном, просторном и социјалном  окружењу, заснованих на еколошкој, културној, социјалној и економској одрживости; в) примену знања у домену процеса урбанистичког планирања уз упознавање и примену актуелног регулативног и планског оквира, као и г) креирање урбанистичких решења у складу са реалистичним и сложеним захтевима и ограничењима урбаног контекста.

Подручје којим се студенти баве на овом предмету неретко обухвата природно окружење.  Под природним окружењем у задатку се подразумева подручје са посебним природним вредностима као што је национални парк, парк природе, предео посебних природних одлика, заштићено природно добро и сл.. Рад на подручју у природном окружењу за студенте Архитектонског факултета представља додатни изазов, јер се током свог студирања ређе сусрећу са сличним подручјем и обухватом разраде. Специфичне карактеристике овог подручја својим захтевима одређују посебан приступ планирању и пројектовању, као и дефинисању концепта што захтева повезивање знања не само из урбанизма (и архитектуре), већ и из сродних области. На тај начин, студенти на предмету “Одрживи територијални развој” добијају прилику да стекну јединствене вештине употребљиве у урбанистичкој пракси.
PB  - Београд : Удружење инжењера Београда
C3  - XV Научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем "Климатске промене и урбанизација", Београд
T1  - Студентска изложба: одрживи територијални развој подручја Звездарске шуме
SP  - 232
EP  - 242
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Митровић, Бисерка and Бараћ, Мирјана and Марић, Jelena",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Предмет “Одрживи територијални развој” по свом карактеру укључује теоријска и апликативна знања уз примену различитих метода рада и представља завршни обавезни студио који се користи синтезом знања стечених током претходних година у области одрживог урбаног и тероторијалног планирања и одрживог урбаног предела. Циљеви предмета везани су за: а) упознавање студената са основама територијалног развоја у специфичним природним, социјалним и просторним условима; б) савладавање, усвајање и примену различитих теоретских и практичних приступа планирању у сложеном природном, просторном и социјалном  окружењу, заснованих на еколошкој, културној, социјалној и економској одрживости; в) примену знања у домену процеса урбанистичког планирања уз упознавање и примену актуелног регулативног и планског оквира, као и г) креирање урбанистичких решења у складу са реалистичним и сложеним захтевима и ограничењима урбаног контекста.

Подручје којим се студенти баве на овом предмету неретко обухвата природно окружење.  Под природним окружењем у задатку се подразумева подручје са посебним природним вредностима као што је национални парк, парк природе, предео посебних природних одлика, заштићено природно добро и сл.. Рад на подручју у природном окружењу за студенте Архитектонског факултета представља додатни изазов, јер се током свог студирања ређе сусрећу са сличним подручјем и обухватом разраде. Специфичне карактеристике овог подручја својим захтевима одређују посебан приступ планирању и пројектовању, као и дефинисању концепта што захтева повезивање знања не само из урбанизма (и архитектуре), већ и из сродних области. На тај начин, студенти на предмету “Одрживи територијални развој” добијају прилику да стекну јединствене вештине употребљиве у урбанистичкој пракси.",
publisher = "Београд : Удружење инжењера Београда",
journal = "XV Научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем "Климатске промене и урбанизација", Београд",
title = "Студентска изложба: одрживи територијални развој подручја Звездарске шуме",
pages = "232-242",
url = ""
Митровић, Б., Бараћ, М.,& Марић, J.. (2023). Студентска изложба: одрживи територијални развој подручја Звездарске шуме. in XV Научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем "Климатске промене и урбанизација", Београд
Београд : Удружење инжењера Београда., 232-242.
Митровић Б, Бараћ М, Марић J. Студентска изложба: одрживи територијални развој подручја Звездарске шуме. in XV Научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем "Климатске промене и урбанизација", Београд. 2023;:232-242. .
Митровић, Бисерка, Бараћ, Мирјана, Марић, Jelena, "Студентска изложба: одрживи територијални развој подручја Звездарске шуме" in XV Научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем "Климатске промене и урбанизација", Београд (2023):232-242, .

Утицај аерозагађења на квалитет живота у урбаним срединама на примеру Београда: потенцијалне последице и мере интервенције

Марић, Јелена; Бараћ, Мирјана; Митровић, Бисерка

(Београд : Удружење инжењера Београда, 2023)

AU  - Марић, Јелена
AU  - Бараћ, Мирјана
AU  - Митровић, Бисерка
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The quality of life in urban areas greatly depends on the level of public health of the population, and on the way we are dealing with climate change. Air pollution is one of the primary health problems facing Belgrade, as well as most cities around the world. In this study, data for the Belgrade area on the concentration of negative particles (PM10 and PM2.5) and pollutants (NO2) in the air were analyzed. The results show that the level of air pollution in Belgrade is above the allowed limits for most of the analyzed components, which affects respiratory function, increases the risk of respiratory diseases and also endangers cardiovascular health. These results indicate the need for urgent and effective measures to reduce air pollution in Belgrade in order to improve the quality of life. This study also deals with the analysis of potential intervention measures, regarding the climate change issues, that affect the reduction of air pollution in cities. One of the main and most effective measures is the control of emissions of pollutants from transport, through the promotion of more efficient vehicles and fuels, as well as the construction of environmentally sustainable transportation systems. Also, the promotion of maintenance and increasing of green infrastructure can have a positive impact on reducing emissions of pollutants and improving overall air quality. Finally, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, healthy diet, and physical activity can improve immunity and help in the prevention of air pollution-related diseases.
AB  - Квалитет живота у урбаним срединама умногоме зависи од нивоа јавног здравља становништва, односно начина на који се суочавамо са климатским променама. Аерозагађење је један од примарних проблема, са аспекта здравља, са којим се суочава Београд, али и већина градова широм света. У овом раду анализирани су подаци за територију Београда о концентрацији негативних честица (PM10 и PM2.5) и онечишћујућих гасова (NO2) у ваздуху. Резултати показују да је ниво аерозагађења у Београду преко допуштених граница за већину анализираних компоненти, што утиче на респираторну функцију, повећава ризик од респираторних обољења, док угрожава и кардиоваскуларно здравље. Ови резултати указују на потребу за хитним и ефикасним мерама за смањење аерозагађења у Београду, како би се побољшао квалитет живота становништва. Овај рад се уједно бави и анализом потенцијалних мера интервенција које утичу на смањење проблема проузрокованих климатским променама, са фокусом на аерозагађење у градовима. Један од главних и најефикаснијих мера јесте контрола емисије онечишћујућих гасова из транспорта, кроз промоцију ефикаснијих возила и горива, као и изградњу еколошки одрживих транспортних система. Такође, промоција очувања и увећања површине зелене инфраструктуре може да има позитиван утицаја на смањење емисије онечишћујућих гасова, као и побољшање квалитета ваздуха. Коначно, промоција здравог начина живота, здрава исхрана и физичка активност могу да побољшају имунитет и помажу у борби против болести повезаних са аерозагађењем.
PB  - Београд : Удружење инжењера Београда
C3  - Зборник радова са XV научно-стручне конференције са међународним учешћем "Климатске промене и урбанизација"
T1  - Утицај аерозагађења на квалитет живота у урбаним срединама на примеру Београда: потенцијалне последице и мере интервенције
T1  - The influence of air pollution on the quality of life in urban areas at an example of Belgrade: potential consequences and intervention measures
SP  - 250
EP  - 251
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Марић, Јелена and Бараћ, Мирјана and Митровић, Бисерка",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The quality of life in urban areas greatly depends on the level of public health of the population, and on the way we are dealing with climate change. Air pollution is one of the primary health problems facing Belgrade, as well as most cities around the world. In this study, data for the Belgrade area on the concentration of negative particles (PM10 and PM2.5) and pollutants (NO2) in the air were analyzed. The results show that the level of air pollution in Belgrade is above the allowed limits for most of the analyzed components, which affects respiratory function, increases the risk of respiratory diseases and also endangers cardiovascular health. These results indicate the need for urgent and effective measures to reduce air pollution in Belgrade in order to improve the quality of life. This study also deals with the analysis of potential intervention measures, regarding the climate change issues, that affect the reduction of air pollution in cities. One of the main and most effective measures is the control of emissions of pollutants from transport, through the promotion of more efficient vehicles and fuels, as well as the construction of environmentally sustainable transportation systems. Also, the promotion of maintenance and increasing of green infrastructure can have a positive impact on reducing emissions of pollutants and improving overall air quality. Finally, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, healthy diet, and physical activity can improve immunity and help in the prevention of air pollution-related diseases., Квалитет живота у урбаним срединама умногоме зависи од нивоа јавног здравља становништва, односно начина на који се суочавамо са климатским променама. Аерозагађење је један од примарних проблема, са аспекта здравља, са којим се суочава Београд, али и већина градова широм света. У овом раду анализирани су подаци за територију Београда о концентрацији негативних честица (PM10 и PM2.5) и онечишћујућих гасова (NO2) у ваздуху. Резултати показују да је ниво аерозагађења у Београду преко допуштених граница за већину анализираних компоненти, што утиче на респираторну функцију, повећава ризик од респираторних обољења, док угрожава и кардиоваскуларно здравље. Ови резултати указују на потребу за хитним и ефикасним мерама за смањење аерозагађења у Београду, како би се побољшао квалитет живота становништва. Овај рад се уједно бави и анализом потенцијалних мера интервенција које утичу на смањење проблема проузрокованих климатским променама, са фокусом на аерозагађење у градовима. Један од главних и најефикаснијих мера јесте контрола емисије онечишћујућих гасова из транспорта, кроз промоцију ефикаснијих возила и горива, као и изградњу еколошки одрживих транспортних система. Такође, промоција очувања и увећања површине зелене инфраструктуре може да има позитиван утицаја на смањење емисије онечишћујућих гасова, као и побољшање квалитета ваздуха. Коначно, промоција здравог начина живота, здрава исхрана и физичка активност могу да побољшају имунитет и помажу у борби против болести повезаних са аерозагађењем.",
publisher = "Београд : Удружење инжењера Београда",
journal = "Зборник радова са XV научно-стручне конференције са међународним учешћем "Климатске промене и урбанизација"",
title = "Утицај аерозагађења на квалитет живота у урбаним срединама на примеру Београда: потенцијалне последице и мере интервенције, The influence of air pollution on the quality of life in urban areas at an example of Belgrade: potential consequences and intervention measures",
pages = "250-251",
url = ""
Марић, Ј., Бараћ, М.,& Митровић, Б.. (2023). Утицај аерозагађења на квалитет живота у урбаним срединама на примеру Београда: потенцијалне последице и мере интервенције. in Зборник радова са XV научно-стручне конференције са међународним учешћем "Климатске промене и урбанизација"
Београд : Удружење инжењера Београда., 250-251.
Марић Ј, Бараћ М, Митровић Б. Утицај аерозагађења на квалитет живота у урбаним срединама на примеру Београда: потенцијалне последице и мере интервенције. in Зборник радова са XV научно-стручне конференције са међународним учешћем "Климатске промене и урбанизација". 2023;:250-251. .
Марић, Јелена, Бараћ, Мирјана, Митровић, Бисерка, "Утицај аерозагађења на квалитет живота у урбаним срединама на примеру Београда: потенцијалне последице и мере интервенције" in Зборник радова са XV научно-стручне конференције са међународним учешћем "Климатске промене и урбанизација" (2023):250-251, .

Integrating Natural and Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Small Cities: Network of Eco-Cultural Routes on The Danube Region, Serbia

Mitrović, Biserka; Marić, Jelena; Barać, Mirjana; Đukić, Aleksandra; Milovanović Rodić, Danijela; Antonić, Branislav

(Turkey : Alanya University, 2023)

AU  - Mitrović, Biserka
AU  - Marić, Jelena
AU  - Barać, Mirjana
AU  - Đukić, Aleksandra
AU  - Milovanović Rodić, Danijela
AU  - Antonić, Branislav
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The paper represents a part of the research conducted through the EU Interreg project DANUrB+ (Danube Urban Brand), which gathered six European countries including Serbia around the common goal: to foster the development of small cities along the Danube region through sustainable and heritage-based tourism and cross-border cooperation. One of the main outcomes of the project was the development of Action plans, defined by the set of goals and specific methodology, which included: analysis of strategic regional and local planning documents; field study; meetings, workshops and surveys with local stakeholders; research through participation, and thematic exhibitions. The Action plan for Golubac, the city with a declining population in the Eastern part of Serbia, represents a model for shaping new authentic tourist products and routes by combining natural and cultural heritage, and it could serve as a knowledge base and unique methodological model for action planning and building self-sustaining communities.
PB  - Turkey : Alanya University
T2  - Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA
T1  - Integrating Natural and Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Small Cities: Network of Eco-Cultural Routes on The Danube Region, Serbia
VL  - 6
IS  - 1
SP  - 775
EP  - 785
DO  - 10.38027/iccaua2023en0199
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Biserka and Marić, Jelena and Barać, Mirjana and Đukić, Aleksandra and Milovanović Rodić, Danijela and Antonić, Branislav",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The paper represents a part of the research conducted through the EU Interreg project DANUrB+ (Danube Urban Brand), which gathered six European countries including Serbia around the common goal: to foster the development of small cities along the Danube region through sustainable and heritage-based tourism and cross-border cooperation. One of the main outcomes of the project was the development of Action plans, defined by the set of goals and specific methodology, which included: analysis of strategic regional and local planning documents; field study; meetings, workshops and surveys with local stakeholders; research through participation, and thematic exhibitions. The Action plan for Golubac, the city with a declining population in the Eastern part of Serbia, represents a model for shaping new authentic tourist products and routes by combining natural and cultural heritage, and it could serve as a knowledge base and unique methodological model for action planning and building self-sustaining communities.",
publisher = "Turkey : Alanya University",
journal = "Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA",
title = "Integrating Natural and Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Small Cities: Network of Eco-Cultural Routes on The Danube Region, Serbia",
volume = "6",
number = "1",
pages = "775-785",
doi = "10.38027/iccaua2023en0199"
Mitrović, B., Marić, J., Barać, M., Đukić, A., Milovanović Rodić, D.,& Antonić, B.. (2023). Integrating Natural and Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Small Cities: Network of Eco-Cultural Routes on The Danube Region, Serbia. in Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA
Turkey : Alanya University., 6(1), 775-785.
Mitrović B, Marić J, Barać M, Đukić A, Milovanović Rodić D, Antonić B. Integrating Natural and Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Small Cities: Network of Eco-Cultural Routes on The Danube Region, Serbia. in Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA. 2023;6(1):775-785.
doi:10.38027/iccaua2023en0199 .
Mitrović, Biserka, Marić, Jelena, Barać, Mirjana, Đukić, Aleksandra, Milovanović Rodić, Danijela, Antonić, Branislav, "Integrating Natural and Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Small Cities: Network of Eco-Cultural Routes on The Danube Region, Serbia" in Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 6, no. 1 (2023):775-785, . .

DANUrB+ пројекат / Danube urban brend + изградња регионалне и локалне отпорности кроз вредновање подунавске културне баштине [ 32. Mеђународни салон урбанизма]

Кадар, Балинт; Ђукић, Александра; Толић, Светлана; Ваништа Лазаревић, Ева; Ступар, Александра; Никезић, Ана; Митровић, Бисерка; Миловановић Родић, Данијела; Николић, Ивица; Парежанин, Владимир; Марић, Јелена; Антонић, Бранислав; Грујичић, Александар; Обрадовић, Милорад; Митровић, Никола

(Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2023)


Кадар, Б., Ђукић, А., Толић, С., Ваништа Лазаревић, Е., Ступар, А., Никезић, А., Митровић, Б., Миловановић Родић, Д., Николић, И., Парежанин, В., Марић, Ј., Антонић, Б., Грујичић, А., Обрадовић, М.,& Митровић, Н.. (2023). DANUrB+ пројекат / Danube urban brend + изградња регионалне и локалне отпорности кроз вредновање подунавске културне баштине [ 32. Mеђународни салон урбанизма]. in 32. Међународни салон урбанизма Ниш, Научно-технолошки парк, 8 - 11. новембар 2023. =  32nd International urban planners’ exibition Niš, Science and technology park, 8 - 11 November 2023
Удружење урбаниста Србије..
Кадар Б, Ђукић А, Толић С, Ваништа Лазаревић Е, Ступар А, Никезић А, Митровић Б, Миловановић Родић Д, Николић И, Парежанин В, Марић Ј, Антонић Б, Грујичић А, Обрадовић М, Митровић Н. DANUrB+ пројекат / Danube urban brend + изградња регионалне и локалне отпорности кроз вредновање подунавске културне баштине [ 32. Mеђународни салон урбанизма]. in 32. Међународни салон урбанизма Ниш, Научно-технолошки парк, 8 - 11. новембар 2023. =  32nd International urban planners’ exibition Niš, Science and technology park, 8 - 11 November 2023. 2023;. .
Кадар, Балинт, Ђукић, Александра, Толић, Светлана, Ваништа Лазаревић, Ева, Ступар, Александра, Никезић, Ана, Митровић, Бисерка, Миловановић Родић, Данијела, Николић, Ивица, Парежанин, Владимир, Марић, Јелена, Антонић, Бранислав, Грујичић, Александар, Обрадовић, Милорад, Митровић, Никола, "DANUrB+ пројекат / Danube urban brend + изградња регионалне и локалне отпорности кроз вредновање подунавске културне баштине [ 32. Mеђународни салон урбанизма]" in 32. Међународни салон урбанизма Ниш, Научно-технолошки парк, 8 - 11. новембар 2023. =  32nd International urban planners’ exibition Niš, Science and technology park, 8 - 11 November 2023 (2023), .

Студентска изложба: одрживи територијални развој – међународни студентски конкурс „Beirut port competition“

Митровић, Бисерка; Марић, Јелена; Бараћ, Мирјана

(Београд: Удружење инжењера Београда, 2022)

AU  - Митровић, Бисерка
AU  - Марић, Јелена
AU  - Бараћ, Мирјана
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Предмет “Одрживи територијални развој” представља завршни обавезни студио који се користи синтезом знања стечених током претходних година у области одрживог урбаног и тероторијалног планирања и одрживог урбаног предела. По свом карактеру, предмет укључује теоријска и апликативна знања уз примену различитих метода рада.
Циљеви предмета везани су за: а) упознавање студената са основама територијалног развоја у специфичним природним, социјалним и просторним условима; б) савладавање, усвајање и примену различитих теоретских и практичних приступа планирању у
сложеном природном, просторном и социјалном окружењу, заснованих на еколошкој, културној, социјалној и економској одрживости; в) примену знања у домену процеса урбанистичког планирања уз упознавање и примену актуелног регулативног и планског оквира, као и г) креирање урбанистичких решења у складу са реалистичним и сложеним захтевима и ограничењима урбаног контекста.
У школској 2021/22. години у оквиру предмета М03У ”Одрживи територијални развој” студенти су учествовали на међународном студентском конкурсу у организацији INSPIRELI AWARDS како би помогли у процесу урбане обнове и ревитализације луке у Бејруту, која је уништена у експлозији. Студентски радови се обавезно раде групно.
Први део предмета је истраживачког карактера са циљем формирања информационе планске основе за град Бејрут и специфично шире окружење луке; студенти се упознају са
методологијом анализе садржаја, систематизују информације везане за предметни простор и дефинишу потенцијале и ограничења развоја ширег и ужег подручја. Истовремено се баве изучавањем различитих сектора и посебних урбаних фунција (лучки комплекси) уз анализу примера добре праксе.
Други део рада се односи на креирање визије, концепта и варијанти планских решења, док се завршни део рада студената односи на креирање детаљне програмске поставке и урбанистичко-архитектонског решења у сложеном природном и створеном контексту.
PB  - Београд: Удружење инжењера Београда
C3  - XIV Научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем "Паметни градови и интеграција технологија четврте индустријске револуције 4.0", Београд
T1  - Студентска изложба: одрживи територијални развој – међународни студентски конкурс „Beirut port competition“
SP  - 236
EP  - 244
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Митровић, Бисерка and Марић, Јелена and Бараћ, Мирјана",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Предмет “Одрживи територијални развој” представља завршни обавезни студио који се користи синтезом знања стечених током претходних година у области одрживог урбаног и тероторијалног планирања и одрживог урбаног предела. По свом карактеру, предмет укључује теоријска и апликативна знања уз примену различитих метода рада.
Циљеви предмета везани су за: а) упознавање студената са основама територијалног развоја у специфичним природним, социјалним и просторним условима; б) савладавање, усвајање и примену различитих теоретских и практичних приступа планирању у
сложеном природном, просторном и социјалном окружењу, заснованих на еколошкој, културној, социјалној и економској одрживости; в) примену знања у домену процеса урбанистичког планирања уз упознавање и примену актуелног регулативног и планског оквира, као и г) креирање урбанистичких решења у складу са реалистичним и сложеним захтевима и ограничењима урбаног контекста.
У школској 2021/22. години у оквиру предмета М03У ”Одрживи територијални развој” студенти су учествовали на међународном студентском конкурсу у организацији INSPIRELI AWARDS како би помогли у процесу урбане обнове и ревитализације луке у Бејруту, која је уништена у експлозији. Студентски радови се обавезно раде групно.
Први део предмета је истраживачког карактера са циљем формирања информационе планске основе за град Бејрут и специфично шире окружење луке; студенти се упознају са
методологијом анализе садржаја, систематизују информације везане за предметни простор и дефинишу потенцијале и ограничења развоја ширег и ужег подручја. Истовремено се баве изучавањем различитих сектора и посебних урбаних фунција (лучки комплекси) уз анализу примера добре праксе.
Други део рада се односи на креирање визије, концепта и варијанти планских решења, док се завршни део рада студената односи на креирање детаљне програмске поставке и урбанистичко-архитектонског решења у сложеном природном и створеном контексту.",
publisher = "Београд: Удружење инжењера Београда",
journal = "XIV Научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем "Паметни градови и интеграција технологија четврте индустријске револуције 4.0", Београд",
title = "Студентска изложба: одрживи територијални развој – међународни студентски конкурс „Beirut port competition“",
pages = "236-244",
url = ""
Митровић, Б., Марић, Ј.,& Бараћ, М.. (2022). Студентска изложба: одрживи територијални развој – међународни студентски конкурс „Beirut port competition“. in XIV Научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем "Паметни градови и интеграција технологија четврте индустријске револуције 4.0", Београд
Београд: Удружење инжењера Београда., 236-244.
Митровић Б, Марић Ј, Бараћ М. Студентска изложба: одрживи територијални развој – међународни студентски конкурс „Beirut port competition“. in XIV Научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем "Паметни градови и интеграција технологија четврте индустријске револуције 4.0", Београд. 2022;:236-244. .
Митровић, Бисерка, Марић, Јелена, Бараћ, Мирјана, "Студентска изложба: одрживи територијални развој – међународни студентски конкурс „Beirut port competition“" in XIV Научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем "Паметни градови и интеграција технологија четврте индустријске револуције 4.0", Београд (2022):236-244, .

Analiza održivosti planskih rešenja i konflikti u prostoru: odabrani primeri [predavanje po pozivu]

Mitrović, Biserka; Barać, Mirjana; Marić, Jelena; Matić, Nevena; Petrović, Bogdan; Stojanov, Iva; Pilčević, Marija; Jovičić, Milica; Ristić, Milan; Cvetković, Marija

(Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, 2021)

AU  - Mitrović, Biserka
AU  - Barać, Mirjana
AU  - Marić, Jelena
AU  - Matić, Nevena
AU  - Petrović, Bogdan
AU  - Stojanov, Iva
AU  - Pilčević, Marija
AU  - Jovičić, Milica
AU  - Ristić, Milan
AU  - Cvetković, Marija
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Jedna od osnovnih ideja i vizija globalno prihvaćenog i priznatog koncepta održivog razvoja jeste redukovanje negativnih uticaja na životnu sredinu i uspostavljanje ravnoteže između prostornih konflikta, posmatranih iz ugla ekološkog, socijalnog, kulturnog i ekonomskog aspekta. Kroz istraživački postupak na predmetu „Elementi prostornog planiranja“ na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu identifikovani su pomenuti konflikti, uz analizu održivosti odabranih planskih rešenja, odnosno analizu mera zaštite životne sredine. Predmet ima za cilj, prvenstveno, upoznavanje studenata sa oblašću prostornog planiranja i održivog razvoja, pa zatim i razvoj kritičkog razmišljanja, diskusija i zaključivanja. 

Za potrebe ovog rada analiza je sprovedena kroz više etapa, na primerima Prostornog plana opštine Majdanpek (PPO Majdanpek, 2012) i Prostornog plana grada Pančeva (PPG Pančevo, 2012). Prva faza istraživanja se odnosi na postavku teme istraživanja i prepoznavanje postojećih konflikata u prostoru. Druga faza obuhvata kritičku analizu planske dokumentacije, dok se konflikti u prostoru analiziraju kroz predefinisane tematske jedinice i elemente prostornih planova. Kroz treću fazu analizirana je povezanost ciljeva održivog razvoja (SDGs, 2015.) sa odabranim segmentima planskih rešenja. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju na (ne)mogućnosti da se na nivou prostornog planiranja u Srbiji adekvatno ukaže na prostorne konflikte, koji direktno i posredno utiču i na zaštitu životne sredine.
PB  - Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije
PB  - Beograd: Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet
C3  - Jedanaesti naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine, Beograd, oktobar 2021
T1  - Analiza održivosti planskih rešenja i konflikti u prostoru: odabrani primeri [predavanje po pozivu]
SP  - 23
EP  - 31
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Biserka and Barać, Mirjana and Marić, Jelena and Matić, Nevena and Petrović, Bogdan and Stojanov, Iva and Pilčević, Marija and Jovičić, Milica and Ristić, Milan and Cvetković, Marija",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Jedna od osnovnih ideja i vizija globalno prihvaćenog i priznatog koncepta održivog razvoja jeste redukovanje negativnih uticaja na životnu sredinu i uspostavljanje ravnoteže između prostornih konflikta, posmatranih iz ugla ekološkog, socijalnog, kulturnog i ekonomskog aspekta. Kroz istraživački postupak na predmetu „Elementi prostornog planiranja“ na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu identifikovani su pomenuti konflikti, uz analizu održivosti odabranih planskih rešenja, odnosno analizu mera zaštite životne sredine. Predmet ima za cilj, prvenstveno, upoznavanje studenata sa oblašću prostornog planiranja i održivog razvoja, pa zatim i razvoj kritičkog razmišljanja, diskusija i zaključivanja. 

Za potrebe ovog rada analiza je sprovedena kroz više etapa, na primerima Prostornog plana opštine Majdanpek (PPO Majdanpek, 2012) i Prostornog plana grada Pančeva (PPG Pančevo, 2012). Prva faza istraživanja se odnosi na postavku teme istraživanja i prepoznavanje postojećih konflikata u prostoru. Druga faza obuhvata kritičku analizu planske dokumentacije, dok se konflikti u prostoru analiziraju kroz predefinisane tematske jedinice i elemente prostornih planova. Kroz treću fazu analizirana je povezanost ciljeva održivog razvoja (SDGs, 2015.) sa odabranim segmentima planskih rešenja. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju na (ne)mogućnosti da se na nivou prostornog planiranja u Srbiji adekvatno ukaže na prostorne konflikte, koji direktno i posredno utiču i na zaštitu životne sredine.",
publisher = "Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, Beograd: Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet",
journal = "Jedanaesti naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine, Beograd, oktobar 2021",
title = "Analiza održivosti planskih rešenja i konflikti u prostoru: odabrani primeri [predavanje po pozivu]",
pages = "23-31",
url = ""
Mitrović, B., Barać, M., Marić, J., Matić, N., Petrović, B., Stojanov, I., Pilčević, M., Jovičić, M., Ristić, M.,& Cvetković, M.. (2021). Analiza održivosti planskih rešenja i konflikti u prostoru: odabrani primeri [predavanje po pozivu]. in Jedanaesti naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine, Beograd, oktobar 2021
Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije., 23-31.
Mitrović B, Barać M, Marić J, Matić N, Petrović B, Stojanov I, Pilčević M, Jovičić M, Ristić M, Cvetković M. Analiza održivosti planskih rešenja i konflikti u prostoru: odabrani primeri [predavanje po pozivu]. in Jedanaesti naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine, Beograd, oktobar 2021. 2021;:23-31. .
Mitrović, Biserka, Barać, Mirjana, Marić, Jelena, Matić, Nevena, Petrović, Bogdan, Stojanov, Iva, Pilčević, Marija, Jovičić, Milica, Ristić, Milan, Cvetković, Marija, "Analiza održivosti planskih rešenja i konflikti u prostoru: odabrani primeri [predavanje po pozivu]" in Jedanaesti naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine, Beograd, oktobar 2021 (2021):23-31, .

Provera mogućnosti primene ciljeva održivog razvoja u planskim rešenjima na primerima Prostornog plana grada Požarevca i PPPPN kulturnog predela Bač

Barać, Mirjana; Mitrović, Biserka; Marić, Jelena; Dedić, Dunja; Pavlović, Nenad; Milošević, Grigor

(Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, 2021)

AU  - Barać, Mirjana
AU  - Mitrović, Biserka
AU  - Marić, Jelena
AU  - Dedić, Dunja
AU  - Pavlović, Nenad
AU  - Milošević, Grigor
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Kroz istraživanje sprovedeno u okviru predmeta „Elementi prostornog planiranja“ na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, ukazano je na mogućnosti povezivanja Ciljeva održivog razvoja (SDGs, 2015) sa praksom prostornog planiranja u Srbiji. Na ovaj način se, sa jedne strane, buduće arhitekte uvode u osnove oblasti prostornog planiranja, a sa druge strane se utvrđuju mogućnosti sagledavanja prostornih planova u Srbiji kroz prizmu globalno prihvaćenih dokumenata koji se odnose na ključne odrednice održivog teritorijalnog razvoja. U ovom kontekstu, teritorijalni (prostorni) razvoj ima ulogu da ostvari prostorno koherentnu i balansiranu teritoriju, uz jačanje odgovornosti prema kapacitetima i resursima područja kroz instrumente implementacije.
U ovom radu analizirani su Prostorni plan grada Požarevca (PPG Požarevac, 2012) i Prostorni plan područja posebne namene kulturnog predela Bač (PPPPN KP Bač, 2015), kao karakteristični primeri ograničenja i mogućnosti održivog prostornog razvoja, odnosno konflikata i/ili sinergije u prostoru koji se najbolje sagledavaju na nivou prostornog planiranja i istovremeno reflektuju na ukupan razvoj izabranih područja. Ukazujući na osetljiva i kompleksna mesta u procesu izrade prostornih planova, rezultati istraživanja pružaju šansu za bolje razumevanje procesa prostornog planiranja van uže shvaćene discipline, kao i za diskusiju o efektivnosti planskih rešenja na razvoj i očuvanje resursa.
PB  - Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije
PB  - Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet
C3  - Jedanaesti naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine, Beograd, oktobar 2021
T1  - Provera mogućnosti primene ciljeva održivog razvoja u planskim rešenjima na primerima Prostornog plana grada Požarevca i PPPPN kulturnog predela Bač
SP  - 121
EP  - 131
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Barać, Mirjana and Mitrović, Biserka and Marić, Jelena and Dedić, Dunja and Pavlović, Nenad and Milošević, Grigor",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Kroz istraživanje sprovedeno u okviru predmeta „Elementi prostornog planiranja“ na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, ukazano je na mogućnosti povezivanja Ciljeva održivog razvoja (SDGs, 2015) sa praksom prostornog planiranja u Srbiji. Na ovaj način se, sa jedne strane, buduće arhitekte uvode u osnove oblasti prostornog planiranja, a sa druge strane se utvrđuju mogućnosti sagledavanja prostornih planova u Srbiji kroz prizmu globalno prihvaćenih dokumenata koji se odnose na ključne odrednice održivog teritorijalnog razvoja. U ovom kontekstu, teritorijalni (prostorni) razvoj ima ulogu da ostvari prostorno koherentnu i balansiranu teritoriju, uz jačanje odgovornosti prema kapacitetima i resursima područja kroz instrumente implementacije.
U ovom radu analizirani su Prostorni plan grada Požarevca (PPG Požarevac, 2012) i Prostorni plan područja posebne namene kulturnog predela Bač (PPPPN KP Bač, 2015), kao karakteristični primeri ograničenja i mogućnosti održivog prostornog razvoja, odnosno konflikata i/ili sinergije u prostoru koji se najbolje sagledavaju na nivou prostornog planiranja i istovremeno reflektuju na ukupan razvoj izabranih područja. Ukazujući na osetljiva i kompleksna mesta u procesu izrade prostornih planova, rezultati istraživanja pružaju šansu za bolje razumevanje procesa prostornog planiranja van uže shvaćene discipline, kao i za diskusiju o efektivnosti planskih rešenja na razvoj i očuvanje resursa.",
publisher = "Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet",
journal = "Jedanaesti naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine, Beograd, oktobar 2021",
title = "Provera mogućnosti primene ciljeva održivog razvoja u planskim rešenjima na primerima Prostornog plana grada Požarevca i PPPPN kulturnog predela Bač",
pages = "121-131",
url = ""
Barać, M., Mitrović, B., Marić, J., Dedić, D., Pavlović, N.,& Milošević, G.. (2021). Provera mogućnosti primene ciljeva održivog razvoja u planskim rešenjima na primerima Prostornog plana grada Požarevca i PPPPN kulturnog predela Bač. in Jedanaesti naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine, Beograd, oktobar 2021
Beograd : Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije., 121-131.
Barać M, Mitrović B, Marić J, Dedić D, Pavlović N, Milošević G. Provera mogućnosti primene ciljeva održivog razvoja u planskim rešenjima na primerima Prostornog plana grada Požarevca i PPPPN kulturnog predela Bač. in Jedanaesti naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine, Beograd, oktobar 2021. 2021;:121-131. .
Barać, Mirjana, Mitrović, Biserka, Marić, Jelena, Dedić, Dunja, Pavlović, Nenad, Milošević, Grigor, "Provera mogućnosti primene ciljeva održivog razvoja u planskim rešenjima na primerima Prostornog plana grada Požarevca i PPPPN kulturnog predela Bač" in Jedanaesti naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine, Beograd, oktobar 2021 (2021):121-131, .

The Methodology for Supporting Land Use Management in Collective Housing towards Achieving Energy Efficiency: A Case Study of New Belgrade, Serbia

Gajić, Ranka; Golubović-Matić, Darinka; Mitrović, Biserka; Batarilo, Svetlana; Kordić, Milena

(MDPI, 2021)

AU  - Gajić, Ranka
AU  - Golubović-Matić, Darinka
AU  - Mitrović, Biserka
AU  - Batarilo, Svetlana
AU  - Kordić, Milena
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - This paper aims to establish a methodology for urban land use planning and management that provides an insight into the hierarchy of priorities between a large number of activities for planning actions, thus contributing to the concept of energy-efficient housing. This methodology includes three aspects of sustainable development: Economic, ecologic, and social, which serve as an overall criterion within which urban planners could make assessments of planned activities. The assessments are the core of the methodology—every aspect is assessed by concerning its costs, consequences on the urban environment, and the effects on the citizens’ quality of life. Ten experts were involved to prove the methodology’s effectiveness. As a result, a hierarchy between the activities is created, which would help an urban planner prioritize and order further activities. The applicability of the hierarchy was tested through a simulation of a reconstruction process of a collective housing area in New Belgrade, Serbia, from the view-point of land use and accessibility. This methodology contributes to the creation of the prioritized groups of activities, and a finalized hierarchy of the activities, while its application is seen in the process of making urban plans, and defining recommendations for its implementation.
T2  - Land
T1  - The Methodology for Supporting Land Use Management in Collective Housing towards Achieving Energy Efficiency: A Case Study of New Belgrade, Serbia
VL  - 10
IS  - 1
SP  - 42
DO  - 10.3390/land10010042
ER  - 
author = "Gajić, Ranka and Golubović-Matić, Darinka and Mitrović, Biserka and Batarilo, Svetlana and Kordić, Milena",
year = "2021",
abstract = "This paper aims to establish a methodology for urban land use planning and management that provides an insight into the hierarchy of priorities between a large number of activities for planning actions, thus contributing to the concept of energy-efficient housing. This methodology includes three aspects of sustainable development: Economic, ecologic, and social, which serve as an overall criterion within which urban planners could make assessments of planned activities. The assessments are the core of the methodology—every aspect is assessed by concerning its costs, consequences on the urban environment, and the effects on the citizens’ quality of life. Ten experts were involved to prove the methodology’s effectiveness. As a result, a hierarchy between the activities is created, which would help an urban planner prioritize and order further activities. The applicability of the hierarchy was tested through a simulation of a reconstruction process of a collective housing area in New Belgrade, Serbia, from the view-point of land use and accessibility. This methodology contributes to the creation of the prioritized groups of activities, and a finalized hierarchy of the activities, while its application is seen in the process of making urban plans, and defining recommendations for its implementation.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "Land",
title = "The Methodology for Supporting Land Use Management in Collective Housing towards Achieving Energy Efficiency: A Case Study of New Belgrade, Serbia",
volume = "10",
number = "1",
pages = "42",
doi = "10.3390/land10010042"
Gajić, R., Golubović-Matić, D., Mitrović, B., Batarilo, S.,& Kordić, M.. (2021). The Methodology for Supporting Land Use Management in Collective Housing towards Achieving Energy Efficiency: A Case Study of New Belgrade, Serbia. in Land
MDPI., 10(1), 42.
Gajić R, Golubović-Matić D, Mitrović B, Batarilo S, Kordić M. The Methodology for Supporting Land Use Management in Collective Housing towards Achieving Energy Efficiency: A Case Study of New Belgrade, Serbia. in Land. 2021;10(1):42.
doi:10.3390/land10010042 .
Gajić, Ranka, Golubović-Matić, Darinka, Mitrović, Biserka, Batarilo, Svetlana, Kordić, Milena, "The Methodology for Supporting Land Use Management in Collective Housing towards Achieving Energy Efficiency: A Case Study of New Belgrade, Serbia" in Land, 10, no. 1 (2021):42, . .

Coping with Migrants' Flow in Balkans: Case Study of Serbia Resolving Migrants' Housing Problems

Čolić, Ratka; Mitrović, Biserka

(Belgrade : Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade, 2021)

AU  - Čolić, Ratka
AU  - Mitrović, Biserka
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - This paper presents a case study from Serbia, a local setting that faced a migration
crisis in 1990s, that continued at the beginning of the 21st century. The focus is on
urban planning, new governance practice and housing solutions as a response to the
crisis. Serbia faced problems regarding the influx of migrants - refugees (displaced
persons from Croatia, Slovenia, and Bosnia and Hercegovina), internally displaced
people (IDPs from Kosovo and Metohija), and immigrants (from another countries),
without a ready-to-use policy. The process of political, economic and social transition
went hand in hand with the migration crisis. Urban planning practice and housing
policy were subsequently affected by these processes. As an EU candidate and a
country committed to UN programs, Serbia received support for the socio-economic
integration of migrants in several international programs.
This paper takes a stock of the 25 years long efforts in implementation of formal
urban planning and new governance instruments for housing solutions for migrants
in Serbia. The research examines the relationship between national and international
programs in the field on one hand, and state-level and local policies and practices
on the other. It analyses the legal framework, regulations and norms, and governance
practices in the field of housing solutions for migrants. The findings related to the
good practice examples are discussed in the context of responsiveness of planning
practice and urban governance to migrations in Serbia.
PB  - Belgrade : Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade
C3  - Conference proceedings / [Online international conference] Global village - shelter for resilient living, [9-10th of December 2021.]
T1  - Coping with Migrants' Flow in Balkans: Case Study of Serbia Resolving Migrants' Housing Problems
SP  - 58
EP  - 64
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Čolić, Ratka and Mitrović, Biserka",
year = "2021",
abstract = "This paper presents a case study from Serbia, a local setting that faced a migration
crisis in 1990s, that continued at the beginning of the 21st century. The focus is on
urban planning, new governance practice and housing solutions as a response to the
crisis. Serbia faced problems regarding the influx of migrants - refugees (displaced
persons from Croatia, Slovenia, and Bosnia and Hercegovina), internally displaced
people (IDPs from Kosovo and Metohija), and immigrants (from another countries),
without a ready-to-use policy. The process of political, economic and social transition
went hand in hand with the migration crisis. Urban planning practice and housing
policy were subsequently affected by these processes. As an EU candidate and a
country committed to UN programs, Serbia received support for the socio-economic
integration of migrants in several international programs.
This paper takes a stock of the 25 years long efforts in implementation of formal
urban planning and new governance instruments for housing solutions for migrants
in Serbia. The research examines the relationship between national and international
programs in the field on one hand, and state-level and local policies and practices
on the other. It analyses the legal framework, regulations and norms, and governance
practices in the field of housing solutions for migrants. The findings related to the
good practice examples are discussed in the context of responsiveness of planning
practice and urban governance to migrations in Serbia.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade",
journal = "Conference proceedings / [Online international conference] Global village - shelter for resilient living, [9-10th of December 2021.]",
title = "Coping with Migrants' Flow in Balkans: Case Study of Serbia Resolving Migrants' Housing Problems",
pages = "58-64",
url = ""
Čolić, R.,& Mitrović, B.. (2021). Coping with Migrants' Flow in Balkans: Case Study of Serbia Resolving Migrants' Housing Problems. in Conference proceedings / [Online international conference] Global village - shelter for resilient living, [9-10th of December 2021.]
Belgrade : Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade., 58-64.
Čolić R, Mitrović B. Coping with Migrants' Flow in Balkans: Case Study of Serbia Resolving Migrants' Housing Problems. in Conference proceedings / [Online international conference] Global village - shelter for resilient living, [9-10th of December 2021.]. 2021;:58-64. .
Čolić, Ratka, Mitrović, Biserka, "Coping with Migrants' Flow in Balkans: Case Study of Serbia Resolving Migrants' Housing Problems" in Conference proceedings / [Online international conference] Global village - shelter for resilient living, [9-10th of December 2021.] (2021):58-64, .

Студија урбаног развоја подручја Старе Железаре у Смедереву [30. Mеђународни салон урбанизма]

Радосављевић, Урош; Митровић, Бисерка; Ђорђевић, Александра; Симић, Сандра

(Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2021)


Радосављевић, У., Митровић, Б., Ђорђевић, А.,& Симић, С.. (2021). Студија урбаног развоја подручја Старе Железаре у Смедереву [30. Mеђународни салон урбанизма]. in Mеђународни салон урбанизма, Ниш, 2021. : јубиларни каталог, 30 година Салона урбанизма 1991-2021. = International urban planning exhibition
Удружење урбаниста Србије., 07.04-07.04.
Радосављевић У, Митровић Б, Ђорђевић А, Симић С. Студија урбаног развоја подручја Старе Железаре у Смедереву [30. Mеђународни салон урбанизма]. in Mеђународни салон урбанизма, Ниш, 2021. : јубиларни каталог, 30 година Салона урбанизма 1991-2021. = International urban planning exhibition. 2021;:07.04-07.04. .
Радосављевић, Урош, Митровић, Бисерка, Ђорђевић, Александра, Симић, Сандра, "Студија урбаног развоја подручја Старе Железаре у Смедереву [30. Mеђународни салон урбанизма]" in Mеђународни салон урбанизма, Ниш, 2021. : јубиларни каталог, 30 година Салона урбанизма 1991-2021. = International urban planning exhibition (2021):07.04-07.04, .

Интегративно стратешко планирање и пројектовање за јачање идентитета и културног туризма у подунавским градовима - Смедерево

Радосављевић, Урош; Лаловић, Ксенија; Живковић, Јелена; Маруна, Марија; Митровић, Бисерка; Чолић, Ратка; Миловановић Родић, Данијела; Ђорђевић, Александра; Бугарски, Јована; Антонић, Бранислав; Вуковић, Тамара; Стојић, Божена

(Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2019)


Радосављевић, У., Лаловић, К., Живковић, Ј., Маруна, М., Митровић, Б., Чолић, Р., Миловановић Родић, Д., Ђорђевић, А., Бугарски, Ј., Антонић, Б., Вуковић, Т.,& Стојић, Б.. (2019). Интегративно стратешко планирање и пројектовање за јачање идентитета и културног туризма у подунавским градовима - Смедерево. in 28. Међународни салон урбанизма = 28th International Urban Planners Exhibition, Niš, November 8-13, 2019
Удружење урбаниста Србије..
Радосављевић У, Лаловић К, Живковић Ј, Маруна М, Митровић Б, Чолић Р, Миловановић Родић Д, Ђорђевић А, Бугарски Ј, Антонић Б, Вуковић Т, Стојић Б. Интегративно стратешко планирање и пројектовање за јачање идентитета и културног туризма у подунавским градовима - Смедерево. in 28. Међународни салон урбанизма = 28th International Urban Planners Exhibition, Niš, November 8-13, 2019. 2019;. .
Радосављевић, Урош, Лаловић, Ксенија, Живковић, Јелена, Маруна, Марија, Митровић, Бисерка, Чолић, Ратка, Миловановић Родић, Данијела, Ђорђевић, Александра, Бугарски, Јована, Антонић, Бранислав, Вуковић, Тамара, Стојић, Божена, "Интегративно стратешко планирање и пројектовање за јачање идентитета и културног туризма у подунавским градовима - Смедерево" in 28. Међународни салон урбанизма = 28th International Urban Planners Exhibition, Niš, November 8-13, 2019 (2019), .

Implementing sustainable planning of Smederevo territory through concepts of agro tourism and healthy city

Mitrović, Biserka; Vuković, Tamara

(Beograd : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, 2019)

AU  - Mitrović, Biserka
AU  - Vuković, Tamara
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - The chapter presents the process, methodology and results during the development of Master thesis
and Master project in 2017-18., at the Master course Integral Urbanism – Faculty of Architecture,
University of Belgrade, under the topic: Sustainable urban and spatial planning as a support for
cultural identity development of the territory of the city of Smederevo. The focus of the chapter is to
enlighten the pedagogical methodology, and educational and creative process which led to high
quality results – projects for, and with the support of the local community of Smederevo.
The background research is rooted in ecological sustainability as the most important and possibly
the most developed and implemented aspect, while other aspects of sustainability are treated as
secondary. Although the ecological sustainability was mentioned 30 years ago, it remained one
of the biggest concerns for the territory development and planning, equally important in urban,
as well as in protected natural areas. Having in mind the resources, but also constrains of the
territory of Smederevo, it was a challenge to test the applicability of different sustainable models
through the development of Master thesis/projects. The complex structure of this case study of the
territory showed conflicted land uses, and underutilized or derelict zones, which urged for a specific
approach, detailed information base and insight into the valid planning documentation. At the
same time, it was an exhaustless source of inspiration and ideas. The result was a comprehensive
and multi-levelled approach to the urban planning and urban design solutions, which are feasible,
implementable and acknowledged by the local authorities and experts.
PB  - Beograd : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture
T2  - Integrative Strategic Planning and Design for the Strengthening of Identity and Cultural Tourism in the Danube Cities : Smederevo
T1  - Implementing sustainable planning of Smederevo territory through concepts of agro tourism and healthy city
SP  - 55
EP  - 69
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Biserka and Vuković, Tamara",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The chapter presents the process, methodology and results during the development of Master thesis
and Master project in 2017-18., at the Master course Integral Urbanism – Faculty of Architecture,
University of Belgrade, under the topic: Sustainable urban and spatial planning as a support for
cultural identity development of the territory of the city of Smederevo. The focus of the chapter is to
enlighten the pedagogical methodology, and educational and creative process which led to high
quality results – projects for, and with the support of the local community of Smederevo.
The background research is rooted in ecological sustainability as the most important and possibly
the most developed and implemented aspect, while other aspects of sustainability are treated as
secondary. Although the ecological sustainability was mentioned 30 years ago, it remained one
of the biggest concerns for the territory development and planning, equally important in urban,
as well as in protected natural areas. Having in mind the resources, but also constrains of the
territory of Smederevo, it was a challenge to test the applicability of different sustainable models
through the development of Master thesis/projects. The complex structure of this case study of the
territory showed conflicted land uses, and underutilized or derelict zones, which urged for a specific
approach, detailed information base and insight into the valid planning documentation. At the
same time, it was an exhaustless source of inspiration and ideas. The result was a comprehensive
and multi-levelled approach to the urban planning and urban design solutions, which are feasible,
implementable and acknowledged by the local authorities and experts.",
publisher = "Beograd : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture",
journal = "Integrative Strategic Planning and Design for the Strengthening of Identity and Cultural Tourism in the Danube Cities : Smederevo",
booktitle = "Implementing sustainable planning of Smederevo territory through concepts of agro tourism and healthy city",
pages = "55-69",
url = ""
Mitrović, B.,& Vuković, T.. (2019). Implementing sustainable planning of Smederevo territory through concepts of agro tourism and healthy city. in Integrative Strategic Planning and Design for the Strengthening of Identity and Cultural Tourism in the Danube Cities : Smederevo
Beograd : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture., 55-69.
Mitrović B, Vuković T. Implementing sustainable planning of Smederevo territory through concepts of agro tourism and healthy city. in Integrative Strategic Planning and Design for the Strengthening of Identity and Cultural Tourism in the Danube Cities : Smederevo. 2019;:55-69. .
Mitrović, Biserka, Vuković, Tamara, "Implementing sustainable planning of Smederevo territory through concepts of agro tourism and healthy city" in Integrative Strategic Planning and Design for the Strengthening of Identity and Cultural Tourism in the Danube Cities : Smederevo (2019):55-69, .

Searching for the code of New Belgrade’s open space: case study of Block 37

Jovanović, Predrag; Vuković, Tamara; Mitrović, Biserka

(Pécs : University of Pécs Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, 2019)

AU  - Jovanović, Predrag
AU  - Vuković, Tamara
AU  - Mitrović, Biserka
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - New Belgrade was among the biggest building sites in Europe after World War II, and especially
during the 1960s and the 1970s. Being located within the capital of former Yugoslavia, this
entirely new part of the city also represented a statement in establishing a modern socialistic
state. New Belgrade was planned and built in correspondence with the postulates of modernist
urbanism and according to the new contemporary set of urban indicators, with an orthogonal
matrix consisting of units called super-blocks, which became independent local communities
to a certain extent. The continuity of the open spaces that are formed by the built structures
within the super-blocks is one of the most interesting aspects of these blocks and this paper
aims to highlight them as one of New Belgrade’s grates qualities.
The main goal of this paper is to explore the structure of open space of these super-blocks. This
will be done through the set of urban indicators such as: percentage of open space (green areas,
sport and recreation areas, traffic areas, pedestrian paths, etc.), floor space index, lot coverage,
etc. The paper will also examine the current threat of occupation by privatization of the open
space of New Belgrade and the division of the super-block structure into smaller pieces.
PB  - Pécs : University of Pécs Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
C3  - Places and technologies 2019 : keeping up with technologies to turn built heritage into the places of future generations : conference proceeding : 6th international academic conference, Pécs, Hungary, 9-10 May 2019
T1  - Searching for the code of New Belgrade’s open space: case study of Block 37
SP  - 279
EP  - 286
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Predrag and Vuković, Tamara and Mitrović, Biserka",
year = "2019",
abstract = "New Belgrade was among the biggest building sites in Europe after World War II, and especially
during the 1960s and the 1970s. Being located within the capital of former Yugoslavia, this
entirely new part of the city also represented a statement in establishing a modern socialistic
state. New Belgrade was planned and built in correspondence with the postulates of modernist
urbanism and according to the new contemporary set of urban indicators, with an orthogonal
matrix consisting of units called super-blocks, which became independent local communities
to a certain extent. The continuity of the open spaces that are formed by the built structures
within the super-blocks is one of the most interesting aspects of these blocks and this paper
aims to highlight them as one of New Belgrade’s grates qualities.
The main goal of this paper is to explore the structure of open space of these super-blocks. This
will be done through the set of urban indicators such as: percentage of open space (green areas,
sport and recreation areas, traffic areas, pedestrian paths, etc.), floor space index, lot coverage,
etc. The paper will also examine the current threat of occupation by privatization of the open
space of New Belgrade and the division of the super-block structure into smaller pieces.",
publisher = "Pécs : University of Pécs Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology",
journal = "Places and technologies 2019 : keeping up with technologies to turn built heritage into the places of future generations : conference proceeding : 6th international academic conference, Pécs, Hungary, 9-10 May 2019",
title = "Searching for the code of New Belgrade’s open space: case study of Block 37",
pages = "279-286",
url = ""
Jovanović, P., Vuković, T.,& Mitrović, B.. (2019). Searching for the code of New Belgrade’s open space: case study of Block 37. in Places and technologies 2019 : keeping up with technologies to turn built heritage into the places of future generations : conference proceeding : 6th international academic conference, Pécs, Hungary, 9-10 May 2019
Pécs : University of Pécs Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology., 279-286.
Jovanović P, Vuković T, Mitrović B. Searching for the code of New Belgrade’s open space: case study of Block 37. in Places and technologies 2019 : keeping up with technologies to turn built heritage into the places of future generations : conference proceeding : 6th international academic conference, Pécs, Hungary, 9-10 May 2019. 2019;:279-286. .
Jovanović, Predrag, Vuković, Tamara, Mitrović, Biserka, "Searching for the code of New Belgrade’s open space: case study of Block 37" in Places and technologies 2019 : keeping up with technologies to turn built heritage into the places of future generations : conference proceeding : 6th international academic conference, Pécs, Hungary, 9-10 May 2019 (2019):279-286, .

Outside the planned mold. the (anti-)aesthetics of informality. case study of Belgrade

Mitrović, Biserka; Marić, Jelena; Vuković, Tamara

(Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, 2019)

AU  - Mitrović, Biserka
AU  - Marić, Jelena
AU  - Vuković, Tamara
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - The aesthetics of unplanned and informal, as well as the other problems that informal growth emerges, are certainly among the most challenging tasks for the contemporary urban planning, urban design and architecture. Worldwide in developing countries, but especially in the Balkans, the unplanned shapes the urban landscape and imposes the unique, yet mostly unwanted visual environment. The unplanned and informal settlements escape from the local planning and architectural rules and norms, and avoid global trends and cultural affinities. The characteristics of the in - formal growth affect the city on micro and macro scale, reshaping the cityscape. The size, quantity and diversity of the informal buildings warn the professionals in urban planning and architecture not to turn the blind eye on it, and to reshape their concepts with regard to this specific ‘architecture without architects’. This paper aims to give an insight into the urban and architectural patterns that can emerge when regulations and plans are put aside, analyzing the way informal city areas can shape the urban and peri-urban environment. By showcasing a specific form of “urban aesthetics” characteristic to the Western Balkan region, and especially the Serbian capital - Belgrade, we delve into the realm of spatial elements that are shaped primarily by an average individual’s comprehension of space. The paper deals with examining the context in which a specific contemporary local community constructed its urban environment, identifying characteristic spatial elements that emerged as a result of building out - side the mold envisioned by the planning authorities and experts. The problems such a non-planning practice can cause are addressed through different spheres, with the focus mainly directed towards the utilitarian and stylistic elements of this unique type of urban environment.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture
C3  - Possible worlds of contemporary aesthetics: aesthetics between history, geography and media : book of аbstracts / 21st International Congress of Aesthetics ICA 2019, Belgrade, 2019
T1  - Outside the planned mold. the (anti-)aesthetics of informality. case study of Belgrade
SP  - 742
EP  - 743
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Biserka and Marić, Jelena and Vuković, Tamara",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The aesthetics of unplanned and informal, as well as the other problems that informal growth emerges, are certainly among the most challenging tasks for the contemporary urban planning, urban design and architecture. Worldwide in developing countries, but especially in the Balkans, the unplanned shapes the urban landscape and imposes the unique, yet mostly unwanted visual environment. The unplanned and informal settlements escape from the local planning and architectural rules and norms, and avoid global trends and cultural affinities. The characteristics of the in - formal growth affect the city on micro and macro scale, reshaping the cityscape. The size, quantity and diversity of the informal buildings warn the professionals in urban planning and architecture not to turn the blind eye on it, and to reshape their concepts with regard to this specific ‘architecture without architects’. This paper aims to give an insight into the urban and architectural patterns that can emerge when regulations and plans are put aside, analyzing the way informal city areas can shape the urban and peri-urban environment. By showcasing a specific form of “urban aesthetics” characteristic to the Western Balkan region, and especially the Serbian capital - Belgrade, we delve into the realm of spatial elements that are shaped primarily by an average individual’s comprehension of space. The paper deals with examining the context in which a specific contemporary local community constructed its urban environment, identifying characteristic spatial elements that emerged as a result of building out - side the mold envisioned by the planning authorities and experts. The problems such a non-planning practice can cause are addressed through different spheres, with the focus mainly directed towards the utilitarian and stylistic elements of this unique type of urban environment.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture",
journal = "Possible worlds of contemporary aesthetics: aesthetics between history, geography and media : book of аbstracts / 21st International Congress of Aesthetics ICA 2019, Belgrade, 2019",
title = "Outside the planned mold. the (anti-)aesthetics of informality. case study of Belgrade",
pages = "742-743",
url = ""
Mitrović, B., Marić, J.,& Vuković, T.. (2019). Outside the planned mold. the (anti-)aesthetics of informality. case study of Belgrade. in Possible worlds of contemporary aesthetics: aesthetics between history, geography and media : book of аbstracts / 21st International Congress of Aesthetics ICA 2019, Belgrade, 2019
Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture., 742-743.
Mitrović B, Marić J, Vuković T. Outside the planned mold. the (anti-)aesthetics of informality. case study of Belgrade. in Possible worlds of contemporary aesthetics: aesthetics between history, geography and media : book of аbstracts / 21st International Congress of Aesthetics ICA 2019, Belgrade, 2019. 2019;:742-743. .
Mitrović, Biserka, Marić, Jelena, Vuković, Tamara, "Outside the planned mold. the (anti-)aesthetics of informality. case study of Belgrade" in Possible worlds of contemporary aesthetics: aesthetics between history, geography and media : book of аbstracts / 21st International Congress of Aesthetics ICA 2019, Belgrade, 2019 (2019):742-743, .

Examining formal and informal planning instruments for housing for migrants within a post-socialist country, Serbia

Čolić, Ratka; Mitrović, Biserka; Maruna, Marija; Milovanović Rodić, Danijela

(Novi Sad : University, 2018)

AU  - Čolić, Ratka
AU  - Mitrović, Biserka
AU  - Maruna, Marija
AU  - Milovanović Rodić, Danijela
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Serbia has been facing migration and influx of refugees and internally displaced persons since the 1990s. At the same time, the country went through significant changes in the political and socio-economic regime, planning and urban development practice and urban land management, which had effects on development of housing solutions as well. 
Serbian planning system is influenced by its path dependency in relation to socialist era and later transitional stages. Moreover, it is directed towards adjusting to market economy and EU perspective, where various international influences were developed during the period of support through programs and projects of international assistance for the socio-economic integration of refugees. Some of these programs are still ongoing. 
The contribution of this paper is to offer basis for understanding the influences on development of both formal and informal planning instruments for housing solutions for refugees and internally displaced persons from 1990s to 2015, with Serbia being taken as an illustrative case. The nature of housing solutions is examined in relation to different state policies, concepts and planning practices, as well as systemic solutions in legal framework within particular focus on: introduction of different forms of ownership, regulation of norms and standards of planning, new institutional solutions, and treatment of housing as a public interest. Finally, this paper will demonstrate that in a transitional society, legal framework represents a prerequisite but not a guarantee of enforcement, where complexity of its operationalization is closely related to real political and socio-economic context.
PB  - Novi Sad : University
C3  - Book of abstracts / [12th] Annual PLPR International Scientific Conference "Migration - Impacts, Law, and Spatial Planning", Novi Sad, [19th-23rd February], 2018
T1  - Examining formal and informal planning instruments for housing for migrants within a post-socialist country, Serbia
SP  - 45
EP  - 45
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Čolić, Ratka and Mitrović, Biserka and Maruna, Marija and Milovanović Rodić, Danijela",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Serbia has been facing migration and influx of refugees and internally displaced persons since the 1990s. At the same time, the country went through significant changes in the political and socio-economic regime, planning and urban development practice and urban land management, which had effects on development of housing solutions as well. 
Serbian planning system is influenced by its path dependency in relation to socialist era and later transitional stages. Moreover, it is directed towards adjusting to market economy and EU perspective, where various international influences were developed during the period of support through programs and projects of international assistance for the socio-economic integration of refugees. Some of these programs are still ongoing. 
The contribution of this paper is to offer basis for understanding the influences on development of both formal and informal planning instruments for housing solutions for refugees and internally displaced persons from 1990s to 2015, with Serbia being taken as an illustrative case. The nature of housing solutions is examined in relation to different state policies, concepts and planning practices, as well as systemic solutions in legal framework within particular focus on: introduction of different forms of ownership, regulation of norms and standards of planning, new institutional solutions, and treatment of housing as a public interest. Finally, this paper will demonstrate that in a transitional society, legal framework represents a prerequisite but not a guarantee of enforcement, where complexity of its operationalization is closely related to real political and socio-economic context.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : University",
journal = "Book of abstracts / [12th] Annual PLPR International Scientific Conference "Migration - Impacts, Law, and Spatial Planning", Novi Sad, [19th-23rd February], 2018",
title = "Examining formal and informal planning instruments for housing for migrants within a post-socialist country, Serbia",
pages = "45-45",
url = ""
Čolić, R., Mitrović, B., Maruna, M.,& Milovanović Rodić, D.. (2018). Examining formal and informal planning instruments for housing for migrants within a post-socialist country, Serbia. in Book of abstracts / [12th] Annual PLPR International Scientific Conference "Migration - Impacts, Law, and Spatial Planning", Novi Sad, [19th-23rd February], 2018
Novi Sad : University., 45-45.
Čolić R, Mitrović B, Maruna M, Milovanović Rodić D. Examining formal and informal planning instruments for housing for migrants within a post-socialist country, Serbia. in Book of abstracts / [12th] Annual PLPR International Scientific Conference "Migration - Impacts, Law, and Spatial Planning", Novi Sad, [19th-23rd February], 2018. 2018;:45-45. .
Čolić, Ratka, Mitrović, Biserka, Maruna, Marija, Milovanović Rodić, Danijela, "Examining formal and informal planning instruments for housing for migrants within a post-socialist country, Serbia" in Book of abstracts / [12th] Annual PLPR International Scientific Conference "Migration - Impacts, Law, and Spatial Planning", Novi Sad, [19th-23rd February], 2018 (2018):45-45, .

Land use and master planning under the pressure of informal city growth: case study of Belgrade

Mitrović, Biserka; Marić, Jelena; Vuković, Tamara

(Delft : TU Delft Open, 2018)

AU  - Mitrović, Biserka
AU  - Marić, Jelena
AU  - Vuković, Tamara
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Sustainable land use and integrative, comprehensive, and implementable master planning remain some of the most important aspects of sustainable urban planning today. At the same time, one of the most challenging tasks for the cities of developing countries is managing informal city growth. Bearing in mind these conditions and challenges, significant both in theory and in practice, the chapter focuses on their mutual influence and impacts in international and Western Balkans context, as well as in the Serbian capital. The aim of the review is to bring attention to the actual problem of unregulated informal settlements in Serbia and Belgrade, while suggesting the means and measures for its treatment within sustainable land use planning.
The chapter gives insight into the importance, actuality, and general characteristics and challenges of sustainable land use planning, as well as the general overview of the growing informal settlements in developing countries and in the Western Balkans. The core of the research describes the main characteristics of Belgrade’s land use planning on the one hand, and the growth of informal settlements on the other, seen as parallel, sometimes excluding, sometimes supporting processes, over the last four decades and their impact on the city development.
The chapter concludes by offering the answers to the following research questions: what is the relation between the informal city growth and land use/master planning? What kind of effects do unregulated developments have on land use and master planning and vice versa? Finally – what are the feasible, sustainable solutions within the contexts of both Belgrade and Serbia?
PB  - Delft : TU Delft Open
T2  - Integrated urban planning: directions, resources and territories
T1  - Land use and master planning under the pressure of informal city growth: case study of Belgrade
SP  - 191
EP  - 213
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Biserka and Marić, Jelena and Vuković, Tamara",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Sustainable land use and integrative, comprehensive, and implementable master planning remain some of the most important aspects of sustainable urban planning today. At the same time, one of the most challenging tasks for the cities of developing countries is managing informal city growth. Bearing in mind these conditions and challenges, significant both in theory and in practice, the chapter focuses on their mutual influence and impacts in international and Western Balkans context, as well as in the Serbian capital. The aim of the review is to bring attention to the actual problem of unregulated informal settlements in Serbia and Belgrade, while suggesting the means and measures for its treatment within sustainable land use planning.
The chapter gives insight into the importance, actuality, and general characteristics and challenges of sustainable land use planning, as well as the general overview of the growing informal settlements in developing countries and in the Western Balkans. The core of the research describes the main characteristics of Belgrade’s land use planning on the one hand, and the growth of informal settlements on the other, seen as parallel, sometimes excluding, sometimes supporting processes, over the last four decades and their impact on the city development.
The chapter concludes by offering the answers to the following research questions: what is the relation between the informal city growth and land use/master planning? What kind of effects do unregulated developments have on land use and master planning and vice versa? Finally – what are the feasible, sustainable solutions within the contexts of both Belgrade and Serbia?",
publisher = "Delft : TU Delft Open",
journal = "Integrated urban planning: directions, resources and territories",
booktitle = "Land use and master planning under the pressure of informal city growth: case study of Belgrade",
pages = "191-213",
url = ""
Mitrović, B., Marić, J.,& Vuković, T.. (2018). Land use and master planning under the pressure of informal city growth: case study of Belgrade. in Integrated urban planning: directions, resources and territories
Delft : TU Delft Open., 191-213.
Mitrović B, Marić J, Vuković T. Land use and master planning under the pressure of informal city growth: case study of Belgrade. in Integrated urban planning: directions, resources and territories. 2018;:191-213. .
Mitrović, Biserka, Marić, Jelena, Vuković, Tamara, "Land use and master planning under the pressure of informal city growth: case study of Belgrade" in Integrated urban planning: directions, resources and territories (2018):191-213, .

Sustainable planning in protected natural areas - case study of Vlasina Lake

Mitrovic, Biserka; Maric, Jelena; Vukovic, Tamara

(University of Nis – Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2018)

AU  - Mitrovic, Biserka
AU  - Maric, Jelena
AU  - Vukovic, Tamara
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The concept of sustainability comprises different aspects of human activities, including the environment, economy and social sphere, thus creating the frame for urban and spatial planning in theory and practice (Mitrovic, 2017). Haughton (1996) draws attention to its most important features that are the foundation for the long term development, such as natural conservation, efficient economy, civil society and social progress. As the main pillar of the sustainability, the ecological aspect remains one of the dominant concerns of the territory development and planning over decades. The equal attention is being drawn to the urban areas as well as the protected natural areas. Many conflict zones and interests overlapping in such areas are also an exhaustless source of inspiration and ideas.
This was the starting point for the creation of a case study of Vlasina Lake in Serbia as a task for the students of Master course at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade. Vlasina Lake district has significant natural values, quality landscape and water resources as well as settlements and tourism capacities, which together create many developmental problems. As a territory with numerous conflicted situations, it has been treated through several spatial and local urban plans. The paper presents the educational process during three subjects focused on the sustainable planning and design in natural environment.
The pedagogical methodology was implemented in the three main teaching units: planning studio, which involves learning-by-doing process and is project-based; workshop, which includes site investigation, and seminar, which provides theoretical foundation related to the sustainable development and planning. The educational corpus is designed so that all parts should be complementary in terms of the methodology and form of teaching and learning. In this paper, the outcomes of studio, seminar and workshop are presented as an example of well-designed assignment for the master course level in domain of urban planning that gives realistic planning solutions and encourage teamwork, as well as the cooperation with the local community.
PB  - University of Nis – Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture
C3  - Proceedings / [2nd] International Conference on Urban Planning - ICUP2018, Nis, November 14-17, 2018
T1  - Sustainable planning in protected natural areas - case study of Vlasina Lake
SP  - 307
EP  - 314
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mitrovic, Biserka and Maric, Jelena and Vukovic, Tamara",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The concept of sustainability comprises different aspects of human activities, including the environment, economy and social sphere, thus creating the frame for urban and spatial planning in theory and practice (Mitrovic, 2017). Haughton (1996) draws attention to its most important features that are the foundation for the long term development, such as natural conservation, efficient economy, civil society and social progress. As the main pillar of the sustainability, the ecological aspect remains one of the dominant concerns of the territory development and planning over decades. The equal attention is being drawn to the urban areas as well as the protected natural areas. Many conflict zones and interests overlapping in such areas are also an exhaustless source of inspiration and ideas.
This was the starting point for the creation of a case study of Vlasina Lake in Serbia as a task for the students of Master course at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade. Vlasina Lake district has significant natural values, quality landscape and water resources as well as settlements and tourism capacities, which together create many developmental problems. As a territory with numerous conflicted situations, it has been treated through several spatial and local urban plans. The paper presents the educational process during three subjects focused on the sustainable planning and design in natural environment.
The pedagogical methodology was implemented in the three main teaching units: planning studio, which involves learning-by-doing process and is project-based; workshop, which includes site investigation, and seminar, which provides theoretical foundation related to the sustainable development and planning. The educational corpus is designed so that all parts should be complementary in terms of the methodology and form of teaching and learning. In this paper, the outcomes of studio, seminar and workshop are presented as an example of well-designed assignment for the master course level in domain of urban planning that gives realistic planning solutions and encourage teamwork, as well as the cooperation with the local community.",
publisher = "University of Nis – Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture",
journal = "Proceedings / [2nd] International Conference on Urban Planning - ICUP2018, Nis, November 14-17, 2018",
title = "Sustainable planning in protected natural areas - case study of Vlasina Lake",
pages = "307-314",
url = ""
Mitrovic, B., Maric, J.,& Vukovic, T.. (2018). Sustainable planning in protected natural areas - case study of Vlasina Lake. in Proceedings / [2nd] International Conference on Urban Planning - ICUP2018, Nis, November 14-17, 2018
University of Nis – Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture., 307-314.
Mitrovic B, Maric J, Vukovic T. Sustainable planning in protected natural areas - case study of Vlasina Lake. in Proceedings / [2nd] International Conference on Urban Planning - ICUP2018, Nis, November 14-17, 2018. 2018;:307-314. .
Mitrovic, Biserka, Maric, Jelena, Vukovic, Tamara, "Sustainable planning in protected natural areas - case study of Vlasina Lake" in Proceedings / [2nd] International Conference on Urban Planning - ICUP2018, Nis, November 14-17, 2018 (2018):307-314, .

Teaching sustainability: concept of Smederevo as a healthy city

Mitrovic, Biserka; Vukovic, Tamara

(University of Nis – Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2018)

AU  - Mitrovic, Biserka
AU  - Vukovic, Tamara
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Sustainability as a broad concept has developed into a numerous new approaches both in theory and practice. One of the concepts that emerged from the ecological aspects of sustainability is the healthy city concept. Indubitably, its importance is emphasized in a new universal set of global goals – the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs (UN, 2015), which represent a platform of the sustainable development by 2030. Namely, the Goal no. 3: Good health and wellbeing refers to the health-for-all concept, universal health safety and the access to quality health facilities (UN, 2015; Mitrovic, 2017). Nowadays, the healthy city concept refers to a wider frame – healthy environment and good quality of life in urban areas.

Meeting the contemporary trends in sustainable planning, as well as in high education for sustainability, the Master class in 2018 at the Master course Integral urbanism, Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade embraced the diversity of topics within an umbrella-topic ‘Strengthening the cultural identity in Danube basin: case study of Smederevo’, under the DANUrB international project and through INTERREG Danube EU program. It was released with the support of the city of Smederevo. Master class program was conducted in two parts: master thesis and master project.

One of the approaches to the assignment was to examine the possibilities of implementing of the health city concept to the city of Smederevo and its tributary areas. While the master thesis examined the theoretical background of the healthy city concept and in situ conditions of Smederevo, the master project offered a future network for diverse healthy places and activities, from the city centre to the surrounding green areas. The focus of this paper is to present the educational process and pedagogical methodology which resulted in the quality, realistic and implementable solutions.
PB  - University of Nis – Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture
C3  - Proceedings / [2nd] International Conference on Urban Planning - ICUP2018, Nis, November 14-17, 2018
T1  - Teaching sustainability: concept of Smederevo as a healthy city
SP  - 315
EP  - 322
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mitrovic, Biserka and Vukovic, Tamara",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Sustainability as a broad concept has developed into a numerous new approaches both in theory and practice. One of the concepts that emerged from the ecological aspects of sustainability is the healthy city concept. Indubitably, its importance is emphasized in a new universal set of global goals – the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs (UN, 2015), which represent a platform of the sustainable development by 2030. Namely, the Goal no. 3: Good health and wellbeing refers to the health-for-all concept, universal health safety and the access to quality health facilities (UN, 2015; Mitrovic, 2017). Nowadays, the healthy city concept refers to a wider frame – healthy environment and good quality of life in urban areas.

Meeting the contemporary trends in sustainable planning, as well as in high education for sustainability, the Master class in 2018 at the Master course Integral urbanism, Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade embraced the diversity of topics within an umbrella-topic ‘Strengthening the cultural identity in Danube basin: case study of Smederevo’, under the DANUrB international project and through INTERREG Danube EU program. It was released with the support of the city of Smederevo. Master class program was conducted in two parts: master thesis and master project.

One of the approaches to the assignment was to examine the possibilities of implementing of the health city concept to the city of Smederevo and its tributary areas. While the master thesis examined the theoretical background of the healthy city concept and in situ conditions of Smederevo, the master project offered a future network for diverse healthy places and activities, from the city centre to the surrounding green areas. The focus of this paper is to present the educational process and pedagogical methodology which resulted in the quality, realistic and implementable solutions.",
publisher = "University of Nis – Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture",
journal = "Proceedings / [2nd] International Conference on Urban Planning - ICUP2018, Nis, November 14-17, 2018",
title = "Teaching sustainability: concept of Smederevo as a healthy city",
pages = "315-322",
url = ""
Mitrovic, B.,& Vukovic, T.. (2018). Teaching sustainability: concept of Smederevo as a healthy city. in Proceedings / [2nd] International Conference on Urban Planning - ICUP2018, Nis, November 14-17, 2018
University of Nis – Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture., 315-322.
Mitrovic B, Vukovic T. Teaching sustainability: concept of Smederevo as a healthy city. in Proceedings / [2nd] International Conference on Urban Planning - ICUP2018, Nis, November 14-17, 2018. 2018;:315-322. .
Mitrovic, Biserka, Vukovic, Tamara, "Teaching sustainability: concept of Smederevo as a healthy city" in Proceedings / [2nd] International Conference on Urban Planning - ICUP2018, Nis, November 14-17, 2018 (2018):315-322, .

Food tourism concept - creating synergy between urban and rural places - case study of Maglič, Serbia

Mitrović, Biserka; Marić, Jelena; Radić, Tamara

(Sarajevo : Arhitektonski fakultet, 2017)

AU  - Mitrović, Biserka
AU  - Marić, Jelena
AU  - Radić, Tamara
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Food tourism is being seen as one of the fastest growing industries over the second half of the twentieth century (e.g.
Saeter, 1998; Smith, 1988) and a key support for the rural development. In declining rural areas, food tourism is often
seen as an additional economic activity and a method of retaining rural regions (Font and Ahjem, 1999). Urban-rural
connections are important for poverty assuagement, sustainable rural land use and balanced territorial development
in general. Additionally, strong bonds can improve the overall living conditions and employment chances for both
rural and urban areas (Tacoli, 1998, 2003; Rosenthal, 2000). The primary purpose of this study is to foster
relationships between urban and rural areas by developing a concept proposal for food tourism, through the........ at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade. The proposal was
created during the two theoretical and project-based courses, focused on the sustainable planning and design in the
natural environment. The location chosen for the project is a medieval fortress ..... with its surroundings, located
in the gorge of Ibar, 20 km south of the city of Kraljevo. Having lost its primary function, the site is nowadays poorly
visited. This problem is seen as a challenge to reinvent the urban/rural landscape and create an attractive ambient
which relates to the revitalised historical site. As a result, the specific concept of food tourism called “slow food” is
developed, both based on tradition and modern values, further elaborated through the planning proposal and urban
design project. Following the specific planning and urban design methodology, the extensive research is drawn upon
mostly primary and secondary sources, including analysis of urban plans in different scales, comprehensive literature
review, as well as cooperation with local authorities and institutions. The full purpose and value of the proposal are
confirmed by the city government of Kraljevo and several city agencies and institutes, as the proposal initialized the
discussion and revival of the ideas for the important but forgotten historic place and its rural background.
PB  - Sarajevo : Arhitektonski fakultet
C3  - Keeping up with technologies in the context of urban and rural synergy [Elektronski izvor] : book of conference proceedings / [4th International academic conference] Places and technologies 2017, Sarajevo, June, 08th - 09th, 2017
T1  - Food tourism concept - creating synergy between urban and rural places - case study of Maglič, Serbia
SP  - 593
EP  - 606
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Biserka and Marić, Jelena and Radić, Tamara",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Food tourism is being seen as one of the fastest growing industries over the second half of the twentieth century (e.g.
Saeter, 1998; Smith, 1988) and a key support for the rural development. In declining rural areas, food tourism is often
seen as an additional economic activity and a method of retaining rural regions (Font and Ahjem, 1999). Urban-rural
connections are important for poverty assuagement, sustainable rural land use and balanced territorial development
in general. Additionally, strong bonds can improve the overall living conditions and employment chances for both
rural and urban areas (Tacoli, 1998, 2003; Rosenthal, 2000). The primary purpose of this study is to foster
relationships between urban and rural areas by developing a concept proposal for food tourism, through the........ at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade. The proposal was
created during the two theoretical and project-based courses, focused on the sustainable planning and design in the
natural environment. The location chosen for the project is a medieval fortress ..... with its surroundings, located
in the gorge of Ibar, 20 km south of the city of Kraljevo. Having lost its primary function, the site is nowadays poorly
visited. This problem is seen as a challenge to reinvent the urban/rural landscape and create an attractive ambient
which relates to the revitalised historical site. As a result, the specific concept of food tourism called “slow food” is
developed, both based on tradition and modern values, further elaborated through the planning proposal and urban
design project. Following the specific planning and urban design methodology, the extensive research is drawn upon
mostly primary and secondary sources, including analysis of urban plans in different scales, comprehensive literature
review, as well as cooperation with local authorities and institutions. The full purpose and value of the proposal are
confirmed by the city government of Kraljevo and several city agencies and institutes, as the proposal initialized the
discussion and revival of the ideas for the important but forgotten historic place and its rural background.",
publisher = "Sarajevo : Arhitektonski fakultet",
journal = "Keeping up with technologies in the context of urban and rural synergy [Elektronski izvor] : book of conference proceedings / [4th International academic conference] Places and technologies 2017, Sarajevo, June, 08th - 09th, 2017",
title = "Food tourism concept - creating synergy between urban and rural places - case study of Maglič, Serbia",
pages = "593-606",
url = ""
Mitrović, B., Marić, J.,& Radić, T.. (2017). Food tourism concept - creating synergy between urban and rural places - case study of Maglič, Serbia. in Keeping up with technologies in the context of urban and rural synergy [Elektronski izvor] : book of conference proceedings / [4th International academic conference] Places and technologies 2017, Sarajevo, June, 08th - 09th, 2017
Sarajevo : Arhitektonski fakultet., 593-606.
Mitrović B, Marić J, Radić T. Food tourism concept - creating synergy between urban and rural places - case study of Maglič, Serbia. in Keeping up with technologies in the context of urban and rural synergy [Elektronski izvor] : book of conference proceedings / [4th International academic conference] Places and technologies 2017, Sarajevo, June, 08th - 09th, 2017. 2017;:593-606. .
Mitrović, Biserka, Marić, Jelena, Radić, Tamara, "Food tourism concept - creating synergy between urban and rural places - case study of Maglič, Serbia" in Keeping up with technologies in the context of urban and rural synergy [Elektronski izvor] : book of conference proceedings / [4th International academic conference] Places and technologies 2017, Sarajevo, June, 08th - 09th, 2017 (2017):593-606, .

Integrative and locally sensitive approach to the community planning in Serbia

Mitrović, Biserka

(Sarajevo : Arhitektonski fakultet, 2017)

AU  - Mitrović, Biserka
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Creating a sustainable and balanced relation between urban and rural settlements cannot be imagined without the
integrative approach to the territorial development, which again, relies upon the environmental protection and
economic and social cohesion within the spatial framework. Once neglected and not treated as equally important as
the ecological sustainability, the social sustainability and cohesion have been gaining importance during the 21st
century. As one of the pillars of the social sustainability and cohesion, public places and services have drawn a great
attention worldwide recently. At the same time, public services planning remains one of the most important themes
of urban and spatial planning and is actual despite the fact that the wider context- planning of the public sector – was
treated exhaustively both in theory and practice. On the other hand, public services have been much less the subject
of research - and almost exclusively in the field of urban sociology, while very little in the field of the methodology of
urban/spatial planning.
In light of this, the focus of the discussion is the spatial aspect and methodological innovation of the planning of
public services and its importance within community planning, as a support to the spatial development of the
community, with special regard to the locally sensitive approach. Focusing the research on the spatial domain has
come from the integrating character of the territory which reflects the relations of the planned activities and land uses,
regardless of their spatial characteristics. This choice is entirely in accordance with the integrative character of
modern urban/spatial planning, as well as the integrative nature of the sustainable development. The locally sensitive
approach ensures better implementation and adaptation of the general concepts to the local needs. The results of the
research aim to improve the theoretical basis for planning and contribute to the establishing better practices of the
public services planning in Serbia.
PB  - Sarajevo : Arhitektonski fakultet
C3  - Keeping up with technologies in the context of urban and rural synergy [Elektronski izvor] : book of conference proceedings / [4th International academic conference] Places and technologies 2017, Sarajevo, June, 08th - 09th, 2017
T1  - Integrative and locally sensitive approach to the community planning in Serbia
SP  - 350
EP  - 356
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Biserka",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Creating a sustainable and balanced relation between urban and rural settlements cannot be imagined without the
integrative approach to the territorial development, which again, relies upon the environmental protection and
economic and social cohesion within the spatial framework. Once neglected and not treated as equally important as
the ecological sustainability, the social sustainability and cohesion have been gaining importance during the 21st
century. As one of the pillars of the social sustainability and cohesion, public places and services have drawn a great
attention worldwide recently. At the same time, public services planning remains one of the most important themes
of urban and spatial planning and is actual despite the fact that the wider context- planning of the public sector – was
treated exhaustively both in theory and practice. On the other hand, public services have been much less the subject
of research - and almost exclusively in the field of urban sociology, while very little in the field of the methodology of
urban/spatial planning.
In light of this, the focus of the discussion is the spatial aspect and methodological innovation of the planning of
public services and its importance within community planning, as a support to the spatial development of the
community, with special regard to the locally sensitive approach. Focusing the research on the spatial domain has
come from the integrating character of the territory which reflects the relations of the planned activities and land uses,
regardless of their spatial characteristics. This choice is entirely in accordance with the integrative character of
modern urban/spatial planning, as well as the integrative nature of the sustainable development. The locally sensitive
approach ensures better implementation and adaptation of the general concepts to the local needs. The results of the
research aim to improve the theoretical basis for planning and contribute to the establishing better practices of the
public services planning in Serbia.",
publisher = "Sarajevo : Arhitektonski fakultet",
journal = "Keeping up with technologies in the context of urban and rural synergy [Elektronski izvor] : book of conference proceedings / [4th International academic conference] Places and technologies 2017, Sarajevo, June, 08th - 09th, 2017",
title = "Integrative and locally sensitive approach to the community planning in Serbia",
pages = "350-356",
url = ""
Mitrović, B.. (2017). Integrative and locally sensitive approach to the community planning in Serbia. in Keeping up with technologies in the context of urban and rural synergy [Elektronski izvor] : book of conference proceedings / [4th International academic conference] Places and technologies 2017, Sarajevo, June, 08th - 09th, 2017
Sarajevo : Arhitektonski fakultet., 350-356.
Mitrović B. Integrative and locally sensitive approach to the community planning in Serbia. in Keeping up with technologies in the context of urban and rural synergy [Elektronski izvor] : book of conference proceedings / [4th International academic conference] Places and technologies 2017, Sarajevo, June, 08th - 09th, 2017. 2017;:350-356. .
Mitrović, Biserka, "Integrative and locally sensitive approach to the community planning in Serbia" in Keeping up with technologies in the context of urban and rural synergy [Elektronski izvor] : book of conference proceedings / [4th International academic conference] Places and technologies 2017, Sarajevo, June, 08th - 09th, 2017 (2017):350-356, .

Perspective of sustainable social development and development of public services in Kuršumlija municipality

Mitrović, Biserka; Mitković, Petar; Mitković, Mihailo; Đurić, Jelena

(Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš, 2016)

AU  - Mitrović, Biserka
AU  - Mitković, Petar
AU  - Mitković, Mihailo
AU  - Đurić, Jelena
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - The paper deals with the planning basis, analysis and assessment of developmental status and general trends of Kuršumlija municipality, as well as the status of development planning, resource management and the constraints of social development and public services. Although not considered as a prioritized development and planning choice, the local sustainable social development represents a significant support to long-term development strategies and to demographic stability. This segment of spatial development planning is closely related to social values, political and economic context, which perform a variety of effects on the constitution of its concept. The aim of the paper is to show that different, and sometimes conflicting concepts of the social development that are defined at higher planning levels, need to be checked in relation to local specificities and requirements. Based on that, it is possible to create a concept of public services spatial development that will be applicable and will meet the demands and potentials of the local community.
AB  - Rad se bavi planskom osnovom, analizom i ocenom stanja i opštih razvojnih kretanja opštine Kuršumlija, kao i stanjem razvijenosti i planiranja, potencijalima i ograničenjima socijalnog razvoja i razvoja javnih službi. Iako se ne smatra prioritetnim razvojnim i planskim opredeljenjem, lokalni održivi socijalni razvoj predstavlja značajnu podršku dugoročnim strategijama razvoja i oslonac za demografsku stabilnost. Ovaj segment planiranja prostornog razvoja u tesnoj je vezi sa društvenim vrednosnim opredeljenjima, političkim i ekonomskim kontekstom koji vrše različite uticaje na konstituisanje njegovog koncepta. Cilj rada je da pokaže da je različite, ponekad i oprečne koncepcije razvoja ovog sektora definisane na višem nivou je potrebno proveriti u odnosu na lokalne specifičnosti i zahteve i u odnosu na to kreirati koncept prostornog razvoja javnih službi koji će biti primenljiv i odgovoriti na zahteve i mogućnosti lokalne sredine.
PB  - Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš
T2  - Facta universitatis - series: Architecture and Civil Engineering
T1  - Perspective of sustainable social development and development of public services in Kuršumlija municipality
T1  - Perspektiva održivog socijalnog razvoja i razvoja javnih službi opštine Kuršumlija
VL  - 14
IS  - 2
SP  - 237
EP  - 245
DO  - 10.2298/FUACE1602237M
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Biserka and Mitković, Petar and Mitković, Mihailo and Đurić, Jelena",
year = "2016",
abstract = "The paper deals with the planning basis, analysis and assessment of developmental status and general trends of Kuršumlija municipality, as well as the status of development planning, resource management and the constraints of social development and public services. Although not considered as a prioritized development and planning choice, the local sustainable social development represents a significant support to long-term development strategies and to demographic stability. This segment of spatial development planning is closely related to social values, political and economic context, which perform a variety of effects on the constitution of its concept. The aim of the paper is to show that different, and sometimes conflicting concepts of the social development that are defined at higher planning levels, need to be checked in relation to local specificities and requirements. Based on that, it is possible to create a concept of public services spatial development that will be applicable and will meet the demands and potentials of the local community., Rad se bavi planskom osnovom, analizom i ocenom stanja i opštih razvojnih kretanja opštine Kuršumlija, kao i stanjem razvijenosti i planiranja, potencijalima i ograničenjima socijalnog razvoja i razvoja javnih službi. Iako se ne smatra prioritetnim razvojnim i planskim opredeljenjem, lokalni održivi socijalni razvoj predstavlja značajnu podršku dugoročnim strategijama razvoja i oslonac za demografsku stabilnost. Ovaj segment planiranja prostornog razvoja u tesnoj je vezi sa društvenim vrednosnim opredeljenjima, političkim i ekonomskim kontekstom koji vrše različite uticaje na konstituisanje njegovog koncepta. Cilj rada je da pokaže da je različite, ponekad i oprečne koncepcije razvoja ovog sektora definisane na višem nivou je potrebno proveriti u odnosu na lokalne specifičnosti i zahteve i u odnosu na to kreirati koncept prostornog razvoja javnih službi koji će biti primenljiv i odgovoriti na zahteve i mogućnosti lokalne sredine.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš",
journal = "Facta universitatis - series: Architecture and Civil Engineering",
title = "Perspective of sustainable social development and development of public services in Kuršumlija municipality, Perspektiva održivog socijalnog razvoja i razvoja javnih službi opštine Kuršumlija",
volume = "14",
number = "2",
pages = "237-245",
doi = "10.2298/FUACE1602237M"
Mitrović, B., Mitković, P., Mitković, M.,& Đurić, J.. (2016). Perspective of sustainable social development and development of public services in Kuršumlija municipality. in Facta universitatis - series: Architecture and Civil Engineering
Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš., 14(2), 237-245.
Mitrović B, Mitković P, Mitković M, Đurić J. Perspective of sustainable social development and development of public services in Kuršumlija municipality. in Facta universitatis - series: Architecture and Civil Engineering. 2016;14(2):237-245.
doi:10.2298/FUACE1602237M .
Mitrović, Biserka, Mitković, Petar, Mitković, Mihailo, Đurić, Jelena, "Perspective of sustainable social development and development of public services in Kuršumlija municipality" in Facta universitatis - series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 14, no. 2 (2016):237-245, . .

Conceptual framework for the locally sensitive sustainable development of public services: Case study of the municipality of Kuršumlija

Mitković, Mihailo; Mitrović, Biserka; Đekić, Jelena; Mitković, Petar; Nikolić, Vladan

(Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš, 2016)

AU  - Mitković, Mihailo
AU  - Mitrović, Biserka
AU  - Đekić, Jelena
AU  - Mitković, Petar
AU  - Nikolić, Vladan
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Locally sensitive urban and spatial planning, especially in the domain of the public sector, has been gaining importance lately, and there is almost no document related to the sustainable development which does not emphasize its importance. The reasons for that are numerous - from the need to better adapt the general concepts to the local needs and potentials, to the higher chances for implementation and inclusion of a wider circle of stakeholders. At the same time, the role of public services as an integrating part of urban functions and domains is increasing, as they have a significant role in achieving social integration in the context of urban and territorial development. In the local strategic plans in Serbia - spatial plans of municipalities - sustainable social development and planning of spatial development of public services represents a significant aspect of planning instruments related to the quality of life, prevention of depopulation, support to the development of the local economy and other. However, the concepts, developmental measures and solutions defined by the spatial and urban plans and strategic documents are often now sufficiently adapted to the appropriate spatial level. In order to contribute to the methodology of planning of social development and public services, this paper presents the approach to the sustainable planning of the spatial development of public services in the framework of the Spatial plan of the local municipality of Kuršumlija, as well as the review of potentials and limitations of implementation of development concept of public services.
AB  - Lokalno osetljivo urbano i prostorno planiranje, posebno u domenu javnog sektora poslednjih godina dobija na značaju i gotovo da nema dokumenta vezanog za održivi razvoj koji ne naglašava njegov značaj. Razlozi su brojni - od potrebe da se generalni koncepti bolje prilagode lokalnim potrebama i mogućnostima, do veće šanse za implementaciju i za uključivanje šireg kruga aktera. Istovremeno raste i uloga javnih službi kao integrišućeg dela urbanih funkcija i domena koji ima značajnu ulogu u dostizanju socijalne integracije u kontekstu urbanog i teritorijalnog razvoja. U lokalnim strateškim planovima u Srbiji - prostornim planovima opština održivi socijalni razvoj i planiranje prostornog razvoja javnih službi predstavlja značajan aspekt planskih mera vezanih za kvalitet života, sprečavanje depopulacije, podršku razvoju lokalne ekonomije i drugo. Međutim, koncepti, razvojne mere i rešenja definisani prostornim i urbanističkim planovima i strateškim dokumentima često nisu dovoljno prilagođeni odgovarajućem prostornom nivou. Sa ciljem doprinosa u domenu metodologije planiranja socijalnog razvoja i javnih službi, u radu je prikazan pristup održivom planiranju prostornog razvoja javnih službi u okviru Prostornog plana jedinice lokalne samouprave Kuršumlija, kao i pregled mogućnosti i ograničenja implementacije koncepta razvoja javnih službi.
PB  - Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš
T2  - Facta universitatis - series: Architecture and Civil Engineering
T1  - Conceptual framework for the locally sensitive sustainable development of public services: Case study of the municipality of Kuršumlija
T1  - Konceptualni okvir za lokalno osetljivo planiranje javnih službi na primeru opštine Kuršumlija
VL  - 14
IS  - 3
SP  - 265
EP  - 273
DO  - 10.2298/FUACE1603265M
ER  - 
author = "Mitković, Mihailo and Mitrović, Biserka and Đekić, Jelena and Mitković, Petar and Nikolić, Vladan",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Locally sensitive urban and spatial planning, especially in the domain of the public sector, has been gaining importance lately, and there is almost no document related to the sustainable development which does not emphasize its importance. The reasons for that are numerous - from the need to better adapt the general concepts to the local needs and potentials, to the higher chances for implementation and inclusion of a wider circle of stakeholders. At the same time, the role of public services as an integrating part of urban functions and domains is increasing, as they have a significant role in achieving social integration in the context of urban and territorial development. In the local strategic plans in Serbia - spatial plans of municipalities - sustainable social development and planning of spatial development of public services represents a significant aspect of planning instruments related to the quality of life, prevention of depopulation, support to the development of the local economy and other. However, the concepts, developmental measures and solutions defined by the spatial and urban plans and strategic documents are often now sufficiently adapted to the appropriate spatial level. In order to contribute to the methodology of planning of social development and public services, this paper presents the approach to the sustainable planning of the spatial development of public services in the framework of the Spatial plan of the local municipality of Kuršumlija, as well as the review of potentials and limitations of implementation of development concept of public services., Lokalno osetljivo urbano i prostorno planiranje, posebno u domenu javnog sektora poslednjih godina dobija na značaju i gotovo da nema dokumenta vezanog za održivi razvoj koji ne naglašava njegov značaj. Razlozi su brojni - od potrebe da se generalni koncepti bolje prilagode lokalnim potrebama i mogućnostima, do veće šanse za implementaciju i za uključivanje šireg kruga aktera. Istovremeno raste i uloga javnih službi kao integrišućeg dela urbanih funkcija i domena koji ima značajnu ulogu u dostizanju socijalne integracije u kontekstu urbanog i teritorijalnog razvoja. U lokalnim strateškim planovima u Srbiji - prostornim planovima opština održivi socijalni razvoj i planiranje prostornog razvoja javnih službi predstavlja značajan aspekt planskih mera vezanih za kvalitet života, sprečavanje depopulacije, podršku razvoju lokalne ekonomije i drugo. Međutim, koncepti, razvojne mere i rešenja definisani prostornim i urbanističkim planovima i strateškim dokumentima često nisu dovoljno prilagođeni odgovarajućem prostornom nivou. Sa ciljem doprinosa u domenu metodologije planiranja socijalnog razvoja i javnih službi, u radu je prikazan pristup održivom planiranju prostornog razvoja javnih službi u okviru Prostornog plana jedinice lokalne samouprave Kuršumlija, kao i pregled mogućnosti i ograničenja implementacije koncepta razvoja javnih službi.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš",
journal = "Facta universitatis - series: Architecture and Civil Engineering",
title = "Conceptual framework for the locally sensitive sustainable development of public services: Case study of the municipality of Kuršumlija, Konceptualni okvir za lokalno osetljivo planiranje javnih službi na primeru opštine Kuršumlija",
volume = "14",
number = "3",
pages = "265-273",
doi = "10.2298/FUACE1603265M"
Mitković, M., Mitrović, B., Đekić, J., Mitković, P.,& Nikolić, V.. (2016). Conceptual framework for the locally sensitive sustainable development of public services: Case study of the municipality of Kuršumlija. in Facta universitatis - series: Architecture and Civil Engineering
Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš., 14(3), 265-273.
Mitković M, Mitrović B, Đekić J, Mitković P, Nikolić V. Conceptual framework for the locally sensitive sustainable development of public services: Case study of the municipality of Kuršumlija. in Facta universitatis - series: Architecture and Civil Engineering. 2016;14(3):265-273.
doi:10.2298/FUACE1603265M .
Mitković, Mihailo, Mitrović, Biserka, Đekić, Jelena, Mitković, Petar, Nikolić, Vladan, "Conceptual framework for the locally sensitive sustainable development of public services: Case study of the municipality of Kuršumlija" in Facta universitatis - series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 14, no. 3 (2016):265-273, . .

Унапређење концепта планирања просторног развоја јавних служби у Србији у складу са принципима одрживог развоја

Mitrović, Biserka Č.

(Универзитет у Београду, Архитектонски факултет, 2016)

AU  - Mitrović, Biserka Č.
PY  - 2016
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - The core of the doctoral dissertation presents a research of the methodology improvement possibilities for the spatial development planning of public services in Serbia. The need to improve the theoretical basis of public services planning, as well as the contribution to establishing their better planning practice stemmed from previous research and insight into the problems in the field of public services and determined the motives for the selection of topic. The dynamic development in the modern world, especially in countries in transition such as Serbia imposes changes in the development of the sector of public services and its spatial development planning, as well as exploring new or adjusting existing working patterns. Although it is well known that there are widely accepted and recognized principles based on theoretical research and international documents, universal patterns that are adapted to practice do not exist. Therefore, the review and redefinition of contextually specific methodological tools remains a challenging research task. Over long period, planning of public services in Serbia is characterized by inadequate, contradictory and uncompleted development framework, which has found itself in the gap between the abandoned normative model of planning public services in the context of the planned economy on one hand, and the neo-liberal, market-oriented model of the economy, the privatization and deregulation processes and the disintegration of the public services system, on the other hand. Other than urban/spatial plan as a product, an integrating framework of planning and development of public services never existed, nor it exists now. The problems are particularly visible at the local, primary level of public services, which is characterized by size, density and dispersion in the territory, but also by uneven spatial distribution. Partially centralized system in the field of planning and financing of public services at the national level, is collapsing. The cause of this situation lies in the inadequate policies and undefined goals and criteria for spatial development. In addition, there is a problem of spatial insensitivity in this domain, as well as poor inclusion of spatial and physical aspects of planning and other important influencing factors. (Mitrović, 2006.)...
AB  - Окосницу докторске дисертације представља истраживање могућности унапређења методологије планирања просторног развоја јавних служби у Србији. Потреба за унапређењем теоријске основе планирања јавних служби као и допринос успостављању квалитетније праксе њиховог планирања проистекла је из претходних истраживања и сагледавања проблема у области јавних служби и одредила мотиве за избор теме. Динамичан развој у савременом свету, а посебно у земљама у транзицији као што је Србија намеће промене у развоју дисциплине планирања просторног развоја јавних служби и истраживање нових или прилагођених образаца рада. Иако се може рећи да постоје широко прихваћени и признати принципи засновани на теоретским истраживањима или међународним документима, универзални обрасци прилагођени пракси не постоје. Стога је преиспитивање и редефинисање контекстуално специфичних методолошких алата и даље изазован истраживачки задатак. Планирање јавних служби у дужем периоду у Србији карактерише неадекватан, контрадикторан и незаокружен развојни оквир који се нашао у процепу између напуштеног нормативног модела планирања јавних служби у контексту планске привреде са једне стране, и неолибералног, тржишно оријентисаног модела привреде, процеса приватизације и депланификације уопште и дезинтеграције система јавних служби, са друге стране. Изузев урбанистичког/просторног плана као производа, није постојао, а ни сада не постоји интегришући оквир планирања и развоја јавних служби. Проблеми су посебно изражени на локалном, примарном нивоу јавних служби, који се одликује величином, густином и дисперзијом у простору, али и неуједначеном просторном дистрибуцијом. Делимично централизован систем у домену планирања и финансирања јавних служби на републичком нивоу, у фази је урушавања. Узрок оваквог стања лежи у неадекватно вођеним политикама и недефинисаним циљевима и критеријумима за просторни развој. Поред тога, евидентан је проблем просторне неосетљивости у овом домену, као и слабо укључивање просторно-физичког аспекта планирања и других битних утицајних фактора (Митровић, 2006)...
PB  - Универзитет у Београду, Архитектонски факултет
T2  - Универзитет у Београду
T1  - Унапређење концепта планирања просторног развоја јавних служби у Србији у складу са принципима одрживог развоја
T1  - Improving the concept of spatial planning development of public services in Serbia in accordance with the principles of sustainable development
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Biserka Č.",
year = "2016",
abstract = "The core of the doctoral dissertation presents a research of the methodology improvement possibilities for the spatial development planning of public services in Serbia. The need to improve the theoretical basis of public services planning, as well as the contribution to establishing their better planning practice stemmed from previous research and insight into the problems in the field of public services and determined the motives for the selection of topic. The dynamic development in the modern world, especially in countries in transition such as Serbia imposes changes in the development of the sector of public services and its spatial development planning, as well as exploring new or adjusting existing working patterns. Although it is well known that there are widely accepted and recognized principles based on theoretical research and international documents, universal patterns that are adapted to practice do not exist. Therefore, the review and redefinition of contextually specific methodological tools remains a challenging research task. Over long period, planning of public services in Serbia is characterized by inadequate, contradictory and uncompleted development framework, which has found itself in the gap between the abandoned normative model of planning public services in the context of the planned economy on one hand, and the neo-liberal, market-oriented model of the economy, the privatization and deregulation processes and the disintegration of the public services system, on the other hand. Other than urban/spatial plan as a product, an integrating framework of planning and development of public services never existed, nor it exists now. The problems are particularly visible at the local, primary level of public services, which is characterized by size, density and dispersion in the territory, but also by uneven spatial distribution. Partially centralized system in the field of planning and financing of public services at the national level, is collapsing. The cause of this situation lies in the inadequate policies and undefined goals and criteria for spatial development. In addition, there is a problem of spatial insensitivity in this domain, as well as poor inclusion of spatial and physical aspects of planning and other important influencing factors. (Mitrović, 2006.)..., Окосницу докторске дисертације представља истраживање могућности унапређења методологије планирања просторног развоја јавних служби у Србији. Потреба за унапређењем теоријске основе планирања јавних служби као и допринос успостављању квалитетније праксе њиховог планирања проистекла је из претходних истраживања и сагледавања проблема у области јавних служби и одредила мотиве за избор теме. Динамичан развој у савременом свету, а посебно у земљама у транзицији као што је Србија намеће промене у развоју дисциплине планирања просторног развоја јавних служби и истраживање нових или прилагођених образаца рада. Иако се може рећи да постоје широко прихваћени и признати принципи засновани на теоретским истраживањима или међународним документима, универзални обрасци прилагођени пракси не постоје. Стога је преиспитивање и редефинисање контекстуално специфичних методолошких алата и даље изазован истраживачки задатак. Планирање јавних служби у дужем периоду у Србији карактерише неадекватан, контрадикторан и незаокружен развојни оквир који се нашао у процепу између напуштеног нормативног модела планирања јавних служби у контексту планске привреде са једне стране, и неолибералног, тржишно оријентисаног модела привреде, процеса приватизације и депланификације уопште и дезинтеграције система јавних служби, са друге стране. Изузев урбанистичког/просторног плана као производа, није постојао, а ни сада не постоји интегришући оквир планирања и развоја јавних служби. Проблеми су посебно изражени на локалном, примарном нивоу јавних служби, који се одликује величином, густином и дисперзијом у простору, али и неуједначеном просторном дистрибуцијом. Делимично централизован систем у домену планирања и финансирања јавних служби на републичком нивоу, у фази је урушавања. Узрок оваквог стања лежи у неадекватно вођеним политикама и недефинисаним циљевима и критеријумима за просторни развој. Поред тога, евидентан је проблем просторне неосетљивости у овом домену, као и слабо укључивање просторно-физичког аспекта планирања и других битних утицајних фактора (Митровић, 2006)...",
publisher = "Универзитет у Београду, Архитектонски факултет",
journal = "Универзитет у Београду",
title = "Унапређење концепта планирања просторног развоја јавних служби у Србији у складу са принципима одрживог развоја, Improving the concept of spatial planning development of public services in Serbia in accordance with the principles of sustainable development",
url = ""
Mitrović, B. Č.. (2016). Унапређење концепта планирања просторног развоја јавних служби у Србији у складу са принципима одрживог развоја. in Универзитет у Београду
Универзитет у Београду, Архитектонски факултет..
Mitrović BČ. Унапређење концепта планирања просторног развоја јавних служби у Србији у складу са принципима одрживог развоја. in Универзитет у Београду. 2016;. .
Mitrović, Biserka Č., "Унапређење концепта планирања просторног развоја јавних служби у Србији у складу са принципима одрживог развоја" in Универзитет у Београду (2016), .

The role of cognitive-cultural economy in city's global positioning

Simeunčević Radulović, Sanja; Mitrović, Biserka

(Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, 2016)

AU  - Simeunčević Radulović, Sanja
AU  - Mitrović, Biserka
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Transition to post-Fordist economy and knowledge society has intensively influenced ways cities
compete and position in global hierarchy. In Fordist cities competitive advantage was coming
from its industry value. In globalization position of cities in urban hierarchy was a result of
concentration of globally important cooperations, highly specialised services and international
organizations. The 21st century brought new shift. The concentration of knowledge, innovation,
talent and educated people in the city are primary determinants of its global competitiveness.
Growth and strength of leading cities is deriving from highly developed cognitive-cultural
Cognitive-cultural economy presents groups of industries and occupations that require deductive
reasoning capacities, technical knowledge, cultural skills and visual imagination, such as hightechnology
industries, business and services (especially ITC) and cultural industries bond with
technology (especially games, film and media). Cognitive-cultural economy is intensely
concentrated in cities, especially in the top cities of global urban hierarchy, contributing to city’s
wealth and position.
Cognitive-cultural economy is not equally present in cities, not even in all cities at the top of the
global urban hierarchy. It has boomed in some cities and enhanced their global position, and in
others is present only as support for financial and service sectors. The paper will try to
investigate what is it that contributes to the cognitive-culture economy development in cities.
Does amenities and special atmosphere of the city that attract creative people contribute to
cognitive economy, or does clustering of companies, or social networks and jobs opportunities?
The paper aims to assume cognitive-cultural development stimulation methods, which can
influence city’s global position.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture
C3  - Conference Proceedings [Elektronski izvor] / 3rd international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, [14-15.04.2016, Belgrade]
T1  - The role of cognitive-cultural economy in city's global positioning
SP  - 789
EP  - 795
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Simeunčević Radulović, Sanja and Mitrović, Biserka",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Transition to post-Fordist economy and knowledge society has intensively influenced ways cities
compete and position in global hierarchy. In Fordist cities competitive advantage was coming
from its industry value. In globalization position of cities in urban hierarchy was a result of
concentration of globally important cooperations, highly specialised services and international
organizations. The 21st century brought new shift. The concentration of knowledge, innovation,
talent and educated people in the city are primary determinants of its global competitiveness.
Growth and strength of leading cities is deriving from highly developed cognitive-cultural
Cognitive-cultural economy presents groups of industries and occupations that require deductive
reasoning capacities, technical knowledge, cultural skills and visual imagination, such as hightechnology
industries, business and services (especially ITC) and cultural industries bond with
technology (especially games, film and media). Cognitive-cultural economy is intensely
concentrated in cities, especially in the top cities of global urban hierarchy, contributing to city’s
wealth and position.
Cognitive-cultural economy is not equally present in cities, not even in all cities at the top of the
global urban hierarchy. It has boomed in some cities and enhanced their global position, and in
others is present only as support for financial and service sectors. The paper will try to
investigate what is it that contributes to the cognitive-culture economy development in cities.
Does amenities and special atmosphere of the city that attract creative people contribute to
cognitive economy, or does clustering of companies, or social networks and jobs opportunities?
The paper aims to assume cognitive-cultural development stimulation methods, which can
influence city’s global position.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture",
journal = "Conference Proceedings [Elektronski izvor] / 3rd international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, [14-15.04.2016, Belgrade]",
title = "The role of cognitive-cultural economy in city's global positioning",
pages = "789-795",
url = ""
Simeunčević Radulović, S.,& Mitrović, B.. (2016). The role of cognitive-cultural economy in city's global positioning. in Conference Proceedings [Elektronski izvor] / 3rd international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, [14-15.04.2016, Belgrade]
Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture., 789-795.
Simeunčević Radulović S, Mitrović B. The role of cognitive-cultural economy in city's global positioning. in Conference Proceedings [Elektronski izvor] / 3rd international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, [14-15.04.2016, Belgrade]. 2016;:789-795. .
Simeunčević Radulović, Sanja, Mitrović, Biserka, "The role of cognitive-cultural economy in city's global positioning" in Conference Proceedings [Elektronski izvor] / 3rd international Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, [14-15.04.2016, Belgrade] (2016):789-795, .