ERASMUS + project: KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education; Creating the Network of Knowledge Labs for Sustainable and Resilient Environments / KLABS

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ERASMUS + project: KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education; Creating the Network of Knowledge Labs for Sustainable and Resilient Environments / KLABS



Uticaj materijala na energetska svojstva i toplotni komfor u zgradama

Radivojević, Ana; Đukanović, Ljiljana

(Delft : TU Delft Open, 2018)

AU  - Radivojević, Ana
AU  - Đukanović, Ljiljana
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Savremeno projektovanje i građenje ima za cilj da uspostavi adekvatan odnos između
tri karakteristična pola: čoveka – korisnika, zgrade i okoline. Ovo poglavlje ima za cilj da
istakne dotični problem uzimajući u obzir relevantne karakteristike termičkog omotača
zgrade, odnosno uticaj koji izbor materijala ima na ponašanje objekta u celini. Danas smo
zaintrigirani ponašanjem zgrade kao sistema, uglavnom kroz prizmu količine energije
koju troši tokom svog postojanja. S jedne strane, to nas dovodi do potrebe za adekvatnim
poznavanjem osnovnih principa fizike zgrade, a, s druge strane, do spoznaje o relevantnim
osobinama materijala koje koristimo u procesu izgradnje kako bismo zadovoljili zahteve
komfora korisnika. Iako se ovim poglavljem stavlja naglasak na problem zadovoljavanja
zahteva za toplotnim komforom, na primeru karakterističnih tipova stambenih zgrada sa
područja Beograda koje su prikazane i analizirane razmatran je stepen zadovoljavanja
ukupnih zahteva komfora, kao i međuzavisnost koja postoji između različitih tipova komfora
(toplotnog, vazdušnog, zvučnog i svetlosnog).
PB  - Delft : TU Delft Open
T2  - Pregledi održivosti i otpornosti građene sredine
T1  - Uticaj materijala na energetska svojstva i toplotni komfor u zgradama
SP  - 271
EP  - 294
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Radivojević, Ana and Đukanović, Ljiljana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Savremeno projektovanje i građenje ima za cilj da uspostavi adekvatan odnos između
tri karakteristična pola: čoveka – korisnika, zgrade i okoline. Ovo poglavlje ima za cilj da
istakne dotični problem uzimajući u obzir relevantne karakteristike termičkog omotača
zgrade, odnosno uticaj koji izbor materijala ima na ponašanje objekta u celini. Danas smo
zaintrigirani ponašanjem zgrade kao sistema, uglavnom kroz prizmu količine energije
koju troši tokom svog postojanja. S jedne strane, to nas dovodi do potrebe za adekvatnim
poznavanjem osnovnih principa fizike zgrade, a, s druge strane, do spoznaje o relevantnim
osobinama materijala koje koristimo u procesu izgradnje kako bismo zadovoljili zahteve
komfora korisnika. Iako se ovim poglavljem stavlja naglasak na problem zadovoljavanja
zahteva za toplotnim komforom, na primeru karakterističnih tipova stambenih zgrada sa
područja Beograda koje su prikazane i analizirane razmatran je stepen zadovoljavanja
ukupnih zahteva komfora, kao i međuzavisnost koja postoji između različitih tipova komfora
(toplotnog, vazdušnog, zvučnog i svetlosnog).",
publisher = "Delft : TU Delft Open",
journal = "Pregledi održivosti i otpornosti građene sredine",
booktitle = "Uticaj materijala na energetska svojstva i toplotni komfor u zgradama",
pages = "271-294",
url = ""
Radivojević, A.,& Đukanović, L.. (2018). Uticaj materijala na energetska svojstva i toplotni komfor u zgradama. in Pregledi održivosti i otpornosti građene sredine
Delft : TU Delft Open., 271-294.
Radivojević A, Đukanović L. Uticaj materijala na energetska svojstva i toplotni komfor u zgradama. in Pregledi održivosti i otpornosti građene sredine. 2018;:271-294. .
Radivojević, Ana, Đukanović, Ljiljana, "Uticaj materijala na energetska svojstva i toplotni komfor u zgradama" in Pregledi održivosti i otpornosti građene sredine (2018):271-294, .

Pristup projektovanju arhitektonskih objekata otpornih na klimatske promene

Kosanović, Saja; Folić, Branislav; Radivojević, Ana

(Delft : TU Delft Open, 2018)

AU  - Kosanović, Saja
AU  - Folić, Branislav
AU  - Radivojević, Ana
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Česte promene vremenskih uslova i ekstremni vremenski i klimatski događaji uzrokuju
brojne direktne i indirektne posledice u građenoj sredini, povećavaju mogućnost
pojave katastrofa i, shodno tome, stvaraju nove izazove savremenoj arhitekturi. Okvir
projektantskog usmerenja na ublažavanje klimatskih promena, odnosno na održive,
na prvom mestu energetski efikasne zgrade, tako treba proširiti da bi se ojačao njihov
kapacitet da podnose manifestacije promene klime dok istovremeno zadržavaju svoju
upotrebljivost. Radi oblikovanja zgrada sa optimalnim performansama u odnosu na
karakteristike sadašnje i buduće klime potreban je scenario otpornosti. Ovaj rad analizira
složenost i dinamiku klimatskih promena kao ključne faktore u oblikovanju strategije za
projektovanje zgrada otpornih na delovanje klime. Na osnovu značaja sagledanih rizika,
varijabilnosti i neizvesnosti u vezi sa klimatskim promenama, u radu se izvodi opšti
projektantski okvir, obrazlaže značenje termina transponovani regionalizam i diskutuje
odnos između otpornosti i adaptacije zgrada u (ne)izvesnoj klimatskoj budućnosti.
PB  - Delft : TU Delft Open
T2  - Pregledi održivosti i otpornosti građene sredine
T1  - Pristup projektovanju  arhitektonskih objekata otpornih  na klimatske promene
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kosanović, Saja and Folić, Branislav and Radivojević, Ana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Česte promene vremenskih uslova i ekstremni vremenski i klimatski događaji uzrokuju
brojne direktne i indirektne posledice u građenoj sredini, povećavaju mogućnost
pojave katastrofa i, shodno tome, stvaraju nove izazove savremenoj arhitekturi. Okvir
projektantskog usmerenja na ublažavanje klimatskih promena, odnosno na održive,
na prvom mestu energetski efikasne zgrade, tako treba proširiti da bi se ojačao njihov
kapacitet da podnose manifestacije promene klime dok istovremeno zadržavaju svoju
upotrebljivost. Radi oblikovanja zgrada sa optimalnim performansama u odnosu na
karakteristike sadašnje i buduće klime potreban je scenario otpornosti. Ovaj rad analizira
složenost i dinamiku klimatskih promena kao ključne faktore u oblikovanju strategije za
projektovanje zgrada otpornih na delovanje klime. Na osnovu značaja sagledanih rizika,
varijabilnosti i neizvesnosti u vezi sa klimatskim promenama, u radu se izvodi opšti
projektantski okvir, obrazlaže značenje termina transponovani regionalizam i diskutuje
odnos između otpornosti i adaptacije zgrada u (ne)izvesnoj klimatskoj budućnosti.",
publisher = "Delft : TU Delft Open",
journal = "Pregledi održivosti i otpornosti građene sredine",
booktitle = "Pristup projektovanju  arhitektonskih objekata otpornih  na klimatske promene",
url = ""
Kosanović, S., Folić, B.,& Radivojević, A.. (2018). Pristup projektovanju  arhitektonskih objekata otpornih  na klimatske promene. in Pregledi održivosti i otpornosti građene sredine
Delft : TU Delft Open..
Kosanović S, Folić B, Radivojević A. Pristup projektovanju  arhitektonskih objekata otpornih  na klimatske promene. in Pregledi održivosti i otpornosti građene sredine. 2018;. .
Kosanović, Saja, Folić, Branislav, Radivojević, Ana, "Pristup projektovanju  arhitektonskih objekata otpornih  na klimatske promene" in Pregledi održivosti i otpornosti građene sredine (2018), .

Sustainable and Resilient Building Design Approaches, Methods and Tools

(Delft : TU Delft Open, 2018)

PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The challenges to which contemporary building design needs to respond grow steadily. They originate from the influence of changing environmental conditions on buildings, as well as from the need to reduce the impact of buildings on the environment. The increasing complexity requires the continual revision of design principles and their harmonisation with current scientific findings, technological development, and environmental, social, and economic factors. It is precisely these issues that form the backbone of the thematic book, Sustainable and Resilient Building Design: Approaches, Methods, and Tools.

The book starts with the exploration of the origin, development, and the state-of-the-art notions of environmental design and resource efficiency. Subsequently, climate change complexity and dynamics are studied, and the design strategy for climate-proof buildings is articulated. The investigation into the resilience of buildings is further deepened by examining a case study of fire protection. The book then investigates interrelations between sustainable and resilient building design, compares their key postulates and objectives, and searches for the possibilities of their integration into an outreaching approach. The fifth article in the book deals with potentials and constraints in relation to the assessment of the sustainability (and resilience) of buildings. It critically analyses different existing building certification models, their development paths, systems, and processes, and compares them with the general objectives of building ratings. The subsequent paper outlines the basis and the meaning of the risk and its management system, and provides an overview of different visual, auxiliary, and statistical risk assessment methods and tools.

Following the studies of the meanings of sustainable and resilient buildings, the book focuses on the aspects of building components and materials. Here, the life cycle assessment (LCA) method for quantifying the environmental impact of building products is introduced and analysed in detail, followed by a comprehensive comparative overview of the LCA-based software and databases that enable both individual assessment and the comparison of different design alternatives. The impact of climate and pollution on the resilience of building materials is analysed using the examples of stone, wood, concrete, and ceramic materials. Accordingly, the contribution of traditional and alternative building materials to the reduction of negative environmental impact is discussed and depicted through different examples.

The book subsequently addresses existing building stock, in which environmental, social, and economic benefits of building refurbishment are outlined by different case studies. Further on, a method for the upgrade of existing buildings, described as ‘integrated rehabilitation’, is deliberated and supported by best practice examples of exoskeleton architectural prosthesis. The final paper reflects on the principles of regenerative design, reveals the significance of biological entities, and recognises the need to assign to buildings and their elements a more advanced role towards natural systems in human environments.
PB  - Delft : TU Delft Open
T1  - Sustainable and Resilient Building Design Approaches, Methods and Tools
UR  -
ER  - 
year = "2018",
abstract = "The challenges to which contemporary building design needs to respond grow steadily. They originate from the influence of changing environmental conditions on buildings, as well as from the need to reduce the impact of buildings on the environment. The increasing complexity requires the continual revision of design principles and their harmonisation with current scientific findings, technological development, and environmental, social, and economic factors. It is precisely these issues that form the backbone of the thematic book, Sustainable and Resilient Building Design: Approaches, Methods, and Tools.

The book starts with the exploration of the origin, development, and the state-of-the-art notions of environmental design and resource efficiency. Subsequently, climate change complexity and dynamics are studied, and the design strategy for climate-proof buildings is articulated. The investigation into the resilience of buildings is further deepened by examining a case study of fire protection. The book then investigates interrelations between sustainable and resilient building design, compares their key postulates and objectives, and searches for the possibilities of their integration into an outreaching approach. The fifth article in the book deals with potentials and constraints in relation to the assessment of the sustainability (and resilience) of buildings. It critically analyses different existing building certification models, their development paths, systems, and processes, and compares them with the general objectives of building ratings. The subsequent paper outlines the basis and the meaning of the risk and its management system, and provides an overview of different visual, auxiliary, and statistical risk assessment methods and tools.

Following the studies of the meanings of sustainable and resilient buildings, the book focuses on the aspects of building components and materials. Here, the life cycle assessment (LCA) method for quantifying the environmental impact of building products is introduced and analysed in detail, followed by a comprehensive comparative overview of the LCA-based software and databases that enable both individual assessment and the comparison of different design alternatives. The impact of climate and pollution on the resilience of building materials is analysed using the examples of stone, wood, concrete, and ceramic materials. Accordingly, the contribution of traditional and alternative building materials to the reduction of negative environmental impact is discussed and depicted through different examples.

The book subsequently addresses existing building stock, in which environmental, social, and economic benefits of building refurbishment are outlined by different case studies. Further on, a method for the upgrade of existing buildings, described as ‘integrated rehabilitation’, is deliberated and supported by best practice examples of exoskeleton architectural prosthesis. The final paper reflects on the principles of regenerative design, reveals the significance of biological entities, and recognises the need to assign to buildings and their elements a more advanced role towards natural systems in human environments.",
publisher = "Delft : TU Delft Open",
title = "Sustainable and Resilient Building Design Approaches, Methods and Tools",
url = ""
(2018). Sustainable and Resilient Building Design Approaches, Methods and Tools. 
Delft : TU Delft Open..
Sustainable and Resilient Building Design Approaches, Methods and Tools. 2018;. .
"Sustainable and Resilient Building Design Approaches, Methods and Tools" (2018), .