Autor Milja Mladenović je stipentista MPNTR, ugovor br. 2918

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Autor Milja Mladenović je stipentista MPNTR, ugovor br. 2918



Mixed-reality heritage: Edutainment potential in Students square area public spaces

Mladenović, Milja

(Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, 2023)

AU  - Mladenović, Milja
PY  - 2023
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Contemporary everyday life acknowledges the wide use of new technologies and digital media in many spheres of public life, making it a valuable aspect to be explored when designing contemporary public spaces. Approaching heritage information within public space, the use of new technologies enables interaction not only with the visible spectre of heritage sites but can also unveil the ‘invisible’ heritage through mixed-reality environments. Overlapped heritage sites within Belgrade’s historical centre around the Students Square offer significant aspects for exploring the potential for creating interactive mixed-reality environments. The paper aims to define the variety of spatial aspects and public space qualities required for creating places of contemporary interaction with heritage sites. Considering the previously adopted concept of edutainment (education + entertainment) to communicate heritage information with users through different media, the research addresses new ways of heritage presentation to improve public spaces with densely overlapped heritage. By viewing mixed reality not only as a means of interaction but as a way of presenting multi-layered information, this research adds the requirements for digital infrastructure to the site analysis. By testing the new set of analyses in Students Square, research offers a new understanding of the relationship between stakeholders, users, and spatial characteristics, required for the mixed-reality presentation of cultural heritage.
AB  - Savremena svakodnevica afirmiše upotrebu novih tehnologija i digitalnih medija u mnogim sferama javnog života, zbog čega postaje dragoceni aspekt koji treba istražiti prilikom projektovanja savremenih javnih prostora. Pristupajući informacijama o nasleđu unutar javnih prostora, upotreba novih tehnologija omogućava interakciju ne samo sa vidljivim spektrom lokaliteta nasleđa, već može da omogući otkrivanje i interakciju sa 'nevidljivim' nasleđem u okruženjima mešovite realnosti. Preklopljeno nasleđe u istorijskom jezgru Beograda, posebno na području Studentskog trga nudi značajne uvide vezane za istraživanje potencijala za stvaranje interaktivnih okruženja mešovite realnosti. Cilj rada je da definiše raznovrsnost prostornih aspekata i kvaliteta javnih prostora, neophodnih za stvaranje mesta savremene interakcije sa lokalitetima nasleđa. Imajući u vidu prethodno usvojeni koncept edutainment-a (obrazovanje + zabava) za prenošenje informacija o nasleđu korisnicima putem različitih medija, istraživanje se bavi novim načinima prezentacije nasleđa kojim bi se unapredili javni prostori bogati velikom gustinom nasleđa. Po-smatrajući mešovitu stvarnost ne samo kao sredstvo interakcije već i kao način predstavljanja višeslojnih informacija, istraživanje tradicionalnoj analizi lokacije dodaje i zahteve za digitalnom infrastrukturom. Ispitivanjem ovog pristupa analizi na Studentskom trgu, istraživanje nudi novo razumevanje odnosa između mogućih stejkholdera, korisnika i prostornih karakteristika, neophodnih za prezentaciju kulturnog nasleđa u prostorima mešovite realnosti.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture
T2  - SAJ - Serbian Architectural Journal
T1  - Mixed-reality heritage: Edutainment potential in Students square area public spaces
VL  - 15
IS  - 3
SP  - 314
EP  - 331
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mladenović, Milja",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Contemporary everyday life acknowledges the wide use of new technologies and digital media in many spheres of public life, making it a valuable aspect to be explored when designing contemporary public spaces. Approaching heritage information within public space, the use of new technologies enables interaction not only with the visible spectre of heritage sites but can also unveil the ‘invisible’ heritage through mixed-reality environments. Overlapped heritage sites within Belgrade’s historical centre around the Students Square offer significant aspects for exploring the potential for creating interactive mixed-reality environments. The paper aims to define the variety of spatial aspects and public space qualities required for creating places of contemporary interaction with heritage sites. Considering the previously adopted concept of edutainment (education + entertainment) to communicate heritage information with users through different media, the research addresses new ways of heritage presentation to improve public spaces with densely overlapped heritage. By viewing mixed reality not only as a means of interaction but as a way of presenting multi-layered information, this research adds the requirements for digital infrastructure to the site analysis. By testing the new set of analyses in Students Square, research offers a new understanding of the relationship between stakeholders, users, and spatial characteristics, required for the mixed-reality presentation of cultural heritage., Savremena svakodnevica afirmiše upotrebu novih tehnologija i digitalnih medija u mnogim sferama javnog života, zbog čega postaje dragoceni aspekt koji treba istražiti prilikom projektovanja savremenih javnih prostora. Pristupajući informacijama o nasleđu unutar javnih prostora, upotreba novih tehnologija omogućava interakciju ne samo sa vidljivim spektrom lokaliteta nasleđa, već može da omogući otkrivanje i interakciju sa 'nevidljivim' nasleđem u okruženjima mešovite realnosti. Preklopljeno nasleđe u istorijskom jezgru Beograda, posebno na području Studentskog trga nudi značajne uvide vezane za istraživanje potencijala za stvaranje interaktivnih okruženja mešovite realnosti. Cilj rada je da definiše raznovrsnost prostornih aspekata i kvaliteta javnih prostora, neophodnih za stvaranje mesta savremene interakcije sa lokalitetima nasleđa. Imajući u vidu prethodno usvojeni koncept edutainment-a (obrazovanje + zabava) za prenošenje informacija o nasleđu korisnicima putem različitih medija, istraživanje se bavi novim načinima prezentacije nasleđa kojim bi se unapredili javni prostori bogati velikom gustinom nasleđa. Po-smatrajući mešovitu stvarnost ne samo kao sredstvo interakcije već i kao način predstavljanja višeslojnih informacija, istraživanje tradicionalnoj analizi lokacije dodaje i zahteve za digitalnom infrastrukturom. Ispitivanjem ovog pristupa analizi na Studentskom trgu, istraživanje nudi novo razumevanje odnosa između mogućih stejkholdera, korisnika i prostornih karakteristika, neophodnih za prezentaciju kulturnog nasleđa u prostorima mešovite realnosti.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture",
journal = "SAJ - Serbian Architectural Journal",
title = "Mixed-reality heritage: Edutainment potential in Students square area public spaces",
volume = "15",
number = "3",
pages = "314-331",
url = ""
Mladenović, M.. (2023). Mixed-reality heritage: Edutainment potential in Students square area public spaces. in SAJ - Serbian Architectural Journal
Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture., 15(3), 314-331.
Mladenović M. Mixed-reality heritage: Edutainment potential in Students square area public spaces. in SAJ - Serbian Architectural Journal. 2023;15(3):314-331. .
Mladenović, Milja, "Mixed-reality heritage: Edutainment potential in Students square area public spaces" in SAJ - Serbian Architectural Journal, 15, no. 3 (2023):314-331, .

Sustainable Urban Heritage: Localisation of SDGs by Digitalising Sites in Belgrade

Mladenović, Milja

(Springer Nature, 2023)

AU  - Mladenović, Milja
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - In historical European cities, affected by modernisation and rapid urbanisation, public spaces with layered cultural heritage elements can be considered pilot locations for the localisation of SDG 11 by implementing digital installations. The significance of digitalisation in policymaking for heritage presentation in public spaces is emphasised by the post-pandemic way of life, with the express development of new ways of interacting with information in mixed-reality environments. The research’s primary goal is to determine aspects of urban analysis required for the implementation of the new media installations in presenting heritage sites in public spaces of European cities, which contribute to the localisation of SDG 11 targets identified in the ICOMOS Policy Guidance. The analysis of the spatial aspects for new media heritage installations in the public spaces is explored in Belgrade’s historic core, which has a variety of heritage sites and cultural influences, making it a compelling case study that can be used in European cities with similar characteristics and features. The implementation process required for new media heritage installations in Belgrade evaluated through the SDGs Indicators List suggests that the digitalisation of heritage sites contributes to the implementation of SDG 11 and some targets of other goals. The use of installations in the informal education within public spaces (SDG 4), the development of the digital infrastructure (SDG 9), and the interdisciplinary process of implementation of “digital monuments” (SDGs 12 and 17) reveal the potential for localisation of multiple SDGs in historical European cities at once.
PB  - Springer Nature
T2  - SDGs in the European Region
T1  - Sustainable Urban Heritage: Localisation of SDGs by Digitalising Sites in Belgrade
SP  - 1295
EP  - 1319
DO  - 10.1007/978-3-031-17461-2
ER  - 
author = "Mladenović, Milja",
year = "2023",
abstract = "In historical European cities, affected by modernisation and rapid urbanisation, public spaces with layered cultural heritage elements can be considered pilot locations for the localisation of SDG 11 by implementing digital installations. The significance of digitalisation in policymaking for heritage presentation in public spaces is emphasised by the post-pandemic way of life, with the express development of new ways of interacting with information in mixed-reality environments. The research’s primary goal is to determine aspects of urban analysis required for the implementation of the new media installations in presenting heritage sites in public spaces of European cities, which contribute to the localisation of SDG 11 targets identified in the ICOMOS Policy Guidance. The analysis of the spatial aspects for new media heritage installations in the public spaces is explored in Belgrade’s historic core, which has a variety of heritage sites and cultural influences, making it a compelling case study that can be used in European cities with similar characteristics and features. The implementation process required for new media heritage installations in Belgrade evaluated through the SDGs Indicators List suggests that the digitalisation of heritage sites contributes to the implementation of SDG 11 and some targets of other goals. The use of installations in the informal education within public spaces (SDG 4), the development of the digital infrastructure (SDG 9), and the interdisciplinary process of implementation of “digital monuments” (SDGs 12 and 17) reveal the potential for localisation of multiple SDGs in historical European cities at once.",
publisher = "Springer Nature",
journal = "SDGs in the European Region",
booktitle = "Sustainable Urban Heritage: Localisation of SDGs by Digitalising Sites in Belgrade",
pages = "1295-1319",
doi = "10.1007/978-3-031-17461-2"
Mladenović, M.. (2023). Sustainable Urban Heritage: Localisation of SDGs by Digitalising Sites in Belgrade. in SDGs in the European Region
Springer Nature., 1295-1319.
Mladenović M. Sustainable Urban Heritage: Localisation of SDGs by Digitalising Sites in Belgrade. in SDGs in the European Region. 2023;:1295-1319.
doi:10.1007/978-3-031-17461-2 .
Mladenović, Milja, "Sustainable Urban Heritage: Localisation of SDGs by Digitalising Sites in Belgrade" in SDGs in the European Region (2023):1295-1319, . .

Меморијална архитектура Београда кроз часопис Urbanizam Beograda у периоду 1969-1981

Младеновић, Миља

(Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије (ИАУС), 2022)

AU  - Младеновић, Миља
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Тема рада је улога урбанистичке струке у планирању меморијалних комплекса и објеката у Београду у периоду 1969-1981, током ког је излазио стручни часопис Urbanizam Beograda. Користећи као главни извор текстове објављене у часопису Urbanizam Beograda, рад ће се бавити ставом стручне јавности у процесу доношења одлука у планирању меморијала кроз преглед текстова о појединачним споменицима у јавним просторима, политикама урбаног развоја, као и најзначајнијим конкурсима везаним за меморијале и спомен-обележја који су били тема писања различитих аутора у Urbanizmu Beograda. Посматрајући шири историјски контекст Југославије и њене културне политике кроз призму меморијалне архитектуре, биће обрађени различити процеси и кључне теме које су утицале на урбанистичко пројектовање меморијала, као и значај који је стручна јавност имала за процес доношења одлука. Истраживање се базира на анализи стручних чланака објављених у Urbanizmu Beograda, али и анализи ширег друштвено-политичког контекста Београда, како би се проширило разумевање одлука и ставова стручне јавности у периоду 1969-1981. Циљ рада је успостављање релације између политике и струке, као и идентификовање примене различитих планерских механизама креирања колективног сећања, препознатих у часопису Urbanizam Beograda. Резултати истраживања упућују на конкретне јавне просторе и конкурсе у којима је стручна јавност имала аутономију доношења одлука које су се заснивале на интердисциплинарном приступу планирању, и нису увек биле у складу са друштвено-политичком ситуацијом, а које су биле објављене у Urbanizmu Beograda.
AB  - The topic of the paper is the role of the urban profession in the planning of the memorial complexes and monuments in Belgrade from 1969 to 1981, during which the professional journal Urbanizam Beograda was published. Using articles published in the journal Urbanizam Beograda as its main source the paper will address the stance of the expert public in the decision-making process in the planning of memorials. This includes a review of articles on individual monuments in public spaces, urban development policies, and the most important competitions related to the memorials and monuments written about by different authors in Urbanizam Beograda. Looking at the broader historical context of Yugoslavia and its cultural policies through the prism of memorial architecture, different processes and key topics that influenced the urban design of the memorial will be addressed, as well as the regard the expert public had for the decision-making process. The research is based on an analysis of expert articles published in Urbanizam Beograda, as well as an analysis of the broader socio-political context of Belgrade, in order to expand understanding of the decisions and stance of the professional public in the period 1969 to 1981. The paper aims to establish a relationship between politics and the profession, as well as to identify the implementation of different planning mechanisms for creating collective memory, recognized in the journal Urbanizam Beograda. The results of the research point to specific articles about public spaces and competitions published in Urbanizam Beograda, in which the professional public had the autonomy to make decisions based on an interdisciplinary approach to planning, which was not always in line with the socio-political situation.
PB  - Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије (ИАУС)
T2  - Архитектура и урбанизам
T1  - Меморијална архитектура Београда кроз часопис Urbanizam Beograda у периоду 1969-1981
IS  - 55
SP  - 69
EP  - 77
DO  - 10.5937/a-u0-35475
ER  - 
author = "Младеновић, Миља",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Тема рада је улога урбанистичке струке у планирању меморијалних комплекса и објеката у Београду у периоду 1969-1981, током ког је излазио стручни часопис Urbanizam Beograda. Користећи као главни извор текстове објављене у часопису Urbanizam Beograda, рад ће се бавити ставом стручне јавности у процесу доношења одлука у планирању меморијала кроз преглед текстова о појединачним споменицима у јавним просторима, политикама урбаног развоја, као и најзначајнијим конкурсима везаним за меморијале и спомен-обележја који су били тема писања различитих аутора у Urbanizmu Beograda. Посматрајући шири историјски контекст Југославије и њене културне политике кроз призму меморијалне архитектуре, биће обрађени различити процеси и кључне теме које су утицале на урбанистичко пројектовање меморијала, као и значај који је стручна јавност имала за процес доношења одлука. Истраживање се базира на анализи стручних чланака објављених у Urbanizmu Beograda, али и анализи ширег друштвено-политичког контекста Београда, како би се проширило разумевање одлука и ставова стручне јавности у периоду 1969-1981. Циљ рада је успостављање релације између политике и струке, као и идентификовање примене различитих планерских механизама креирања колективног сећања, препознатих у часопису Urbanizam Beograda. Резултати истраживања упућују на конкретне јавне просторе и конкурсе у којима је стручна јавност имала аутономију доношења одлука које су се заснивале на интердисциплинарном приступу планирању, и нису увек биле у складу са друштвено-политичком ситуацијом, а које су биле објављене у Urbanizmu Beograda., The topic of the paper is the role of the urban profession in the planning of the memorial complexes and monuments in Belgrade from 1969 to 1981, during which the professional journal Urbanizam Beograda was published. Using articles published in the journal Urbanizam Beograda as its main source the paper will address the stance of the expert public in the decision-making process in the planning of memorials. This includes a review of articles on individual monuments in public spaces, urban development policies, and the most important competitions related to the memorials and monuments written about by different authors in Urbanizam Beograda. Looking at the broader historical context of Yugoslavia and its cultural policies through the prism of memorial architecture, different processes and key topics that influenced the urban design of the memorial will be addressed, as well as the regard the expert public had for the decision-making process. The research is based on an analysis of expert articles published in Urbanizam Beograda, as well as an analysis of the broader socio-political context of Belgrade, in order to expand understanding of the decisions and stance of the professional public in the period 1969 to 1981. The paper aims to establish a relationship between politics and the profession, as well as to identify the implementation of different planning mechanisms for creating collective memory, recognized in the journal Urbanizam Beograda. The results of the research point to specific articles about public spaces and competitions published in Urbanizam Beograda, in which the professional public had the autonomy to make decisions based on an interdisciplinary approach to planning, which was not always in line with the socio-political situation.",
publisher = "Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије (ИАУС)",
journal = "Архитектура и урбанизам",
title = "Меморијална архитектура Београда кроз часопис Urbanizam Beograda у периоду 1969-1981",
number = "55",
pages = "69-77",
doi = "10.5937/a-u0-35475"
Младеновић, М.. (2022). Меморијална архитектура Београда кроз часопис Urbanizam Beograda у периоду 1969-1981. in Архитектура и урбанизам
Београд : Институт за архитектуру и урбанизам Србије (ИАУС).(55), 69-77.
Младеновић М. Меморијална архитектура Београда кроз часопис Urbanizam Beograda у периоду 1969-1981. in Архитектура и урбанизам. 2022;(55):69-77.
doi:10.5937/a-u0-35475 .
Младеновић, Миља, "Меморијална архитектура Београда кроз часопис Urbanizam Beograda у периоду 1969-1981" in Архитектура и урбанизам, no. 55 (2022):69-77, . .

Urbomorphological structure of remembrance in Student square, Belgrade

Mladenović, Milja

(İstanbul : Yildiz Technical University, 2022)

AU  - Mladenović, Milja
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - In the context of modern city development, a significant aspect in urban planning consists of elements of the identity of the place. The historical cores of European cities, such as Belgrade, have a large number of overlapping layers of heritage in public spaces, which cannot always be physically marked due to lack of physical space, or due to the high diversity of required spatial information for an understanding of the entirety of the site. In the urban design of such densely built heterogeneous environments, it is necessary to identify and define the factors of identity, local culture and places of remembrance, to use as guidelines for the planning of sustainable public spaces, related to the local context. Elements of the city's identity, in this case, include historical and architectural heritage and urban memory, as well as traditional and cultural patterns specific to individual communities. The paper aims to identify spatial patterns and ways of interaction with heritage sites and urban memory in Belgrade, on the territory of Student Square, one of the oldest parts of Belgrade, with the highest variety of overlapped layers. The palimpsest method analysis along with the analysis of interaction and morphology of existing monuments and memorials provides new insight to identifying and designing the unmarked "invisible" heritage sites, which cannot be marked with physical landmarks and the specific identity elements that can’t be perceived within the urban tissue today. These "invisible" places whose traces exist in urban tissue need to be presented in public spaces, in a way that does not burden physical space, i.e. enable the multi-level interaction of the visible and invisible urban memory with the user of space through digital media.
PB  - İstanbul : Yildiz Technical University
C3  - AESOP YA 2022 : book of abstracts : AESOP 16th Young Academics Conference: In Search of Well-Being in Liminality: No Longer-Not Yet, 5 – 8 April 2022
T1  - Urbomorphological structure of remembrance in Student square, Belgrade
SP  - 52
EP  - 52
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mladenović, Milja",
year = "2022",
abstract = "In the context of modern city development, a significant aspect in urban planning consists of elements of the identity of the place. The historical cores of European cities, such as Belgrade, have a large number of overlapping layers of heritage in public spaces, which cannot always be physically marked due to lack of physical space, or due to the high diversity of required spatial information for an understanding of the entirety of the site. In the urban design of such densely built heterogeneous environments, it is necessary to identify and define the factors of identity, local culture and places of remembrance, to use as guidelines for the planning of sustainable public spaces, related to the local context. Elements of the city's identity, in this case, include historical and architectural heritage and urban memory, as well as traditional and cultural patterns specific to individual communities. The paper aims to identify spatial patterns and ways of interaction with heritage sites and urban memory in Belgrade, on the territory of Student Square, one of the oldest parts of Belgrade, with the highest variety of overlapped layers. The palimpsest method analysis along with the analysis of interaction and morphology of existing monuments and memorials provides new insight to identifying and designing the unmarked "invisible" heritage sites, which cannot be marked with physical landmarks and the specific identity elements that can’t be perceived within the urban tissue today. These "invisible" places whose traces exist in urban tissue need to be presented in public spaces, in a way that does not burden physical space, i.e. enable the multi-level interaction of the visible and invisible urban memory with the user of space through digital media.",
publisher = "İstanbul : Yildiz Technical University",
journal = "AESOP YA 2022 : book of abstracts : AESOP 16th Young Academics Conference: In Search of Well-Being in Liminality: No Longer-Not Yet, 5 – 8 April 2022",
title = "Urbomorphological structure of remembrance in Student square, Belgrade",
pages = "52-52",
url = ""
Mladenović, M.. (2022). Urbomorphological structure of remembrance in Student square, Belgrade. in AESOP YA 2022 : book of abstracts : AESOP 16th Young Academics Conference: In Search of Well-Being in Liminality: No Longer-Not Yet, 5 – 8 April 2022
İstanbul : Yildiz Technical University., 52-52.
Mladenović M. Urbomorphological structure of remembrance in Student square, Belgrade. in AESOP YA 2022 : book of abstracts : AESOP 16th Young Academics Conference: In Search of Well-Being in Liminality: No Longer-Not Yet, 5 – 8 April 2022. 2022;:52-52. .
Mladenović, Milja, "Urbomorphological structure of remembrance in Student square, Belgrade" in AESOP YA 2022 : book of abstracts : AESOP 16th Young Academics Conference: In Search of Well-Being in Liminality: No Longer-Not Yet, 5 – 8 April 2022 (2022):52-52, .

The Ghost Matrix of Belgrade’s City Centre - Tracing the Urban Memory in the Contemporary Urban Tissue of the Dorćol Settlement

Mladenović, Milja

(London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, 2022)

AU  - Mladenović, Milja
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The constant development of Belgrade’s centre from ancient times until the present day has left significant traces in the morphology of the city, which remain unmarked today. By using a palimpsest method in the area of Dorćol settlement, which is one of the oldest continually inhabited zones of Belgrade, it is possible to locate the spatial elements from different chronological periods, which have determined the boundaries of the present-day urban matrix. The research is based on the overlapping of the historical and archaeological plans and maps of Belgrade, as well as mapping of the places of historical everyday life described in the various sources, which help determine the spatial and functional continuity of traces of urban elements from the past scattered throughout the contemporary urban tissue. Overlapping of the spatial elements from the past gives a new insight into the sites of urban memory artefacts and understanding the way they have directly influenced the location, position, volume and use of contemporary buildings and streets. The paper will identify and locate the layers of urban memory in the territory of Dorćol and its immediate surroundings to determine the (in)visible urban memory element – the Ghost Matrix, as a significant element of Belgrade’s heritage. The results of the research emphasize the continuity of the urbomorphological development of Dorćol, pointing out the precise locations of the (in)visible past within the city and their impact on everyday life today.
PB  - London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research
C3  - "The Place of Memory and the Memory of Place" : International Conference : abstracts, 17-19 June 2022, St Anne’s College, University of Oxford
T1  - The Ghost Matrix of Belgrade’s City Centre - Tracing the Urban Memory in the Contemporary Urban Tissue of the Dorćol Settlement
SP  - 14
EP  - 14
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mladenović, Milja",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The constant development of Belgrade’s centre from ancient times until the present day has left significant traces in the morphology of the city, which remain unmarked today. By using a palimpsest method in the area of Dorćol settlement, which is one of the oldest continually inhabited zones of Belgrade, it is possible to locate the spatial elements from different chronological periods, which have determined the boundaries of the present-day urban matrix. The research is based on the overlapping of the historical and archaeological plans and maps of Belgrade, as well as mapping of the places of historical everyday life described in the various sources, which help determine the spatial and functional continuity of traces of urban elements from the past scattered throughout the contemporary urban tissue. Overlapping of the spatial elements from the past gives a new insight into the sites of urban memory artefacts and understanding the way they have directly influenced the location, position, volume and use of contemporary buildings and streets. The paper will identify and locate the layers of urban memory in the territory of Dorćol and its immediate surroundings to determine the (in)visible urban memory element – the Ghost Matrix, as a significant element of Belgrade’s heritage. The results of the research emphasize the continuity of the urbomorphological development of Dorćol, pointing out the precise locations of the (in)visible past within the city and their impact on everyday life today.",
publisher = "London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research",
journal = ""The Place of Memory and the Memory of Place" : International Conference : abstracts, 17-19 June 2022, St Anne’s College, University of Oxford",
title = "The Ghost Matrix of Belgrade’s City Centre - Tracing the Urban Memory in the Contemporary Urban Tissue of the Dorćol Settlement",
pages = "14-14",
url = ""
Mladenović, M.. (2022). The Ghost Matrix of Belgrade’s City Centre - Tracing the Urban Memory in the Contemporary Urban Tissue of the Dorćol Settlement. in "The Place of Memory and the Memory of Place" : International Conference : abstracts, 17-19 June 2022, St Anne’s College, University of Oxford
London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research., 14-14.
Mladenović M. The Ghost Matrix of Belgrade’s City Centre - Tracing the Urban Memory in the Contemporary Urban Tissue of the Dorćol Settlement. in "The Place of Memory and the Memory of Place" : International Conference : abstracts, 17-19 June 2022, St Anne’s College, University of Oxford. 2022;:14-14. .
Mladenović, Milja, "The Ghost Matrix of Belgrade’s City Centre - Tracing the Urban Memory in the Contemporary Urban Tissue of the Dorćol Settlement" in "The Place of Memory and the Memory of Place" : International Conference : abstracts, 17-19 June 2022, St Anne’s College, University of Oxford (2022):14-14, .