Studying climate change and its influence on environment: impacts, adaptation and mitigation

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Studying climate change and its influence on environment: impacts, adaptation and mitigation (en)
Истраживање климатских промена и њиховог утицаја на животну средину - праћење утицаја, адаптација и ублажавање (sr)
Istraživanje klimatskih promena i njihovog uticaja na životnu sredinu - praćenje uticaja, adaptacija i ublažavanje (sr_RS)


Утицај микроклиматских параметара на очување и презентацију античких мозаика in situ: Унапређење услова средине у Визиторском центру Царске палате у Сирмијуму

Угриновић, Александра П.

(Београд : Универзитет у Београду, Архитектонски факултет, 2024)

AU  - Угриновић, Александра П.
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Предмет истраживања докторске дисертације јесте испитивање утицаја микроклиматских услова средине, температуре и релативне влажности ваздуха на механизме детериорације и степен оштећења античких, подних мозаика у циљу формирања оптималног микроклиматског режима за њихову презентацију in situ, у затвореном простору, за климатске услове у Србији.
Истраживање је иницирано проблемима који су настали наткривањем археолошких локалитета са мозаицима у Србији заштитним структурама при чему су се нагло изменили  микроклиматски услови средине, што је изазвало деструктивне промене и оштећења у морфолошкој структури мозаика. Полазећи од чињенице да не постоје стандарди о оптималним микроклиматским параметрима за очување и презентацију мозаика in situ, може се установити да је микроклиматски аспект у Србији занемарен приликом пројектовања и реализације ове категорије објеката, о чему сведоче присутни проблеми у пракси. Неуравнотежени микроклиматски услови негативно утичу на постојаност мозаика изазивајући детериорацију и оштећења њихове морфолошке структуре. Из тих разлога мозаици нису презентовани in situ већ су прекривени слојем песка како би се заштитили.
Основни циљ истраживања је да се установе оптимални микроклиматски услови за очување и презентацију античких, подних мозаика in situ у затвореном простору за климатске услове у Србији као и да се формира процедура долажења до истих. Имајући у виду специфичност сваког локалитета понаособ, а на основу присутних проблема, археолошки локалитет 1а Царска палата у Сирмијуму представља полигон за експериментална истраживања. 
Основно истраживачко питање је: „Које су оптималне вредности микроклиматских параметара за презентацију античких мозаика in situ у затвореном простору за климатске услове Србије, као и који је поступак долажења до истих?“ Детектовањем узрока и разумевањем самог процеса оштећења мозаика направљен је први корак у истраживању ове проблематике. Применом метода “Lessons learned” – учењем из искуства или по моделу, односно учењем из примера добрих или лоших пракси установљене су предности и недостаци примене затворених заштитних структура за презентацију мозаика in situ. На основу класификације и евалуације заштитних структура установљени су главни узрочници 
детериорације мозаика настали као последице њихових карактеристика чији су утицаји на мозаике испитани у експерименталним истраживањима, хипотетичком и практичном моделу.
Експериментална испитивања утицаја микроклиматских параметра на практичном моделу, у реалном окружењу, на археолошком локалитету 1а Царске палате Сирмијума, обухватају једногодишњи микроклиматски мониторинг, физичка и биолошка испитивања на мозаицима, 
као и анализу присуства растворљивих соли. Након спроведених испитивања, установљене су узрочно-последичне релације утицаја микроклиматских услова средине температуре и релативне влажности ваздуха на физичке, биолошке и хемијске процесе детериорације 
мозаика. Упоредном анализом и евалуацијом добијених резултата детектовани су постојећи ризици по очување античких мозаика у Визиторском центру Царске палате Сирмијума који представљају показатељ неопходности унапређења микроклиматских услова средине.
Експериментална испитивања хипотетичких модела у лабораторијским, контролисаним условима, климатским коморама за старење материјала, реализованa су кроз две фазе. У првој фази се на реплике мозаика симулирају годишњи екстреми, максималне и минималне термохигрометријске вредности измерене у Визиторском центру Царске палате Сирмијума, док се у другој фази симулирају претпостављене оптималне амбијенталне вредности годишњег опсега температуре и релативне влажности ваздуха за очување и презентацију мозаика. На основу индикативних метода и индикатора установљен је степен оштећења
реплика мозаика приликом утицаја оба симулирана режима. Упоредном анализом и евалуацијом добијених резултата, установљено је да је узорак мозаика на који је симулиран режим присутан у Визиторском центру Царске палате Сирмијума претрпео веће промене у односу на узорак мозаика на који је симулиран претпостављени оптималнији микроклиматски 
режим са мањим годишњим термохигрометријским опсегом. 
Упоредном анализом резултата експерименталних истраживања in situ и у контролисаним, лабораторијским условима, у климатској комори за старење материјала, може се закључити да постојећи микроклиматски услови у Визиторском центру Царске палате Сирмијума нису адекватни за презентацију мозаика in situ, односно антички мозаици би били постојанији 
уколико би се термохигрометријске вредности кретале у опсегу препорученог и симулацијама потврђеног оптималнијег микроклиматског режима. Синтезом претходних сазнања и нових којим се истраживањем дошло, односно на основу “Lessons learned” – учења из грешака или 
по моделу реализованих заштитних структура, резултата испитивања in situ и симулација у климатској комори проистекле су препоруке и смернице за унапређење постојећих микроклиматских услова средине у Визиторском центру Царске палате Сирмијума.
Резултати истраживања имају директну практичну примену у Визиторском центру Царске палате Сирмијума у циљу санације постојећих проблема и побољшања микроклиматских услова средине. Највећи допринос истраживања се заснива на формирању методологије, процедуре утврђивања оптималних микроклиматских услова за очување и презентацију 
античких мозаика in situ која је апликативна, применљива и код других археолошких локалитета. Имајући у виду да је микроклиматски аспект запостављен код пројектовања заштитних структура, а представља значајан фактор за очување мозаика, резултати истраживања су указали на неопходност увођења микроклиматског мониторинга у обавезну процедуру приликом наткривања археолошких локалитета са мозаицима, а све у циљу 
одрживог коришћења и презентације материјалних налаза in situ.
AB  - The subject of the research of the doctoral dissertation is the examination of the influence of the microclimatic conditions of the environment, temperature and relative humidity on the mechanisms of deterioration and the degree of damage of ancient floor mosaics in order to form the optimal microclimatic regime for their presentation in situ, in a closed space, for the climatic conditions in Serbia. The research was initiated by the problems that originated from the covering of archaeological sites with mosaics in Serbia with protective structures, during which the microclimatic conditions of the environment suddenly changed, which brought about destructive changes and damage in the morphological structure of the mosaics. Based on the fact that there are no standards on optimal microclimatic parameters for the preservation and presentation of mosaics in situ, it can be established that the microclimatic aspect in Serbia was neglected during the design and realization of this category of objects, as evidenced by the present problems in practice. Unbalanced microclimatic conditions negatively affect the stability of mosaics, causing deterioration and damage to their morphological 
structure. As a result, the mosaics were not presented in situ but were instead covered with a layer of sand as a protection.
The main goal of the research is to establish the optimal microclimatic conditions for the preservation and presentation of ancient floor mosaics in situ in a closed space for the climatic conditions in Serbia, as well as to form a procedure for reaching them. Considering the specificity of each site individually, and based on the present problems, the archaeological site 1a Sirmium Imperial Palace presents a testing ground for experimental research.
The research answers the following question: "What are the optimal values of microclimatic parameters for the presentation of ancient mosaics in situ in a closed space for the climatic conditions of Serbia, and what is the procedure for reaching them"? By detecting the cause and understanding the very process of mosaic damage, the first step in the research of these issues was made. By applying the "Lessons learned" method - learning from experience or by model, that is, learning from examples of good or bad practices, the advantages and disadvantages of using closed protective structures for the presentation of mosaics in situ were established. Based on the classification and evaluation of 
protective structures, the main causes of mosaic deterioration were detected as a consequence of their characteristics, whose effects on mosaics were examined in experimental research, hypothetical and practical models.
Experimental tests of the influence of microclimatic parameters on a practical model, in a real environment, at the archaeological site 1a Sirmium Imperial Palace include microclimatic monitoring during the course of one year, physical and biological tests on mosaics, as well as analysis of the presence of soluble salts. After the conducted tests, the cause-and-effect relationships of the influence of the microclimatic conditions of the environment, temperature and relative air humidity on the physical, biological and chemical processes of mosaic deterioration were established. Through the comparative analysis and evaluation of the obtained results, existing risks for the preservation of ancient mosaics in the Visitors’ Center of the Sirmium Imperial Palace were detected, which represent the necessity of improving the microclimatic conditions of the environment.
Experimental tests of hypothetical models in controlled, laboratory conditions, in climatic ageing chambers were realized through two phases. In the first phase, the annual extremes, maximum and minimum thermohygrometric values measured in the Visitors’ Center of the Sirmium Imperial Palace are simulated on the mosaic replicas, while in the second phase, the assumed optimal ambient values of the annual range of temperature and relative humidity for the preservation and presentation of the mosaic are simulated. Based on indicative methods and indicators, the degree of damage to the mosaic replicas under the influence of both simulated regimes was established. Applying comparative 
analysis and evaluation of the obtained results, it was demonstrated that the mosaic sample, on which the regime present in the Visitors’ Center of the Sirmium Imperial Palace was simulated, underwent greater changes compared to the mosaic sample on which the assumed optimal microclimatic regime with a smaller annual thermohygrometric range was simulated.
Through a comparative analysis of the results of experimental research in situ and in controlled, laboratory conditions, in a climatic ageing chamber, it can be concluded that the existing microclimatic conditions in the Visitors’ Center of the Sirmium Imperial Palace are not adequate for the presentation of mosaics in situ, that is, ancient mosaics would be more stable if thermohygrometric values were within the range of the recommended and more optimal microclimatic regime confirmed by simulations. Recommendations and guidelines for improving the existing microclimatic conditions of the environment in Visitors’ Center were derived from the synthesis of previous knowledge and the new one obtained through research, that is, on the basis of "Lessons learned" - learning from mistakes or based on the model of realized protective structures, the results of in situ tests and simulations in the climatic chamber in the Visitors’ Center of the Sirmium Imperial Palace.
The results of the research have a direct practical application in the Visitors’ Center of the Sirmium Imperial Palace in order to rehabilitate existing problems and improve the microclimatic conditions of the environment. The greatest contribution of the research is based on the formation of a methodology, a procedure for determining the optimal microclimatic conditions for the preservation and presentation of ancient mosaics in situ, which is apt and applicable to other archaeological sites. Bearing in mind that the microclimatic aspect was neglected in the design of protective structures, and that it represents a significant factor for the preservation of mosaics, the results of the research 
indicated the necessity of introducing microclimatic monitoring into the mandatory procedure when covering archaeological sites with mosaics, all with the aim of sustainable use and presentation of material findings in situ.
PB  - Београд : Универзитет у Београду, Архитектонски факултет
T1  - Утицај микроклиматских параметара на очување и презентацију античких мозаика in situ: Унапређење услова средине у Визиторском центру Царске палате у Сирмијуму
T1  - The influence of microclimate parameters on the preservation and presentation of ancient mosaics in situ: Improvement of environmental conditions in the Visitors’ Center of the Sirmium Imperial Palace
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Угриновић, Александра П.",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Предмет истраживања докторске дисертације јесте испитивање утицаја микроклиматских услова средине, температуре и релативне влажности ваздуха на механизме детериорације и степен оштећења античких, подних мозаика у циљу формирања оптималног микроклиматског режима за њихову презентацију in situ, у затвореном простору, за климатске услове у Србији.
Истраживање је иницирано проблемима који су настали наткривањем археолошких локалитета са мозаицима у Србији заштитним структурама при чему су се нагло изменили  микроклиматски услови средине, што је изазвало деструктивне промене и оштећења у морфолошкој структури мозаика. Полазећи од чињенице да не постоје стандарди о оптималним микроклиматским параметрима за очување и презентацију мозаика in situ, може се установити да је микроклиматски аспект у Србији занемарен приликом пројектовања и реализације ове категорије објеката, о чему сведоче присутни проблеми у пракси. Неуравнотежени микроклиматски услови негативно утичу на постојаност мозаика изазивајући детериорацију и оштећења њихове морфолошке структуре. Из тих разлога мозаици нису презентовани in situ већ су прекривени слојем песка како би се заштитили.
Основни циљ истраживања је да се установе оптимални микроклиматски услови за очување и презентацију античких, подних мозаика in situ у затвореном простору за климатске услове у Србији као и да се формира процедура долажења до истих. Имајући у виду специфичност сваког локалитета понаособ, а на основу присутних проблема, археолошки локалитет 1а Царска палата у Сирмијуму представља полигон за експериментална истраживања. 
Основно истраживачко питање је: „Које су оптималне вредности микроклиматских параметара за презентацију античких мозаика in situ у затвореном простору за климатске услове Србије, као и који је поступак долажења до истих?“ Детектовањем узрока и разумевањем самог процеса оштећења мозаика направљен је први корак у истраживању ове проблематике. Применом метода “Lessons learned” – учењем из искуства или по моделу, односно учењем из примера добрих или лоших пракси установљене су предности и недостаци примене затворених заштитних структура за презентацију мозаика in situ. На основу класификације и евалуације заштитних структура установљени су главни узрочници 
детериорације мозаика настали као последице њихових карактеристика чији су утицаји на мозаике испитани у експерименталним истраживањима, хипотетичком и практичном моделу.
Експериментална испитивања утицаја микроклиматских параметра на практичном моделу, у реалном окружењу, на археолошком локалитету 1а Царске палате Сирмијума, обухватају једногодишњи микроклиматски мониторинг, физичка и биолошка испитивања на мозаицима, 
као и анализу присуства растворљивих соли. Након спроведених испитивања, установљене су узрочно-последичне релације утицаја микроклиматских услова средине температуре и релативне влажности ваздуха на физичке, биолошке и хемијске процесе детериорације 
мозаика. Упоредном анализом и евалуацијом добијених резултата детектовани су постојећи ризици по очување античких мозаика у Визиторском центру Царске палате Сирмијума који представљају показатељ неопходности унапређења микроклиматских услова средине.
Експериментална испитивања хипотетичких модела у лабораторијским, контролисаним условима, климатским коморама за старење материјала, реализованa су кроз две фазе. У првој фази се на реплике мозаика симулирају годишњи екстреми, максималне и минималне термохигрометријске вредности измерене у Визиторском центру Царске палате Сирмијума, док се у другој фази симулирају претпостављене оптималне амбијенталне вредности годишњег опсега температуре и релативне влажности ваздуха за очување и презентацију мозаика. На основу индикативних метода и индикатора установљен је степен оштећења
реплика мозаика приликом утицаја оба симулирана режима. Упоредном анализом и евалуацијом добијених резултата, установљено је да је узорак мозаика на који је симулиран режим присутан у Визиторском центру Царске палате Сирмијума претрпео веће промене у односу на узорак мозаика на који је симулиран претпостављени оптималнији микроклиматски 
режим са мањим годишњим термохигрометријским опсегом. 
Упоредном анализом резултата експерименталних истраживања in situ и у контролисаним, лабораторијским условима, у климатској комори за старење материјала, може се закључити да постојећи микроклиматски услови у Визиторском центру Царске палате Сирмијума нису адекватни за презентацију мозаика in situ, односно антички мозаици би били постојанији 
уколико би се термохигрометријске вредности кретале у опсегу препорученог и симулацијама потврђеног оптималнијег микроклиматског режима. Синтезом претходних сазнања и нових којим се истраживањем дошло, односно на основу “Lessons learned” – учења из грешака или 
по моделу реализованих заштитних структура, резултата испитивања in situ и симулација у климатској комори проистекле су препоруке и смернице за унапређење постојећих микроклиматских услова средине у Визиторском центру Царске палате Сирмијума.
Резултати истраживања имају директну практичну примену у Визиторском центру Царске палате Сирмијума у циљу санације постојећих проблема и побољшања микроклиматских услова средине. Највећи допринос истраживања се заснива на формирању методологије, процедуре утврђивања оптималних микроклиматских услова за очување и презентацију 
античких мозаика in situ која је апликативна, применљива и код других археолошких локалитета. Имајући у виду да је микроклиматски аспект запостављен код пројектовања заштитних структура, а представља значајан фактор за очување мозаика, резултати истраживања су указали на неопходност увођења микроклиматског мониторинга у обавезну процедуру приликом наткривања археолошких локалитета са мозаицима, а све у циљу 
одрживог коришћења и презентације материјалних налаза in situ., The subject of the research of the doctoral dissertation is the examination of the influence of the microclimatic conditions of the environment, temperature and relative humidity on the mechanisms of deterioration and the degree of damage of ancient floor mosaics in order to form the optimal microclimatic regime for their presentation in situ, in a closed space, for the climatic conditions in Serbia. The research was initiated by the problems that originated from the covering of archaeological sites with mosaics in Serbia with protective structures, during which the microclimatic conditions of the environment suddenly changed, which brought about destructive changes and damage in the morphological structure of the mosaics. Based on the fact that there are no standards on optimal microclimatic parameters for the preservation and presentation of mosaics in situ, it can be established that the microclimatic aspect in Serbia was neglected during the design and realization of this category of objects, as evidenced by the present problems in practice. Unbalanced microclimatic conditions negatively affect the stability of mosaics, causing deterioration and damage to their morphological 
structure. As a result, the mosaics were not presented in situ but were instead covered with a layer of sand as a protection.
The main goal of the research is to establish the optimal microclimatic conditions for the preservation and presentation of ancient floor mosaics in situ in a closed space for the climatic conditions in Serbia, as well as to form a procedure for reaching them. Considering the specificity of each site individually, and based on the present problems, the archaeological site 1a Sirmium Imperial Palace presents a testing ground for experimental research.
The research answers the following question: "What are the optimal values of microclimatic parameters for the presentation of ancient mosaics in situ in a closed space for the climatic conditions of Serbia, and what is the procedure for reaching them"? By detecting the cause and understanding the very process of mosaic damage, the first step in the research of these issues was made. By applying the "Lessons learned" method - learning from experience or by model, that is, learning from examples of good or bad practices, the advantages and disadvantages of using closed protective structures for the presentation of mosaics in situ were established. Based on the classification and evaluation of 
protective structures, the main causes of mosaic deterioration were detected as a consequence of their characteristics, whose effects on mosaics were examined in experimental research, hypothetical and practical models.
Experimental tests of the influence of microclimatic parameters on a practical model, in a real environment, at the archaeological site 1a Sirmium Imperial Palace include microclimatic monitoring during the course of one year, physical and biological tests on mosaics, as well as analysis of the presence of soluble salts. After the conducted tests, the cause-and-effect relationships of the influence of the microclimatic conditions of the environment, temperature and relative air humidity on the physical, biological and chemical processes of mosaic deterioration were established. Through the comparative analysis and evaluation of the obtained results, existing risks for the preservation of ancient mosaics in the Visitors’ Center of the Sirmium Imperial Palace were detected, which represent the necessity of improving the microclimatic conditions of the environment.
Experimental tests of hypothetical models in controlled, laboratory conditions, in climatic ageing chambers were realized through two phases. In the first phase, the annual extremes, maximum and minimum thermohygrometric values measured in the Visitors’ Center of the Sirmium Imperial Palace are simulated on the mosaic replicas, while in the second phase, the assumed optimal ambient values of the annual range of temperature and relative humidity for the preservation and presentation of the mosaic are simulated. Based on indicative methods and indicators, the degree of damage to the mosaic replicas under the influence of both simulated regimes was established. Applying comparative 
analysis and evaluation of the obtained results, it was demonstrated that the mosaic sample, on which the regime present in the Visitors’ Center of the Sirmium Imperial Palace was simulated, underwent greater changes compared to the mosaic sample on which the assumed optimal microclimatic regime with a smaller annual thermohygrometric range was simulated.
Through a comparative analysis of the results of experimental research in situ and in controlled, laboratory conditions, in a climatic ageing chamber, it can be concluded that the existing microclimatic conditions in the Visitors’ Center of the Sirmium Imperial Palace are not adequate for the presentation of mosaics in situ, that is, ancient mosaics would be more stable if thermohygrometric values were within the range of the recommended and more optimal microclimatic regime confirmed by simulations. Recommendations and guidelines for improving the existing microclimatic conditions of the environment in Visitors’ Center were derived from the synthesis of previous knowledge and the new one obtained through research, that is, on the basis of "Lessons learned" - learning from mistakes or based on the model of realized protective structures, the results of in situ tests and simulations in the climatic chamber in the Visitors’ Center of the Sirmium Imperial Palace.
The results of the research have a direct practical application in the Visitors’ Center of the Sirmium Imperial Palace in order to rehabilitate existing problems and improve the microclimatic conditions of the environment. The greatest contribution of the research is based on the formation of a methodology, a procedure for determining the optimal microclimatic conditions for the preservation and presentation of ancient mosaics in situ, which is apt and applicable to other archaeological sites. Bearing in mind that the microclimatic aspect was neglected in the design of protective structures, and that it represents a significant factor for the preservation of mosaics, the results of the research 
indicated the necessity of introducing microclimatic monitoring into the mandatory procedure when covering archaeological sites with mosaics, all with the aim of sustainable use and presentation of material findings in situ.",
publisher = "Београд : Универзитет у Београду, Архитектонски факултет",
title = "Утицај микроклиматских параметара на очување и презентацију античких мозаика in situ: Унапређење услова средине у Визиторском центру Царске палате у Сирмијуму, The influence of microclimate parameters on the preservation and presentation of ancient mosaics in situ: Improvement of environmental conditions in the Visitors’ Center of the Sirmium Imperial Palace",
url = ""
Угриновић, А. П.. (2024). Утицај микроклиматских параметара на очување и презентацију античких мозаика in situ: Унапређење услова средине у Визиторском центру Царске палате у Сирмијуму. 
Београд : Универзитет у Београду, Архитектонски факултет..
Угриновић АП. Утицај микроклиматских параметара на очување и презентацију античких мозаика in situ: Унапређење услова средине у Визиторском центру Царске палате у Сирмијуму. 2024;. .
Угриновић, Александра П., "Утицај микроклиматских параметара на очување и презентацију античких мозаика in situ: Унапређење услова средине у Визиторском центру Царске палате у Сирмијуму" (2024), .

Light as a Medium for Supporting Leisure Activities in Open Public Spaces

Rakonjac, Ivana; Rakonjac, Ivan; Zorić, Ana; Djokić, Vladan; Milojević, Milica P.; Rajić, Milena

(Strojarski fakultet u Slavonskom Brodu, 2022)

AU  - Rakonjac, Ivana
AU  - Rakonjac, Ivan
AU  - Zorić, Ana
AU  - Djokić, Vladan
AU  - Milojević, Milica P.
AU  - Rajić, Milena
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - This work identifies lighting as a non-invasive method for the transformation of a space that simultaneously and unconstructively articulates various activities and
does not interfere with the inherited physical framework. Through experimental research and a case study of the "Eastern City Gate of Belgrade" housing settlement in
Serbia, which was designed and built in the second half of the 20th century, the activity rhythm of a contemporary user is explored. The research goal was to recognise the
decision-making tools for increasing the quality of open public spaces during the night-time mode of use by improving the quality of lighting. The study proposes the new
lighting design model that supports night-time leisure activities in mass housing open public spaces in the contemporary urban context.
PB  - Strojarski fakultet u Slavonskom Brodu
PB  - Fakultet elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija Osijek
PB  - Građevinski i arhitektonski fakultet Osijek
T2  - Tehnicki Vjesnik
T1  - Light as a Medium for Supporting Leisure Activities in Open Public Spaces
VL  - 29
IS  - 1
SP  - 157
EP  - 171
DO  - 10.17559/TV-20210820222900
ER  - 
author = "Rakonjac, Ivana and Rakonjac, Ivan and Zorić, Ana and Djokić, Vladan and Milojević, Milica P. and Rajić, Milena",
year = "2022",
abstract = "This work identifies lighting as a non-invasive method for the transformation of a space that simultaneously and unconstructively articulates various activities and
does not interfere with the inherited physical framework. Through experimental research and a case study of the "Eastern City Gate of Belgrade" housing settlement in
Serbia, which was designed and built in the second half of the 20th century, the activity rhythm of a contemporary user is explored. The research goal was to recognise the
decision-making tools for increasing the quality of open public spaces during the night-time mode of use by improving the quality of lighting. The study proposes the new
lighting design model that supports night-time leisure activities in mass housing open public spaces in the contemporary urban context.",
publisher = "Strojarski fakultet u Slavonskom Brodu, Fakultet elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija Osijek, Građevinski i arhitektonski fakultet Osijek",
journal = "Tehnicki Vjesnik",
title = "Light as a Medium for Supporting Leisure Activities in Open Public Spaces",
volume = "29",
number = "1",
pages = "157-171",
doi = "10.17559/TV-20210820222900"
Rakonjac, I., Rakonjac, I., Zorić, A., Djokić, V., Milojević, M. P.,& Rajić, M.. (2022). Light as a Medium for Supporting Leisure Activities in Open Public Spaces. in Tehnicki Vjesnik
Strojarski fakultet u Slavonskom Brodu., 29(1), 157-171.
Rakonjac I, Rakonjac I, Zorić A, Djokić V, Milojević MP, Rajić M. Light as a Medium for Supporting Leisure Activities in Open Public Spaces. in Tehnicki Vjesnik. 2022;29(1):157-171.
doi:10.17559/TV-20210820222900 .
Rakonjac, Ivana, Rakonjac, Ivan, Zorić, Ana, Djokić, Vladan, Milojević, Milica P., Rajić, Milena, "Light as a Medium for Supporting Leisure Activities in Open Public Spaces" in Tehnicki Vjesnik, 29, no. 1 (2022):157-171, . .

Introducing the students’ participation, upgrading the curriculum: The case of the course Sustainable City, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture

Mihajlov, Vladimir; Stupar, Aleksandra; Simić, Ivan

(DAKAM BOOKS - Özgür Öztürk DAKAM YAYINLARI, Istanbul, 2022)

AU  - Mihajlov, Vladimir
AU  - Stupar, Aleksandra
AU  - Simić, Ivan
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - This paper describes the process applied in the course named Sustainable City (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, 1st year of master studies) which directly influences its design and further upgrading. By introducing the students’ participation, the curriculum supports their research work which is divided into two phases: reflexive and creative. 
The first, reflexive phase is focused on the problem analysis targeting the sustainable urban transformation processes. Through the examples selected by students a number of specific urban problems related to different aspects of sustainability are identified and described, as a practical contribution. The second, creative phase introduces the students’ proposals and recommendations for improving the urban environment, tested through a development of a small pilot project (representing the final outcome - exam). Through these two phases students verify their ability for preparing proposals for various research projects and grants, aiming at the desirable transformations of cities via affordable solutions.
The design of the course curriculum also enables students to understand the genesis and an impact of sustainable processes on urban development, creating the basis for the knowledge application in both urban planning and design. Simultaneously, this participative approach influences the elaboration of an iterative process in which students provide inputs, i.e. the desirable research topics for curriculum improvement, later included into an updated and upgraded version of the course, implemented in the following school year. The results suggest that through an inclusive learning process, a culture of proactively envisioning a sustainable alternative future is emerging. Most importantly, student participants show their commitment as the agents of potential change to create alternative environmental values and sustainable behavior.
PB  - DAKAM BOOKS - Özgür Öztürk DAKAM YAYINLARI, Istanbul
C3  - CPUD '22 VII. International city planning and urban design conference : conference proceedings,  Istanbul
T1  - Introducing the students’ participation, upgrading the curriculum: The case of the course Sustainable City, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mihajlov, Vladimir and Stupar, Aleksandra and Simić, Ivan",
year = "2022",
abstract = "This paper describes the process applied in the course named Sustainable City (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, 1st year of master studies) which directly influences its design and further upgrading. By introducing the students’ participation, the curriculum supports their research work which is divided into two phases: reflexive and creative. 
The first, reflexive phase is focused on the problem analysis targeting the sustainable urban transformation processes. Through the examples selected by students a number of specific urban problems related to different aspects of sustainability are identified and described, as a practical contribution. The second, creative phase introduces the students’ proposals and recommendations for improving the urban environment, tested through a development of a small pilot project (representing the final outcome - exam). Through these two phases students verify their ability for preparing proposals for various research projects and grants, aiming at the desirable transformations of cities via affordable solutions.
The design of the course curriculum also enables students to understand the genesis and an impact of sustainable processes on urban development, creating the basis for the knowledge application in both urban planning and design. Simultaneously, this participative approach influences the elaboration of an iterative process in which students provide inputs, i.e. the desirable research topics for curriculum improvement, later included into an updated and upgraded version of the course, implemented in the following school year. The results suggest that through an inclusive learning process, a culture of proactively envisioning a sustainable alternative future is emerging. Most importantly, student participants show their commitment as the agents of potential change to create alternative environmental values and sustainable behavior.",
publisher = "DAKAM BOOKS - Özgür Öztürk DAKAM YAYINLARI, Istanbul",
journal = "CPUD '22 VII. International city planning and urban design conference : conference proceedings,  Istanbul",
title = "Introducing the students’ participation, upgrading the curriculum: The case of the course Sustainable City, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture",
url = ""
Mihajlov, V., Stupar, A.,& Simić, I.. (2022). Introducing the students’ participation, upgrading the curriculum: The case of the course Sustainable City, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. in CPUD '22 VII. International city planning and urban design conference : conference proceedings,  Istanbul
DAKAM BOOKS - Özgür Öztürk DAKAM YAYINLARI, Istanbul..
Mihajlov V, Stupar A, Simić I. Introducing the students’ participation, upgrading the curriculum: The case of the course Sustainable City, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. in CPUD '22 VII. International city planning and urban design conference : conference proceedings,  Istanbul. 2022;. .
Mihajlov, Vladimir, Stupar, Aleksandra, Simić, Ivan, "Introducing the students’ participation, upgrading the curriculum: The case of the course Sustainable City, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture" in CPUD '22 VII. International city planning and urban design conference : conference proceedings,  Istanbul (2022), .

Microclimatic Effects on the Preservation of Finds in the Visitor Centre of the Archaeological Site 1a Imperial Palace Sirmium

Ugrinović, Aleksandra; Sudimac, Budimir; Savković, Željko

(Basel: MDPI, 2021)

AU  - Ugrinović, Aleksandra
AU  - Sudimac, Budimir
AU  - Savković, Željko
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - When an archaeological site is roofed over for the better display of the finds and more comfortable experience of the audience, the intervention undoubtedly changes the microclimatic conditions in the site. Although sudden changes in microclimatic factors are known to damage and/or destroy archaeological finds, their impact and its analysis are neglected in Serbia. There is no continuous monitoring and control of microclimatic conditions or their impact on architectural remains in archaeological sites. Accordingly, the values of microclimatic parameters of temperature and relative humidity and their daily oscillations are examined in this paper through microclimatic monitoring in the Visitor Center of the Archaeological Site 1a Imperial Palace Sirmium, which is a cultural asset of exceptional importance. Moreover, microbiological analyses determine the degree of contamination of architectural findings. The aim of this paper is to determine whether the microclimatic regime in the Visitor Center of the Archaeological Site 1a Imperial Palace Sirmium is in accordance with European standards and recommendations on optimal micro-climatic conditions for the presentation and preservation of cultural heritage collections. The findings showed that during the phase of microclimatic monitoring (February–April 2021), air humidity was almost constantly above the levels set by standards and recommendations for mu-seum collections (>60%). The highest levels of air humidity, amounting to 93%, were recorded in February, with daily oscillations of up to 30%; the lowest recorded temperature was 0.3 °C, with the maximum daily oscillations of 6 °C. Microbiological analysis revealed great diversity in the deterioration level of the finds, which can be attributed to the time lapse between the last conservation and the present. The comparative analysis of the results of microclimatic monitoring and microbiological analysis identified high levels of relative air humidity as the dominant factor in the increased microbiological contamination of the finds. It is also concluded that the continuous monitoring of the microclimatic parameters of temperature and relative humidity during the usage of the facility is necessary so as to enable sustainable presentation and preservation of findings.
PB  - Basel: MDPI
T2  - Sustainability
T1  - Microclimatic Effects on the Preservation of Finds in the Visitor Centre of the Archaeological Site 1a Imperial Palace Sirmium
VL  - 13
IS  - 19
SP  - 11083
DO  - 10.3390/su131911083
ER  - 
author = "Ugrinović, Aleksandra and Sudimac, Budimir and Savković, Željko",
year = "2021",
abstract = "When an archaeological site is roofed over for the better display of the finds and more comfortable experience of the audience, the intervention undoubtedly changes the microclimatic conditions in the site. Although sudden changes in microclimatic factors are known to damage and/or destroy archaeological finds, their impact and its analysis are neglected in Serbia. There is no continuous monitoring and control of microclimatic conditions or their impact on architectural remains in archaeological sites. Accordingly, the values of microclimatic parameters of temperature and relative humidity and their daily oscillations are examined in this paper through microclimatic monitoring in the Visitor Center of the Archaeological Site 1a Imperial Palace Sirmium, which is a cultural asset of exceptional importance. Moreover, microbiological analyses determine the degree of contamination of architectural findings. The aim of this paper is to determine whether the microclimatic regime in the Visitor Center of the Archaeological Site 1a Imperial Palace Sirmium is in accordance with European standards and recommendations on optimal micro-climatic conditions for the presentation and preservation of cultural heritage collections. The findings showed that during the phase of microclimatic monitoring (February–April 2021), air humidity was almost constantly above the levels set by standards and recommendations for mu-seum collections (>60%). The highest levels of air humidity, amounting to 93%, were recorded in February, with daily oscillations of up to 30%; the lowest recorded temperature was 0.3 °C, with the maximum daily oscillations of 6 °C. Microbiological analysis revealed great diversity in the deterioration level of the finds, which can be attributed to the time lapse between the last conservation and the present. The comparative analysis of the results of microclimatic monitoring and microbiological analysis identified high levels of relative air humidity as the dominant factor in the increased microbiological contamination of the finds. It is also concluded that the continuous monitoring of the microclimatic parameters of temperature and relative humidity during the usage of the facility is necessary so as to enable sustainable presentation and preservation of findings.",
publisher = "Basel: MDPI",
journal = "Sustainability",
title = "Microclimatic Effects on the Preservation of Finds in the Visitor Centre of the Archaeological Site 1a Imperial Palace Sirmium",
volume = "13",
number = "19",
pages = "11083",
doi = "10.3390/su131911083"
Ugrinović, A., Sudimac, B.,& Savković, Ž.. (2021). Microclimatic Effects on the Preservation of Finds in the Visitor Centre of the Archaeological Site 1a Imperial Palace Sirmium. in Sustainability
Basel: MDPI., 13(19), 11083.
Ugrinović A, Sudimac B, Savković Ž. Microclimatic Effects on the Preservation of Finds in the Visitor Centre of the Archaeological Site 1a Imperial Palace Sirmium. in Sustainability. 2021;13(19):11083.
doi:10.3390/su131911083 .
Ugrinović, Aleksandra, Sudimac, Budimir, Savković, Željko, "Microclimatic Effects on the Preservation of Finds in the Visitor Centre of the Archaeological Site 1a Imperial Palace Sirmium" in Sustainability, 13, no. 19 (2021):11083, . .

Geometrical Breakthrough in Contemporary Architectural Design: Meta-Materiality and Fragmentation

Mojsilović, Mila; Mitrović, Jelena; Milenković, Vladimir

(University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, 2020)

AU  - Mojsilović, Mila
AU  - Mitrović, Jelena
AU  - Milenković, Vladimir
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - The study relates two historical categories that were not previously associated in this manner. One concerns the role of geometry in the transformation of space in the Gothic architecture, where geometric line made the position of physical forces visible for the first time. The second transformation that sees the release of anxiety in challenging the perspective was done in Mannerism by instrumentalisation of the metaphor using visual means of deformation and figuration. Today we experience both historical moments in a modified form of appearance, still trying to give a formal character to the matter of materiality. As it is not possible, this approach has resulted in fragmentation in the absence of a unitary radical critique of modernity. Fragmentation and meta- materiality of contemporary architecture today represent a possible conceptualisation of space invoking all known forms of dematerialisation and disappearance of the world, including digitisation. Referring once again to the myths of the Tower of Babel, the Fall of Icarus, and the Wizard of Oz, in this experiment myth and discourse persist together, turning into the other and finding themselves in the other. Building architectural position between the extremes of the metamaterial and the fragmentary is a matter of breaking geometry of form and the idea of it..
PB  - University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture
T2  - SAJ : Serbian Architectural Journal
T1  - Geometrical Breakthrough in Contemporary Architectural Design: Meta-Materiality and Fragmentation
VL  - 12
IS  - 1
SP  - 36
EP  - 53
DO  - 10.5937/saj2001036M
ER  - 
author = "Mojsilović, Mila and Mitrović, Jelena and Milenković, Vladimir",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The study relates two historical categories that were not previously associated in this manner. One concerns the role of geometry in the transformation of space in the Gothic architecture, where geometric line made the position of physical forces visible for the first time. The second transformation that sees the release of anxiety in challenging the perspective was done in Mannerism by instrumentalisation of the metaphor using visual means of deformation and figuration. Today we experience both historical moments in a modified form of appearance, still trying to give a formal character to the matter of materiality. As it is not possible, this approach has resulted in fragmentation in the absence of a unitary radical critique of modernity. Fragmentation and meta- materiality of contemporary architecture today represent a possible conceptualisation of space invoking all known forms of dematerialisation and disappearance of the world, including digitisation. Referring once again to the myths of the Tower of Babel, the Fall of Icarus, and the Wizard of Oz, in this experiment myth and discourse persist together, turning into the other and finding themselves in the other. Building architectural position between the extremes of the metamaterial and the fragmentary is a matter of breaking geometry of form and the idea of it..",
publisher = "University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture",
journal = "SAJ : Serbian Architectural Journal",
title = "Geometrical Breakthrough in Contemporary Architectural Design: Meta-Materiality and Fragmentation",
volume = "12",
number = "1",
pages = "36-53",
doi = "10.5937/saj2001036M"
Mojsilović, M., Mitrović, J.,& Milenković, V.. (2020). Geometrical Breakthrough in Contemporary Architectural Design: Meta-Materiality and Fragmentation. in SAJ : Serbian Architectural Journal
University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture., 12(1), 36-53.
Mojsilović M, Mitrović J, Milenković V. Geometrical Breakthrough in Contemporary Architectural Design: Meta-Materiality and Fragmentation. in SAJ : Serbian Architectural Journal. 2020;12(1):36-53.
doi:10.5937/saj2001036M .
Mojsilović, Mila, Mitrović, Jelena, Milenković, Vladimir, "Geometrical Breakthrough in Contemporary Architectural Design: Meta-Materiality and Fragmentation" in SAJ : Serbian Architectural Journal, 12, no. 1 (2020):36-53, . .

Флексибилност као аспект флуидности границе: Интимни однос корисника и отвореног јавног простора

Ракоњац, Ивана М.; Јерковић-Бабовић, Бојана M.

(Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет, 2020)

AU  - Ракоњац, Ивана М.
AU  - Јерковић-Бабовић, Бојана M.
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Флуидност границе, са аспекта флексибилности, манифестује се кроз динамички доживљај архитектонских и амбијенталних вредности простора у току кретања. Флексибилност границе наглашена је сукобима који се дешавају када се два простора боре за исту контуру, а испољена је кроз степен интимности који диктира ограничења која одређују хијерархију приватности простора. Циљ рада представља испитивање интимног односа корисника и простора кроз анализу флексибилности границе отвореног јавног простора града у складу са савременим ритмом живота у урбаном контексту. Посебан фокус је на преиспитивању релације између токова културе, друштвених потреба и промена ритма животу у савременом добу, као и њихове рефлексије на активности у оквиру отвореног јавног простора. Трансформација стила живота кроз време остварује утицај на флексибилност граница и доживљајне вредности отворених јавних простора, као и смену активности у оквиру простора. Овај став се преиспитује кроз студију случаја стамбеног насеља на београдском приобаљу пројектованог под утицајем идеологије социјализма. Тежиште истраживања је на испитивању доживљајних искуства савременог корисника некадашњих простора заједнице као производа друштвено-политичких образаца времена у којем су изграђени.
AB  - Boundary fluidity, from the aspect of flexibility, is manifested through the dynamic experience of architectural and ambient values of space during movement. Boundary flexibility is emphasized by conflicts that occur when two areas are fighting for the same contour and are demonstrated through a degree of familiarity, which dictates the limitations that determine the hierarchy of space privacy. The aim of this paper is to examine the intimate relationship between the users and space, through the analysis of boundary flexibility of the city’s open public spaces in accordance with the contemporary rhythms of life in the urban context. Special focus is on the study of the relationships between the flows of culture, social needs and changes to the life rhythm in the contemporary age, as well as their reflections on activities in the open public space.
The transformation of lifestyle over time impacts the boundaries flexibility and the perceptual value of open public spaces, as well as change of activities within space. This stance is being examined through a case study on a residential settlement on the Belgrade’s riverside, designed through the influence of the ideology of socialism. The focus of this research is on examining the perceptual experiences of the modern user of former community spaces as a by-product of the socio-political patterns of the time in which they were built. The transformation of everyday life also leads to changes in the way the community space is used, as designed architectural values are reflected and scattered. The loss of community values, promoted by the ideology of socialism through an active relationship among users, has contributed to the devastation of the designed identity of these spaces. The contemporary age with its new types of time consumption has contributed to the development of new forms of former community spaces usages.
The contribution of this research is reflected in the potential improvements and the transformations of existing public spaces formed under the influence of socialist ideology through the boundary flexibility aspect, with the tendency to adapt to the development of the contemporary city. The paper establishes a basis for further interpretations of the complexity of lifestyle changes and their impact on the global transformation of cities and urban spaces. Contemporary theoretical approaches to this issue can contribute to the establishment of a platform for new design approaches and space interpretations.
PB  - Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет
T2  - Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIV међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (25-27. X 2019.). Књ. 3, Eкспресивност и интимност у музици & Тако мале ствари: интимно у уметности и култури
T1  - Флексибилност као аспект флуидности границе: Интимни однос корисника и отвореног јавног простора
T1  - Flexibility as an aspect of boundary fluidity: the intimate relationship between the users and open public space
SP  - 231
EP  - 242
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ракоњац, Ивана М. and Јерковић-Бабовић, Бојана M.",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Флуидност границе, са аспекта флексибилности, манифестује се кроз динамички доживљај архитектонских и амбијенталних вредности простора у току кретања. Флексибилност границе наглашена је сукобима који се дешавају када се два простора боре за исту контуру, а испољена је кроз степен интимности који диктира ограничења која одређују хијерархију приватности простора. Циљ рада представља испитивање интимног односа корисника и простора кроз анализу флексибилности границе отвореног јавног простора града у складу са савременим ритмом живота у урбаном контексту. Посебан фокус је на преиспитивању релације између токова културе, друштвених потреба и промена ритма животу у савременом добу, као и њихове рефлексије на активности у оквиру отвореног јавног простора. Трансформација стила живота кроз време остварује утицај на флексибилност граница и доживљајне вредности отворених јавних простора, као и смену активности у оквиру простора. Овај став се преиспитује кроз студију случаја стамбеног насеља на београдском приобаљу пројектованог под утицајем идеологије социјализма. Тежиште истраживања је на испитивању доживљајних искуства савременог корисника некадашњих простора заједнице као производа друштвено-политичких образаца времена у којем су изграђени., Boundary fluidity, from the aspect of flexibility, is manifested through the dynamic experience of architectural and ambient values of space during movement. Boundary flexibility is emphasized by conflicts that occur when two areas are fighting for the same contour and are demonstrated through a degree of familiarity, which dictates the limitations that determine the hierarchy of space privacy. The aim of this paper is to examine the intimate relationship between the users and space, through the analysis of boundary flexibility of the city’s open public spaces in accordance with the contemporary rhythms of life in the urban context. Special focus is on the study of the relationships between the flows of culture, social needs and changes to the life rhythm in the contemporary age, as well as their reflections on activities in the open public space.
The transformation of lifestyle over time impacts the boundaries flexibility and the perceptual value of open public spaces, as well as change of activities within space. This stance is being examined through a case study on a residential settlement on the Belgrade’s riverside, designed through the influence of the ideology of socialism. The focus of this research is on examining the perceptual experiences of the modern user of former community spaces as a by-product of the socio-political patterns of the time in which they were built. The transformation of everyday life also leads to changes in the way the community space is used, as designed architectural values are reflected and scattered. The loss of community values, promoted by the ideology of socialism through an active relationship among users, has contributed to the devastation of the designed identity of these spaces. The contemporary age with its new types of time consumption has contributed to the development of new forms of former community spaces usages.
The contribution of this research is reflected in the potential improvements and the transformations of existing public spaces formed under the influence of socialist ideology through the boundary flexibility aspect, with the tendency to adapt to the development of the contemporary city. The paper establishes a basis for further interpretations of the complexity of lifestyle changes and their impact on the global transformation of cities and urban spaces. Contemporary theoretical approaches to this issue can contribute to the establishment of a platform for new design approaches and space interpretations.",
publisher = "Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет",
journal = "Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIV међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (25-27. X 2019.). Књ. 3, Eкспресивност и интимност у музици & Тако мале ствари: интимно у уметности и култури",
booktitle = "Флексибилност као аспект флуидности границе: Интимни однос корисника и отвореног јавног простора, Flexibility as an aspect of boundary fluidity: the intimate relationship between the users and open public space",
pages = "231-242",
url = ""
Ракоњац, И. М.,& Јерковић-Бабовић, Б. M.. (2020). Флексибилност као аспект флуидности границе: Интимни однос корисника и отвореног јавног простора. in Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIV међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (25-27. X 2019.). Књ. 3, Eкспресивност и интимност у музици & Тако мале ствари: интимно у уметности и култури
Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет., 231-242.
Ракоњац ИМ, Јерковић-Бабовић БM. Флексибилност као аспект флуидности границе: Интимни однос корисника и отвореног јавног простора. in Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIV међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (25-27. X 2019.). Књ. 3, Eкспресивност и интимност у музици & Тако мале ствари: интимно у уметности и култури. 2020;:231-242. .
Ракоњац, Ивана М., Јерковић-Бабовић, Бојана M., "Флексибилност као аспект флуидности границе: Интимни однос корисника и отвореног јавног простора" in Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIV међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (25-27. X 2019.). Књ. 3, Eкспресивност и интимност у музици & Тако мале ствари: интимно у уметности и култури (2020):231-242, .

Атмосферска целина Скадарске улице у Београду

Спасеновић, Вања Р.; Ракоњац, Ивана М.

(Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет, 2020)

AU  - Спасеновић, Вања Р.
AU  - Ракоњац, Ивана М.
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Централна развојна и културна осовина Београда, установљена у Генералном урбанистичком плану, дефинише предвиђени континуитет развоја садржаја културе у граду. Скадарска улица препозната је у оквиру осовине културе као полигон за анализу атмосферских квалитета места на основу карактеристичних морфолошких, функционалних, амбијенталних и меморијалних вредности. Циљ рада представља објективизовање интимног односа корисника и простора кроз анализу уличног фронта Скадарске улице. Улични фронт интерпретиран je кроз појам градске сценографије, односно визуелног утиска који корисник простора формира током опажајног сусрета са окружењем. Визуелни утисак простора, дефинисан на основу испитивања интензитета чулног доживљаја у зависности од дистанце сагледавања изграђеног фронта, представља основни параметар при анализи архитектонских вредности атмосферске целине.
AB  - The Central Development and Cultural Axis of Belgrade, established in the Master Plan for 2021, defines the anticipated continuity of cultural context development in the city. Skadarska Street was recognized within the axis of culture as a polygon for the analysis of spatial atmospheric qualities, based on characteristic morphological, functional, ambient and memorial values. The aim of this paper is to objectify the intimate relationship between users and space through the analysis of the Skadarska street front. The street front was interpreted through the notion of urban scenery, which is the visual impression that a space user forms during a perceptual encounter with the environment. The visual impression of space, defined through examining the intensity of the sensory experience dependent on the viewing distance of the built front, is a basic parameter in the analysis of the architectural values of the atmospheric unity. This spatial analysis, with emphasis on user experience, introduces a new kind of interpretation of the environment that is applicable in different contexts and gives an overview of the multi-layered character of the urban environment.
PB  - Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет
T2  - Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIV међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (25-27. X 2019.). Књ. 3, Тако мале ствари: интимно у уметности и култури
T1  - Атмосферска целина Скадарске улице у Београду
T1  - Atmospheric unities of Skadarska street in Belgrade
SP  - 219
EP  - 229
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Спасеновић, Вања Р. and Ракоњац, Ивана М.",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Централна развојна и културна осовина Београда, установљена у Генералном урбанистичком плану, дефинише предвиђени континуитет развоја садржаја културе у граду. Скадарска улица препозната је у оквиру осовине културе као полигон за анализу атмосферских квалитета места на основу карактеристичних морфолошких, функционалних, амбијенталних и меморијалних вредности. Циљ рада представља објективизовање интимног односа корисника и простора кроз анализу уличног фронта Скадарске улице. Улични фронт интерпретиран je кроз појам градске сценографије, односно визуелног утиска који корисник простора формира током опажајног сусрета са окружењем. Визуелни утисак простора, дефинисан на основу испитивања интензитета чулног доживљаја у зависности од дистанце сагледавања изграђеног фронта, представља основни параметар при анализи архитектонских вредности атмосферске целине., The Central Development and Cultural Axis of Belgrade, established in the Master Plan for 2021, defines the anticipated continuity of cultural context development in the city. Skadarska Street was recognized within the axis of culture as a polygon for the analysis of spatial atmospheric qualities, based on characteristic morphological, functional, ambient and memorial values. The aim of this paper is to objectify the intimate relationship between users and space through the analysis of the Skadarska street front. The street front was interpreted through the notion of urban scenery, which is the visual impression that a space user forms during a perceptual encounter with the environment. The visual impression of space, defined through examining the intensity of the sensory experience dependent on the viewing distance of the built front, is a basic parameter in the analysis of the architectural values of the atmospheric unity. This spatial analysis, with emphasis on user experience, introduces a new kind of interpretation of the environment that is applicable in different contexts and gives an overview of the multi-layered character of the urban environment.",
publisher = "Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет",
journal = "Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIV међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (25-27. X 2019.). Књ. 3, Тако мале ствари: интимно у уметности и култури",
booktitle = "Атмосферска целина Скадарске улице у Београду, Atmospheric unities of Skadarska street in Belgrade",
pages = "219-229",
url = ""
Спасеновић, В. Р.,& Ракоњац, И. М.. (2020). Атмосферска целина Скадарске улице у Београду. in Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIV међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (25-27. X 2019.). Књ. 3, Тако мале ствари: интимно у уметности и култури
Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет., 219-229.
Спасеновић ВР, Ракоњац ИМ. Атмосферска целина Скадарске улице у Београду. in Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIV међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (25-27. X 2019.). Књ. 3, Тако мале ствари: интимно у уметности и култури. 2020;:219-229. .
Спасеновић, Вања Р., Ракоњац, Ивана М., "Атмосферска целина Скадарске улице у Београду" in Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIV међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (25-27. X 2019.). Књ. 3, Тако мале ствари: интимно у уметности и култури (2020):219-229, .

Interpretacija kao ideološki narativ: Partenon vs Novi akropoljski muzej

Vasiljević-Tomić, Dragana M.; Ugrinović, Aleksandra P.

(Крагујевац: Филолошко-уметнички факултет, 2020)

AU  - Vasiljević-Tomić, Dragana M.
AU  - Ugrinović, Aleksandra P.
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - U radu se istražuju fakori koji utiču na konstruisanje značenja arheoloških ostataka. Ispituje se na
koji način promena konteksta utiče na transformaciju značenja nalaza. Predmet rada jeste komparativna
analiza Partenona i Novog Akropoljskog muzeja Bernarda Čumija (Bernard Tschumi) u Atini. Kroz izbor
lokacije i položaj objekta, analizu koncepta, programsku postavku, dimenzionalnu i proporcijsku analizu,
materijalizaciju i konstruktivno rešenje Bernarda Čumija ispituju se razlozi i uzroci odluka koje je
donosio. Cilj rada je da se ustanovi da li se Bernard Čumi prilikom projektovanja Novog Akropoljskog
muzeja rukovodio Vitruvijevim principima prisutnim na Partenonu ili je njegovo rešenje interpretacija
Partenona kao slike, pojavnosti i efekata koje pruža. Identifikuju se elementi koji su inspirisani
Partenonom i njegovom istorijom.
Na kraju može se zaključiti da je Novi Akropoljski muzej reinterpretacija Partenona pri čemu je
njegova interpretacija politički uslovljena i predstavlja ideološki narativ zasnovan na povratku artefakata
sa Partenona iz Britanije u Grčku.
PB  - Крагујевац: Филолошко-уметнички факултет
T2  - Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIV међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (25-27. X 2019.). Књ. 3, Тако мале ствари: интимно у уметности и култури
T1  - Interpretacija kao ideološki narativ: Partenon vs Novi akropoljski muzej
SP  - 243
EP  - 253
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Vasiljević-Tomić, Dragana M. and Ugrinović, Aleksandra P.",
year = "2020",
abstract = "U radu se istražuju fakori koji utiču na konstruisanje značenja arheoloških ostataka. Ispituje se na
koji način promena konteksta utiče na transformaciju značenja nalaza. Predmet rada jeste komparativna
analiza Partenona i Novog Akropoljskog muzeja Bernarda Čumija (Bernard Tschumi) u Atini. Kroz izbor
lokacije i položaj objekta, analizu koncepta, programsku postavku, dimenzionalnu i proporcijsku analizu,
materijalizaciju i konstruktivno rešenje Bernarda Čumija ispituju se razlozi i uzroci odluka koje je
donosio. Cilj rada je da se ustanovi da li se Bernard Čumi prilikom projektovanja Novog Akropoljskog
muzeja rukovodio Vitruvijevim principima prisutnim na Partenonu ili je njegovo rešenje interpretacija
Partenona kao slike, pojavnosti i efekata koje pruža. Identifikuju se elementi koji su inspirisani
Partenonom i njegovom istorijom.
Na kraju može se zaključiti da je Novi Akropoljski muzej reinterpretacija Partenona pri čemu je
njegova interpretacija politički uslovljena i predstavlja ideološki narativ zasnovan na povratku artefakata
sa Partenona iz Britanije u Grčku.",
publisher = "Крагујевац: Филолошко-уметнички факултет",
journal = "Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIV међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (25-27. X 2019.). Књ. 3, Тако мале ствари: интимно у уметности и култури",
booktitle = "Interpretacija kao ideološki narativ: Partenon vs Novi akropoljski muzej",
pages = "243-253",
url = ""
Vasiljević-Tomić, D. M.,& Ugrinović, A. P.. (2020). Interpretacija kao ideološki narativ: Partenon vs Novi akropoljski muzej. in Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIV међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (25-27. X 2019.). Књ. 3, Тако мале ствари: интимно у уметности и култури
Крагујевац: Филолошко-уметнички факултет., 243-253.
Vasiljević-Tomić DM, Ugrinović AP. Interpretacija kao ideološki narativ: Partenon vs Novi akropoljski muzej. in Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIV међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (25-27. X 2019.). Књ. 3, Тако мале ствари: интимно у уметности и култури. 2020;:243-253. .
Vasiljević-Tomić, Dragana M., Ugrinović, Aleksandra P., "Interpretacija kao ideološki narativ: Partenon vs Novi akropoljski muzej" in Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIV међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (25-27. X 2019.). Књ. 3, Тако мале ствари: интимно у уметности и култури (2020):243-253, .

Strengthening the Social Sustainability of Super-Blocks: Belgrade's Emerging Urban Hubs

Stupar, Aleksandra; Jovanović, Predrag; Ivanović Vojvodić, Jelena

(Basel : MDPI, 2020)

AU  - Stupar, Aleksandra
AU  - Jovanović, Predrag
AU  - Ivanović Vojvodić, Jelena
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Focusing on the social aspect of sustainability, this article provides insight into the process of spatial and functional reconsideration of open public spaces in two selected super-blocks in Belgrade, Serbia. Although their spatial typology is similar, one of them was created during the 1960s in New Belgrade, a new administrative center of the city based on the principles of functionalism, while the other one was built during the 1970s, as a part of urban reconstruction conducted in the central areas of Belgrade (Vračar municipality). The beginning of the 21st century has brought new challenges to open public spaces, reflecting the post-transitional changes of the Serbian socio-economic context, as well as the contemporary urban needs of inhabitants. Consequently, both blocks have developed new gathering places for their local communities, although applying two different approaches, spontaneous/informal (New Belgrade) and formal (Vračar). Considering the specificities of both initiatives and the relationship between local communities and the open public spaces of super-blocks, the comparative analysis is conducted in order to identify the occurring social, spatial, and functional modifications, and the achieved level of social sustainability.
PB  - Basel : MDPI
T2  - Sustainability
T1  - Strengthening the Social Sustainability of Super-Blocks: Belgrade's Emerging Urban Hubs
VL  - 12
IS  - 3
SP  - 903
DO  - 10.3390/su12030903
ER  - 
author = "Stupar, Aleksandra and Jovanović, Predrag and Ivanović Vojvodić, Jelena",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Focusing on the social aspect of sustainability, this article provides insight into the process of spatial and functional reconsideration of open public spaces in two selected super-blocks in Belgrade, Serbia. Although their spatial typology is similar, one of them was created during the 1960s in New Belgrade, a new administrative center of the city based on the principles of functionalism, while the other one was built during the 1970s, as a part of urban reconstruction conducted in the central areas of Belgrade (Vračar municipality). The beginning of the 21st century has brought new challenges to open public spaces, reflecting the post-transitional changes of the Serbian socio-economic context, as well as the contemporary urban needs of inhabitants. Consequently, both blocks have developed new gathering places for their local communities, although applying two different approaches, spontaneous/informal (New Belgrade) and formal (Vračar). Considering the specificities of both initiatives and the relationship between local communities and the open public spaces of super-blocks, the comparative analysis is conducted in order to identify the occurring social, spatial, and functional modifications, and the achieved level of social sustainability.",
publisher = "Basel : MDPI",
journal = "Sustainability",
title = "Strengthening the Social Sustainability of Super-Blocks: Belgrade's Emerging Urban Hubs",
volume = "12",
number = "3",
pages = "903",
doi = "10.3390/su12030903"
Stupar, A., Jovanović, P.,& Ivanović Vojvodić, J.. (2020). Strengthening the Social Sustainability of Super-Blocks: Belgrade's Emerging Urban Hubs. in Sustainability
Basel : MDPI., 12(3), 903.
Stupar A, Jovanović P, Ivanović Vojvodić J. Strengthening the Social Sustainability of Super-Blocks: Belgrade's Emerging Urban Hubs. in Sustainability. 2020;12(3):903.
doi:10.3390/su12030903 .
Stupar, Aleksandra, Jovanović, Predrag, Ivanović Vojvodić, Jelena, "Strengthening the Social Sustainability of Super-Blocks: Belgrade's Emerging Urban Hubs" in Sustainability, 12, no. 3 (2020):903, . .

Cross-border urban design for local people

Djokic, Vladan; Bobic, Aleksandar; Rakonjac, Ivana

(Hasselt: Faculty of Architecture and arts, Hasselt University, 2020)

AU  - Djokic, Vladan
AU  - Bobic, Aleksandar
AU  - Rakonjac, Ivana
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - In the context of intercultural and cross-border cooperation, this study presents the implementation of the project of redesigning the Square of Orthodoxy (Trg Pravoslavlja) in Derventa, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Methodologically speaking, this study is divided into two parts: the first refers to the strategy of the design approach in view of actualizing the unity of differences through public urban space, and the second part that refers to the specific limitations of designers working in another country. The reflections and arguments in this study are based on dialectics and are epistemologically informed by the intersections of architecture, theology, art, and politics. The study examines the understanding of the past and the present in order to answer the question What could this be? 
The study examines the limitations and opportunities in the process of realization of this project with the main emphasis on the following: first, the relationship between different stakeholders (local municipality, local church, local engineers and the design team from Belgrade, Serbia); second, understanding and interpretation of the local urban culture, ethnic and religious interactions in post-war Bosnia between Serbs, Bosnians and Croats, and third, understanding religious and local customs and traditions. Consequently, the basic idea in planning the Square of Orthodoxy in Derventa is guided by the collective memory of the place in terms of reminiscences of the past, when it was a place of encounters and community, as well as by the appreciation of the place, the need for religious service of Serbian Orthodox Church, and the acceptance and implementation of contemporary design practices in the regulation of public spaces.
PB  - Hasselt: Faculty of Architecture and arts, Hasselt University
C3  - Proceedings of 1st Fall Symposium Building Beyond Borders. Reflecting on the dynamisms of intercultural collaboration in build projects. November 9-10, 2020, Hasselt, Belgium
T1  - Cross-border urban design for local people
SP  - 150
EP  - 157
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Djokic, Vladan and Bobic, Aleksandar and Rakonjac, Ivana",
year = "2020",
abstract = "In the context of intercultural and cross-border cooperation, this study presents the implementation of the project of redesigning the Square of Orthodoxy (Trg Pravoslavlja) in Derventa, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Methodologically speaking, this study is divided into two parts: the first refers to the strategy of the design approach in view of actualizing the unity of differences through public urban space, and the second part that refers to the specific limitations of designers working in another country. The reflections and arguments in this study are based on dialectics and are epistemologically informed by the intersections of architecture, theology, art, and politics. The study examines the understanding of the past and the present in order to answer the question What could this be? 
The study examines the limitations and opportunities in the process of realization of this project with the main emphasis on the following: first, the relationship between different stakeholders (local municipality, local church, local engineers and the design team from Belgrade, Serbia); second, understanding and interpretation of the local urban culture, ethnic and religious interactions in post-war Bosnia between Serbs, Bosnians and Croats, and third, understanding religious and local customs and traditions. Consequently, the basic idea in planning the Square of Orthodoxy in Derventa is guided by the collective memory of the place in terms of reminiscences of the past, when it was a place of encounters and community, as well as by the appreciation of the place, the need for religious service of Serbian Orthodox Church, and the acceptance and implementation of contemporary design practices in the regulation of public spaces.",
publisher = "Hasselt: Faculty of Architecture and arts, Hasselt University",
journal = "Proceedings of 1st Fall Symposium Building Beyond Borders. Reflecting on the dynamisms of intercultural collaboration in build projects. November 9-10, 2020, Hasselt, Belgium",
title = "Cross-border urban design for local people",
pages = "150-157",
url = ""
Djokic, V., Bobic, A.,& Rakonjac, I.. (2020). Cross-border urban design for local people. in Proceedings of 1st Fall Symposium Building Beyond Borders. Reflecting on the dynamisms of intercultural collaboration in build projects. November 9-10, 2020, Hasselt, Belgium
Hasselt: Faculty of Architecture and arts, Hasselt University., 150-157.
Djokic V, Bobic A, Rakonjac I. Cross-border urban design for local people. in Proceedings of 1st Fall Symposium Building Beyond Borders. Reflecting on the dynamisms of intercultural collaboration in build projects. November 9-10, 2020, Hasselt, Belgium. 2020;:150-157. .
Djokic, Vladan, Bobic, Aleksandar, Rakonjac, Ivana, "Cross-border urban design for local people" in Proceedings of 1st Fall Symposium Building Beyond Borders. Reflecting on the dynamisms of intercultural collaboration in build projects. November 9-10, 2020, Hasselt, Belgium (2020):150-157, .

(R)urban Synergy vs. Climate Change: The Impact of ICT Networks on the Process of Adaptation and Mitigation

Stupar, Aleksandra; Mihajlov, Vladimir; Simić, Ivan

(Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2020)

AU  - Stupar, Aleksandra
AU  - Mihajlov, Vladimir
AU  - Simić, Ivan
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - The chapter provides an insight into the relationship between synergic (r)urban systems, information
networks and climate change, discussing the emerging ideas, and concepts related to the increasing use
of information networks in the process of climate adaptation and mitigation. Emphasizing the strategic
role of both digital and material information flows, supported by ICT tools, the chapter focuses on two
main domains of data exchange and knowledge transfer: the public communication of climate change
and the connectivity and interaction within (r)urban hybrid systems. Underlining the issues of effectiveness, accessibility, and low-carbon outcomes of synergic (r)urban reactions to climate shift, recent environmental and technological trends are considered in accordance with the preferred spatio-functional
flexibility of emerging (r)urban hybrid settlements. The chapter also identifies and analyses three areas
of ICT applicability, targeting the role of information networks in the anticipated climate-friendly development: human behavior, ecological awareness, and general efficiency.
PB  - Hershey, PA: IGI Global
T2  - Handbook of Research on Urban-Rural Synergy Development Through Housing, Landscape, and Tourism
T1  - (R)urban Synergy vs. Climate Change: The Impact of ICT Networks on the Process of Adaptation and Mitigation
SP  - 261
EP  - 279
DO  - 10.4018/978-1-5225-9932-6.ch013
ER  - 
author = "Stupar, Aleksandra and Mihajlov, Vladimir and Simić, Ivan",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The chapter provides an insight into the relationship between synergic (r)urban systems, information
networks and climate change, discussing the emerging ideas, and concepts related to the increasing use
of information networks in the process of climate adaptation and mitigation. Emphasizing the strategic
role of both digital and material information flows, supported by ICT tools, the chapter focuses on two
main domains of data exchange and knowledge transfer: the public communication of climate change
and the connectivity and interaction within (r)urban hybrid systems. Underlining the issues of effectiveness, accessibility, and low-carbon outcomes of synergic (r)urban reactions to climate shift, recent environmental and technological trends are considered in accordance with the preferred spatio-functional
flexibility of emerging (r)urban hybrid settlements. The chapter also identifies and analyses three areas
of ICT applicability, targeting the role of information networks in the anticipated climate-friendly development: human behavior, ecological awareness, and general efficiency.",
publisher = "Hershey, PA: IGI Global",
journal = "Handbook of Research on Urban-Rural Synergy Development Through Housing, Landscape, and Tourism",
booktitle = "(R)urban Synergy vs. Climate Change: The Impact of ICT Networks on the Process of Adaptation and Mitigation",
pages = "261-279",
doi = "10.4018/978-1-5225-9932-6.ch013"
Stupar, A., Mihajlov, V.,& Simić, I.. (2020). (R)urban Synergy vs. Climate Change: The Impact of ICT Networks on the Process of Adaptation and Mitigation. in Handbook of Research on Urban-Rural Synergy Development Through Housing, Landscape, and Tourism
Hershey, PA: IGI Global., 261-279.
Stupar A, Mihajlov V, Simić I. (R)urban Synergy vs. Climate Change: The Impact of ICT Networks on the Process of Adaptation and Mitigation. in Handbook of Research on Urban-Rural Synergy Development Through Housing, Landscape, and Tourism. 2020;:261-279.
doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-9932-6.ch013 .
Stupar, Aleksandra, Mihajlov, Vladimir, Simić, Ivan, "(R)urban Synergy vs. Climate Change: The Impact of ICT Networks on the Process of Adaptation and Mitigation" in Handbook of Research on Urban-Rural Synergy Development Through Housing, Landscape, and Tourism (2020):261-279, . .

The Application of Photovoltaic Systems in Sacred Buildings for the Purpose of Electric Power Production: The Case Study of the Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel in Belgrade

Sudimac, Budimir; Ugrinović, Aleksandra; Mišo, Jurčević

(Basel: MDPI, 2020)

AU  - Sudimac, Budimir
AU  - Ugrinović, Aleksandra
AU  - Mišo, Jurčević
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - In light of climate changes, technological development and the use of renewable energy
sources are considered very important nowadays, both in newly designed structures and reconstructed
historic buildings, resulting in the reduction in the commercial energy consumption and CO2
environmental emissions. This paper explores the possibilities of improving the energy efficiency of
sacred heritage buildings by utilizing photovoltaic systems. As an exceptionally significant cultural
good, the Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel in Belgrade shall serve as a case study, with the aim
of examining the methods of mounting photovoltaic (PV) panels, taking into account the fact that the
authenticity and the aesthetic value of this cultural monument must remain intact. A comparative
analysis of the two options for installing PV panels on the southwestern roof of the church was
performed using simulations in PVgis and PVsist V6.84 software, with the aim of establishing the
most efficient option in terms of power generation. The simulation results show that photovoltaic
panels can produce 151,650 kWh (Option 1) and 150,894 kWh (Option 2) per year, while the required
amount of energy is 42,726 kWh. The electricity produced exceeds the electricity requirements for the
decorative lighting of the Cathedral Church, so it can be used for other purposes in the sacred complex.
PB  - Basel: MDPI
T2  - Sustainability (Switzerland), 2020, 12(4), 1408
T1  - The Application of Photovoltaic Systems in Sacred Buildings for the Purpose of Electric Power Production: The Case Study of the Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel in Belgrade
VL  - 12
IS  - 4
SP  - 1408
DO  - 10.3390/su12041408
ER  - 
author = "Sudimac, Budimir and Ugrinović, Aleksandra and Mišo, Jurčević",
year = "2020",
abstract = "In light of climate changes, technological development and the use of renewable energy
sources are considered very important nowadays, both in newly designed structures and reconstructed
historic buildings, resulting in the reduction in the commercial energy consumption and CO2
environmental emissions. This paper explores the possibilities of improving the energy efficiency of
sacred heritage buildings by utilizing photovoltaic systems. As an exceptionally significant cultural
good, the Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel in Belgrade shall serve as a case study, with the aim
of examining the methods of mounting photovoltaic (PV) panels, taking into account the fact that the
authenticity and the aesthetic value of this cultural monument must remain intact. A comparative
analysis of the two options for installing PV panels on the southwestern roof of the church was
performed using simulations in PVgis and PVsist V6.84 software, with the aim of establishing the
most efficient option in terms of power generation. The simulation results show that photovoltaic
panels can produce 151,650 kWh (Option 1) and 150,894 kWh (Option 2) per year, while the required
amount of energy is 42,726 kWh. The electricity produced exceeds the electricity requirements for the
decorative lighting of the Cathedral Church, so it can be used for other purposes in the sacred complex.",
publisher = "Basel: MDPI",
journal = "Sustainability (Switzerland), 2020, 12(4), 1408",
title = "The Application of Photovoltaic Systems in Sacred Buildings for the Purpose of Electric Power Production: The Case Study of the Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel in Belgrade",
volume = "12",
number = "4",
pages = "1408",
doi = "10.3390/su12041408"
Sudimac, B., Ugrinović, A.,& Mišo, J.. (2020). The Application of Photovoltaic Systems in Sacred Buildings for the Purpose of Electric Power Production: The Case Study of the Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel in Belgrade. in Sustainability (Switzerland), 2020, 12(4), 1408
Basel: MDPI., 12(4), 1408.
Sudimac B, Ugrinović A, Mišo J. The Application of Photovoltaic Systems in Sacred Buildings for the Purpose of Electric Power Production: The Case Study of the Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel in Belgrade. in Sustainability (Switzerland), 2020, 12(4), 1408. 2020;12(4):1408.
doi:10.3390/su12041408 .
Sudimac, Budimir, Ugrinović, Aleksandra, Mišo, Jurčević, "The Application of Photovoltaic Systems in Sacred Buildings for the Purpose of Electric Power Production: The Case Study of the Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel in Belgrade" in Sustainability (Switzerland), 2020, 12(4), 1408, 12, no. 4 (2020):1408, . .

Visitor Centres as a Contribution to Improving Urban-Rural Relations: From Primary Needs to Landmarks

Videnović, Aleksandar; Arandjelović, Miloš

(IGI Global, 2020)

AU  - Videnović, Aleksandar
AU  - Arandjelović, Miloš
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Архитектура јавних зграда у руралним срединама, унапређењем вештина, знања, технологија, и материјалa, постају све репрезентативнији последњих деценија, посебно имајући у виду туризам као глобалну тему. Рад се односи на планирање центара за посетиоце у руралним срединама и главни задатак је дефинисан напором за побољшањем квалитета живота на таквим подручјима, односно истицањем главних предности у простору, као што је природно окружење. Циљ истраживања је дефинисан постављањем одређених елемента у планирању центара за посетиоце у оквиру идеје промоције локалних вредности и културне баштине. Први део поглавља дефинисан је као анализа теоријских погледа. Други део студије дефинисан је као анализа центара за посетиоце. Кроз студију случаја, у трећем делу поглавља, рад представља упоредни преглед процеса остварења две појединачне сличне инвестиције у Србији и Босни и Херцеговини.
AB  - The architecture of public buildings in rural areas, through the advancement of skills, knowledge, technologies, and materials, has become increasingly representative in recent decades, especially considering tourism as a global theme. The work is related to the planning of visitor centers in rural areas and the main task is defined by the effort to improve the quality of life in such areas, that is, highlight the major advantages in space, such as the natural environment. The aim of the research is defined by establishing
 certain elements in the planning of the visitor centers within the idea of promoting local values and cultural heritage. The first part of the chapter has been defined as an analysis of the theoretical views. The second part of the study has been defined as an analysis of the visitor centers. Through a case study, in the third part of the chapter, the work presents a comparative overview of the process to achieve two individual similar investments in Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
PB  - IGI Global
T2  - Handbook of Research on Urban-Rural Synergy Development Through Housing, Landscape, and Tourism
T1  - Visitor Centres as a Contribution to Improving Urban-Rural Relations: From Primary Needs to Landmarks
SP  - 193
EP  - 214
DO  - 10.4018/978-1-5225-9932-6.ch010
ER  - 
author = "Videnović, Aleksandar and Arandjelović, Miloš",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Архитектура јавних зграда у руралним срединама, унапређењем вештина, знања, технологија, и материјалa, постају све репрезентативнији последњих деценија, посебно имајући у виду туризам као глобалну тему. Рад се односи на планирање центара за посетиоце у руралним срединама и главни задатак је дефинисан напором за побољшањем квалитета живота на таквим подручјима, односно истицањем главних предности у простору, као што је природно окружење. Циљ истраживања је дефинисан постављањем одређених елемента у планирању центара за посетиоце у оквиру идеје промоције локалних вредности и културне баштине. Први део поглавља дефинисан је као анализа теоријских погледа. Други део студије дефинисан је као анализа центара за посетиоце. Кроз студију случаја, у трећем делу поглавља, рад представља упоредни преглед процеса остварења две појединачне сличне инвестиције у Србији и Босни и Херцеговини., The architecture of public buildings in rural areas, through the advancement of skills, knowledge, technologies, and materials, has become increasingly representative in recent decades, especially considering tourism as a global theme. The work is related to the planning of visitor centers in rural areas and the main task is defined by the effort to improve the quality of life in such areas, that is, highlight the major advantages in space, such as the natural environment. The aim of the research is defined by establishing
 certain elements in the planning of the visitor centers within the idea of promoting local values and cultural heritage. The first part of the chapter has been defined as an analysis of the theoretical views. The second part of the study has been defined as an analysis of the visitor centers. Through a case study, in the third part of the chapter, the work presents a comparative overview of the process to achieve two individual similar investments in Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.",
publisher = "IGI Global",
journal = "Handbook of Research on Urban-Rural Synergy Development Through Housing, Landscape, and Tourism",
booktitle = "Visitor Centres as a Contribution to Improving Urban-Rural Relations: From Primary Needs to Landmarks",
pages = "193-214",
doi = "10.4018/978-1-5225-9932-6.ch010"
Videnović, A.,& Arandjelović, M.. (2020). Visitor Centres as a Contribution to Improving Urban-Rural Relations: From Primary Needs to Landmarks. in Handbook of Research on Urban-Rural Synergy Development Through Housing, Landscape, and Tourism
IGI Global., 193-214.
Videnović A, Arandjelović M. Visitor Centres as a Contribution to Improving Urban-Rural Relations: From Primary Needs to Landmarks. in Handbook of Research on Urban-Rural Synergy Development Through Housing, Landscape, and Tourism. 2020;:193-214.
doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-9932-6.ch010 .
Videnović, Aleksandar, Arandjelović, Miloš, "Visitor Centres as a Contribution to Improving Urban-Rural Relations: From Primary Needs to Landmarks" in Handbook of Research on Urban-Rural Synergy Development Through Housing, Landscape, and Tourism (2020):193-214, . .

Multifamily housing in the villages of Serbia: from inappropriate spatial appearances to possible elements of urbanity [abstract]

Videnović, Aleksandar; Aranđelović, Miloš

(Универзитет у Бањој Луци - Архитектонско-грађевинско-геодетски факултет, 2020)

AU  - Videnović, Aleksandar
AU  - Aranđelović, Miloš
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Rural housing is directly linked to agricultural work, so the organization of space in the yard is
fundamentally different from the functional characteristics of urban housing. In the villages of
Serbia, over the years and after the Second World War, multi-storey residential buildings were
erected for service to non-agricultural population. By their basic manifestations and visual
manifestations, as well as functional characteristics, these objects never fit into the image of the
village, and their users do not enter into the habits and customs of life in the environments in which
they are built. Semi-agricultural and non-agricultural population in rural areas is predominant today,
so the question arises as to the relation of the profession to multi-family housing in villages.
AB  - Становање у селима је непосредно повезано са радом у пољопривреди, па је организација
простора на дворишту суштински различита од карактеристика урбаног становања. У селима
Србије су током времена, а након Другог светског рата, грађени вишеспратни стамбени
објекти, намењени услужном непољопривредном становништву. Како основним појавним и
визуелним манифестацијама, тако и функционалним карактеристикама, ови се објекти нису
никада уклопили у слику села, а њихови корисници у навике и обичаје живота у срединама у
којима су грађени. Полуаграрно и неаграрно становништво у селима данас преовлађује, па се поставља питање односа струке према вишепородичном становању у селима.
PB  - Универзитет у Бањој Луци - Архитектонско-грађевинско-геодетски факултет
C3  - International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XIV STEPGRAD, Banja Luka - Abstract book
T1  - Multifamily housing in the villages of Serbia: from inappropriate spatial appearances to possible elements of urbanity [abstract]
T1  - Вишепородично становање у селима Србије: од нeпримерених просторних појава до могућих елемената урбанитета
SP  - 18
EP  - 18
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Videnović, Aleksandar and Aranđelović, Miloš",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Rural housing is directly linked to agricultural work, so the organization of space in the yard is
fundamentally different from the functional characteristics of urban housing. In the villages of
Serbia, over the years and after the Second World War, multi-storey residential buildings were
erected for service to non-agricultural population. By their basic manifestations and visual
manifestations, as well as functional characteristics, these objects never fit into the image of the
village, and their users do not enter into the habits and customs of life in the environments in which
they are built. Semi-agricultural and non-agricultural population in rural areas is predominant today,
so the question arises as to the relation of the profession to multi-family housing in villages., Становање у селима је непосредно повезано са радом у пољопривреди, па је организација
простора на дворишту суштински различита од карактеристика урбаног становања. У селима
Србије су током времена, а након Другог светског рата, грађени вишеспратни стамбени
објекти, намењени услужном непољопривредном становништву. Како основним појавним и
визуелним манифестацијама, тако и функционалним карактеристикама, ови се објекти нису
никада уклопили у слику села, а њихови корисници у навике и обичаје живота у срединама у
којима су грађени. Полуаграрно и неаграрно становништво у селима данас преовлађује, па се поставља питање односа струке према вишепородичном становању у селима.",
publisher = "Универзитет у Бањој Луци - Архитектонско-грађевинско-геодетски факултет",
journal = "International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XIV STEPGRAD, Banja Luka - Abstract book",
title = "Multifamily housing in the villages of Serbia: from inappropriate spatial appearances to possible elements of urbanity [abstract], Вишепородично становање у селима Србије: од нeпримерених просторних појава до могућих елемената урбанитета",
pages = "18-18",
url = ""
Videnović, A.,& Aranđelović, M.. (2020). Multifamily housing in the villages of Serbia: from inappropriate spatial appearances to possible elements of urbanity [abstract]. in International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XIV STEPGRAD, Banja Luka - Abstract book
Универзитет у Бањој Луци - Архитектонско-грађевинско-геодетски факултет., 18-18.
Videnović A, Aranđelović M. Multifamily housing in the villages of Serbia: from inappropriate spatial appearances to possible elements of urbanity [abstract]. in International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XIV STEPGRAD, Banja Luka - Abstract book. 2020;:18-18. .
Videnović, Aleksandar, Aranđelović, Miloš, "Multifamily housing in the villages of Serbia: from inappropriate spatial appearances to possible elements of urbanity [abstract]" in International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XIV STEPGRAD, Banja Luka - Abstract book (2020):18-18, .

Multifamily housing in the villages of Serbia: from inappropriate spatial appearances to possible elements of urbanity

Videnović, Aleksandar C.; Aranđelović, Miloš

(Универзитет у Бањој Луци Архитектонско-грађевинско-геодетски факултет = University of Banja Luka Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, 2020)

AU  - Videnović, Aleksandar C.
AU  - Aranđelović, Miloš
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Abstract:
Rural housing is directly linked to agricultural work, so the organization of space in the yard is
fundamentally different from the functional characteristics of urban housing. In the villages of
Serbia, over the years and after the Second World War, multi-storey residential buildings were
erected for service to non-agricultural population. By their basic manifestations and visual
manifestations, as well as functional characteristics, these objects never fit into the image of the
village, and their users do not enter into the habits and customs of life in the environments in which
they are built. Semi-agricultural and non-agricultural population in rural areas is predominant today,
so the question arises as to the relation of the profession to multi-family housing in villages.
PB  - Универзитет у Бањој Луци Архитектонско-грађевинско-геодетски факултет = University of Banja Luka Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy
C3  - Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XIV STEPGRAD = Mеђународна конференција савремена теорија и пракса у градитељству XIV, 2020
T1  - Multifamily housing in the villages of Serbia: from inappropriate spatial appearances to possible elements of urbanity
SP  - 196
EP  - 206
DO  - 10.7251/STP2014196V
ER  - 
author = "Videnović, Aleksandar C. and Aranđelović, Miloš",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Abstract:
Rural housing is directly linked to agricultural work, so the organization of space in the yard is
fundamentally different from the functional characteristics of urban housing. In the villages of
Serbia, over the years and after the Second World War, multi-storey residential buildings were
erected for service to non-agricultural population. By their basic manifestations and visual
manifestations, as well as functional characteristics, these objects never fit into the image of the
village, and their users do not enter into the habits and customs of life in the environments in which
they are built. Semi-agricultural and non-agricultural population in rural areas is predominant today,
so the question arises as to the relation of the profession to multi-family housing in villages.",
publisher = "Универзитет у Бањој Луци Архитектонско-грађевинско-геодетски факултет = University of Banja Luka Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy",
journal = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XIV STEPGRAD = Mеђународна конференција савремена теорија и пракса у градитељству XIV, 2020",
title = "Multifamily housing in the villages of Serbia: from inappropriate spatial appearances to possible elements of urbanity",
pages = "196-206",
doi = "10.7251/STP2014196V"
Videnović, A. C.,& Aranđelović, M.. (2020). Multifamily housing in the villages of Serbia: from inappropriate spatial appearances to possible elements of urbanity. in Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XIV STEPGRAD = Mеђународна конференција савремена теорија и пракса у градитељству XIV, 2020
Универзитет у Бањој Луци Архитектонско-грађевинско-геодетски факултет = University of Banja Luka Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy., 196-206.
Videnović AC, Aranđelović M. Multifamily housing in the villages of Serbia: from inappropriate spatial appearances to possible elements of urbanity. in Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XIV STEPGRAD = Mеђународна конференција савремена теорија и пракса у градитељству XIV, 2020. 2020;:196-206.
doi:10.7251/STP2014196V .
Videnović, Aleksandar C., Aranđelović, Miloš, "Multifamily housing in the villages of Serbia: from inappropriate spatial appearances to possible elements of urbanity" in Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XIV STEPGRAD = Mеђународна конференција савремена теорија и пракса у градитељству XIV, 2020 (2020):196-206, . .

Fluid spaces in a contemporary urban context: Questioning the boundary between architecture and infrastructure

Jerković-Babović, Bojana; Rakonjac, Ivana; Furundžić, Danilo

(Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2020)

AU  - Jerković-Babović, Bojana
AU  - Rakonjac, Ivana
AU  - Furundžić, Danilo
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this paper is to research the relations between the contemporary networked context and transformations in the understanding of architectural and infrastructural spaces, and to research the main models of fluidity within this relation. The contemporary urban context is characterized by globalization, transculturalism and increased technological development, which simultaneously change the everydayness, usage and perception of urban spaces and architecture. New networking phenomena occurring on informational, communicational and spatial levels transform the city and its architecture into constant processes of flows. Fluidity is positioned as the main problem of this research, simultaneously causing, and manifesting in, transformations of contemporary spatial conditions where the notion of flow becomes the new spatial quality. This research is focused on one of the main spatial manifestations of the fluidity phenomenon in contemporary cities – the dispersion of the boundary between architectural and infrastructural space. The aim of the paper is to present the idea that fluid spaces are characterized by: 1) increased loss of disciplinary boundaries; 2) loss of physical boundaries – inner-outer space overlapping; 3) dispersion of perceptual boundaries in space. The research is significant because it defines new meanings of spaces of flows and movement in a contemporary urban context.
PB  - Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Spatium
T1  - Fluid spaces in a contemporary urban context: Questioning the boundary between architecture and infrastructure
IS  - 43
SP  - 35
EP  - 43
DO  - 10.2298/SPAT2043035J
ER  - 
author = "Jerković-Babović, Bojana and Rakonjac, Ivana and Furundžić, Danilo",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The aim of this paper is to research the relations between the contemporary networked context and transformations in the understanding of architectural and infrastructural spaces, and to research the main models of fluidity within this relation. The contemporary urban context is characterized by globalization, transculturalism and increased technological development, which simultaneously change the everydayness, usage and perception of urban spaces and architecture. New networking phenomena occurring on informational, communicational and spatial levels transform the city and its architecture into constant processes of flows. Fluidity is positioned as the main problem of this research, simultaneously causing, and manifesting in, transformations of contemporary spatial conditions where the notion of flow becomes the new spatial quality. This research is focused on one of the main spatial manifestations of the fluidity phenomenon in contemporary cities – the dispersion of the boundary between architectural and infrastructural space. The aim of the paper is to present the idea that fluid spaces are characterized by: 1) increased loss of disciplinary boundaries; 2) loss of physical boundaries – inner-outer space overlapping; 3) dispersion of perceptual boundaries in space. The research is significant because it defines new meanings of spaces of flows and movement in a contemporary urban context.",
publisher = "Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Spatium",
title = "Fluid spaces in a contemporary urban context: Questioning the boundary between architecture and infrastructure",
number = "43",
pages = "35-43",
doi = "10.2298/SPAT2043035J"
Jerković-Babović, B., Rakonjac, I.,& Furundžić, D.. (2020). Fluid spaces in a contemporary urban context: Questioning the boundary between architecture and infrastructure. in Spatium
Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia.(43), 35-43.
Jerković-Babović B, Rakonjac I, Furundžić D. Fluid spaces in a contemporary urban context: Questioning the boundary between architecture and infrastructure. in Spatium. 2020;(43):35-43.
doi:10.2298/SPAT2043035J .
Jerković-Babović, Bojana, Rakonjac, Ivana, Furundžić, Danilo, "Fluid spaces in a contemporary urban context: Questioning the boundary between architecture and infrastructure" in Spatium, no. 43 (2020):35-43, . .

Dome Beyond Its Limits or How Deep Is Your Love

Mitrović, Jelena; Milenković, Vladimir

(Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, 2020)

AU  - Mitrović, Jelena
AU  - Milenković, Vladimir
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - This text is a part of tripartite study on the dome – architectural term associated with spherical geometry and sublimity as ontological feature of the form that corresponds methodological instance of absolute space. Morphological capacity of the dome is ex- posed in its etymology, which transposes the architecture of the sky, taking this shape as part of the whole and the whole within. The first of three parts, The Architecture of Dome: Mapping the W/Hole, explores the architectural capacity for geometric materi- alization of the sky in the age of virtual decomposition of shape into function of endless exposure to the unknown. The second text, Architectural Sublime: Dome Above Dome includes symbolic processing of the sublime architectural place, which equally to geo- metric distribution of the dome and linear character of its path determines the univer- sal character of things. The central position of the third part, Dome Beyond Its Limits or How Deep Is Your Love, is given to the sensibility of the shapes questioned from the perspective of archetype, and its radiance becomes the expression of inability to round things up. Instead of beauty and the universal law of proportion, the first becomes the place of eccentricity and tension of personal spatial feeling. Therefore, today, instead of concave feeling for the space above, where historically speaking the dome is its geometric paragon, the position outside of the borders of the projection of the dome is marked by distancing in space and time expressed in increasing numbers.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture
PB  - Belgrade : International Association for Aesthetics
PB  - Belgrade :The Society for Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts of Serbia
T2  - International Yearbook of Aesthetics
T1  - Dome Beyond Its Limits or How Deep Is Your Love
VL  - 20
SP  - 33
EP  - 49
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Jelena and Milenković, Vladimir",
year = "2020",
abstract = "This text is a part of tripartite study on the dome – architectural term associated with spherical geometry and sublimity as ontological feature of the form that corresponds methodological instance of absolute space. Morphological capacity of the dome is ex- posed in its etymology, which transposes the architecture of the sky, taking this shape as part of the whole and the whole within. The first of three parts, The Architecture of Dome: Mapping the W/Hole, explores the architectural capacity for geometric materi- alization of the sky in the age of virtual decomposition of shape into function of endless exposure to the unknown. The second text, Architectural Sublime: Dome Above Dome includes symbolic processing of the sublime architectural place, which equally to geo- metric distribution of the dome and linear character of its path determines the univer- sal character of things. The central position of the third part, Dome Beyond Its Limits or How Deep Is Your Love, is given to the sensibility of the shapes questioned from the perspective of archetype, and its radiance becomes the expression of inability to round things up. Instead of beauty and the universal law of proportion, the first becomes the place of eccentricity and tension of personal spatial feeling. Therefore, today, instead of concave feeling for the space above, where historically speaking the dome is its geometric paragon, the position outside of the borders of the projection of the dome is marked by distancing in space and time expressed in increasing numbers.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade : International Association for Aesthetics, Belgrade :The Society for Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts of Serbia",
journal = "International Yearbook of Aesthetics",
title = "Dome Beyond Its Limits or How Deep Is Your Love",
volume = "20",
pages = "33-49",
url = ""
Mitrović, J.,& Milenković, V.. (2020). Dome Beyond Its Limits or How Deep Is Your Love. in International Yearbook of Aesthetics
Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture., 20, 33-49.
Mitrović J, Milenković V. Dome Beyond Its Limits or How Deep Is Your Love. in International Yearbook of Aesthetics. 2020;20:33-49. .
Mitrović, Jelena, Milenković, Vladimir, "Dome Beyond Its Limits or How Deep Is Your Love" in International Yearbook of Aesthetics, 20 (2020):33-49, .

Re-Thinking City Space in the Context of Nineteenth Century Belgrade

Ćorović, Dragana; Vuksannović-Macura, Zlata; Milinković, Marija

(Department of Architecture – University of Bologna, 2020)

AU  - Ćorović, Dragana
AU  - Vuksannović-Macura, Zlata
AU  - Milinković, Marija
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - The split into “nature” and “culture” has lasted for centuries in Western civilization and remains the framework through which we consider various important problems of contemporary society. In the last decades of the twentieth century there has been a clear reaction to this dichotomy, first in a geography discourse then elsewhere, and a move towards studying the construction and representation of nature in cultural history. A very important feature in the approach to design for recovering contemporary urban landscape is urban greenery regeneration as well as the study of the urban greenery past. The broader historical context of our study is the establishment of new capitalist relations towards urban territory in nineteenth century Belgrade, and with it a new distribution of political and economic power. This process led to the disappearance of the main green spaces in the city and the suppression of the memory they carried. The reconstruction of Belgrade’s historic core was implemented according to Emilijan Josimović’s urban plan (1867). Nevertheless, it contained some very important indications of ecological thinking. In order to elaborate a refined approach to environmental and cultural problems that Belgrade, like other cities, faces today, we bring to light and critically examine those features and aspects of Josimović’s plan that established organic relations and balance between nature, culture, city memory and city development.
PB  - Department of Architecture – University of Bologna
C3  - CHANCES. Practices, Spaces and Buildings in Cities’ Transformation
T1  - Re-Thinking City Space in the Context of Nineteenth Century Belgrade
DO  - 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6596
ER  - 
author = "Ćorović, Dragana and Vuksannović-Macura, Zlata and Milinković, Marija",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The split into “nature” and “culture” has lasted for centuries in Western civilization and remains the framework through which we consider various important problems of contemporary society. In the last decades of the twentieth century there has been a clear reaction to this dichotomy, first in a geography discourse then elsewhere, and a move towards studying the construction and representation of nature in cultural history. A very important feature in the approach to design for recovering contemporary urban landscape is urban greenery regeneration as well as the study of the urban greenery past. The broader historical context of our study is the establishment of new capitalist relations towards urban territory in nineteenth century Belgrade, and with it a new distribution of political and economic power. This process led to the disappearance of the main green spaces in the city and the suppression of the memory they carried. The reconstruction of Belgrade’s historic core was implemented according to Emilijan Josimović’s urban plan (1867). Nevertheless, it contained some very important indications of ecological thinking. In order to elaborate a refined approach to environmental and cultural problems that Belgrade, like other cities, faces today, we bring to light and critically examine those features and aspects of Josimović’s plan that established organic relations and balance between nature, culture, city memory and city development.",
publisher = "Department of Architecture – University of Bologna",
journal = "CHANCES. Practices, Spaces and Buildings in Cities’ Transformation",
title = "Re-Thinking City Space in the Context of Nineteenth Century Belgrade",
doi = "10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6596"
Ćorović, D., Vuksannović-Macura, Z.,& Milinković, M.. (2020). Re-Thinking City Space in the Context of Nineteenth Century Belgrade. in CHANCES. Practices, Spaces and Buildings in Cities’ Transformation
Department of Architecture – University of Bologna..
Ćorović D, Vuksannović-Macura Z, Milinković M. Re-Thinking City Space in the Context of Nineteenth Century Belgrade. in CHANCES. Practices, Spaces and Buildings in Cities’ Transformation. 2020;.
doi:10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6596 .
Ćorović, Dragana, Vuksannović-Macura, Zlata, Milinković, Marija, "Re-Thinking City Space in the Context of Nineteenth Century Belgrade" in CHANCES. Practices, Spaces and Buildings in Cities’ Transformation (2020), . .

Urban-Rural Synergy Between Housing Spatial Patterns and Landscape: Typological Classification of Belgrade Socialist Settlements from an Environmental Perspective

Nikezić, Ana; Ristić Trajković, Jelena P.; Milovanović, Aleksandra

(IGI Global, 2020)

AU  - Nikezić, Ana
AU  - Ristić Trajković, Jelena P.
AU  - Milovanović, Aleksandra
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - The morphogenesis of the urban territory and its contact with the non-urbanized, natural environment of the wider metropolitan area distinguish issues of the synergy between landscape and spatial patterns in order to achieve their balance, optimization, and harmony. This chapter highlights the conceptual framework of landscape ecology as linking to place-based design approach for studying the synergy of landscape and housing spatial patterns in order to improve their integration in future perspective. The territory of the city of Belgrade is recognized as a specific spatial-morphological system that is a consequence of the urban-rural synergy between socialist housing settlements and environmental processes. The chapter points at the environmental and functional values of nature with a particular focus on housing typology in the process of urban planning and architectural design.
PB  - IGI Global
T2  - Handbook of Research on Urban-Rural Synergy Development Through Housing, Landscape, and Tourism
T1  - Urban-Rural Synergy Between Housing Spatial Patterns and Landscape: Typological Classification of Belgrade Socialist Settlements from an Environmental Perspective
SP  - 115
EP  - 137
DO  - 10.4018/978-1-5225-9932-6.ch006
ER  - 
author = "Nikezić, Ana and Ristić Trajković, Jelena P. and Milovanović, Aleksandra",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The morphogenesis of the urban territory and its contact with the non-urbanized, natural environment of the wider metropolitan area distinguish issues of the synergy between landscape and spatial patterns in order to achieve their balance, optimization, and harmony. This chapter highlights the conceptual framework of landscape ecology as linking to place-based design approach for studying the synergy of landscape and housing spatial patterns in order to improve their integration in future perspective. The territory of the city of Belgrade is recognized as a specific spatial-morphological system that is a consequence of the urban-rural synergy between socialist housing settlements and environmental processes. The chapter points at the environmental and functional values of nature with a particular focus on housing typology in the process of urban planning and architectural design.",
publisher = "IGI Global",
journal = "Handbook of Research on Urban-Rural Synergy Development Through Housing, Landscape, and Tourism",
booktitle = "Urban-Rural Synergy Between Housing Spatial Patterns and Landscape: Typological Classification of Belgrade Socialist Settlements from an Environmental Perspective",
pages = "115-137",
doi = "10.4018/978-1-5225-9932-6.ch006"
Nikezić, A., Ristić Trajković, J. P.,& Milovanović, A.. (2020). Urban-Rural Synergy Between Housing Spatial Patterns and Landscape: Typological Classification of Belgrade Socialist Settlements from an Environmental Perspective. in Handbook of Research on Urban-Rural Synergy Development Through Housing, Landscape, and Tourism
IGI Global., 115-137.
Nikezić A, Ristić Trajković JP, Milovanović A. Urban-Rural Synergy Between Housing Spatial Patterns and Landscape: Typological Classification of Belgrade Socialist Settlements from an Environmental Perspective. in Handbook of Research on Urban-Rural Synergy Development Through Housing, Landscape, and Tourism. 2020;:115-137.
doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-9932-6.ch006 .
Nikezić, Ana, Ristić Trajković, Jelena P., Milovanović, Aleksandra, "Urban-Rural Synergy Between Housing Spatial Patterns and Landscape: Typological Classification of Belgrade Socialist Settlements from an Environmental Perspective" in Handbook of Research on Urban-Rural Synergy Development Through Housing, Landscape, and Tourism (2020):115-137, . .

Reflections on the learning objectives for sustainable development in the higher education curricula – three cases from the University of Belgrade

Orlović Lovren, Violeta; Maruna, Marija; Stanarević, Svetlana

(Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2020)

AU  - Orlović Lovren, Violeta
AU  - Maruna, Marija
AU  - Stanarević, Svetlana
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Purpose This purpose of this study is to explore the integration of the sustainable development concept and goals into the curriculum of higher education studies using the example of three faculties of the University of Belgrade. Design/methodology/approach A qualitative content analysis has been applied on two levels: the evaluation of the sustainability of courses starting from the criteria defined using the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (ASHE, 2017), and the analysis of the outcomes defined in the curricula of subjects within the three faculties using the UNESCO learning objectives related to selected sustainable development goals (SDGs) as a criteria. Findings While the largest number of courses were analyzed from the Faculty of Architecture, the highest proportion of sustainability courses was found in the Faculty of Security Studies. Both study areas reflect a stronger interdisciplinary orientation, although it should be strengthened in the case of the Andragogy study program. Based on the experience of the Faculty of Architecture, the courses implemented by linking theory and practice may significantly contribute to achieving the LOs and to implementing the education for sustainable development. At the University of Belgrade, strategic documents are missing that would encourage and oblige the faculties to apply the concept of sustainability. Originality/value This is the first study to apply this type of curricula analysis at the University of Belgrade. It is performed by teachers from the university, coming from different disciplinary fields but oriented towards an interdisciplinary perspective. Although performed in three specific study areas within a single university, the identified gaps and trends may be useful for planning interventions toward accelerating the implementation of SDGs in the higher education curricula.
PB  - Emerald Group Publishing Limited
T2  - International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education
T1  - Reflections on the learning objectives for sustainable development in the higher education curricula – three cases from the University of Belgrade
VL  - 21
IS  - 2
SP  - 315
EP  - 335
DO  - 10.1108/IJSHE-09-2019-0260
ER  - 
author = "Orlović Lovren, Violeta and Maruna, Marija and Stanarević, Svetlana",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Purpose This purpose of this study is to explore the integration of the sustainable development concept and goals into the curriculum of higher education studies using the example of three faculties of the University of Belgrade. Design/methodology/approach A qualitative content analysis has been applied on two levels: the evaluation of the sustainability of courses starting from the criteria defined using the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (ASHE, 2017), and the analysis of the outcomes defined in the curricula of subjects within the three faculties using the UNESCO learning objectives related to selected sustainable development goals (SDGs) as a criteria. Findings While the largest number of courses were analyzed from the Faculty of Architecture, the highest proportion of sustainability courses was found in the Faculty of Security Studies. Both study areas reflect a stronger interdisciplinary orientation, although it should be strengthened in the case of the Andragogy study program. Based on the experience of the Faculty of Architecture, the courses implemented by linking theory and practice may significantly contribute to achieving the LOs and to implementing the education for sustainable development. At the University of Belgrade, strategic documents are missing that would encourage and oblige the faculties to apply the concept of sustainability. Originality/value This is the first study to apply this type of curricula analysis at the University of Belgrade. It is performed by teachers from the university, coming from different disciplinary fields but oriented towards an interdisciplinary perspective. Although performed in three specific study areas within a single university, the identified gaps and trends may be useful for planning interventions toward accelerating the implementation of SDGs in the higher education curricula.",
publisher = "Emerald Group Publishing Limited",
journal = "International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education",
title = "Reflections on the learning objectives for sustainable development in the higher education curricula – three cases from the University of Belgrade",
volume = "21",
number = "2",
pages = "315-335",
doi = "10.1108/IJSHE-09-2019-0260"
Orlović Lovren, V., Maruna, M.,& Stanarević, S.. (2020). Reflections on the learning objectives for sustainable development in the higher education curricula – three cases from the University of Belgrade. in International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education
Emerald Group Publishing Limited., 21(2), 315-335.
Orlović Lovren V, Maruna M, Stanarević S. Reflections on the learning objectives for sustainable development in the higher education curricula – three cases from the University of Belgrade. in International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. 2020;21(2):315-335.
doi:10.1108/IJSHE-09-2019-0260 .
Orlović Lovren, Violeta, Maruna, Marija, Stanarević, Svetlana, "Reflections on the learning objectives for sustainable development in the higher education curricula – three cases from the University of Belgrade" in International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 21, no. 2 (2020):315-335, . .

O razmeri : monumentalizovanje minijaturnog

Cvetić, Mariela; Čubrilo, Jasmina

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Arhitektonski fakultet, 2019)

AU  - Cvetić, Mariela
AU  - Čubrilo, Jasmina
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Knjiga ”O razmeri: monumentalizovanje minijaturnog” je zajednički projekat dr Mariele Cvetić, redovne profesorke Arhitektonskog fakulteta u Beogradu i dr Jasmine Čubrilo, redovne profesorke Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu. Кnjiga je zamišljena kao istorijsko umetnička i teorijska rasprava o umetničkom projektu ”Svet po meni” koji je Mariela Cvetić prvi put predstavila u Galeriji Кulturnog centra Beograd 2013. godine. Postavka je bila realizovana u mediju instalacije koja je sadržala uvećani model kuće za lutke u razmeri 1:12. Кasnija izlaganja su sadžala i fotografije, projekcije i objekte. Кnjiga je nastavak ovog projekta.
Publikacija sadrži tekstove autorki i fotografije projekta. Кao takva, knjiga jeste interdisciplinarna naučna analiza umetničkih praksi Mariele Cvetić a u  širem smislu reč je o interdisciplinarnoj raspravi o problemima savremene umetnosti, odnosno prepletima vizuelnih umetnosti, arhitekture i savremene teorije umetnosti.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Arhitektonski fakultet
T1  - O razmeri : monumentalizovanje minijaturnog
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Cvetić, Mariela and Čubrilo, Jasmina",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Knjiga ”O razmeri: monumentalizovanje minijaturnog” je zajednički projekat dr Mariele Cvetić, redovne profesorke Arhitektonskog fakulteta u Beogradu i dr Jasmine Čubrilo, redovne profesorke Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu. Кnjiga je zamišljena kao istorijsko umetnička i teorijska rasprava o umetničkom projektu ”Svet po meni” koji je Mariela Cvetić prvi put predstavila u Galeriji Кulturnog centra Beograd 2013. godine. Postavka je bila realizovana u mediju instalacije koja je sadržala uvećani model kuće za lutke u razmeri 1:12. Кasnija izlaganja su sadžala i fotografije, projekcije i objekte. Кnjiga je nastavak ovog projekta.
Publikacija sadrži tekstove autorki i fotografije projekta. Кao takva, knjiga jeste interdisciplinarna naučna analiza umetničkih praksi Mariele Cvetić a u  širem smislu reč je o interdisciplinarnoj raspravi o problemima savremene umetnosti, odnosno prepletima vizuelnih umetnosti, arhitekture i savremene teorije umetnosti.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Arhitektonski fakultet",
title = "O razmeri : monumentalizovanje minijaturnog",
url = ""
Cvetić, M.,& Čubrilo, J.. (2019). O razmeri : monumentalizovanje minijaturnog. 
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Arhitektonski fakultet..
Cvetić M, Čubrilo J. O razmeri : monumentalizovanje minijaturnog. 2019;. .
Cvetić, Mariela, Čubrilo, Jasmina, "O razmeri : monumentalizovanje minijaturnog" (2019), .

Флуидност границе отвореног јавног простора

Ракоњац, Ивана М.; Јерковић-Бабовић, Бојана M.

(Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет, 2019)

AU  - Ракоњац, Ивана М.
AU  - Јерковић-Бабовић, Бојана M.
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Граница, као место сусрета два подручја различитог значаја, осликава својства простора које спаја. Услед дуалне природе коју поседује, наглашена је флуидност границе која се испољава са аспекта перцепције простора у току кретања у отвореном јавном простору. Циљ овог рада огледа се у разумевању релативног односа границе и корисниковог доживљаја амбијенталних и архитектонских вредности отвореног јавног простора у оквиру сложеног савременог контекста града. Као последица различитог схватања граница од стране корисника, јавља се мноштво доживљаја визуелне динамике простора услед промене разумевања хијерархије архитектонских елемената. Утицај границе на корисникову представу о простору испољен је кроз непоновљиви карактер који простор чини јединственим и разликује га од других, а може се сагледати кроз специфичност ове границе – својство флуидности. Флуидност границе се у раду огледа у формирању динамичног доживљаја отвореног јавног простора у току кретања и истражује у односу на аспекате флексибилности, континуалности и пропустљивости. Испитују се потенцијали доживљајних вредновања границе при формирању искуства о простору, имајући у виду да је кроз својство флуидности границе испољено јединство статичних и динамичких компоненти архитектуре.
AB  - Boundary connects areas of different significance, depicting their characteristic. Dual nature emphasises the fluidity of the boundary expressed through spatial perception within the mobility framework in open public spaces. Significance of this paper is reflected in defining open public space boundary phenomenon. This phenomenon is presented through variability, relativity, diffusion and dialecticism. Transformation of conventional boundary perception implies occurrence of fluidity concept as a basic tool for spatial experience recognition within architecture discourse. Evaluation of architecture receptiveness depicts boundary significance in experiencing integral spatial context and determines city identity. Goal of this paper is to understand relation of boundary to user’s experience of ambient and architecture values of open public space within complex city context. Different user’s understanding of the boundary reflects in variety experiences of visual spatial dynamics, due to change of understanding of architecture elements hierarchy. Boundary influence on user’s perception of open public space is expressed through unique spatial feature – fluidity. This paper depicts boundary fluidity by forming dynamic experience of open public space through mobility and investigates aspects of flexibility, continuity and permeability. Potentials of boundary perception, during acquiring spatial experiences, are challenged through property of boundary fluidity which is expressed as unity of static and dynamic architecture components. This research contributes through improvement and transformations of existing public spaces within the frame of complex spatial situations aspiring adaptation to development of contemporary city.
PB  - Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет
T2  - Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIII међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (26 - 27. X 2018). Књ. 3, Рођење у музици & New Born Art
T1  - Флуидност границе отвореног јавног простора
T1  - Fluidity of open public space boundary
SP  - 379
EP  - 390
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ракоњац, Ивана М. and Јерковић-Бабовић, Бојана M.",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Граница, као место сусрета два подручја различитог значаја, осликава својства простора које спаја. Услед дуалне природе коју поседује, наглашена је флуидност границе која се испољава са аспекта перцепције простора у току кретања у отвореном јавном простору. Циљ овог рада огледа се у разумевању релативног односа границе и корисниковог доживљаја амбијенталних и архитектонских вредности отвореног јавног простора у оквиру сложеног савременог контекста града. Као последица различитог схватања граница од стране корисника, јавља се мноштво доживљаја визуелне динамике простора услед промене разумевања хијерархије архитектонских елемената. Утицај границе на корисникову представу о простору испољен је кроз непоновљиви карактер који простор чини јединственим и разликује га од других, а може се сагледати кроз специфичност ове границе – својство флуидности. Флуидност границе се у раду огледа у формирању динамичног доживљаја отвореног јавног простора у току кретања и истражује у односу на аспекате флексибилности, континуалности и пропустљивости. Испитују се потенцијали доживљајних вредновања границе при формирању искуства о простору, имајући у виду да је кроз својство флуидности границе испољено јединство статичних и динамичких компоненти архитектуре., Boundary connects areas of different significance, depicting their characteristic. Dual nature emphasises the fluidity of the boundary expressed through spatial perception within the mobility framework in open public spaces. Significance of this paper is reflected in defining open public space boundary phenomenon. This phenomenon is presented through variability, relativity, diffusion and dialecticism. Transformation of conventional boundary perception implies occurrence of fluidity concept as a basic tool for spatial experience recognition within architecture discourse. Evaluation of architecture receptiveness depicts boundary significance in experiencing integral spatial context and determines city identity. Goal of this paper is to understand relation of boundary to user’s experience of ambient and architecture values of open public space within complex city context. Different user’s understanding of the boundary reflects in variety experiences of visual spatial dynamics, due to change of understanding of architecture elements hierarchy. Boundary influence on user’s perception of open public space is expressed through unique spatial feature – fluidity. This paper depicts boundary fluidity by forming dynamic experience of open public space through mobility and investigates aspects of flexibility, continuity and permeability. Potentials of boundary perception, during acquiring spatial experiences, are challenged through property of boundary fluidity which is expressed as unity of static and dynamic architecture components. This research contributes through improvement and transformations of existing public spaces within the frame of complex spatial situations aspiring adaptation to development of contemporary city.",
publisher = "Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет",
journal = "Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIII међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (26 - 27. X 2018). Књ. 3, Рођење у музици & New Born Art",
booktitle = "Флуидност границе отвореног јавног простора, Fluidity of open public space boundary",
pages = "379-390",
url = ""
Ракоњац, И. М.,& Јерковић-Бабовић, Б. M.. (2019). Флуидност границе отвореног јавног простора. in Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIII међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (26 - 27. X 2018). Књ. 3, Рођење у музици & New Born Art
Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет., 379-390.
Ракоњац ИМ, Јерковић-Бабовић БM. Флуидност границе отвореног јавног простора. in Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIII међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (26 - 27. X 2018). Књ. 3, Рођење у музици & New Born Art. 2019;:379-390. .
Ракоњац, Ивана М., Јерковић-Бабовић, Бојана M., "Флуидност границе отвореног јавног простора" in Српски језик, књижевност, уметност : зборник радова са XIII међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (26 - 27. X 2018). Књ. 3, Рођење у музици & New Born Art (2019):379-390, .

Атмосферска целина Скадарске улице у Београду [апстракт]

Спасеновић, Вања Р.; Ракоњац, Ивана М.

(Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет, 2019)

AU  - Спасеновић, Вања Р.
AU  - Ракоњац, Ивана М.
PY  - 2019
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Централна развојна и културна осовина Београда, установљена у Генералном урбанистичком плану, дефинише предвиђени континуитет развоја садржаја културе у граду. Скадарска улица препозната је у оквиру осовине културе као полигон за анализу атмосферских квалитета места на основу карактеристичних морфолошких, функционалних, амбијенталних и меморијалних вредности. Циљ рада представља објективизовање интимног односа корисника и простора кроз анализу уличног фронта Скадарске улице. Улични фронт интерпретиран je кроз појам градске сценографије, односно визуелног утиска који корисник простора формира током опажајног сусрета са окружењем. Визуелни утисак простора, дефинисан на основу испитивања интензитета чулног доживљаја у зависности од дистанце сагледавања изграђеног фронта, представља основни параметар при анализи архитектонских вредности атмосферске целине.
AB  - The Central Development and Cultural Axis of Belgrade, established in the Master Plan for 2021, defines the anticipated continuity of cultural context development in the city. Skadarska Street was recognized within the axis of culture as a polygon for the analysis of spatial atmospheric qualities, based on characteristic morphological, functional, ambient and memorial values. The aim of this paper is to objectify the intimate relationship between users and space through the analysis of the Skadarska street front. The street front was interpreted through the notion of urban scenery, which is the visual impression that a space user forms during a perceptual encounter with the environment. The visual impression of space, defined through examining the intensity of the sensory experience dependent on the viewing distance of the built front, is a basic parameter in the analysis of the architectural values of the atmospheric unity. This spatial analysis, with emphasis on user experience, introduces a new kind of interpretation of the environment that is applicable in different contexts and gives an overview of the multi-layered character of the urban environment.
PB  - Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет
C3  - (Програм и књига резимеа) / XIV међународни научни скуп Српски језик, књижевност, уметност, Филолошко-уметнички факултет у Крагујевцу 25-27. октобар 2019. године
T1  - Атмосферска целина Скадарске улице у Београду [апстракт]
SP  - 194
EP  - 194
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Спасеновић, Вања Р. and Ракоњац, Ивана М.",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Централна развојна и културна осовина Београда, установљена у Генералном урбанистичком плану, дефинише предвиђени континуитет развоја садржаја културе у граду. Скадарска улица препозната је у оквиру осовине културе као полигон за анализу атмосферских квалитета места на основу карактеристичних морфолошких, функционалних, амбијенталних и меморијалних вредности. Циљ рада представља објективизовање интимног односа корисника и простора кроз анализу уличног фронта Скадарске улице. Улични фронт интерпретиран je кроз појам градске сценографије, односно визуелног утиска који корисник простора формира током опажајног сусрета са окружењем. Визуелни утисак простора, дефинисан на основу испитивања интензитета чулног доживљаја у зависности од дистанце сагледавања изграђеног фронта, представља основни параметар при анализи архитектонских вредности атмосферске целине., The Central Development and Cultural Axis of Belgrade, established in the Master Plan for 2021, defines the anticipated continuity of cultural context development in the city. Skadarska Street was recognized within the axis of culture as a polygon for the analysis of spatial atmospheric qualities, based on characteristic morphological, functional, ambient and memorial values. The aim of this paper is to objectify the intimate relationship between users and space through the analysis of the Skadarska street front. The street front was interpreted through the notion of urban scenery, which is the visual impression that a space user forms during a perceptual encounter with the environment. The visual impression of space, defined through examining the intensity of the sensory experience dependent on the viewing distance of the built front, is a basic parameter in the analysis of the architectural values of the atmospheric unity. This spatial analysis, with emphasis on user experience, introduces a new kind of interpretation of the environment that is applicable in different contexts and gives an overview of the multi-layered character of the urban environment.",
publisher = "Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет",
journal = "(Програм и књига резимеа) / XIV међународни научни скуп Српски језик, књижевност, уметност, Филолошко-уметнички факултет у Крагујевцу 25-27. октобар 2019. године",
title = "Атмосферска целина Скадарске улице у Београду [апстракт]",
pages = "194-194",
url = ""
Спасеновић, В. Р.,& Ракоњац, И. М.. (2019). Атмосферска целина Скадарске улице у Београду [апстракт]. in (Програм и књига резимеа) / XIV међународни научни скуп Српски језик, књижевност, уметност, Филолошко-уметнички факултет у Крагујевцу 25-27. октобар 2019. године
Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет., 194-194.
Спасеновић ВР, Ракоњац ИМ. Атмосферска целина Скадарске улице у Београду [апстракт]. in (Програм и књига резимеа) / XIV међународни научни скуп Српски језик, књижевност, уметност, Филолошко-уметнички факултет у Крагујевцу 25-27. октобар 2019. године. 2019;:194-194. .
Спасеновић, Вања Р., Ракоњац, Ивана М., "Атмосферска целина Скадарске улице у Београду [апстракт]" in (Програм и књига резимеа) / XIV међународни научни скуп Српски језик, књижевност, уметност, Филолошко-уметнички факултет у Крагујевцу 25-27. октобар 2019. године (2019):194-194, .

Флексибилност као аспект флуидности границе: Интимни однос корисника и отвореног јавног простора [апстракт]

Ракоњац, Ивана М.; Јерковић-Бабовић, Бојана М.

(Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет, 2019)

AU  - Ракоњац, Ивана М.
AU  - Јерковић-Бабовић, Бојана М.
PY  - 2019
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Флуидност границе, са аспекта флексибилности, манифестује се кроз динамички доживљај архитектонских и амбијенталних вредности простора у току кретања. Флексибилност границе наглашена је сукобима који се дешавају када се два простора боре за исту контуру, а испољена је кроз степен интимности који диктира ограничења која одређују хијерархију приватности простора. Циљ рада представља испитивање интимног односа корисника и простора кроз анализу флексибилности границе отвореног јавног простора града у складу са савременим ритмом живота у урбаном контексту. Посебан фокус је на преиспитивању релације између токова културе, друштвених потреба и промена ритма животу у савременом добу, као и њихове рефлексије на активности у оквиру отвореног јавног простора. Трансформација стила живота кроз време остварује утицај на флексибилност граница и доживљајне вредности отворених јавних простора, као и смену активности у оквиру простора. Овај став се преиспитује кроз студију случаја стамбеног насеља на београдском приобаљу пројектованог под утицајем идеологије социјализма. Тежиште истраживања је на испитивању доживљајних искуства савременог корисника некадашњих простора заједнице као производа друштвено-политичких образаца времена у којем су изграђени.
AB  - Boundary fluidity, from the aspect of flexibility, is manifested through the dynamic experience of architectural and ambient values of space during movement. Boundary flexibility is emphasized by conflicts that occur when two areas are fighting for the same contour and are demonstrated through a degree of familiarity, which dictates the limitations that determine the hierarchy of space privacy. The aim of this paper is to examine the intimate relationship between the users and space, through the analysis of boundary flexibility of the city’s open public spaces in accordance with the contemporary rhythms of life in the urban context. Special focus is on the study of the relationships between the flows of culture, social needs and changes to the life rhythm in the contemporary age, as well as their reflections on activities in the open public space. The transformation of lifestyle over time impacts the boundaries flexibility and the perceptual value of open public spaces, as well as change of activities within space. This stance is being examined through a case study on a residential settlement on the Belgrade’s riverside, designed through the influence of the ideology of socialism. The focus of this research is on examining the perceptual experiences of the modern user of former community spaces as a by-product of the socio-political patterns of the time in which they were built. The transformation of everyday life also leads to changes in the way the community space is used, as designed architectural values are reflected and scattered. The loss of community values, promoted by the ideology of socialism through an active relationship among users, has contributed to the devastation of the designed identity of these spaces. The contemporary age with its new types of time consumption has contributed to the development of new forms of former community spaces usages. The contribution of this research is reflected in the potential improvements and the transformations of existing public spaces formed under the influence of socialist ideology through the boundary flexibility aspect, with the tendency to adapt to the development of the contemporary city. The paper establishes a basis for further interpretations of the complexity of lifestyle changes and their impact on the global transformation of cities and urban spaces. Contemporary theoretical approaches to this issue can contribute to the establishment of a platform for new design approaches and space interpretations.
PB  - Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет
C3  - (Програм и књига резимеа) / XIV међународни научни скуп Српски језик, књижевност, уметност, Филолошко-уметнички факултет у Крагујевцу 25-27. октобар 2019. године
T1  - Флексибилност као аспект флуидности границе: Интимни однос корисника и отвореног јавног простора [апстракт]
SP  - 195
EP  - 195
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ракоњац, Ивана М. and Јерковић-Бабовић, Бојана М.",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Флуидност границе, са аспекта флексибилности, манифестује се кроз динамички доживљај архитектонских и амбијенталних вредности простора у току кретања. Флексибилност границе наглашена је сукобима који се дешавају када се два простора боре за исту контуру, а испољена је кроз степен интимности који диктира ограничења која одређују хијерархију приватности простора. Циљ рада представља испитивање интимног односа корисника и простора кроз анализу флексибилности границе отвореног јавног простора града у складу са савременим ритмом живота у урбаном контексту. Посебан фокус је на преиспитивању релације између токова културе, друштвених потреба и промена ритма животу у савременом добу, као и њихове рефлексије на активности у оквиру отвореног јавног простора. Трансформација стила живота кроз време остварује утицај на флексибилност граница и доживљајне вредности отворених јавних простора, као и смену активности у оквиру простора. Овај став се преиспитује кроз студију случаја стамбеног насеља на београдском приобаљу пројектованог под утицајем идеологије социјализма. Тежиште истраживања је на испитивању доживљајних искуства савременог корисника некадашњих простора заједнице као производа друштвено-политичких образаца времена у којем су изграђени., Boundary fluidity, from the aspect of flexibility, is manifested through the dynamic experience of architectural and ambient values of space during movement. Boundary flexibility is emphasized by conflicts that occur when two areas are fighting for the same contour and are demonstrated through a degree of familiarity, which dictates the limitations that determine the hierarchy of space privacy. The aim of this paper is to examine the intimate relationship between the users and space, through the analysis of boundary flexibility of the city’s open public spaces in accordance with the contemporary rhythms of life in the urban context. Special focus is on the study of the relationships between the flows of culture, social needs and changes to the life rhythm in the contemporary age, as well as their reflections on activities in the open public space. The transformation of lifestyle over time impacts the boundaries flexibility and the perceptual value of open public spaces, as well as change of activities within space. This stance is being examined through a case study on a residential settlement on the Belgrade’s riverside, designed through the influence of the ideology of socialism. The focus of this research is on examining the perceptual experiences of the modern user of former community spaces as a by-product of the socio-political patterns of the time in which they were built. The transformation of everyday life also leads to changes in the way the community space is used, as designed architectural values are reflected and scattered. The loss of community values, promoted by the ideology of socialism through an active relationship among users, has contributed to the devastation of the designed identity of these spaces. The contemporary age with its new types of time consumption has contributed to the development of new forms of former community spaces usages. The contribution of this research is reflected in the potential improvements and the transformations of existing public spaces formed under the influence of socialist ideology through the boundary flexibility aspect, with the tendency to adapt to the development of the contemporary city. The paper establishes a basis for further interpretations of the complexity of lifestyle changes and their impact on the global transformation of cities and urban spaces. Contemporary theoretical approaches to this issue can contribute to the establishment of a platform for new design approaches and space interpretations.",
publisher = "Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет",
journal = "(Програм и књига резимеа) / XIV међународни научни скуп Српски језик, књижевност, уметност, Филолошко-уметнички факултет у Крагујевцу 25-27. октобар 2019. године",
title = "Флексибилност као аспект флуидности границе: Интимни однос корисника и отвореног јавног простора [апстракт]",
pages = "195-195",
url = ""
Ракоњац, И. М.,& Јерковић-Бабовић, Б. М.. (2019). Флексибилност као аспект флуидности границе: Интимни однос корисника и отвореног јавног простора [апстракт]. in (Програм и књига резимеа) / XIV међународни научни скуп Српски језик, књижевност, уметност, Филолошко-уметнички факултет у Крагујевцу 25-27. октобар 2019. године
Крагујевац: Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултет., 195-195.
Ракоњац ИМ, Јерковић-Бабовић БМ. Флексибилност као аспект флуидности границе: Интимни однос корисника и отвореног јавног простора [апстракт]. in (Програм и књига резимеа) / XIV међународни научни скуп Српски језик, књижевност, уметност, Филолошко-уметнички факултет у Крагујевцу 25-27. октобар 2019. године. 2019;:195-195. .
Ракоњац, Ивана М., Јерковић-Бабовић, Бојана М., "Флексибилност као аспект флуидности границе: Интимни однос корисника и отвореног јавног простора [апстракт]" in (Програм и књига резимеа) / XIV међународни научни скуп Српски језик, књижевност, уметност, Филолошко-уметнички факултет у Крагујевцу 25-27. октобар 2019. године (2019):195-195, .

Contemporary lighting solutions in the historic urban landscape: Project-oriented approach

Rakonjac, Ivana; Rakonjac, Ivan; Djokić, Vladan; Gašić, Miloš; Jerković-Babović, Bojana

(Atlantis Press, 2019)

AU  - Rakonjac, Ivana
AU  - Rakonjac, Ivan
AU  - Djokić, Vladan
AU  - Gašić, Miloš
AU  - Jerković-Babović, Bojana
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Integration of sustainable project management into small business practices is seldom examined in architectural lighting design. One of the major elements of the sustainability of urban ambience entities and preservation of social, architectural and urban values is lighting phenomenon. Its significance is reflected in the aesthetic, as well as the functional qualities of safety and amenity for users. Usually, keeping the traditional types of luminaries (i.e. lanterns) in order to preserve ambience values lies in contradiction with the contemporary requirements, mostly because of the obsolete structural support which normally yields the application of the obsolete lighting technology. On the other hand, the introduction of contemporary luminaries in the urban areas of cultural and historical significance is often undesirable. Thus, the issue of sustainability of the historical urban ambiance entities in the context of the application of the contemporary lighting technical solutions is presented in this paper from the point of view of a project-oriented small organization, which holds in core business the philosophy of the confirmation of the existing lighting fittings to the users' space. This paper proposes and confirms business model which assures preservation of architectural ambient, with added value of the energy efficiency, functionality, life cycle savings, safety and amenity for the users, through the case study of Park vojvode Bojovica in Belgrade, Serbia by experimental collecting of model inputs, whereas the obtained results are verified by means of numeric simulation. Results of this case study make contributions to the domain of management of sustainable projects in area of architectural lighting design while exploring broader social context.
PB  - Atlantis Press
C3  - Proceedings of the 5th IPMA SENET Project Management Conference (SENET 2019),  Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research
T1  - Contemporary lighting solutions in the historic urban landscape: Project-oriented approach
VL  - 108
SP  - 143
EP  - 150
DO  - 10.2991/senet-19.2019.23
ER  - 
author = "Rakonjac, Ivana and Rakonjac, Ivan and Djokić, Vladan and Gašić, Miloš and Jerković-Babović, Bojana",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Integration of sustainable project management into small business practices is seldom examined in architectural lighting design. One of the major elements of the sustainability of urban ambience entities and preservation of social, architectural and urban values is lighting phenomenon. Its significance is reflected in the aesthetic, as well as the functional qualities of safety and amenity for users. Usually, keeping the traditional types of luminaries (i.e. lanterns) in order to preserve ambience values lies in contradiction with the contemporary requirements, mostly because of the obsolete structural support which normally yields the application of the obsolete lighting technology. On the other hand, the introduction of contemporary luminaries in the urban areas of cultural and historical significance is often undesirable. Thus, the issue of sustainability of the historical urban ambiance entities in the context of the application of the contemporary lighting technical solutions is presented in this paper from the point of view of a project-oriented small organization, which holds in core business the philosophy of the confirmation of the existing lighting fittings to the users' space. This paper proposes and confirms business model which assures preservation of architectural ambient, with added value of the energy efficiency, functionality, life cycle savings, safety and amenity for the users, through the case study of Park vojvode Bojovica in Belgrade, Serbia by experimental collecting of model inputs, whereas the obtained results are verified by means of numeric simulation. Results of this case study make contributions to the domain of management of sustainable projects in area of architectural lighting design while exploring broader social context.",
publisher = "Atlantis Press",
journal = "Proceedings of the 5th IPMA SENET Project Management Conference (SENET 2019),  Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research",
title = "Contemporary lighting solutions in the historic urban landscape: Project-oriented approach",
volume = "108",
pages = "143-150",
doi = "10.2991/senet-19.2019.23"
Rakonjac, I., Rakonjac, I., Djokić, V., Gašić, M.,& Jerković-Babović, B.. (2019). Contemporary lighting solutions in the historic urban landscape: Project-oriented approach. in Proceedings of the 5th IPMA SENET Project Management Conference (SENET 2019),  Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research
Atlantis Press., 108, 143-150.
Rakonjac I, Rakonjac I, Djokić V, Gašić M, Jerković-Babović B. Contemporary lighting solutions in the historic urban landscape: Project-oriented approach. in Proceedings of the 5th IPMA SENET Project Management Conference (SENET 2019),  Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research. 2019;108:143-150.
doi:10.2991/senet-19.2019.23 .
Rakonjac, Ivana, Rakonjac, Ivan, Djokić, Vladan, Gašić, Miloš, Jerković-Babović, Bojana, "Contemporary lighting solutions in the historic urban landscape: Project-oriented approach" in Proceedings of the 5th IPMA SENET Project Management Conference (SENET 2019),  Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, 108 (2019):143-150, . .