Šabanović, Ana

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Šabanović, Ana (9)
  • Шабановић, Ана (1)

Author's Bibliography

Collaborative approach for integrating natural and cultural heritage for sustainable urban development: the case of action plan for Sombor within Danurb+

Milovanović Rodić, Danijela; Šabanović, Ana; Antonić, Branislav; Đukić, Aleksandra

(Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, 2024)

AU  - Milovanović Rodić, Danijela
AU  - Šabanović, Ana
AU  - Antonić, Branislav
AU  - Đukić, Aleksandra
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2158
AB  - The protection and sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage in order to improve local identity
and quality of life, as well as the positioning of Serbian cities on the global map of eco-cultural
tourism, are still not suffi ciently recognized as development opportunities and therefore are not
prioritized in their development plans. Following the increase in interest, and thus the representation
of various types of tourism based on the integration of tangible and intangible cultural heritage and
natural values in the overall tourist offer, it is necessary to review the possibilities of such approach.
Smaller towns and settlements, which are frequently declining, are a particularly important group of
settlements whose sustainable development should be viewed through this perspective.
Many European countries have recognized the importance of cultural and natural heritage protection
and their potential for sustainable (urban) development, so in recent decades a large number of
national and pan-European projects have been launched with focus on this kind of approach and within
which various methodological processes are developed and pilot projects for their verifi cation are
funded. Raising their capacities for formulating, initiating and launching natural and cultural heritagebased
development projects, necessitates various types of training, participatory and collaborative
workshops, and the organization of various events aimed at informing and mobilizing the public.
As part of the international DANURB+ project, an Action Plan for the protection and sustainable use
of the natural and cultural heritage of Sombor was developed. The plan was created with the active
and continuous participation of those responsible for , as well as those interested in development.
The process is designed to help in the articulation of integral projects as well as their networking on
a local, national, and international level. The paper will present the methodological procedure, the
development process and the content of this plan.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture
C3  - Keeping up with technologies to imagine and build together sustainable, inclusive, and beautiful cities [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 8th International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, Belgrade, 2023
T1  - Collaborative approach for integrating natural and cultural heritage for sustainable urban development: the case of action plan for Sombor within Danurb+
SP  - 68
EP  - 74
DO  - 10.18485/arh_pt.2024.8.ch7
ER  - 
author = "Milovanović Rodić, Danijela and Šabanović, Ana and Antonić, Branislav and Đukić, Aleksandra",
year = "2024",
abstract = "The protection and sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage in order to improve local identity
and quality of life, as well as the positioning of Serbian cities on the global map of eco-cultural
tourism, are still not suffi ciently recognized as development opportunities and therefore are not
prioritized in their development plans. Following the increase in interest, and thus the representation
of various types of tourism based on the integration of tangible and intangible cultural heritage and
natural values in the overall tourist offer, it is necessary to review the possibilities of such approach.
Smaller towns and settlements, which are frequently declining, are a particularly important group of
settlements whose sustainable development should be viewed through this perspective.
Many European countries have recognized the importance of cultural and natural heritage protection
and their potential for sustainable (urban) development, so in recent decades a large number of
national and pan-European projects have been launched with focus on this kind of approach and within
which various methodological processes are developed and pilot projects for their verifi cation are
funded. Raising their capacities for formulating, initiating and launching natural and cultural heritagebased
development projects, necessitates various types of training, participatory and collaborative
workshops, and the organization of various events aimed at informing and mobilizing the public.
As part of the international DANURB+ project, an Action Plan for the protection and sustainable use
of the natural and cultural heritage of Sombor was developed. The plan was created with the active
and continuous participation of those responsible for , as well as those interested in development.
The process is designed to help in the articulation of integral projects as well as their networking on
a local, national, and international level. The paper will present the methodological procedure, the
development process and the content of this plan.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture",
journal = "Keeping up with technologies to imagine and build together sustainable, inclusive, and beautiful cities [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 8th International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, Belgrade, 2023",
title = "Collaborative approach for integrating natural and cultural heritage for sustainable urban development: the case of action plan for Sombor within Danurb+",
pages = "68-74",
doi = "10.18485/arh_pt.2024.8.ch7"
Milovanović Rodić, D., Šabanović, A., Antonić, B.,& Đukić, A.. (2024). Collaborative approach for integrating natural and cultural heritage for sustainable urban development: the case of action plan for Sombor within Danurb+. in Keeping up with technologies to imagine and build together sustainable, inclusive, and beautiful cities [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 8th International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, Belgrade, 2023
Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture., 68-74.
Milovanović Rodić D, Šabanović A, Antonić B, Đukić A. Collaborative approach for integrating natural and cultural heritage for sustainable urban development: the case of action plan for Sombor within Danurb+. in Keeping up with technologies to imagine and build together sustainable, inclusive, and beautiful cities [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 8th International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, Belgrade, 2023. 2024;:68-74.
doi:10.18485/arh_pt.2024.8.ch7 .
Milovanović Rodić, Danijela, Šabanović, Ana, Antonić, Branislav, Đukić, Aleksandra, "Collaborative approach for integrating natural and cultural heritage for sustainable urban development: the case of action plan for Sombor within Danurb+" in Keeping up with technologies to imagine and build together sustainable, inclusive, and beautiful cities [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 8th International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, Belgrade, 2023 (2024):68-74,
https://doi.org/10.18485/arh_pt.2024.8.ch7 . .

3eлeнe пoлитикe yрбанoг развoја –примeр Бeoграда [Десети међународни салон пејзажне архитектуре]

Čolić, Ratka; Šabanović, Ana; Živković, Teodora; Radaković, Teodora; Filipović, Mina; Nedeljković, Anja; Simić, Milica; Vunduk, Anđela; Ljalja, Edita; Marinković, Ilija; Spajić, Milica; Kitanovska, Mihaela; Dmitrović, Veljko; Radovanović, Danilo; Vujović, Nađa; Mihailović, Nenad; Đapić, Katarina; Jovanović, Sonja; Sekulić, Ivan; Urošević, Igor; Drakulić, Marija; Milunović, Milica; Ćirić, Jovana; Matović, Filip; Prodanović, Filip; Mijailović, Filip; Đukić, Pavle; Gardašević, Šćepan; Sikimić, Vladimir; Morović, Ana

(Београд : Удружење пејзажних архитеката Србије, 2023)


Čolić, R., Šabanović, A., Živković, T., Radaković, T., Filipović, M., Nedeljković, A., Simić, M., Vunduk, A., Ljalja, E., Marinković, I., Spajić, M., Kitanovska, M., Dmitrović, V., Radovanović, D., Vujović, N., Mihailović, N., Đapić, K., Jovanović, S., Sekulić, I., Urošević, I., Drakulić, M., Milunović, M., Ćirić, J., Matović, F., Prodanović, F., Mijailović, F., Đukić, P., Gardašević, Š., Sikimić, V.,& Morović, A.. (2023). 3eлeнe пoлитикe yрбанoг развoја –примeр Бeoграда [Десети међународни салон пејзажне архитектуре]. in [Каталог] = [Catalogue] / Десети међународни салон пејзажне архитектуре, Београд 2023. = Tenth International Landscape Architecture Exhibition, Belgrade
Београд : Удружење пејзажних архитеката Србије., 57-57.
Čolić R, Šabanović A, Živković T, Radaković T, Filipović M, Nedeljković A, Simić M, Vunduk A, Ljalja E, Marinković I, Spajić M, Kitanovska M, Dmitrović V, Radovanović D, Vujović N, Mihailović N, Đapić K, Jovanović S, Sekulić I, Urošević I, Drakulić M, Milunović M, Ćirić J, Matović F, Prodanović F, Mijailović F, Đukić P, Gardašević Š, Sikimić V, Morović A. 3eлeнe пoлитикe yрбанoг развoја –примeр Бeoграда [Десети међународни салон пејзажне архитектуре]. in [Каталог] = [Catalogue] / Десети међународни салон пејзажне архитектуре, Београд 2023. = Tenth International Landscape Architecture Exhibition, Belgrade. 2023;:57-57.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1806 .
Čolić, Ratka, Šabanović, Ana, Živković, Teodora, Radaković, Teodora, Filipović, Mina, Nedeljković, Anja, Simić, Milica, Vunduk, Anđela, Ljalja, Edita, Marinković, Ilija, Spajić, Milica, Kitanovska, Mihaela, Dmitrović, Veljko, Radovanović, Danilo, Vujović, Nađa, Mihailović, Nenad, Đapić, Katarina, Jovanović, Sonja, Sekulić, Ivan, Urošević, Igor, Drakulić, Marija, Milunović, Milica, Ćirić, Jovana, Matović, Filip, Prodanović, Filip, Mijailović, Filip, Đukić, Pavle, Gardašević, Šćepan, Sikimić, Vladimir, Morović, Ana, "3eлeнe пoлитикe yрбанoг развoја –примeр Бeoграда [Десети међународни салон пејзажне архитектуре]" in [Каталог] = [Catalogue] / Десети међународни салон пејзажне архитектуре, Београд 2023. = Tenth International Landscape Architecture Exhibition, Belgrade (2023):57-57,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1806 .

Управљање климатским променама у урбаним подручјима

Šabanović, Ana; Čolić, Ratka

(Београд : Удружење инжењера Београда, 2023)

AU  - Šabanović, Ana
AU  - Čolić, Ratka
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1732
AB  - Урбана подручја су једна од најугроженијих, али и најутицајнијих система на климатске промене. Управљање климатским променама у урбаним подручјима се односи на начине на које актери и институције јавног, приватног и цивилног друштва артикулишу климатске циљеве, врше утицај и овлашћења и управљају процесима планирања и имплементације. Креирање климатски резилијентних праваца урбаног развоја може бити одговор на климатске ризике. Ово подразумева промену начина одлучивања и понашања у односу на економију, друштво, технологију и политику у оквиру теме одрживог развоја. Рад се бави анализом концепта управљања климатским променама у урбаним подручјима методом системског прегледа литературе, на основу чега се даје историјски приказ развоја кроз представљање доминантних управљачких оквира, уз приказ развоја управљачких инструмената. Управљање климатским променама захтева глобална решења која се затим „каскадно спуштају“ кроз националне и поднационалне нивое, као и препознавање релација између државе и нових мрежа актера, што изискује преиспитивање традиционалне поделе и разлика између локалне, националне и глобалне еколошке политике. Поље истраживања управљања климатским променама преусмерава  се ка интегралном приступу, флексибилном и адаптивном управљању, односно прилагођавању процедура и принципа, и развоју инструмената и алата за његову имплементацију.
AB  - Urban areas are one of the most vulnerable, but also the most influential systems in terms of climate change. Urban Climate Governance refers to the ways in which actors and institutions of public, private, and civil society sector articulate climate goals, manage influences and authority, and govern planning and implementation processes. Creating climate-resilient development directions can represent a response to climate risks. This requires change of the social system’s decision-making and behaviour in relation to the economy, society, technology, and policy in the field of sustainable development. The paper deals with the analysis of the concept of Urban Climate Governance through a systematic literature review. On this base, it outlines the historical development of dominant governance frameworks, along with the development of governance instruments. Climate governance requires global solutions that are "localized" through national and subnational levels and recognition of the relations/networks between the state and new actors (which requires a re-examination of the traditional division and differences between local, national, and global environmental policy). The research in the field of urban climate governance focuses on an integrated approach, flexible and adaptive governance - an adaptation of procedures and principles, and therefore focuses on the development of instruments and tools for its implementation.
PB  - Београд : Удружење инжењера Београда
C3  - XV Научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем "Климатске промене и урбанизација", Београд
T1  - Управљање климатским променама у урбаним подручјима
T1  - Urban climate governance
SP  - 130
EP  - 141
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1732
ER  - 
author = "Šabanović, Ana and Čolić, Ratka",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Урбана подручја су једна од најугроженијих, али и најутицајнијих система на климатске промене. Управљање климатским променама у урбаним подручјима се односи на начине на које актери и институције јавног, приватног и цивилног друштва артикулишу климатске циљеве, врше утицај и овлашћења и управљају процесима планирања и имплементације. Креирање климатски резилијентних праваца урбаног развоја може бити одговор на климатске ризике. Ово подразумева промену начина одлучивања и понашања у односу на економију, друштво, технологију и политику у оквиру теме одрживог развоја. Рад се бави анализом концепта управљања климатским променама у урбаним подручјима методом системског прегледа литературе, на основу чега се даје историјски приказ развоја кроз представљање доминантних управљачких оквира, уз приказ развоја управљачких инструмената. Управљање климатским променама захтева глобална решења која се затим „каскадно спуштају“ кроз националне и поднационалне нивое, као и препознавање релација између државе и нових мрежа актера, што изискује преиспитивање традиционалне поделе и разлика између локалне, националне и глобалне еколошке политике. Поље истраживања управљања климатским променама преусмерава  се ка интегралном приступу, флексибилном и адаптивном управљању, односно прилагођавању процедура и принципа, и развоју инструмената и алата за његову имплементацију., Urban areas are one of the most vulnerable, but also the most influential systems in terms of climate change. Urban Climate Governance refers to the ways in which actors and institutions of public, private, and civil society sector articulate climate goals, manage influences and authority, and govern planning and implementation processes. Creating climate-resilient development directions can represent a response to climate risks. This requires change of the social system’s decision-making and behaviour in relation to the economy, society, technology, and policy in the field of sustainable development. The paper deals with the analysis of the concept of Urban Climate Governance through a systematic literature review. On this base, it outlines the historical development of dominant governance frameworks, along with the development of governance instruments. Climate governance requires global solutions that are "localized" through national and subnational levels and recognition of the relations/networks between the state and new actors (which requires a re-examination of the traditional division and differences between local, national, and global environmental policy). The research in the field of urban climate governance focuses on an integrated approach, flexible and adaptive governance - an adaptation of procedures and principles, and therefore focuses on the development of instruments and tools for its implementation.",
publisher = "Београд : Удружење инжењера Београда",
journal = "XV Научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем "Климатске промене и урбанизација", Београд",
title = "Управљање климатским променама у урбаним подручјима, Urban climate governance",
pages = "130-141",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1732"
Šabanović, A.,& Čolić, R.. (2023). Управљање климатским променама у урбаним подручјима. in XV Научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем "Климатске промене и урбанизација", Београд
Београд : Удружење инжењера Београда., 130-141.
Šabanović A, Čolić R. Управљање климатским променама у урбаним подручјима. in XV Научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем "Климатске промене и урбанизација", Београд. 2023;:130-141.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1732 .
Šabanović, Ana, Čolić, Ratka, "Управљање климатским променама у урбаним подручјима" in XV Научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем "Климатске промене и урбанизација", Београд (2023):130-141,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1732 .

Urban Climate Governance: Implementation in Belgrade, Serbia

Šabanović, Ana; Čolić, Ratka

(Rejkjavik : University of Iceland, 2023)

AU  - Šabanović, Ana
AU  - Čolić, Ratka
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2287
AB  - Urban areas are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, while simultaneously, also having a significant impact on it. Urban Climate Governance encompasses the ways in which public, private, and civil society actors collaborate to set climate objectives, exercise power, and regulate planning and implementation efforts. There are examples of cities launching projects on their own initiative to address a specific problem caused by climate change. Under the pressure of global climate change, urban areas have become an important testing ground for climate action. Governance is considered a key component of effective and integrated action on climate change. The undertaken work presents an overview of the development trajectory in relation to diverse governance instruments, dominant themes, and approaches in solving the problem of climate change. Research shows that through new theoretical foundations, new instruments appear, and that governance instruments are necessary in order to derive changes in urban systems. The work emphasizes that multilevel governance plays a crucial role in this process, by encouraging actor networks, and especially when adopting financial governance instruments primarily intended for developing countries. This enables the development of untraditional methods for urban governance related to climate change in Serbia. The paper explores the implementation processes of identified governance instruments in the conditions of the local context of Belgrade, a post-socialist city. It aims to understand the role of the actors involved and how the different instruments influence future planning activities concerning climate change. To accomplish that, this study adopts a qualitative approach that investigates externally funded projects related to climate change adaptation currently implemented in Belgrade. The paper relies on desk research on relevant literature, key strategy documents, and pilot projects. These results offer insight into the development of governance instruments for making modest, practical steps towards increasing the climate urban resilience of Belgrade.
PB  - Rejkjavik : University of Iceland
C3  - EURA 2023 : book of abstracts, University of Iceland Reykjavík, 22-24 June
T1  - Urban Climate Governance: Implementation in Belgrade, Serbia
SP  - 74
EP  - 75
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_2287
ER  - 
author = "Šabanović, Ana and Čolić, Ratka",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Urban areas are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, while simultaneously, also having a significant impact on it. Urban Climate Governance encompasses the ways in which public, private, and civil society actors collaborate to set climate objectives, exercise power, and regulate planning and implementation efforts. There are examples of cities launching projects on their own initiative to address a specific problem caused by climate change. Under the pressure of global climate change, urban areas have become an important testing ground for climate action. Governance is considered a key component of effective and integrated action on climate change. The undertaken work presents an overview of the development trajectory in relation to diverse governance instruments, dominant themes, and approaches in solving the problem of climate change. Research shows that through new theoretical foundations, new instruments appear, and that governance instruments are necessary in order to derive changes in urban systems. The work emphasizes that multilevel governance plays a crucial role in this process, by encouraging actor networks, and especially when adopting financial governance instruments primarily intended for developing countries. This enables the development of untraditional methods for urban governance related to climate change in Serbia. The paper explores the implementation processes of identified governance instruments in the conditions of the local context of Belgrade, a post-socialist city. It aims to understand the role of the actors involved and how the different instruments influence future planning activities concerning climate change. To accomplish that, this study adopts a qualitative approach that investigates externally funded projects related to climate change adaptation currently implemented in Belgrade. The paper relies on desk research on relevant literature, key strategy documents, and pilot projects. These results offer insight into the development of governance instruments for making modest, practical steps towards increasing the climate urban resilience of Belgrade.",
publisher = "Rejkjavik : University of Iceland",
journal = "EURA 2023 : book of abstracts, University of Iceland Reykjavík, 22-24 June",
title = "Urban Climate Governance: Implementation in Belgrade, Serbia",
pages = "74-75",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_2287"
Šabanović, A.,& Čolić, R.. (2023). Urban Climate Governance: Implementation in Belgrade, Serbia. in EURA 2023 : book of abstracts, University of Iceland Reykjavík, 22-24 June
Rejkjavik : University of Iceland., 74-75.
Šabanović A, Čolić R. Urban Climate Governance: Implementation in Belgrade, Serbia. in EURA 2023 : book of abstracts, University of Iceland Reykjavík, 22-24 June. 2023;:74-75.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_2287 .
Šabanović, Ana, Čolić, Ratka, "Urban Climate Governance: Implementation in Belgrade, Serbia" in EURA 2023 : book of abstracts, University of Iceland Reykjavík, 22-24 June (2023):74-75,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_2287 .

Industrial Heritage of Belgrade: Brownfield Sites Revitalization Status, Potentials and Opportunities Missed

Pavlović, Jelena; Šabanović, Ana; Ćuković Ignjatović, Nataša

(Springer, 2023)

AU  - Pavlović, Jelena
AU  - Šabanović, Ana
AU  - Ćuković Ignjatović, Nataša
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1709
AB  - Being created during the period of intensive industrialization, industrial buildings and landscapes carry importance as birth places of rapid technological progress, social and economic changes, which has established their great significance for modern human history and identity. Termination of their active function causes symptoms of decline to appear gradually, and their number decreases as the time passes. They are often endangered regardless of their protection status. Implementation of adaptive reuse principles allows for less strict approach to conservation practice, and its benefits are demonstrated worldwide. Despite that fact, industrial heritage has not been revitalized enough through adequately treated sites in Serbia. That indicates lack of understanding of the value of this cultural and historical heritage, as well as its suitable future purposes, impossible without some form of active dialog between participants in the planning process. The legal preconditions for this collaboration exist in Serbian regulations, and they are examined in the paper, but other potential causes of the lack of consensus that result in failure are also explored. In Belgrade, industrial brownfields occupy attractive locations, often targeted for market-driven redevelopment. For that reason, the paper explores current practice of revitalizing brownfield sites of industrial heritage in Belgrade. It considers the achievements, probable missed opportunities, and remaining potentials where acquired knowledge can be utilized. Key results of the research define critical points in the planning process for the preservation of values despite the modernity of brownfield sites transformations. The purpose of this paper is to help safeguard industrial landscapes of Belgrade and Serbia, and their sustainable conversion, the most adequate for the present moment, as well as to contribute to urban reconstruction of declining landscapes to which these brownfield sites belong.
PB  - Springer
C3  - Technological Imagination in the Green and Digital Transition. CONF. ITECH 2022. The Urban Book Series
T1  - Industrial Heritage of Belgrade: Brownfield Sites Revitalization Status, Potentials and Opportunities Missed
SP  - 831
EP  - 842
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1709
ER  - 
author = "Pavlović, Jelena and Šabanović, Ana and Ćuković Ignjatović, Nataša",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Being created during the period of intensive industrialization, industrial buildings and landscapes carry importance as birth places of rapid technological progress, social and economic changes, which has established their great significance for modern human history and identity. Termination of their active function causes symptoms of decline to appear gradually, and their number decreases as the time passes. They are often endangered regardless of their protection status. Implementation of adaptive reuse principles allows for less strict approach to conservation practice, and its benefits are demonstrated worldwide. Despite that fact, industrial heritage has not been revitalized enough through adequately treated sites in Serbia. That indicates lack of understanding of the value of this cultural and historical heritage, as well as its suitable future purposes, impossible without some form of active dialog between participants in the planning process. The legal preconditions for this collaboration exist in Serbian regulations, and they are examined in the paper, but other potential causes of the lack of consensus that result in failure are also explored. In Belgrade, industrial brownfields occupy attractive locations, often targeted for market-driven redevelopment. For that reason, the paper explores current practice of revitalizing brownfield sites of industrial heritage in Belgrade. It considers the achievements, probable missed opportunities, and remaining potentials where acquired knowledge can be utilized. Key results of the research define critical points in the planning process for the preservation of values despite the modernity of brownfield sites transformations. The purpose of this paper is to help safeguard industrial landscapes of Belgrade and Serbia, and their sustainable conversion, the most adequate for the present moment, as well as to contribute to urban reconstruction of declining landscapes to which these brownfield sites belong.",
publisher = "Springer",
journal = "Technological Imagination in the Green and Digital Transition. CONF. ITECH 2022. The Urban Book Series",
title = "Industrial Heritage of Belgrade: Brownfield Sites Revitalization Status, Potentials and Opportunities Missed",
pages = "831-842",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1709"
Pavlović, J., Šabanović, A.,& Ćuković Ignjatović, N.. (2023). Industrial Heritage of Belgrade: Brownfield Sites Revitalization Status, Potentials and Opportunities Missed. in Technological Imagination in the Green and Digital Transition. CONF. ITECH 2022. The Urban Book Series
Springer., 831-842.
Pavlović J, Šabanović A, Ćuković Ignjatović N. Industrial Heritage of Belgrade: Brownfield Sites Revitalization Status, Potentials and Opportunities Missed. in Technological Imagination in the Green and Digital Transition. CONF. ITECH 2022. The Urban Book Series. 2023;:831-842.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1709 .
Pavlović, Jelena, Šabanović, Ana, Ćuković Ignjatović, Nataša, "Industrial Heritage of Belgrade: Brownfield Sites Revitalization Status, Potentials and Opportunities Missed" in Technological Imagination in the Green and Digital Transition. CONF. ITECH 2022. The Urban Book Series (2023):831-842,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1709 .

Energy Efficiency Improvement in Industrial Brownfield Heritage Buildings: Case Study of “Beko”

Pavlović, Jelena; Šabanović, Ana; Ćuković Ignjatović, Nataša

(Springer, 2023)

AU  - Pavlović, Jelena
AU  - Šabanović, Ana
AU  - Ćuković Ignjatović, Nataša
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1672
AB  - Brownfield sites often form on industrial sites of once successful compa- nies dating from the era of industrialization, due to loss of active function and despite their historical significance. Accompanied by urban decline, they contribute to continuous pollution, decrease in economic values, as well as loss of local iden- tity. On the other hand, they represent a reserve of space of great potential in central urban locations. The main purpose of this research is to examine possibilities for improvement by their reuse, while preserving built-in cultural values and acknowl- edging contemporary requirements. A review of contemporary literature considering the concept of brownfield sites provides a starting theoretical basis for understanding their strengths and potentials, as well as the problems when redeveloping such sites. The subject of the research is exploring strategies for brownfield revitalization while reactivating industrial buildings through adaptive reuse. This includes sustainable solutions in accordance with modern requirements, especially energy efficiency, as one of the main concepts of existing building stock improvement that recognizes importance of responsible energy resources management. The paper includes a case study of the previously devastated brownfield site of “Beko” industrial building, located in the central urban area of Belgrade. Its former state, as well as parts of the documentation for reconstruction and its conversion into a modern business facility “Kalemegdan Business Center,” is thoroughly analyzed, emphasizing the positive results of energy efficiency improvements despite the restrictions intended for historic buildings alterations. The aim of the paper is to create a theoretical plat- form that provides firm arguments in favor of realizing the importance and poten- tials of industrial brownfield sites revitalization at present, as well as the constraints regarding its practical implementation considering buildings of cultural value.
PB  - Springer
C3  - Technological Imagination in the Green and Digital Transition
T1  - Energy Efficiency Improvement in Industrial Brownfield Heritage Buildings: Case Study of “Beko”
SP  - 821
EP  - 830
DO  - 10.1007/978-3-031-29515-7_73
ER  - 
author = "Pavlović, Jelena and Šabanović, Ana and Ćuković Ignjatović, Nataša",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Brownfield sites often form on industrial sites of once successful compa- nies dating from the era of industrialization, due to loss of active function and despite their historical significance. Accompanied by urban decline, they contribute to continuous pollution, decrease in economic values, as well as loss of local iden- tity. On the other hand, they represent a reserve of space of great potential in central urban locations. The main purpose of this research is to examine possibilities for improvement by their reuse, while preserving built-in cultural values and acknowl- edging contemporary requirements. A review of contemporary literature considering the concept of brownfield sites provides a starting theoretical basis for understanding their strengths and potentials, as well as the problems when redeveloping such sites. The subject of the research is exploring strategies for brownfield revitalization while reactivating industrial buildings through adaptive reuse. This includes sustainable solutions in accordance with modern requirements, especially energy efficiency, as one of the main concepts of existing building stock improvement that recognizes importance of responsible energy resources management. The paper includes a case study of the previously devastated brownfield site of “Beko” industrial building, located in the central urban area of Belgrade. Its former state, as well as parts of the documentation for reconstruction and its conversion into a modern business facility “Kalemegdan Business Center,” is thoroughly analyzed, emphasizing the positive results of energy efficiency improvements despite the restrictions intended for historic buildings alterations. The aim of the paper is to create a theoretical plat- form that provides firm arguments in favor of realizing the importance and poten- tials of industrial brownfield sites revitalization at present, as well as the constraints regarding its practical implementation considering buildings of cultural value.",
publisher = "Springer",
journal = "Technological Imagination in the Green and Digital Transition",
title = "Energy Efficiency Improvement in Industrial Brownfield Heritage Buildings: Case Study of “Beko”",
pages = "821-830",
doi = "10.1007/978-3-031-29515-7_73"
Pavlović, J., Šabanović, A.,& Ćuković Ignjatović, N.. (2023). Energy Efficiency Improvement in Industrial Brownfield Heritage Buildings: Case Study of “Beko”. in Technological Imagination in the Green and Digital Transition
Springer., 821-830.
Pavlović J, Šabanović A, Ćuković Ignjatović N. Energy Efficiency Improvement in Industrial Brownfield Heritage Buildings: Case Study of “Beko”. in Technological Imagination in the Green and Digital Transition. 2023;:821-830.
doi:10.1007/978-3-031-29515-7_73 .
Pavlović, Jelena, Šabanović, Ana, Ćuković Ignjatović, Nataša, "Energy Efficiency Improvement in Industrial Brownfield Heritage Buildings: Case Study of “Beko”" in Technological Imagination in the Green and Digital Transition (2023):821-830,
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-29515-7_73 . .

Могућности развоја баштенских заједница у Београду: Од истраживања студената Архитектонског факултета УБ до измене регулативе [I награда 31. Mеђународни салон урбанизма]

Лаловић, Ксенија; Чолић, Ратка; Бугарски, Јована; Шабановић, Ана; Матић, Невена; Петровић, Богдан; Стојанов, Ива; Табајица, Марко; Манчев, Мартина; Филиповић, Ана; Колашинац, Јована; Кркобабић, Кристина

(Чачак : Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2022)


Лаловић, К., Чолић, Р., Бугарски, Ј., Шабановић, А., Матић, Н., Петровић, Б., Стојанов, И., Табајица, М., Манчев, М., Филиповић, А., Колашинац, Ј.,& Кркобабић, К.. (2022). Могућности развоја баштенских заједница у Београду: Од истраживања студената Архитектонског факултета УБ до измене регулативе [I награда 31. Mеђународни салон урбанизма]. in 31. Mеђународни салон урбанизма, Чачак, 8-15. новембар 2022. = 31st International Urban Planners' Exhibition, Čačak 8-15 November
Чачак : Удружење урбаниста Србије., 07.02-07.02.
Лаловић К, Чолић Р, Бугарски Ј, Шабановић А, Матић Н, Петровић Б, Стојанов И, Табајица М, Манчев М, Филиповић А, Колашинац Ј, Кркобабић К. Могућности развоја баштенских заједница у Београду: Од истраживања студената Архитектонског факултета УБ до измене регулативе [I награда 31. Mеђународни салон урбанизма]. in 31. Mеђународни салон урбанизма, Чачак, 8-15. новембар 2022. = 31st International Urban Planners' Exhibition, Čačak 8-15 November. 2022;:07.02-07.02.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1807 .
Лаловић, Ксенија, Чолић, Ратка, Бугарски, Јована, Шабановић, Ана, Матић, Невена, Петровић, Богдан, Стојанов, Ива, Табајица, Марко, Манчев, Мартина, Филиповић, Ана, Колашинац, Јована, Кркобабић, Кристина, "Могућности развоја баштенских заједница у Београду: Од истраживања студената Архитектонског факултета УБ до измене регулативе [I награда 31. Mеђународни салон урбанизма]" in 31. Mеђународни салон урбанизма, Чачак, 8-15. новембар 2022. = 31st International Urban Planners' Exhibition, Čačak 8-15 November (2022):07.02-07.02,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1807 .

Energy Efficiency Improvements of the Building Stock: Republic of Serbia Legislation Compliance to the European Union

Pavlović, Jelena; Šabanović, Ana; Ćuković Ignjatović, Nataša

(Banja Luka : University of Banja Luka Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy = Универзитет у Бањој Луци, Архитектонско-грађевинскогеодетски факултет, 2022)

AU  - Pavlović, Jelena
AU  - Šabanović, Ana
AU  - Ćuković Ignjatović, Nataša
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1733
AB  - The paper analyses the notion of improving energy efficiency, as a means of increasing sustainability by lowering energy demand in the building sector globally, also acknowledged in Serbian law-making through regulations aimed towards its advancement. EU Candidate Country status imposes changes to the existing legislative and strategic framework regarding following its directives, which then become incorporated into the laws, regulations, and standards of the Republic of Serbia. By means of descriptive content analysis, official documents related to energy efficiency in architectural design and construction are reviewed in order to determine its scope and raise awareness of the levels and opportunities of upgrading the building stock that such legislative framework supports.
PB  - Banja Luka : University of Banja Luka Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy = Универзитет у Бањој Луци, Архитектонско-грађевинскогеодетски факултет
C3  - Proceedings [Електронски извор] = Зборник радова / International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XV Stepgrad XV, Banja Luka, June 16-17, 2022 = Међународна конференција Савремена теорија и пракса у градитељству XV Степград XV, Бања Лука, 16-17.06.2022
T1  - Energy Efficiency Improvements of the Building Stock: Republic of Serbia Legislation Compliance to the European Union
SP  - 361
EP  - 370
DO  - 10.7251/STP2215361P
ER  - 
author = "Pavlović, Jelena and Šabanović, Ana and Ćuković Ignjatović, Nataša",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The paper analyses the notion of improving energy efficiency, as a means of increasing sustainability by lowering energy demand in the building sector globally, also acknowledged in Serbian law-making through regulations aimed towards its advancement. EU Candidate Country status imposes changes to the existing legislative and strategic framework regarding following its directives, which then become incorporated into the laws, regulations, and standards of the Republic of Serbia. By means of descriptive content analysis, official documents related to energy efficiency in architectural design and construction are reviewed in order to determine its scope and raise awareness of the levels and opportunities of upgrading the building stock that such legislative framework supports.",
publisher = "Banja Luka : University of Banja Luka Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy = Универзитет у Бањој Луци, Архитектонско-грађевинскогеодетски факултет",
journal = "Proceedings [Електронски извор] = Зборник радова / International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XV Stepgrad XV, Banja Luka, June 16-17, 2022 = Међународна конференција Савремена теорија и пракса у градитељству XV Степград XV, Бања Лука, 16-17.06.2022",
title = "Energy Efficiency Improvements of the Building Stock: Republic of Serbia Legislation Compliance to the European Union",
pages = "361-370",
doi = "10.7251/STP2215361P"
Pavlović, J., Šabanović, A.,& Ćuković Ignjatović, N.. (2022). Energy Efficiency Improvements of the Building Stock: Republic of Serbia Legislation Compliance to the European Union. in Proceedings [Електронски извор] = Зборник радова / International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XV Stepgrad XV, Banja Luka, June 16-17, 2022 = Међународна конференција Савремена теорија и пракса у градитељству XV Степград XV, Бања Лука, 16-17.06.2022
Banja Luka : University of Banja Luka Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy = Универзитет у Бањој Луци, Архитектонско-грађевинскогеодетски факултет., 361-370.
Pavlović J, Šabanović A, Ćuković Ignjatović N. Energy Efficiency Improvements of the Building Stock: Republic of Serbia Legislation Compliance to the European Union. in Proceedings [Електронски извор] = Зборник радова / International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XV Stepgrad XV, Banja Luka, June 16-17, 2022 = Међународна конференција Савремена теорија и пракса у градитељству XV Степград XV, Бања Лука, 16-17.06.2022. 2022;:361-370.
doi:10.7251/STP2215361P .
Pavlović, Jelena, Šabanović, Ana, Ćuković Ignjatović, Nataša, "Energy Efficiency Improvements of the Building Stock: Republic of Serbia Legislation Compliance to the European Union" in Proceedings [Електронски извор] = Зборник радова / International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XV Stepgrad XV, Banja Luka, June 16-17, 2022 = Међународна конференција Савремена теорија и пракса у градитељству XV Степград XV, Бања Лука, 16-17.06.2022 (2022):361-370,
https://doi.org/10.7251/STP2215361P . .

БЛОК 45 - Одрживи урбани развој Новог Београда [30. Међународни салон урбанизма]

Ley, Astrid; Vojtová, Lenka; Dietz, Raphael; Goutrie, Rainer; Lalovic, Ksenija; Colic, Ratka; Maruna, Marija; Milovanovic Rodic, Danijela; Bugarski, Jovana; Djordjevic, Aleksandra; Šabanović, Ana

(Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2021)


Ley, A., Vojtová, L., Dietz, R., Goutrie, R., Lalovic, K., Colic, R., Maruna, M., Milovanovic Rodic, D., Bugarski, J., Djordjevic, A.,& Šabanović, A.. (2021). БЛОК 45 - Одрживи урбани развој Новог Београда [30. Међународни салон урбанизма]. in Mеђународни салон урбанизма, Ниш, 2021 : јубиларни каталог, 30 година Салона урбанизма 1991-2021. = International urban planning exhibition
Удружење урбаниста Србије., 10.04-10.04.
Ley A, Vojtová L, Dietz R, Goutrie R, Lalovic K, Colic R, Maruna M, Milovanovic Rodic D, Bugarski J, Djordjevic A, Šabanović A. БЛОК 45 - Одрживи урбани развој Новог Београда [30. Међународни салон урбанизма]. in Mеђународни салон урбанизма, Ниш, 2021 : јубиларни каталог, 30 година Салона урбанизма 1991-2021. = International urban planning exhibition. 2021;:10.04-10.04.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1609 .
Ley, Astrid, Vojtová, Lenka, Dietz, Raphael, Goutrie, Rainer, Lalovic, Ksenija, Colic, Ratka, Maruna, Marija, Milovanovic Rodic, Danijela, Bugarski, Jovana, Djordjevic, Aleksandra, Šabanović, Ana, "БЛОК 45 - Одрживи урбани развој Новог Београда [30. Међународни салон урбанизма]" in Mеђународни салон урбанизма, Ниш, 2021 : јубиларни каталог, 30 година Салона урбанизма 1991-2021. = International urban planning exhibition (2021):10.04-10.04,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1609 .

Студија - Београд_Корак ка политици здравог града [IX Међународни салон пејзажне архитектуре]

Čolić, Ratka; Bugarski, Jovana; Šabanović, Ana; Koneska, Tamara; Vićentijević, Vanja; Stojković, Milena; Ružanović, Jelena; Dabić, Daliborka; Vujačić, Dejan; Đurđević, Marko; Čolić, Nenad; Jovanović, Ana; Benić, Ksenija; Grbić, Zorka; Stanimirović, Miloje; Čolović, Gordana; Žišić , Tijana; Milenković, Marija; Tadić, Stanislava; Bogunović, Danica; Vitorović, Marija; Desić, Marija; Brus, Sofi; Mrvić, Anđela; Stanković, Mirjana; Petrinjak, Milica; Lukić, Dubravka; Stojanov, Boris; Matijević, Stefan; Mandić, Anđela; Vulović, Natalija; Nikolić, Petar; Pančevački, Sandra

(Београд : САНУ, 2021)


Čolić, R., Bugarski, J., Šabanović, A., Koneska, T., Vićentijević, V., Stojković, M., Ružanović, J., Dabić, D., Vujačić, D., Đurđević, M., Čolić, N., Jovanović, A., Benić, K., Grbić, Z., Stanimirović, M., Čolović, G., Žišić , T., Milenković, M., Tadić, S., Bogunović, D., Vitorović, M., Desić, M., Brus, S., Mrvić, A., Stanković, M., Petrinjak, M., Lukić, D., Stojanov, B., Matijević, S., Mandić, A., Vulović, N., Nikolić, P.,& Pančevački, S.. (2021). Студија - Београд_Корак ка политици здравог града [IX Међународни салон пејзажне архитектуре]. in Каталог / IX Међународни салон пејзажне архитектуре, Београд, 2021 = Catalogue / 9th International Landscape Architecture Exhibition, Belgrade
Београд : САНУ., 84-84.
Čolić R, Bugarski J, Šabanović A, Koneska T, Vićentijević V, Stojković M, Ružanović J, Dabić D, Vujačić D, Đurđević M, Čolić N, Jovanović A, Benić K, Grbić Z, Stanimirović M, Čolović G, Žišić  T, Milenković M, Tadić S, Bogunović D, Vitorović M, Desić M, Brus S, Mrvić A, Stanković M, Petrinjak M, Lukić D, Stojanov B, Matijević S, Mandić A, Vulović N, Nikolić P, Pančevački S. Студија - Београд_Корак ка политици здравог града [IX Међународни салон пејзажне архитектуре]. in Каталог / IX Међународни салон пејзажне архитектуре, Београд, 2021 = Catalogue / 9th International Landscape Architecture Exhibition, Belgrade. 2021;:84-84.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1808 .
Čolić, Ratka, Bugarski, Jovana, Šabanović, Ana, Koneska, Tamara, Vićentijević, Vanja, Stojković, Milena, Ružanović, Jelena, Dabić, Daliborka, Vujačić, Dejan, Đurđević, Marko, Čolić, Nenad, Jovanović, Ana, Benić, Ksenija, Grbić, Zorka, Stanimirović, Miloje, Čolović, Gordana, Žišić , Tijana, Milenković, Marija, Tadić, Stanislava, Bogunović, Danica, Vitorović, Marija, Desić, Marija, Brus, Sofi, Mrvić, Anđela, Stanković, Mirjana, Petrinjak, Milica, Lukić, Dubravka, Stojanov, Boris, Matijević, Stefan, Mandić, Anđela, Vulović, Natalija, Nikolić, Petar, Pančevački, Sandra, "Студија - Београд_Корак ка политици здравог града [IX Међународни салон пејзажне архитектуре]" in Каталог / IX Међународни салон пејзажне архитектуре, Београд, 2021 = Catalogue / 9th International Landscape Architecture Exhibition, Belgrade (2021):84-84,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1808 .