Rakonjac, Ivana

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Rakonjac, Ivana (54)
  • Ракоњац, Ивана М. (8)
  • Ракоњац, Ивана (4)
  • Rakonjac, Ivana M. (1)
Studying climate change and its influence on environment: impacts, adaptation and mitigation Research and systematization of housing development in Serbia in the context of globalization and European integrations for the purpose of improving housing quality and standards
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200090 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture) Erasmus+ project Creating the Network of Knowledge Labs for Sustainable and Resilient Environments (KLABS)
info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/36034/RS/ Praktikum „Promocija rezultata nastavnog programa putem web i analogne izložbe“ realizovan je u okviru projekta „Razvoj i unapređenje kurikuluma na predmetima Studio projekat na Osnovnim i Master akademskim studijama Arhitektura i Unutrašnja arhitektura“ u okviru Programske aktivnosti 0014 „Razvoj visokog obrazovanja“ Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije, Sektora za razvoj i visoko obrazovanje (rukovodilac projekta arh. Vladimir Lojanica, redovni profesor Univerziteta u Beogradu – Arhitektonskog fakulteta).
This research was funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, grant number 451-03-68/2020-14/200090. This research is carried out with the financial support of the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia, according to the contract on the realization and financing of scientific research work of the Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial Planning of Serbia in 2023, registration number: 451-03-1148/2023-03.

Author's Bibliography

УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора [46. салон архитектуре]

Рајковић, Игор; Кордић, Милена; Ракоњац, Ивана; Зорић, Ана

(Београд : Музеј примењене уметности = Belgrade : Museum of Applied Art, 2024)


Рајковић, И., Кордић, М., Ракоњац, И.,& Зорић, А.. (2024). УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора [46. салон архитектуре]. in Имамо своју политику : [каталог изложбе] / 46. салон архитектуре, [28. март -28. април 2024.] = We have our own policy : [exhibition catalog] / 46th Salon of Architecture, [28 March – 28 April 2024]
Београд : Музеј примењене уметности  = Belgrade : Museum of Applied Art., 128-128.
Рајковић И, Кордић М, Ракоњац И, Зорић А. УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора [46. салон архитектуре]. in Имамо своју политику : [каталог изложбе] / 46. салон архитектуре, [28. март -28. април 2024.] = We have our own policy : [exhibition catalog] / 46th Salon of Architecture, [28 March – 28 April 2024]. 2024;:128-128.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_2347 .
Рајковић, Игор, Кордић, Милена, Ракоњац, Ивана, Зорић, Ана, "УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора [46. салон архитектуре]" in Имамо своју политику : [каталог изложбе] / 46. салон архитектуре, [28. март -28. април 2024.] = We have our own policy : [exhibition catalog] / 46th Salon of Architecture, [28 March – 28 April 2024] (2024):128-128,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_2347 .

УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора

Рајковић, Игор; Кордић, Милена; Ракоњац, Ивана; Зорић, Ана

(Београд : Универзитет у Београду - Архитектонски факултет, 2023)

AU  - Рајковић, Игор
AU  - Кордић, Милена
AU  - Ракоњац, Ивана
AU  - Зорић, Ана
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1299
AB  - Монографија УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора основну намену налази у процесу едукације у области пројектовања унутрашње архитектуре кроз приказ модела наставног програма Универзитета у Београду – Архитектонског факултета (УБ-АФ). У Публикацији је представљен период првог акредитованог наставног програма архитектуре унутрашњег простора на Универзитету у Београду који је покренут 2014. године. Значајан допринос ове публикације је ретроспектива развоја специфичне области архитектонског пројектовања унутрашњег простора на УБ-АФ и осветљавање значаја едукације пројектаната – инжењера унутрашње архитектуре. Седмогодишње искуство током првог акредитационог циклуса студијског програма Мастер академске студије Унутрашње архитектуре (МУАД) представљено је кроз курикулуме предмета, резултате и достигнућа студената током наставе. Публикација даје приказ Едукативног модела УБ-АФ МУАД илустрованог конкретним задацима и резултатима у оквиру наставе уз критички осврт аутора на образовни процес и потребе за унапређењем. Посебан фокус је на аспекту евалуације наставног процеса и исхода учења кроз приказ постигнутих резултата студената након завршетка школовања. Значај Монографије огледа се у тежњи за унапређењем едукативног модела у области архитектонског пројектовања унутрашњих простора, са циљем остваривања неопходне флексибилности која прати тенденције савременог друштва. Посебан циљ Публикације је промовисање мастер академског програма УБ-АФ који тежиште поставља на актуелну област архитектонског пројектовања унутрашњег простора. Приказ наставног процеса, слојевитости и разноликости у приступу карактеристичним темама из области архитектуре и дизајна, за циљ има мотивацију студената за остваривање формалног образовања у области унутрашње архитектуре.
AB  - The monograph UB-FA MIAD School of Interior Architecture has its primary purpose in education in interior architecture, presenting the educational model of the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture (UB-FA). It covers the period of the first accredited interior architecture program launched in 2014 at the University of Belgrade. The publication makes a significant contribution by providing a retrospective view of the development of the specific field of interior architecture at UB-FA, emphasizing the importance of educating interior architects – master engineers in interior architecture. The seven-year experience during the first accreditation cycle of the Master’s study program in Interior Architecture (MIAD) is presented through subject curricula, students’ achievements, and results during their studies.
The publication presents the Educational Model UB-FA MIAD, illustrated with specific tasks and teaching outcomes, accompanied by the authors’ review of the educational process and the possibilities for improvement. The evaluation aspect of the teaching process and learning outcomes is a particular focus, demonstrating students’ achievements upon completion of their education.
The tendency to enhance the educational model in the field of interior architecture, in line with the necessary flexibility that follows the trends of contemporary society, represents a significant contribution to a wider field of architectural design. A specific goal of the publication is to promote the UB-FA Master’s study program, which focuses on the current field of interior architecture. Illustrating the learning process and its multi-layered and diverse approach to characteristic topics in architecture and design, the UB-FA MIAD School of Interior Architecture aims to motivate students to pursue formal education in the field of interior architecture.
PB  - Београд : Универзитет у  Београду - Архитектонски факултет
T1  - УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1299
ER  - 
author = "Рајковић, Игор and Кордић, Милена and Ракоњац, Ивана and Зорић, Ана",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Монографија УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора основну намену налази у процесу едукације у области пројектовања унутрашње архитектуре кроз приказ модела наставног програма Универзитета у Београду – Архитектонског факултета (УБ-АФ). У Публикацији је представљен период првог акредитованог наставног програма архитектуре унутрашњег простора на Универзитету у Београду који је покренут 2014. године. Значајан допринос ове публикације је ретроспектива развоја специфичне области архитектонског пројектовања унутрашњег простора на УБ-АФ и осветљавање значаја едукације пројектаната – инжењера унутрашње архитектуре. Седмогодишње искуство током првог акредитационог циклуса студијског програма Мастер академске студије Унутрашње архитектуре (МУАД) представљено је кроз курикулуме предмета, резултате и достигнућа студената током наставе. Публикација даје приказ Едукативног модела УБ-АФ МУАД илустрованог конкретним задацима и резултатима у оквиру наставе уз критички осврт аутора на образовни процес и потребе за унапређењем. Посебан фокус је на аспекту евалуације наставног процеса и исхода учења кроз приказ постигнутих резултата студената након завршетка школовања. Значај Монографије огледа се у тежњи за унапређењем едукативног модела у области архитектонског пројектовања унутрашњих простора, са циљем остваривања неопходне флексибилности која прати тенденције савременог друштва. Посебан циљ Публикације је промовисање мастер академског програма УБ-АФ који тежиште поставља на актуелну област архитектонског пројектовања унутрашњег простора. Приказ наставног процеса, слојевитости и разноликости у приступу карактеристичним темама из области архитектуре и дизајна, за циљ има мотивацију студената за остваривање формалног образовања у области унутрашње архитектуре., The monograph UB-FA MIAD School of Interior Architecture has its primary purpose in education in interior architecture, presenting the educational model of the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture (UB-FA). It covers the period of the first accredited interior architecture program launched in 2014 at the University of Belgrade. The publication makes a significant contribution by providing a retrospective view of the development of the specific field of interior architecture at UB-FA, emphasizing the importance of educating interior architects – master engineers in interior architecture. The seven-year experience during the first accreditation cycle of the Master’s study program in Interior Architecture (MIAD) is presented through subject curricula, students’ achievements, and results during their studies.
The publication presents the Educational Model UB-FA MIAD, illustrated with specific tasks and teaching outcomes, accompanied by the authors’ review of the educational process and the possibilities for improvement. The evaluation aspect of the teaching process and learning outcomes is a particular focus, demonstrating students’ achievements upon completion of their education.
The tendency to enhance the educational model in the field of interior architecture, in line with the necessary flexibility that follows the trends of contemporary society, represents a significant contribution to a wider field of architectural design. A specific goal of the publication is to promote the UB-FA Master’s study program, which focuses on the current field of interior architecture. Illustrating the learning process and its multi-layered and diverse approach to characteristic topics in architecture and design, the UB-FA MIAD School of Interior Architecture aims to motivate students to pursue formal education in the field of interior architecture.",
publisher = "Београд : Универзитет у  Београду - Архитектонски факултет",
title = "УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1299"
Рајковић, И., Кордић, М., Ракоњац, И.,& Зорић, А.. (2023). УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора. 
Београд : Универзитет у  Београду - Архитектонски факултет..
Рајковић И, Кордић М, Ракоњац И, Зорић А. УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора. 2023;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1299 .
Рајковић, Игор, Кордић, Милена, Ракоњац, Ивана, Зорић, Ана, "УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора" (2023),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1299 .

The essence of place: Understanding Genius Loci through phenomenology

Lokas, Iva; Petrović, Relja; Rakonjac, Ivana

(Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainble Urban Society Association, 2023)

AU  - Lokas, Iva
AU  - Petrović, Relja
AU  - Rakonjac, Ivana
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1878
UR  - https://www.strand.rs/2023-proceedings/
AB  - The concept of genius loci is rooted in the idea that people who spend time in a particular place create its atmosphere and character. Phenomenology, a philosophical perspective that emphasizes the subjective experience of individuals, is particularly relevant in understanding and experiencing the genius loci. Phenomenology emphasizes the need to acknowledge existing patterns of space usage and reflect on the spirit of the place rather than imposing a homogenous design that aims to protect the built environment. By focusing on the lived experiences and perceptions of individuals within a place, instead of enforcing predetermined values or interpretations, we can better understand and preserve its genius loci. Based on the presented previous research in this paper, it is clear that the current approach to understanding genius loci should shift its focus from signifiers of the past to the users who actively shape and experience the place in the present. The theoretical framework of this paper is defined by Husserl's and Heidegger's perspectives on phenomenology – transcendental approach and hermeneutic approach. The aim of this paper is to emphasize the importance of understanding the unique qualities and characteristics of a location and integrating them into the design process. By focusing on the subjective experiences and perceptions of individuals, designers can create spaces that are meaningful, authentic, and reflective of the community they serve. The essence and uniqueness of a place are defined by the spirit of the place, which connects the tangible and intangible components of the environment. As the intangible quality that gives a place its unique character and atmosphere, the spirit of the place encompasses the feelings, moods, and attitudes associated with a place, as well as the cultural and historical context that shapes its identity. The outcome of this research showed that the essence of a place lies in the perceptions and experiences of its inhabitants, rather than its physical structures and historical artifacts.
PB  - Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainble Urban Society Association
C3  - On Architecture - Challenges in Design : proceedings / 11th International Conference, December 2023, Belgrade
T1  - The essence of place: Understanding Genius Loci through phenomenology
SP  - 215
EP  - 224
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1878
ER  - 
author = "Lokas, Iva and Petrović, Relja and Rakonjac, Ivana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The concept of genius loci is rooted in the idea that people who spend time in a particular place create its atmosphere and character. Phenomenology, a philosophical perspective that emphasizes the subjective experience of individuals, is particularly relevant in understanding and experiencing the genius loci. Phenomenology emphasizes the need to acknowledge existing patterns of space usage and reflect on the spirit of the place rather than imposing a homogenous design that aims to protect the built environment. By focusing on the lived experiences and perceptions of individuals within a place, instead of enforcing predetermined values or interpretations, we can better understand and preserve its genius loci. Based on the presented previous research in this paper, it is clear that the current approach to understanding genius loci should shift its focus from signifiers of the past to the users who actively shape and experience the place in the present. The theoretical framework of this paper is defined by Husserl's and Heidegger's perspectives on phenomenology – transcendental approach and hermeneutic approach. The aim of this paper is to emphasize the importance of understanding the unique qualities and characteristics of a location and integrating them into the design process. By focusing on the subjective experiences and perceptions of individuals, designers can create spaces that are meaningful, authentic, and reflective of the community they serve. The essence and uniqueness of a place are defined by the spirit of the place, which connects the tangible and intangible components of the environment. As the intangible quality that gives a place its unique character and atmosphere, the spirit of the place encompasses the feelings, moods, and attitudes associated with a place, as well as the cultural and historical context that shapes its identity. The outcome of this research showed that the essence of a place lies in the perceptions and experiences of its inhabitants, rather than its physical structures and historical artifacts.",
publisher = "Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainble Urban Society Association",
journal = "On Architecture - Challenges in Design : proceedings / 11th International Conference, December 2023, Belgrade",
title = "The essence of place: Understanding Genius Loci through phenomenology",
pages = "215-224",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1878"
Lokas, I., Petrović, R.,& Rakonjac, I.. (2023). The essence of place: Understanding Genius Loci through phenomenology. in On Architecture - Challenges in Design : proceedings / 11th International Conference, December 2023, Belgrade
Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainble Urban Society Association., 215-224.
Lokas I, Petrović R, Rakonjac I. The essence of place: Understanding Genius Loci through phenomenology. in On Architecture - Challenges in Design : proceedings / 11th International Conference, December 2023, Belgrade. 2023;:215-224.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1878 .
Lokas, Iva, Petrović, Relja, Rakonjac, Ivana, "The essence of place: Understanding Genius Loci through phenomenology" in On Architecture - Challenges in Design : proceedings / 11th International Conference, December 2023, Belgrade (2023):215-224,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1878 .

The disappearance of open public space in the contemporary era: Interior space as space of public interaction

Petrović, Relja; Lokas, Iva; Rakonjac, Ivana

(Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, 2023)

AU  - Petrović, Relja
AU  - Lokas, Iva
AU  - Rakonjac, Ivana
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1817
AB  - The COVID-19 pandemic represents a trigger that has led to social transformations whose consequences are yet to unfold. Noticeable changes can be observed in behavior patterns, as well as in communication, and space usage, particularly in public areas. The advancement of technology in the 21st century is rapidly altering communication patterns, while the built environment fails to support the spatial requirements of the newly formed lifestyle in the urban context. Increasingly, face-to-face encounters in physical environments are being replaced by interactions in virtual realms. Open public spaces, as places of interaction and public life in the city, are being replaced by the comfort of the user’s personal space of indoor habitat. Human interaction with nature is diminished, thereby influencing low public health and well-being. The benefits of being in a natural environment are overshadowed by the need to fulfill social interactions that take place in virtual spaces within the contemporary context. The aim of this paper is to problematize the qualitative aspects of an interior space of a residential unit as a surrogate for open public space. These tendencies reflect the necessity of interior space changes creating new standards of architectural programming to create new forms of the natural environment to support the health and well-being of users.
PB  - Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture
C3  - Global village - shelter for resilient living 2 : conference proceedings / Balkan Architectural Biennale [BAB], 21-23th of November
T1  - The disappearance of open public space in the contemporary era: Interior space as space of public interaction
SP  - 47
EP  - 51
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1817
ER  - 
author = "Petrović, Relja and Lokas, Iva and Rakonjac, Ivana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The COVID-19 pandemic represents a trigger that has led to social transformations whose consequences are yet to unfold. Noticeable changes can be observed in behavior patterns, as well as in communication, and space usage, particularly in public areas. The advancement of technology in the 21st century is rapidly altering communication patterns, while the built environment fails to support the spatial requirements of the newly formed lifestyle in the urban context. Increasingly, face-to-face encounters in physical environments are being replaced by interactions in virtual realms. Open public spaces, as places of interaction and public life in the city, are being replaced by the comfort of the user’s personal space of indoor habitat. Human interaction with nature is diminished, thereby influencing low public health and well-being. The benefits of being in a natural environment are overshadowed by the need to fulfill social interactions that take place in virtual spaces within the contemporary context. The aim of this paper is to problematize the qualitative aspects of an interior space of a residential unit as a surrogate for open public space. These tendencies reflect the necessity of interior space changes creating new standards of architectural programming to create new forms of the natural environment to support the health and well-being of users.",
publisher = "Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture",
journal = "Global village - shelter for resilient living 2 : conference proceedings / Balkan Architectural Biennale [BAB], 21-23th of November",
title = "The disappearance of open public space in the contemporary era: Interior space as space of public interaction",
pages = "47-51",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1817"
Petrović, R., Lokas, I.,& Rakonjac, I.. (2023). The disappearance of open public space in the contemporary era: Interior space as space of public interaction. in Global village - shelter for resilient living 2 : conference proceedings / Balkan Architectural Biennale [BAB], 21-23th of November
Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture., 47-51.
Petrović R, Lokas I, Rakonjac I. The disappearance of open public space in the contemporary era: Interior space as space of public interaction. in Global village - shelter for resilient living 2 : conference proceedings / Balkan Architectural Biennale [BAB], 21-23th of November. 2023;:47-51.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1817 .
Petrović, Relja, Lokas, Iva, Rakonjac, Ivana, "The disappearance of open public space in the contemporary era: Interior space as space of public interaction" in Global village - shelter for resilient living 2 : conference proceedings / Balkan Architectural Biennale [BAB], 21-23th of November (2023):47-51,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1817 .

Architectural Engineering Students’ Experiences in a Hybrid Design Studio

Milošević, Jelena; Rakonjac, Ivana; Josifovski, Andrej

(Great Britain: TEMPUS Publications, 2023)

AU  - Milošević, Jelena
AU  - Rakonjac, Ivana
AU  - Josifovski, Andrej
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1381
AB  - In response to the COVID-19 global pandemic’s effects on the educational landscape, information and communication technologies have been used to implement diverse curriculum contents and provide a transition of traditional learning activities into remote or hybrid learning. This paper describes how a digital learning framework was implemented to transform a classroom-based architectural design studio into a setup that complements face-to-face and online activities, allowing for optimal operation under restricted conditions. The learning experience in this hybrid design studio was investigated using qualitative content analysis, while data from pre- and post-course surveys, and data from the learning platform’s analytics, provide insight into the participants’ perceptions of the course. Findings show that students’ assessments of hybrid learning are generally positive; however, further development of this pedagogy could provide even better responses to accessibility, acquisition, and operation challenges. The study offers a perspective on how to adapt learning in order to provide continuity of educational process beyond changing circumstances and could inform further reviewing and discussion on directions of long-term redefining of a studio design in post-pandemic times when teaching modes are likely to have a more significant online component.
PB  - Great Britain: TEMPUS Publications
T2  - International Journal of Engineering Education
T1  - Architectural Engineering Students’ Experiences in a Hybrid Design Studio
VL  - 39
IS  - 4
SP  - 921
EP  - 936
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1381
ER  - 
author = "Milošević, Jelena and Rakonjac, Ivana and Josifovski, Andrej",
year = "2023",
abstract = "In response to the COVID-19 global pandemic’s effects on the educational landscape, information and communication technologies have been used to implement diverse curriculum contents and provide a transition of traditional learning activities into remote or hybrid learning. This paper describes how a digital learning framework was implemented to transform a classroom-based architectural design studio into a setup that complements face-to-face and online activities, allowing for optimal operation under restricted conditions. The learning experience in this hybrid design studio was investigated using qualitative content analysis, while data from pre- and post-course surveys, and data from the learning platform’s analytics, provide insight into the participants’ perceptions of the course. Findings show that students’ assessments of hybrid learning are generally positive; however, further development of this pedagogy could provide even better responses to accessibility, acquisition, and operation challenges. The study offers a perspective on how to adapt learning in order to provide continuity of educational process beyond changing circumstances and could inform further reviewing and discussion on directions of long-term redefining of a studio design in post-pandemic times when teaching modes are likely to have a more significant online component.",
publisher = "Great Britain: TEMPUS Publications",
journal = "International Journal of Engineering Education",
title = "Architectural Engineering Students’ Experiences in a Hybrid Design Studio",
volume = "39",
number = "4",
pages = "921-936",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1381"
Milošević, J., Rakonjac, I.,& Josifovski, A.. (2023). Architectural Engineering Students’ Experiences in a Hybrid Design Studio. in International Journal of Engineering Education
Great Britain: TEMPUS Publications., 39(4), 921-936.
Milošević J, Rakonjac I, Josifovski A. Architectural Engineering Students’ Experiences in a Hybrid Design Studio. in International Journal of Engineering Education. 2023;39(4):921-936.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1381 .
Milošević, Jelena, Rakonjac, Ivana, Josifovski, Andrej, "Architectural Engineering Students’ Experiences in a Hybrid Design Studio" in International Journal of Engineering Education, 39, no. 4 (2023):921-936,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1381 .

УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора [BAB 2023]

Rajković, Igor; Kordić, Milena; Rakonjac, Ivana; Zorić, Ana

(Belgrade: Balkan Architectural Biennale, 2023)


Rajković, I., Kordić, M., Rakonjac, I.,& Zorić, A.. (2023). УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора [BAB 2023]. in Back to the roots : exhibition catalogue / 6th Balkan Architectural Biennale [BAB] 2023, Muzej grada Beograda , Belgrade City Museum 21-28. November
Belgrade: Balkan Architectural Biennale., 43-43.
Rajković I, Kordić M, Rakonjac I, Zorić A. УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора [BAB 2023]. in Back to the roots : exhibition catalogue / 6th Balkan Architectural Biennale [BAB] 2023, Muzej grada Beograda , Belgrade City Museum 21-28. November. 2023;:43-43.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1877 .
Rajković, Igor, Kordić, Milena, Rakonjac, Ivana, Zorić, Ana, "УБ-АФ МУАД Школа архитектуре унутрашњег простора [BAB 2023]" in Back to the roots : exhibition catalogue / 6th Balkan Architectural Biennale [BAB] 2023, Muzej grada Beograda , Belgrade City Museum 21-28. November (2023):43-43,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1877 .

Learning Through Experience: Rethinking Space After the Pandemic

Rakonjac, Ivana

(Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, 2023)

AU  - Rakonjac, Ivana
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1818
AB  - The COVID-19 pandemic caused the transformation of the traditional learning environment by creating forms of distance education or mixed forms of education to meet the imposed restrictions. This period is characterized by the testing of different approaches to the educational process in the field of architectural design, as well as the need to adapt the educational model to a newly formed lifestyle in an urban environment and its reflections on space. The new forms of the Pandemic impact on the educational process in architectural design will be presented through the experimental research Post-Covid Architecture. This experiment represents a spontaneously formed flow of research through an architectural design that initiated specific considerations of space focused on the isolation experiences, and lifestyle during the Pandemic, as well as the consequences that changed the overall patterns of behavior. Testing of a design methodology based on David Kolb`s Experiential learning model was carried out at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture at the Master's academic studies Interior Architecture as part of the Master's final thesis under the theme Contemporary Spectacle - Culture and Craftsmanship. This experiment is presented through the selected student projects. The paper aims to show the application of an educational model that transforms personal experiences into operational tools in the design process. Testing the different approaches and methodological models to the teaching process in the field of architectural design is reflected in the expansion of the potential of thinking about space. Sustainability, in the framework of architectural education, is determined by the openness of the methodology and process following the contemporary transformations of the needs and demands of users. These tendencies reflect the necessity of space changes creating new standards of architectural programming.
PB  - Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture
C3  - Global village - shelter for resilient living 2 : conference proceedings / Balkan Architectural Biennale [BAB], 21-23th of November
T1  - Learning Through Experience: Rethinking Space After the Pandemic
SP  - 41
EP  - 46
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1818
ER  - 
author = "Rakonjac, Ivana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The COVID-19 pandemic caused the transformation of the traditional learning environment by creating forms of distance education or mixed forms of education to meet the imposed restrictions. This period is characterized by the testing of different approaches to the educational process in the field of architectural design, as well as the need to adapt the educational model to a newly formed lifestyle in an urban environment and its reflections on space. The new forms of the Pandemic impact on the educational process in architectural design will be presented through the experimental research Post-Covid Architecture. This experiment represents a spontaneously formed flow of research through an architectural design that initiated specific considerations of space focused on the isolation experiences, and lifestyle during the Pandemic, as well as the consequences that changed the overall patterns of behavior. Testing of a design methodology based on David Kolb`s Experiential learning model was carried out at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture at the Master's academic studies Interior Architecture as part of the Master's final thesis under the theme Contemporary Spectacle - Culture and Craftsmanship. This experiment is presented through the selected student projects. The paper aims to show the application of an educational model that transforms personal experiences into operational tools in the design process. Testing the different approaches and methodological models to the teaching process in the field of architectural design is reflected in the expansion of the potential of thinking about space. Sustainability, in the framework of architectural education, is determined by the openness of the methodology and process following the contemporary transformations of the needs and demands of users. These tendencies reflect the necessity of space changes creating new standards of architectural programming.",
publisher = "Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture",
journal = "Global village - shelter for resilient living 2 : conference proceedings / Balkan Architectural Biennale [BAB], 21-23th of November",
title = "Learning Through Experience: Rethinking Space After the Pandemic",
pages = "41-46",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1818"
Rakonjac, I.. (2023). Learning Through Experience: Rethinking Space After the Pandemic. in Global village - shelter for resilient living 2 : conference proceedings / Balkan Architectural Biennale [BAB], 21-23th of November
Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture., 41-46.
Rakonjac I. Learning Through Experience: Rethinking Space After the Pandemic. in Global village - shelter for resilient living 2 : conference proceedings / Balkan Architectural Biennale [BAB], 21-23th of November. 2023;:41-46.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1818 .
Rakonjac, Ivana, "Learning Through Experience: Rethinking Space After the Pandemic" in Global village - shelter for resilient living 2 : conference proceedings / Balkan Architectural Biennale [BAB], 21-23th of November (2023):41-46,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1818 .

OK22/7 Apartment Interior Design [STRAND 2023]

Rakonjac, Ivana

(Belgrade: STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association, 2023)


Rakonjac, I.. (2023). OK22/7 Apartment Interior Design [STRAND 2023]. in On architecture — Challenges in design : exhibition book / [[within] 11th International Multimedia Conference] On Architecture, December 2023 Belgrade, Serbia]
Belgrade: STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association., 35-35.
Rakonjac I. OK22/7 Apartment Interior Design [STRAND 2023]. in On architecture — Challenges in design : exhibition book / [[within] 11th International Multimedia Conference] On Architecture, December 2023 Belgrade, Serbia]. 2023;:35-35.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1940 .
Rakonjac, Ivana, "OK22/7 Apartment Interior Design [STRAND 2023]" in On architecture — Challenges in design : exhibition book / [[within] 11th International Multimedia Conference] On Architecture, December 2023 Belgrade, Serbia] (2023):35-35,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1940 .

Framing the context: Countryside house [STRAND 2023]

Rajković, Milanka; Rakonjac, Ivana

(Belgrade: STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association, 2023)


Rajković, M.,& Rakonjac, I.. (2023). Framing the context: Countryside house [STRAND 2023]. in On architecture — Challenges in design : exhibition book / [[within] 11th International Multimedia Conference] On Architecture, December 2023 Belgrade, Serbia]
Belgrade: STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association., 46-46.
Rajković M, Rakonjac I. Framing the context: Countryside house [STRAND 2023]. in On architecture — Challenges in design : exhibition book / [[within] 11th International Multimedia Conference] On Architecture, December 2023 Belgrade, Serbia]. 2023;:46-46.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1941 .
Rajković, Milanka, Rakonjac, Ivana, "Framing the context: Countryside house [STRAND 2023]" in On architecture — Challenges in design : exhibition book / [[within] 11th International Multimedia Conference] On Architecture, December 2023 Belgrade, Serbia] (2023):46-46,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1941 .

Post-COVID Architecture: Rethinking Space After Pandemic [STRAND 2023]

Rakonjac, Ivana

(Belgrade: STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association, 2023)


Rakonjac, I.. (2023). Post-COVID Architecture: Rethinking Space After Pandemic [STRAND 2023]. in On architecture — Challenges in design : exhibition book / [[within] 11th International Multimedia Conference] On Architecture, December 2023 Belgrade, Serbia]
Belgrade: STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association., 61-61.
Rakonjac I. Post-COVID Architecture: Rethinking Space After Pandemic [STRAND 2023]. in On architecture — Challenges in design : exhibition book / [[within] 11th International Multimedia Conference] On Architecture, December 2023 Belgrade, Serbia]. 2023;:61-61.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1942 .
Rakonjac, Ivana, "Post-COVID Architecture: Rethinking Space After Pandemic [STRAND 2023]" in On architecture — Challenges in design : exhibition book / [[within] 11th International Multimedia Conference] On Architecture, December 2023 Belgrade, Serbia] (2023):61-61,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1942 .

Post-Covid architecture. Thinking of space after the pandemic [45. Salon of Architecture]

Rakonjac, Ivana

(Београд : Музеј примењене уметности = Belgrade : Museum of Applied Art, 2023)


Rakonjac, I.. (2023). Post-Covid architecture. Thinking of space after the pandemic [45. Salon of Architecture]. in Салон дијалога : [каталог изложбе] / 45. салон архитектуре, [28. март – 29. април 2023.] = Salon of dialogues : [exhibition catalog] / 45th Salon of Architecture, [28 March – 29 April 2023]
Београд : Музеј примењене уметности = Belgrade : Museum of Applied Art., 113-113.
Rakonjac I. Post-Covid architecture. Thinking of space after the pandemic [45. Salon of Architecture]. in Салон дијалога : [каталог изложбе] / 45. салон архитектуре, [28. март – 29. април 2023.] = Salon of dialogues : [exhibition catalog] / 45th Salon of Architecture, [28 March – 29 April 2023]. 2023;:113-113.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1389 .
Rakonjac, Ivana, "Post-Covid architecture. Thinking of space after the pandemic [45. Salon of Architecture]" in Салон дијалога : [каталог изложбе] / 45. салон архитектуре, [28. март – 29. април 2023.] = Salon of dialogues : [exhibition catalog] / 45th Salon of Architecture, [28 March – 29 April 2023] (2023):113-113,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1389 .

Light as a Medium for Supporting Leisure Activities in Open Public Spaces

Rakonjac, Ivana; Rakonjac, Ivan; Zorić, Ana; Djokić, Vladan; Milojević, Milica P.; Rajić, Milena

(Strojarski fakultet u Slavonskom Brodu, 2022)

AU  - Rakonjac, Ivana
AU  - Rakonjac, Ivan
AU  - Zorić, Ana
AU  - Djokić, Vladan
AU  - Milojević, Milica P.
AU  - Rajić, Milena
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1211
AB  - This work identifies lighting as a non-invasive method for the transformation of a space that simultaneously and unconstructively articulates various activities and
does not interfere with the inherited physical framework. Through experimental research and a case study of the "Eastern City Gate of Belgrade" housing settlement in
Serbia, which was designed and built in the second half of the 20th century, the activity rhythm of a contemporary user is explored. The research goal was to recognise the
decision-making tools for increasing the quality of open public spaces during the night-time mode of use by improving the quality of lighting. The study proposes the new
lighting design model that supports night-time leisure activities in mass housing open public spaces in the contemporary urban context.
PB  - Strojarski fakultet u Slavonskom Brodu
PB  - Fakultet elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija Osijek
PB  - Građevinski i arhitektonski fakultet Osijek
T2  - Tehnicki Vjesnik
T1  - Light as a Medium for Supporting Leisure Activities in Open Public Spaces
VL  - 29
IS  - 1
SP  - 157
EP  - 171
DO  - 10.17559/TV-20210820222900
ER  - 
author = "Rakonjac, Ivana and Rakonjac, Ivan and Zorić, Ana and Djokić, Vladan and Milojević, Milica P. and Rajić, Milena",
year = "2022",
abstract = "This work identifies lighting as a non-invasive method for the transformation of a space that simultaneously and unconstructively articulates various activities and
does not interfere with the inherited physical framework. Through experimental research and a case study of the "Eastern City Gate of Belgrade" housing settlement in
Serbia, which was designed and built in the second half of the 20th century, the activity rhythm of a contemporary user is explored. The research goal was to recognise the
decision-making tools for increasing the quality of open public spaces during the night-time mode of use by improving the quality of lighting. The study proposes the new
lighting design model that supports night-time leisure activities in mass housing open public spaces in the contemporary urban context.",
publisher = "Strojarski fakultet u Slavonskom Brodu, Fakultet elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija Osijek, Građevinski i arhitektonski fakultet Osijek",
journal = "Tehnicki Vjesnik",
title = "Light as a Medium for Supporting Leisure Activities in Open Public Spaces",
volume = "29",
number = "1",
pages = "157-171",
doi = "10.17559/TV-20210820222900"
Rakonjac, I., Rakonjac, I., Zorić, A., Djokić, V., Milojević, M. P.,& Rajić, M.. (2022). Light as a Medium for Supporting Leisure Activities in Open Public Spaces. in Tehnicki Vjesnik
Strojarski fakultet u Slavonskom Brodu., 29(1), 157-171.
Rakonjac I, Rakonjac I, Zorić A, Djokić V, Milojević MP, Rajić M. Light as a Medium for Supporting Leisure Activities in Open Public Spaces. in Tehnicki Vjesnik. 2022;29(1):157-171.
doi:10.17559/TV-20210820222900 .
Rakonjac, Ivana, Rakonjac, Ivan, Zorić, Ana, Djokić, Vladan, Milojević, Milica P., Rajić, Milena, "Light as a Medium for Supporting Leisure Activities in Open Public Spaces" in Tehnicki Vjesnik, 29, no. 1 (2022):157-171,
https://doi.org/10.17559/TV-20210820222900 . .

Increasing the Livability of Open Public Spaces during Nighttime: The Importance of Lighting in Waterfront Areas

Rakonjac, Ivana; Zorić, Ana; Rakonjac, Ivan; Milošević, Jelena; Marić, Jelena; Furundžić, Danilo

(MDPI, 2022)

AU  - Rakonjac, Ivana
AU  - Zorić, Ana
AU  - Rakonjac, Ivan
AU  - Milošević, Jelena
AU  - Marić, Jelena
AU  - Furundžić, Danilo
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1339
AB  - The contemporary way of life influences the forms and time framework of outdoor activities in open public spaces, shifting their focus to nighttime usage. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the limits of existing outdoor lighting design standards and recommendations in terms of livability. As an exploratory case study, the Sava waterfront in New Belgrade, Serbia was chosen. The methodology consisted of theoretical research and specific analysis, which included: (1) mapping the spatial distribution of users during several periods of the day; (2) criteria and indicator network analysis of outdoor lighting quality, and (3) a survey with a questionnaire conducted among the users of the waterfront area. The results showed that lighting design can influence overall open public space usage during nighttime through its parameters. It can affect the spatial distribution of users and their sense of safety and comfort, as well as the duration, frequency, and manner of usage. This study could improve planning and design practices regarding outdoor lighting, enabling more active and inclusive usage of open public spaces, thus increasing the overall livability of spaces and their social sustainability.
T2  - Sustainability
T1  - Increasing the Livability of Open Public Spaces during Nighttime: The Importance of Lighting in Waterfront Areas
VL  - 14
IS  - 10
SP  - 6058
DO  - 10.3390/su14106058
ER  - 
author = "Rakonjac, Ivana and Zorić, Ana and Rakonjac, Ivan and Milošević, Jelena and Marić, Jelena and Furundžić, Danilo",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The contemporary way of life influences the forms and time framework of outdoor activities in open public spaces, shifting their focus to nighttime usage. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the limits of existing outdoor lighting design standards and recommendations in terms of livability. As an exploratory case study, the Sava waterfront in New Belgrade, Serbia was chosen. The methodology consisted of theoretical research and specific analysis, which included: (1) mapping the spatial distribution of users during several periods of the day; (2) criteria and indicator network analysis of outdoor lighting quality, and (3) a survey with a questionnaire conducted among the users of the waterfront area. The results showed that lighting design can influence overall open public space usage during nighttime through its parameters. It can affect the spatial distribution of users and their sense of safety and comfort, as well as the duration, frequency, and manner of usage. This study could improve planning and design practices regarding outdoor lighting, enabling more active and inclusive usage of open public spaces, thus increasing the overall livability of spaces and their social sustainability.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "Sustainability",
title = "Increasing the Livability of Open Public Spaces during Nighttime: The Importance of Lighting in Waterfront Areas",
volume = "14",
number = "10",
pages = "6058",
doi = "10.3390/su14106058"
Rakonjac, I., Zorić, A., Rakonjac, I., Milošević, J., Marić, J.,& Furundžić, D.. (2022). Increasing the Livability of Open Public Spaces during Nighttime: The Importance of Lighting in Waterfront Areas. in Sustainability
MDPI., 14(10), 6058.
Rakonjac I, Zorić A, Rakonjac I, Milošević J, Marić J, Furundžić D. Increasing the Livability of Open Public Spaces during Nighttime: The Importance of Lighting in Waterfront Areas. in Sustainability. 2022;14(10):6058.
doi:10.3390/su14106058 .
Rakonjac, Ivana, Zorić, Ana, Rakonjac, Ivan, Milošević, Jelena, Marić, Jelena, Furundžić, Danilo, "Increasing the Livability of Open Public Spaces during Nighttime: The Importance of Lighting in Waterfront Areas" in Sustainability, 14, no. 10 (2022):6058,
https://doi.org/10.3390/su14106058 . .

Influence of cultural trends and population migration on change of the traditional architectural expression of residential architecture

Lokas, Iva; Rakonjac, Ivana

(Belgrade: Sustainable Urban Society Association [STRAND], 2022)

AU  - Lokas, Iva
AU  - Rakonjac, Ivana
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1404
AB  - This paper presents a part of wider research regarding the transformations of the traditional architectural expression of residential architecture under the influence of cultural trends and population migrations. The research is based on the analysis of the transformation of the spatial-functional organization, as well as structural and architectural characteristics of vernacular architecture in relation to social-cultural trends. The aim of this particular paper is to define the newly formed cultural patterns that have an impact on the changes in the architectural expression of the traditional Serbian house of the Moravian-style. The focus of this study is on the street facade, as an element that represents the contact zone between the private life of users and the public sphere. Through comparative analysis of traditional and contemporary forms of street facades of residential architecture, the study results provide conclusions about the principles of transformation of architectural values of vernacular architecture under newly formed cultural patterns. This type of analysis, with emphasis on architectural expression, introduces a new kind of interpretation of population migrations and their reflections on vernacular residential architecture. This study could improve knowledge about the impact of migration on the formation of cross-cultural patterns that (re)shape the architectural values of space.
PB  - Belgrade: Sustainable Urban Society Association [STRAND]
C3  - Philosophy of architecture [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 10th International Conference On Architecture, December 2022, Belgrade
T1  - Influence of cultural trends and population migration on change of the traditional architectural expression of residential architecture
SP  - 368
EP  - 377
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1404
ER  - 
author = "Lokas, Iva and Rakonjac, Ivana",
year = "2022",
abstract = "This paper presents a part of wider research regarding the transformations of the traditional architectural expression of residential architecture under the influence of cultural trends and population migrations. The research is based on the analysis of the transformation of the spatial-functional organization, as well as structural and architectural characteristics of vernacular architecture in relation to social-cultural trends. The aim of this particular paper is to define the newly formed cultural patterns that have an impact on the changes in the architectural expression of the traditional Serbian house of the Moravian-style. The focus of this study is on the street facade, as an element that represents the contact zone between the private life of users and the public sphere. Through comparative analysis of traditional and contemporary forms of street facades of residential architecture, the study results provide conclusions about the principles of transformation of architectural values of vernacular architecture under newly formed cultural patterns. This type of analysis, with emphasis on architectural expression, introduces a new kind of interpretation of population migrations and their reflections on vernacular residential architecture. This study could improve knowledge about the impact of migration on the formation of cross-cultural patterns that (re)shape the architectural values of space.",
publisher = "Belgrade: Sustainable Urban Society Association [STRAND]",
journal = "Philosophy of architecture [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 10th International Conference On Architecture, December 2022, Belgrade",
title = "Influence of cultural trends and population migration on change of the traditional architectural expression of residential architecture",
pages = "368-377",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1404"
Lokas, I.,& Rakonjac, I.. (2022). Influence of cultural trends and population migration on change of the traditional architectural expression of residential architecture. in Philosophy of architecture [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 10th International Conference On Architecture, December 2022, Belgrade
Belgrade: Sustainable Urban Society Association [STRAND]., 368-377.
Lokas I, Rakonjac I. Influence of cultural trends and population migration on change of the traditional architectural expression of residential architecture. in Philosophy of architecture [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 10th International Conference On Architecture, December 2022, Belgrade. 2022;:368-377.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1404 .
Lokas, Iva, Rakonjac, Ivana, "Influence of cultural trends and population migration on change of the traditional architectural expression of residential architecture" in Philosophy of architecture [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 10th International Conference On Architecture, December 2022, Belgrade (2022):368-377,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1404 .

Arhitektonski crteži i skice [Na liniji arhitekture, BAB 2022]

Rakonjac, Ivana

(Beograd : Balkansko arhitektonsko bijenale [BAB], 2022)


Rakonjac, I.. (2022). Arhitektonski crteži i skice [Na liniji arhitekture, BAB 2022]. in Balkansko arhitektonsko bijenale [BAB] / Na liniji arhitekture, Galerija LAG, 25. 6. 2022 - 10. 7. 2022, Beograd, Srbija
Beograd : Balkansko arhitektonsko bijenale [BAB]..
Rakonjac I. Arhitektonski crteži i skice [Na liniji arhitekture, BAB 2022]. in Balkansko arhitektonsko bijenale [BAB] / Na liniji arhitekture, Galerija LAG, 25. 6. 2022 - 10. 7. 2022, Beograd, Srbija. 2022;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1459 .
Rakonjac, Ivana, "Arhitektonski crteži i skice [Na liniji arhitekture, BAB 2022]" in Balkansko arhitektonsko bijenale [BAB] / Na liniji arhitekture, Galerija LAG, 25. 6. 2022 - 10. 7. 2022, Beograd, Srbija (2022),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1459 .

3D Printing Technologies in Architectural Design and Construction: A Systematic Literature Review

Žujović, Maša; Obradović, Radojko; Rakonjac, Ivana; Milošević, Jelena

(MDPI, 2022)

AU  - Žujović, Maša
AU  - Obradović, Radojko
AU  - Rakonjac, Ivana
AU  - Milošević, Jelena
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1353
AB  - The proliferation of digital technologies considerably changed the field of architecture. Digital fabrication pushes architecture into an unexpected new domain of previously unachievable complexity, detail, and materiality. Understanding these technologies’ impact can help direct future research, innovate design and construction processes, and improve the education of future professionals. However, comprehensive reviews offering a holistic perspective on the effects of 3D printing technologies on architecture are limited. Therefore, this study aims to provide a systematic review of state-of-the-art research on 3D printing technologies in architectural design and construction. The review was performed using three major databases, and selected peer-reviewed journal articles published in the last ten-year period were included in quantitative and qualitative analyses. Using bibliometric analysis, the research progress is summarized through the identified trend of the annual number of articles, prominent authors and co-authorship network, and key topics in the literature organized in three clusters. Further, content analysis of selected articles enabled coding cluster themes. Moreover, the analysis differentiated two categories of 3D printing technologies based on the scale of the system, elaborating their peculiarities in terms of materials, methods, and applications. Finally, challenges and promising directions for future work and research challenges are discussed.
T2  - Buildings
T1  - 3D Printing Technologies in Architectural Design and Construction: A Systematic Literature Review
VL  - 12
IS  - 9
SP  - 1319
DO  - 10.3390/buildings12091319
ER  - 
author = "Žujović, Maša and Obradović, Radojko and Rakonjac, Ivana and Milošević, Jelena",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The proliferation of digital technologies considerably changed the field of architecture. Digital fabrication pushes architecture into an unexpected new domain of previously unachievable complexity, detail, and materiality. Understanding these technologies’ impact can help direct future research, innovate design and construction processes, and improve the education of future professionals. However, comprehensive reviews offering a holistic perspective on the effects of 3D printing technologies on architecture are limited. Therefore, this study aims to provide a systematic review of state-of-the-art research on 3D printing technologies in architectural design and construction. The review was performed using three major databases, and selected peer-reviewed journal articles published in the last ten-year period were included in quantitative and qualitative analyses. Using bibliometric analysis, the research progress is summarized through the identified trend of the annual number of articles, prominent authors and co-authorship network, and key topics in the literature organized in three clusters. Further, content analysis of selected articles enabled coding cluster themes. Moreover, the analysis differentiated two categories of 3D printing technologies based on the scale of the system, elaborating their peculiarities in terms of materials, methods, and applications. Finally, challenges and promising directions for future work and research challenges are discussed.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "Buildings",
title = "3D Printing Technologies in Architectural Design and Construction: A Systematic Literature Review",
volume = "12",
number = "9",
pages = "1319",
doi = "10.3390/buildings12091319"
Žujović, M., Obradović, R., Rakonjac, I.,& Milošević, J.. (2022). 3D Printing Technologies in Architectural Design and Construction: A Systematic Literature Review. in Buildings
MDPI., 12(9), 1319.
Žujović M, Obradović R, Rakonjac I, Milošević J. 3D Printing Technologies in Architectural Design and Construction: A Systematic Literature Review. in Buildings. 2022;12(9):1319.
doi:10.3390/buildings12091319 .
Žujović, Maša, Obradović, Radojko, Rakonjac, Ivana, Milošević, Jelena, "3D Printing Technologies in Architectural Design and Construction: A Systematic Literature Review" in Buildings, 12, no. 9 (2022):1319,
https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings12091319 . .

Omnibus: kratke priče na stambene teme - priznanje u kategoriji publikacija [priznanje: 43. Salon arhitekture]

Lojanica, Vladimir; Dragišić, Maja; Stamenović, Pavle; Rakonjac, Ivana; Ristić Trajković, Jelena

(Beograd : Muzej primenjene umetnost, 2021)


Lojanica, V., Dragišić, M., Stamenović, P., Rakonjac, I.,& Ristić Trajković, J.. (2021). Omnibus: kratke priče na stambene teme - priznanje u kategoriji publikacija [priznanje: 43. Salon arhitekture]. in Tačka oslonca : [katalog izložbe] / 43. salon arhitekture, Muzej primenjene umetnosti, Beograd, 12. maj - 05. jun 2021
Beograd : Muzej primenjene umetnost., 94-94.
Lojanica V, Dragišić M, Stamenović P, Rakonjac I, Ristić Trajković J. Omnibus: kratke priče na stambene teme - priznanje u kategoriji publikacija [priznanje: 43. Salon arhitekture]. in Tačka oslonca : [katalog izložbe] / 43. salon arhitekture, Muzej primenjene umetnosti, Beograd, 12. maj - 05. jun 2021. 2021;:94-94.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1566 .
Lojanica, Vladimir, Dragišić, Maja, Stamenović, Pavle, Rakonjac, Ivana, Ristić Trajković, Jelena, "Omnibus: kratke priče na stambene teme - priznanje u kategoriji publikacija [priznanje: 43. Salon arhitekture]" in Tačka oslonca : [katalog izložbe] / 43. salon arhitekture, Muzej primenjene umetnosti, Beograd, 12. maj - 05. jun 2021 (2021):94-94,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1566 .

SOHO Vienna - Karaoke & Cocktail bar [BAB 2021]

Rakonjac, Ivana; Ivanković, Borislava; Otašević, Milica

(Belgrade: Balkan Architectural Biennale, 2021)


Rakonjac, I., Ivanković, B.,& Otašević, M.. (2021). SOHO Vienna - Karaoke & Cocktail bar [BAB 2021]. in Iconic nomads in global village : exhibition catalogue / 5th Balkan Architectural Biennale [BAB] 2021, Balkan Cinema 8. 12. 2021 -16. 12. 2021., Belgrade
Belgrade: Balkan Architectural Biennale., 143-143.
Rakonjac I, Ivanković B, Otašević M. SOHO Vienna - Karaoke & Cocktail bar [BAB 2021]. in Iconic nomads in global village : exhibition catalogue / 5th Balkan Architectural Biennale [BAB] 2021, Balkan Cinema 8. 12. 2021 -16. 12. 2021., Belgrade. 2021;:143-143.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1388 .
Rakonjac, Ivana, Ivanković, Borislava, Otašević, Milica, "SOHO Vienna - Karaoke & Cocktail bar [BAB 2021]" in Iconic nomads in global village : exhibition catalogue / 5th Balkan Architectural Biennale [BAB] 2021, Balkan Cinema 8. 12. 2021 -16. 12. 2021., Belgrade (2021):143-143,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1388 .

M04 Apartment Interior Design [BAB 2021]

Rakonjac, Ivana

(Belgrade: Balkan Architectural Biennale, 2021)


Rakonjac, I.. (2021). M04 Apartment Interior Design [BAB 2021]. in Iconic nomads in global village : exhibition catalogue / 5th Balkan Architectural Biennale [BAB] 2021, Balkan Cinema 8. 12. 2021 -16. 12. 2021., Belgrade
Belgrade: Balkan Architectural Biennale., 143-143.
Rakonjac I. M04 Apartment Interior Design [BAB 2021]. in Iconic nomads in global village : exhibition catalogue / 5th Balkan Architectural Biennale [BAB] 2021, Balkan Cinema 8. 12. 2021 -16. 12. 2021., Belgrade. 2021;:143-143.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1394 .
Rakonjac, Ivana, "M04 Apartment Interior Design [BAB 2021]" in Iconic nomads in global village : exhibition catalogue / 5th Balkan Architectural Biennale [BAB] 2021, Balkan Cinema 8. 12. 2021 -16. 12. 2021., Belgrade (2021):143-143,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1394 .

M04 Apartment Interior Design [STRAND 2021]

Rakonjac, Ivana

(Belgrade: STRAND – Sustainable Urban Society Association, 2021)


Rakonjac, I.. (2021). M04 Apartment Interior Design [STRAND 2021]. in On Architecture Facing the Future - New Challenges : book of abstracts / [Ninth International Multimedia Event On Architecture, Belgrade, 2021]
Belgrade: STRAND – Sustainable Urban Society Association., 31-31.
Rakonjac I. M04 Apartment Interior Design [STRAND 2021]. in On Architecture Facing the Future - New Challenges : book of abstracts / [Ninth International Multimedia Event On Architecture, Belgrade, 2021]. 2021;:31-31.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1424 .
Rakonjac, Ivana, "M04 Apartment Interior Design [STRAND 2021]" in On Architecture Facing the Future - New Challenges : book of abstracts / [Ninth International Multimedia Event On Architecture, Belgrade, 2021] (2021):31-31,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1424 .

METEOR studio [50 2 50 BAB]

Rakonjac, Ivana

(Beograd: Balkansko arhitektonsko bijenale [BAB], 2021)


Rakonjac, I.. (2021). METEOR studio [50 2 50 BAB]. in Balkansko arhitektonsko bijenale [BAB] / 50 2 50, Galerija LAG 12. 10. 2021 - 5. 11. 2021, Beograd, Srbija
Beograd: Balkansko arhitektonsko bijenale [BAB]..
Rakonjac I. METEOR studio [50 2 50 BAB]. in Balkansko arhitektonsko bijenale [BAB] / 50 2 50, Galerija LAG 12. 10. 2021 - 5. 11. 2021, Beograd, Srbija. 2021;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1437 .
Rakonjac, Ivana, "METEOR studio [50 2 50 BAB]" in Balkansko arhitektonsko bijenale [BAB] / 50 2 50, Galerija LAG 12. 10. 2021 - 5. 11. 2021, Beograd, Srbija (2021),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1437 .

Collection M [50 2 50 BAB]

Rakonjac, Ivana; Otašević, Milica; Ivanković, Borislava

(Beograd: Balkansko arhitektonsko bijenale [BAB], 2021)


Rakonjac, I., Otašević, M.,& Ivanković, B.. (2021). Collection M [50 2 50 BAB]. in Balkansko arhitektonsko bijenale [BAB] / 50 2 50, Galerija LAG 12. 10. 2021 - 5. 11. 2021, Beograd, Srbija
Beograd: Balkansko arhitektonsko bijenale [BAB]..
Rakonjac I, Otašević M, Ivanković B. Collection M [50 2 50 BAB]. in Balkansko arhitektonsko bijenale [BAB] / 50 2 50, Galerija LAG 12. 10. 2021 - 5. 11. 2021, Beograd, Srbija. 2021;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1438 .
Rakonjac, Ivana, Otašević, Milica, Ivanković, Borislava, "Collection M [50 2 50 BAB]" in Balkansko arhitektonsko bijenale [BAB] / 50 2 50, Galerija LAG 12. 10. 2021 - 5. 11. 2021, Beograd, Srbija (2021),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1438 .

Флексибилност као аспект флуидности границе: Интимни однос корисника и отвореног јавног простора

Ракоњац, Ивана М.; Јерковић-Бабовић, Бојана M.

(Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет, 2020)

AU  - Ракоњац, Ивана М.
AU  - Јерковић-Бабовић, Бојана M.
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1372
AB  - Флуидност границе, са аспекта флексибилности, манифестује се кроз динамички доживљај архитектонских и амбијенталних вредности простора у току кретања. Флексибилност границе наглашена је сукобима који се дешавају када се два простора боре за исту контуру, а испољена је кроз степен интимности који диктира ограничења која одређују хијерархију приватности простора. Циљ рада представља испитивање интимног односа корисника и простора кроз анализу флексибилности границе отвореног јавног простора града у складу са савременим ритмом живота у урбаном контексту. Посебан фокус је на преиспитивању релације између токова културе, друштвених потреба и промена ритма животу у савременом добу, као и њихове рефлексије на активности у оквиру отвореног јавног простора. Трансформација стила живота кроз време остварује утицај на флексибилност граница и доживљајне вредности отворених јавних простора, као и смену активности у оквиру простора. Овај став се преиспитује кроз студију случаја стамбеног насеља на београдском приобаљу пројектованог под утицајем идеологије социјализма. Тежиште истраживања је на испитивању доживљајних искуства савременог корисника некадашњих простора заједнице као производа друштвено-политичких образаца времена у којем су изграђени.
AB  - Boundary fluidity, from the aspect of flexibility, is manifested through the dynamic experience of architectural and ambient values of space during movement. Boundary flexibility is emphasized by conflicts that occur when two areas are fighting for the same contour and are demonstrated through a degree of familiarity, which dictates the limitations that determine the hierarchy of space privacy. The aim of this paper is to examine the intimate relationship between the users and space, through the analysis of boundary flexibility of the city’s open public spaces in accordance with the contemporary rhythms of life in the urban context. Special focus is on the study of the relationships between the flows of culture, social needs and changes to the life rhythm in the contemporary age, as well as their reflections on activities in the open public space.
The transformation of lifestyle over time impacts the boundaries flexibility and the perceptual value of open public spaces, as well as change of activities within space. This stance is being examined through a case study on a residential settlement on the Belgrade’s riverside, designed through the influence of the ideology of socialism. The focus of this research is on examining the perceptual experiences of the modern user of former community spaces as a by-product of the socio-political patterns of the time in which they were built. The transformation of everyday life also leads to changes in the way the community space is used, as designed architectural values are reflected and scattered. The loss of community values, promoted by the ideology of socialism through an active relationship among users, has contributed to the devastation of the designed identity of these spaces. The contemporary age with its new types of time consumption has contributed to the development of new forms of former community spaces usages.
The contribution of this research is reflected in the potential improvements and the transformations of existing public spaces formed under the influence of socialist ideology through the boundary flexibility aspect, with the tendency to adapt to the development of the contemporary city. The paper establishes a basis for further interpretations of the complexity of lifestyle changes and their impact on the global transformation of cities and urban spaces. Contemporary theoretical approaches to this issue can contribute to the establishment of a platform for new design approaches and space interpretations.
PB  - Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет
T2  - Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIV међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (25-27. X 2019.). Књ. 3, Eкспресивност и интимност у музици & Тако мале ствари: интимно у уметности и култури
T1  - Флексибилност као аспект флуидности границе: Интимни однос корисника и отвореног јавног простора
T1  - Flexibility as an aspect of boundary fluidity: the intimate relationship between the users and open public space
SP  - 231
EP  - 242
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1372
ER  - 
author = "Ракоњац, Ивана М. and Јерковић-Бабовић, Бојана M.",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Флуидност границе, са аспекта флексибилности, манифестује се кроз динамички доживљај архитектонских и амбијенталних вредности простора у току кретања. Флексибилност границе наглашена је сукобима који се дешавају када се два простора боре за исту контуру, а испољена је кроз степен интимности који диктира ограничења која одређују хијерархију приватности простора. Циљ рада представља испитивање интимног односа корисника и простора кроз анализу флексибилности границе отвореног јавног простора града у складу са савременим ритмом живота у урбаном контексту. Посебан фокус је на преиспитивању релације између токова културе, друштвених потреба и промена ритма животу у савременом добу, као и њихове рефлексије на активности у оквиру отвореног јавног простора. Трансформација стила живота кроз време остварује утицај на флексибилност граница и доживљајне вредности отворених јавних простора, као и смену активности у оквиру простора. Овај став се преиспитује кроз студију случаја стамбеног насеља на београдском приобаљу пројектованог под утицајем идеологије социјализма. Тежиште истраживања је на испитивању доживљајних искуства савременог корисника некадашњих простора заједнице као производа друштвено-политичких образаца времена у којем су изграђени., Boundary fluidity, from the aspect of flexibility, is manifested through the dynamic experience of architectural and ambient values of space during movement. Boundary flexibility is emphasized by conflicts that occur when two areas are fighting for the same contour and are demonstrated through a degree of familiarity, which dictates the limitations that determine the hierarchy of space privacy. The aim of this paper is to examine the intimate relationship between the users and space, through the analysis of boundary flexibility of the city’s open public spaces in accordance with the contemporary rhythms of life in the urban context. Special focus is on the study of the relationships between the flows of culture, social needs and changes to the life rhythm in the contemporary age, as well as their reflections on activities in the open public space.
The transformation of lifestyle over time impacts the boundaries flexibility and the perceptual value of open public spaces, as well as change of activities within space. This stance is being examined through a case study on a residential settlement on the Belgrade’s riverside, designed through the influence of the ideology of socialism. The focus of this research is on examining the perceptual experiences of the modern user of former community spaces as a by-product of the socio-political patterns of the time in which they were built. The transformation of everyday life also leads to changes in the way the community space is used, as designed architectural values are reflected and scattered. The loss of community values, promoted by the ideology of socialism through an active relationship among users, has contributed to the devastation of the designed identity of these spaces. The contemporary age with its new types of time consumption has contributed to the development of new forms of former community spaces usages.
The contribution of this research is reflected in the potential improvements and the transformations of existing public spaces formed under the influence of socialist ideology through the boundary flexibility aspect, with the tendency to adapt to the development of the contemporary city. The paper establishes a basis for further interpretations of the complexity of lifestyle changes and their impact on the global transformation of cities and urban spaces. Contemporary theoretical approaches to this issue can contribute to the establishment of a platform for new design approaches and space interpretations.",
publisher = "Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет",
journal = "Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIV међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (25-27. X 2019.). Књ. 3, Eкспресивност и интимност у музици & Тако мале ствари: интимно у уметности и култури",
booktitle = "Флексибилност као аспект флуидности границе: Интимни однос корисника и отвореног јавног простора, Flexibility as an aspect of boundary fluidity: the intimate relationship between the users and open public space",
pages = "231-242",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1372"
Ракоњац, И. М.,& Јерковић-Бабовић, Б. M.. (2020). Флексибилност као аспект флуидности границе: Интимни однос корисника и отвореног јавног простора. in Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIV међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (25-27. X 2019.). Књ. 3, Eкспресивност и интимност у музици & Тако мале ствари: интимно у уметности и култури
Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет., 231-242.
Ракоњац ИМ, Јерковић-Бабовић БM. Флексибилност као аспект флуидности границе: Интимни однос корисника и отвореног јавног простора. in Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIV међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (25-27. X 2019.). Књ. 3, Eкспресивност и интимност у музици & Тако мале ствари: интимно у уметности и култури. 2020;:231-242.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1372 .
Ракоњац, Ивана М., Јерковић-Бабовић, Бојана M., "Флексибилност као аспект флуидности границе: Интимни однос корисника и отвореног јавног простора" in Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIV међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (25-27. X 2019.). Књ. 3, Eкспресивност и интимност у музици & Тако мале ствари: интимно у уметности и култури (2020):231-242,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1372 .

Атмосферска целина Скадарске улице у Београду

Спасеновић, Вања Р.; Ракоњац, Ивана М.

(Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет, 2020)

AU  - Спасеновић, Вања Р.
AU  - Ракоњац, Ивана М.
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://raf.arh.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1373
AB  - Централна развојна и културна осовина Београда, установљена у Генералном урбанистичком плану, дефинише предвиђени континуитет развоја садржаја културе у граду. Скадарска улица препозната је у оквиру осовине културе као полигон за анализу атмосферских квалитета места на основу карактеристичних морфолошких, функционалних, амбијенталних и меморијалних вредности. Циљ рада представља објективизовање интимног односа корисника и простора кроз анализу уличног фронта Скадарске улице. Улични фронт интерпретиран je кроз појам градске сценографије, односно визуелног утиска који корисник простора формира током опажајног сусрета са окружењем. Визуелни утисак простора, дефинисан на основу испитивања интензитета чулног доживљаја у зависности од дистанце сагледавања изграђеног фронта, представља основни параметар при анализи архитектонских вредности атмосферске целине.
AB  - The Central Development and Cultural Axis of Belgrade, established in the Master Plan for 2021, defines the anticipated continuity of cultural context development in the city. Skadarska Street was recognized within the axis of culture as a polygon for the analysis of spatial atmospheric qualities, based on characteristic morphological, functional, ambient and memorial values. The aim of this paper is to objectify the intimate relationship between users and space through the analysis of the Skadarska street front. The street front was interpreted through the notion of urban scenery, which is the visual impression that a space user forms during a perceptual encounter with the environment. The visual impression of space, defined through examining the intensity of the sensory experience dependent on the viewing distance of the built front, is a basic parameter in the analysis of the architectural values of the atmospheric unity. This spatial analysis, with emphasis on user experience, introduces a new kind of interpretation of the environment that is applicable in different contexts and gives an overview of the multi-layered character of the urban environment.
PB  - Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет
T2  - Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIV међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (25-27. X 2019.). Књ. 3, Тако мале ствари: интимно у уметности и култури
T1  - Атмосферска целина Скадарске улице у Београду
T1  - Atmospheric unities of Skadarska street in Belgrade
SP  - 219
EP  - 229
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1373
ER  - 
author = "Спасеновић, Вања Р. and Ракоњац, Ивана М.",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Централна развојна и културна осовина Београда, установљена у Генералном урбанистичком плану, дефинише предвиђени континуитет развоја садржаја културе у граду. Скадарска улица препозната је у оквиру осовине културе као полигон за анализу атмосферских квалитета места на основу карактеристичних морфолошких, функционалних, амбијенталних и меморијалних вредности. Циљ рада представља објективизовање интимног односа корисника и простора кроз анализу уличног фронта Скадарске улице. Улични фронт интерпретиран je кроз појам градске сценографије, односно визуелног утиска који корисник простора формира током опажајног сусрета са окружењем. Визуелни утисак простора, дефинисан на основу испитивања интензитета чулног доживљаја у зависности од дистанце сагледавања изграђеног фронта, представља основни параметар при анализи архитектонских вредности атмосферске целине., The Central Development and Cultural Axis of Belgrade, established in the Master Plan for 2021, defines the anticipated continuity of cultural context development in the city. Skadarska Street was recognized within the axis of culture as a polygon for the analysis of spatial atmospheric qualities, based on characteristic morphological, functional, ambient and memorial values. The aim of this paper is to objectify the intimate relationship between users and space through the analysis of the Skadarska street front. The street front was interpreted through the notion of urban scenery, which is the visual impression that a space user forms during a perceptual encounter with the environment. The visual impression of space, defined through examining the intensity of the sensory experience dependent on the viewing distance of the built front, is a basic parameter in the analysis of the architectural values of the atmospheric unity. This spatial analysis, with emphasis on user experience, introduces a new kind of interpretation of the environment that is applicable in different contexts and gives an overview of the multi-layered character of the urban environment.",
publisher = "Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет",
journal = "Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIV међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (25-27. X 2019.). Књ. 3, Тако мале ствари: интимно у уметности и култури",
booktitle = "Атмосферска целина Скадарске улице у Београду, Atmospheric unities of Skadarska street in Belgrade",
pages = "219-229",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1373"
Спасеновић, В. Р.,& Ракоњац, И. М.. (2020). Атмосферска целина Скадарске улице у Београду. in Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIV међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (25-27. X 2019.). Књ. 3, Тако мале ствари: интимно у уметности и култури
Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет., 219-229.
Спасеновић ВР, Ракоњац ИМ. Атмосферска целина Скадарске улице у Београду. in Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIV међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (25-27. X 2019.). Књ. 3, Тако мале ствари: интимно у уметности и култури. 2020;:219-229.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1373 .
Спасеновић, Вања Р., Ракоњац, Ивана М., "Атмосферска целина Скадарске улице у Београду" in Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIV међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (25-27. X 2019.). Књ. 3, Тако мале ствари: интимно у уметности и култури (2020):219-229,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1373 .

SOHO Vienna - Karaoke & Cocktail bar [STRAND 2020]

Rakonjac, Ivana; Ivanković, Borislava; Otašević, Milica

(Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association, 2020)


Rakonjac, I., Ivanković, B.,& Otašević, M.. (2020). SOHO Vienna - Karaoke & Cocktail bar [STRAND 2020]. in Learning architecture : exhibition book / [Eight International Multimedia Event] On Architecture, Belgrade 2020
Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association., 24-24.
Rakonjac I, Ivanković B, Otašević M. SOHO Vienna - Karaoke & Cocktail bar [STRAND 2020]. in Learning architecture : exhibition book / [Eight International Multimedia Event] On Architecture, Belgrade 2020. 2020;:24-24.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1429 .
Rakonjac, Ivana, Ivanković, Borislava, Otašević, Milica, "SOHO Vienna - Karaoke & Cocktail bar [STRAND 2020]" in Learning architecture : exhibition book / [Eight International Multimedia Event] On Architecture, Belgrade 2020 (2020):24-24,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_raf_1429 .