Rehabilitation of Mass Housing as a Contribution to Social Equality: Insights from the East-West European Academic Dialogue, DAAD with funds of the German Federal Foreign Office (Programme East-West Dialogue: Higher Education Dialogue with Western Balkan Countries), grant number 57610086

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Rehabilitation of Mass Housing as a Contribution to Social Equality: Insights from the East-West European Academic Dialogue, DAAD with funds of the German Federal Foreign Office (Programme East-West Dialogue: Higher Education Dialogue with Western Balkan Countries), grant number 57610086



Introducing Matrix for the Reprogramming of Mass Housing Neighbourhoods (MHN) Based on EU Design Taxonomy: The Observatory Case of Serbia

Milovanović, Aleksandra; Nikezić, Ana; Ristić Trajković, Jelena

(MDPI, 2023)

AU  - Milovanović, Aleksandra
AU  - Nikezić, Ana
AU  - Ristić Trajković, Jelena
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - This article addresses the contemporary framework of housing at the EU level in the era of the ‘Housing at the Centre’ approach. More specifically, the research focuses on mass housing neighbourhoods (MHN) as the leading pattern of urban transformation in European cities in the second half of the 20th century, with the intention being to decode the possibilities for its rehabilitation in line with integrated approaches. The article combines (1) a review-based and systematically-oriented approach, in order to provide a state of the art of EU design taxonomy related to the housing issue, and, more specifically, related to MHN, with (2) a comparative study between EU and national design taxonomies, in order to address their conditionality and possible mismatches. The research considers design taxonomy to gain a more comprehensive insight into the content and coherence between programme values and the relevant EU documents (declarations, statements, policy positions, resolutions, reports, communications, charters, action plans, opinions) related to the housing issue, or broader urban issues that include housing as the scope of observation. The taxonomy enables a conceptual methodological framework for a systematic, consistent, and complete description of key research relations. Accordingly, the specific objective of this article is to establish an evaluation framework for reprogramming of MHN based on the EU design taxonomy through (1) the development of the programming matrix for evaluation, which corresponds to the value-based architectural programming model; and (2) introducing Serbian national design taxonomy, in order to demonstrate the anticipation of design values based on the EU taxonomy within the local context. The results indicate the need to examine and test regulatory experimental settings through middle-out approaches, whose central research perspective will be built parallel and coherently through bottom-up inputs, created as the result of collaborative approaches at the community level, and top-down inputs which are the result of the strategic framework established in relation to priorities at the European level.
T2  - Buildings
T1  - Introducing Matrix for the Reprogramming of Mass Housing Neighbourhoods (MHN) Based on EU Design Taxonomy: The Observatory Case of Serbia
VL  - 13
IS  - 3
SP  - 723
DO  - 10.3390/buildings13030723
ER  - 
author = "Milovanović, Aleksandra and Nikezić, Ana and Ristić Trajković, Jelena",
year = "2023",
abstract = "This article addresses the contemporary framework of housing at the EU level in the era of the ‘Housing at the Centre’ approach. More specifically, the research focuses on mass housing neighbourhoods (MHN) as the leading pattern of urban transformation in European cities in the second half of the 20th century, with the intention being to decode the possibilities for its rehabilitation in line with integrated approaches. The article combines (1) a review-based and systematically-oriented approach, in order to provide a state of the art of EU design taxonomy related to the housing issue, and, more specifically, related to MHN, with (2) a comparative study between EU and national design taxonomies, in order to address their conditionality and possible mismatches. The research considers design taxonomy to gain a more comprehensive insight into the content and coherence between programme values and the relevant EU documents (declarations, statements, policy positions, resolutions, reports, communications, charters, action plans, opinions) related to the housing issue, or broader urban issues that include housing as the scope of observation. The taxonomy enables a conceptual methodological framework for a systematic, consistent, and complete description of key research relations. Accordingly, the specific objective of this article is to establish an evaluation framework for reprogramming of MHN based on the EU design taxonomy through (1) the development of the programming matrix for evaluation, which corresponds to the value-based architectural programming model; and (2) introducing Serbian national design taxonomy, in order to demonstrate the anticipation of design values based on the EU taxonomy within the local context. The results indicate the need to examine and test regulatory experimental settings through middle-out approaches, whose central research perspective will be built parallel and coherently through bottom-up inputs, created as the result of collaborative approaches at the community level, and top-down inputs which are the result of the strategic framework established in relation to priorities at the European level.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "Buildings",
title = "Introducing Matrix for the Reprogramming of Mass Housing Neighbourhoods (MHN) Based on EU Design Taxonomy: The Observatory Case of Serbia",
volume = "13",
number = "3",
pages = "723",
doi = "10.3390/buildings13030723"
Milovanović, A., Nikezić, A.,& Ristić Trajković, J.. (2023). Introducing Matrix for the Reprogramming of Mass Housing Neighbourhoods (MHN) Based on EU Design Taxonomy: The Observatory Case of Serbia. in Buildings
MDPI., 13(3), 723.
Milovanović A, Nikezić A, Ristić Trajković J. Introducing Matrix for the Reprogramming of Mass Housing Neighbourhoods (MHN) Based on EU Design Taxonomy: The Observatory Case of Serbia. in Buildings. 2023;13(3):723.
doi:10.3390/buildings13030723 .
Milovanović, Aleksandra, Nikezić, Ana, Ristić Trajković, Jelena, "Introducing Matrix for the Reprogramming of Mass Housing Neighbourhoods (MHN) Based on EU Design Taxonomy: The Observatory Case of Serbia" in Buildings, 13, no. 3 (2023):723, . .

Approaching Extracurricular Activities for Teaching and Learning on Sustainable Rehabilitation of Mass Housing: Reporting from the Arena of Architectural Higher Education

Dragutinovic, Anica; Milovanovic, Aleksandra; Stojanovski, Mihajlo; Damjanovska, Tea; Đorđevic, Aleksandra; Nikezic, Ana; Pottgiesser, Uta; Ivanovska Deskova, Ana; Ivanovski, Jovan

(MDPI, 2023)

AU  - Dragutinovic, Anica
AU  - Milovanovic, Aleksandra
AU  - Stojanovski, Mihajlo
AU  - Damjanovska, Tea
AU  - Đorđevic, Aleksandra
AU  - Nikezic, Ana
AU  - Pottgiesser, Uta
AU  - Ivanovska Deskova, Ana
AU  - Ivanovski, Jovan
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The article presents the potentials and capacities of extracurricular activities such as student workshops for strengthening existing curricula and introducing emerging specialised areas, topics, and challenges into architectural higher education. The specific objective of this study is to enhance and test different pedagogical models for learning on the sustainable rehabilitation of mass housing neighbourhoods (MHN), as a specific type of modern heritage, through innovative extracurricular teaching practices based on interdisciplinarity, flexibility, and adaptability. This research presents three student workshops focusing on the rehabilitation of mass housing neighbourhoods (MHN), involving students, academics, and professionals from the field, organised in Germany, Serbia, and North Macedonia in 2022. Moreover, it engages a comparative analysis of the learning formats and approaches developed within this discipline-specific cross-border collaboration. The study provides (1) an insight into the comparative analysis of learning capabilities and (2) the formulation of workshop models supported by diagramming of the workshop structure. The conclusion of the article summarises the findings and highlights the essential aspects for engaging student workshops, as an instrument for generating operational knowledge in the field of mass housing rehabilitation.
T2  - Sustainability
T1  - Approaching Extracurricular Activities for Teaching and Learning on Sustainable Rehabilitation of Mass Housing: Reporting from the Arena of Architectural Higher Education
VL  - 15
IS  - 3
SP  - 2476
DO  - 10.3390/su15032476
ER  - 
author = "Dragutinovic, Anica and Milovanovic, Aleksandra and Stojanovski, Mihajlo and Damjanovska, Tea and Đorđevic, Aleksandra and Nikezic, Ana and Pottgiesser, Uta and Ivanovska Deskova, Ana and Ivanovski, Jovan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The article presents the potentials and capacities of extracurricular activities such as student workshops for strengthening existing curricula and introducing emerging specialised areas, topics, and challenges into architectural higher education. The specific objective of this study is to enhance and test different pedagogical models for learning on the sustainable rehabilitation of mass housing neighbourhoods (MHN), as a specific type of modern heritage, through innovative extracurricular teaching practices based on interdisciplinarity, flexibility, and adaptability. This research presents three student workshops focusing on the rehabilitation of mass housing neighbourhoods (MHN), involving students, academics, and professionals from the field, organised in Germany, Serbia, and North Macedonia in 2022. Moreover, it engages a comparative analysis of the learning formats and approaches developed within this discipline-specific cross-border collaboration. The study provides (1) an insight into the comparative analysis of learning capabilities and (2) the formulation of workshop models supported by diagramming of the workshop structure. The conclusion of the article summarises the findings and highlights the essential aspects for engaging student workshops, as an instrument for generating operational knowledge in the field of mass housing rehabilitation.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "Sustainability",
title = "Approaching Extracurricular Activities for Teaching and Learning on Sustainable Rehabilitation of Mass Housing: Reporting from the Arena of Architectural Higher Education",
volume = "15",
number = "3",
pages = "2476",
doi = "10.3390/su15032476"
Dragutinovic, A., Milovanovic, A., Stojanovski, M., Damjanovska, T., Đorđevic, A., Nikezic, A., Pottgiesser, U., Ivanovska Deskova, A.,& Ivanovski, J.. (2023). Approaching Extracurricular Activities for Teaching and Learning on Sustainable Rehabilitation of Mass Housing: Reporting from the Arena of Architectural Higher Education. in Sustainability
MDPI., 15(3), 2476.
Dragutinovic A, Milovanovic A, Stojanovski M, Damjanovska T, Đorđevic A, Nikezic A, Pottgiesser U, Ivanovska Deskova A, Ivanovski J. Approaching Extracurricular Activities for Teaching and Learning on Sustainable Rehabilitation of Mass Housing: Reporting from the Arena of Architectural Higher Education. in Sustainability. 2023;15(3):2476.
doi:10.3390/su15032476 .
Dragutinovic, Anica, Milovanovic, Aleksandra, Stojanovski, Mihajlo, Damjanovska, Tea, Đorđevic, Aleksandra, Nikezic, Ana, Pottgiesser, Uta, Ivanovska Deskova, Ana, Ivanovski, Jovan, "Approaching Extracurricular Activities for Teaching and Learning on Sustainable Rehabilitation of Mass Housing: Reporting from the Arena of Architectural Higher Education" in Sustainability, 15, no. 3 (2023):2476, . .

Улога методологије архитектонског програмирања у процесу пројектовања морфологије простора: пример Трећег Београда

Milovanović, Aleksandra A.

(Универзитет у Београду, Архитектонски факултет, 2022)

AU  - Milovanović, Aleksandra A.
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Предметна дисертација се гради на уверењу да је потреба за специфичним аналитичким истраживачким стратегијама и развојем методолошког оквира за њихову примену један од централних проблема у савременом делокругу архитектонског истраживања, едукације и праксе и у том смислу фокус усмерава ка откривању савремене природе методологије архитектонског програмирања, њеног развоја и корена. Повод и актуелност теме истраживања се тако огледа у неопходности редефинисања концептуалног и методолошког оквира програма у архитектонском дискурсу и пројектантском процесу у складу са актуелним пројектантским методама и школама мишљења. 

Како би се испитали сви изазови унутар пројектантске дисциплине, те осветлила процесна природа пројектовања, тематски оквир истраживања се усмерава ка парадигматској аргументацији методологије архитектонског програмирања и њеног положаја у савременом контексту истраживања и праксе кроз троструку истраживачку позицију – епистемологију, праксиологију и феноменологију пројектовања. Основни циљ истраживања је усмерен на развој научно заснованог приказа и критичке експликације о позицији и улози концептуалнометодолошког оквира програма у архитектонском дискурсу као аналитичког и вишекритеријумски усмереног апарата за систематизацију идеја, дефинисање пројектног проблема и евалуацију финалног пројектантског решења. 

Резултати истраживања укључују: (1) концепт – систематизовани преглед развоја теоријске мисли и практичне примене методологије програмирања и развоја дефиниције програма у архитектонском дискурсу уз хронолошки преглед библиографских извора и класификацију преседана према парадигмама, (2) контекст – систематизован преглед развоја и примене методологије програмирања у локалном контексту, и (3) курикулум – идентификацију програмских перспектива и модела и експликацију њихове улоге у оквиру савремених архитектонских истраживања, едукације и праксе. Кроз проучавање основних пројектантских метода и фокусно методологије архитектонског програмирања, дисертација је резултирала не само систематизованим прегледом података о анализи тематског оквира, већ и практичним сазнањима о релацијама између програмских перспектива и морфологије простора. Додатно, примена резултата истраживања успостављена је увођењем посредног предмета истраживања, просторног обухвата Трећег Београда.
AB  - The dissertation is based on the belief that the need for specific analytical research strategies and the
development of a methodological framework for their application are the central problems in the
contemporary field of architectural research, education, and practice. In this sense, the focus is on
discovering the contemporary nature of architectural programming methodology, its development,
and its roots. The reason and topicality of the research are thus reflected in the need to redefine the
conceptual and methodological framework of the program in architectural discourse and design
process in accordance with new generations of design methods and schools of thought.
In order to decode all challenges within the design discipline, and highlight the process-based nature
of design, the thematic framework of research is directed towards paradigmatic argumentation of
architectural programming methodology and its position in the contemporary context of research and
practice through a triple research position – epistemology, praxiology and phenomenology of design.
The primary goal of the research is aimed at developing a scientifically-based presentation and critical
explanation of the position and role of the conceptual-methodological framework of the program in
architectural discourse as an analytical and multicriteria-oriented apparatus for systematizing ideas,
defining design problems, and evaluating final design solutions.
The research results include three pillars: (1) concept – systematized review of the theoretical
framework and practical application of architectural programming methodology, and program
definition in architectural discourse with a chronological review of bibliographic sources and
classification of precedents by paradigms, (2) context – systematic review of architectural
programming methodology development and application in the local context, and (3) curriculum –
identification of programming perspectives and models, and explication of their role within
contemporary architectural research, education and practice. Through the study of fundamental
design methods and methodology of architectural programming, the dissertation resulted not only in
a systematized paradigmatic review, but also in practical knowledge of the relationship between
programming perspectives and spatial morphology. In addition, the application of research results
was established by the introduction of an indirect subject of research, the spatial framework of the
Third Belgrade.
PB  - Универзитет у Београду, Архитектонски факултет
T1  - Улога методологије архитектонског програмирања у процесу пројектовања морфологије простора: пример Трећег Београда
T1  - The role of the methodology of architectural programming in the design process of space morphology: example of Third Belgrade
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Milovanović, Aleksandra A.",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Предметна дисертација се гради на уверењу да је потреба за специфичним аналитичким истраживачким стратегијама и развојем методолошког оквира за њихову примену један од централних проблема у савременом делокругу архитектонског истраживања, едукације и праксе и у том смислу фокус усмерава ка откривању савремене природе методологије архитектонског програмирања, њеног развоја и корена. Повод и актуелност теме истраживања се тако огледа у неопходности редефинисања концептуалног и методолошког оквира програма у архитектонском дискурсу и пројектантском процесу у складу са актуелним пројектантским методама и школама мишљења. 

Како би се испитали сви изазови унутар пројектантске дисциплине, те осветлила процесна природа пројектовања, тематски оквир истраживања се усмерава ка парадигматској аргументацији методологије архитектонског програмирања и њеног положаја у савременом контексту истраживања и праксе кроз троструку истраживачку позицију – епистемологију, праксиологију и феноменологију пројектовања. Основни циљ истраживања је усмерен на развој научно заснованог приказа и критичке експликације о позицији и улози концептуалнометодолошког оквира програма у архитектонском дискурсу као аналитичког и вишекритеријумски усмереног апарата за систематизацију идеја, дефинисање пројектног проблема и евалуацију финалног пројектантског решења. 

Резултати истраживања укључују: (1) концепт – систематизовани преглед развоја теоријске мисли и практичне примене методологије програмирања и развоја дефиниције програма у архитектонском дискурсу уз хронолошки преглед библиографских извора и класификацију преседана према парадигмама, (2) контекст – систематизован преглед развоја и примене методологије програмирања у локалном контексту, и (3) курикулум – идентификацију програмских перспектива и модела и експликацију њихове улоге у оквиру савремених архитектонских истраживања, едукације и праксе. Кроз проучавање основних пројектантских метода и фокусно методологије архитектонског програмирања, дисертација је резултирала не само систематизованим прегледом података о анализи тематског оквира, већ и практичним сазнањима о релацијама између програмских перспектива и морфологије простора. Додатно, примена резултата истраживања успостављена је увођењем посредног предмета истраживања, просторног обухвата Трећег Београда., The dissertation is based on the belief that the need for specific analytical research strategies and the
development of a methodological framework for their application are the central problems in the
contemporary field of architectural research, education, and practice. In this sense, the focus is on
discovering the contemporary nature of architectural programming methodology, its development,
and its roots. The reason and topicality of the research are thus reflected in the need to redefine the
conceptual and methodological framework of the program in architectural discourse and design
process in accordance with new generations of design methods and schools of thought.
In order to decode all challenges within the design discipline, and highlight the process-based nature
of design, the thematic framework of research is directed towards paradigmatic argumentation of
architectural programming methodology and its position in the contemporary context of research and
practice through a triple research position – epistemology, praxiology and phenomenology of design.
The primary goal of the research is aimed at developing a scientifically-based presentation and critical
explanation of the position and role of the conceptual-methodological framework of the program in
architectural discourse as an analytical and multicriteria-oriented apparatus for systematizing ideas,
defining design problems, and evaluating final design solutions.
The research results include three pillars: (1) concept – systematized review of the theoretical
framework and practical application of architectural programming methodology, and program
definition in architectural discourse with a chronological review of bibliographic sources and
classification of precedents by paradigms, (2) context – systematic review of architectural
programming methodology development and application in the local context, and (3) curriculum –
identification of programming perspectives and models, and explication of their role within
contemporary architectural research, education and practice. Through the study of fundamental
design methods and methodology of architectural programming, the dissertation resulted not only in
a systematized paradigmatic review, but also in practical knowledge of the relationship between
programming perspectives and spatial morphology. In addition, the application of research results
was established by the introduction of an indirect subject of research, the spatial framework of the
Third Belgrade.",
publisher = "Универзитет у Београду, Архитектонски факултет",
title = "Улога методологије архитектонског програмирања у процесу пројектовања морфологије простора: пример Трећег Београда, The role of the methodology of architectural programming in the design process of space morphology: example of Third Belgrade",
url = ""
Milovanović, A. A.. (2022). Улога методологије архитектонског програмирања у процесу пројектовања морфологије простора: пример Трећег Београда. 
Универзитет у Београду, Архитектонски факултет..
Milovanović AA. Улога методологије архитектонског програмирања у процесу пројектовања морфологије простора: пример Трећег Београда. 2022;. .
Milovanović, Aleksandra A., "Улога методологије архитектонског програмирања у процесу пројектовања морфологије простора: пример Трећег Београда" (2022), .

Rehabilitation of Mass Housing as a Contribution to Social Equality: Insights from the East-West European Academic Dialogue

Milovanović, Aleksandra; Dragutinovic, Anica; Nikezić, Ana; Pottgiesser, Uta; Stojanovski, Mihajlo; Ivanovska Deskova, Ana; Ivanovski, Jovan; Damjanovska, Tea

(MDPI, 2022)

AU  - Milovanović, Aleksandra
AU  - Dragutinovic, Anica
AU  - Nikezić, Ana
AU  - Pottgiesser, Uta
AU  - Stojanovski, Mihajlo
AU  - Ivanovska Deskova, Ana
AU  - Ivanovski, Jovan
AU  - Damjanovska, Tea
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Mass housing neighbourhoods (MHN) represent the leading pattern of urban transformation and expansion in the second half of the 20th century, and accordingly evaluation, regeneration and redesign of the MHN represent a necessary and challenging task in the contemporary research context. In the practical scope of MHN rehabilitation, various holistic approaches and design strategies are identified that affirm both ecological transition and social transformation of these urban settings. However, the level of application of such approaches across Europe varies greatly, and requires research initiatives of a comparative nature that open a cross-geographical debate at the European level. Although there is a series of evidence-based studies that define the conceptual framework of MHN, i.e., large-scale housing settlements, through historical-interpretative and chronological analyses, the academic debate on practical and feasible MHN rehabilitation and their sustainable integration into the urban development of cities at European level is underdeveloped. The specific objective of this paper is to establish preliminary insights into the current level of MHN rehabilitation and to identify challenges for further actions through (1) a comparative analysis of MHN role models from the second half of 20th century, and through (2) insights from an implemented expert questionnaire. The research engages a comparative case study analysis as the primary method and analyses MHN in Germany (as a representative of Western Europe) and in the two ex-Yugoslav countries, North Macedonia and Serbia (as representatives of Eastern Europe). This research has highlighted the main obstacles and challenges for MHN rehabilitation and demonstrated the importance of a multiscale approach to MHN analysis, having in mind that through the distribution of design values at the analysed spatial levels (neighbourhood level, building level, and apartment level) the application of affirmative indicators within different design values group is recognised.
T2  - Sustainability
T1  - Rehabilitation of Mass Housing as a Contribution to Social Equality: Insights from the East-West European Academic Dialogue
VL  - 14
IS  - 13
SP  - 8106
DO  - 10.3390/su14138106
ER  - 
author = "Milovanović, Aleksandra and Dragutinovic, Anica and Nikezić, Ana and Pottgiesser, Uta and Stojanovski, Mihajlo and Ivanovska Deskova, Ana and Ivanovski, Jovan and Damjanovska, Tea",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Mass housing neighbourhoods (MHN) represent the leading pattern of urban transformation and expansion in the second half of the 20th century, and accordingly evaluation, regeneration and redesign of the MHN represent a necessary and challenging task in the contemporary research context. In the practical scope of MHN rehabilitation, various holistic approaches and design strategies are identified that affirm both ecological transition and social transformation of these urban settings. However, the level of application of such approaches across Europe varies greatly, and requires research initiatives of a comparative nature that open a cross-geographical debate at the European level. Although there is a series of evidence-based studies that define the conceptual framework of MHN, i.e., large-scale housing settlements, through historical-interpretative and chronological analyses, the academic debate on practical and feasible MHN rehabilitation and their sustainable integration into the urban development of cities at European level is underdeveloped. The specific objective of this paper is to establish preliminary insights into the current level of MHN rehabilitation and to identify challenges for further actions through (1) a comparative analysis of MHN role models from the second half of 20th century, and through (2) insights from an implemented expert questionnaire. The research engages a comparative case study analysis as the primary method and analyses MHN in Germany (as a representative of Western Europe) and in the two ex-Yugoslav countries, North Macedonia and Serbia (as representatives of Eastern Europe). This research has highlighted the main obstacles and challenges for MHN rehabilitation and demonstrated the importance of a multiscale approach to MHN analysis, having in mind that through the distribution of design values at the analysed spatial levels (neighbourhood level, building level, and apartment level) the application of affirmative indicators within different design values group is recognised.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "Sustainability",
title = "Rehabilitation of Mass Housing as a Contribution to Social Equality: Insights from the East-West European Academic Dialogue",
volume = "14",
number = "13",
pages = "8106",
doi = "10.3390/su14138106"
Milovanović, A., Dragutinovic, A., Nikezić, A., Pottgiesser, U., Stojanovski, M., Ivanovska Deskova, A., Ivanovski, J.,& Damjanovska, T.. (2022). Rehabilitation of Mass Housing as a Contribution to Social Equality: Insights from the East-West European Academic Dialogue. in Sustainability
MDPI., 14(13), 8106.
Milovanović A, Dragutinovic A, Nikezić A, Pottgiesser U, Stojanovski M, Ivanovska Deskova A, Ivanovski J, Damjanovska T. Rehabilitation of Mass Housing as a Contribution to Social Equality: Insights from the East-West European Academic Dialogue. in Sustainability. 2022;14(13):8106.
doi:10.3390/su14138106 .
Milovanović, Aleksandra, Dragutinovic, Anica, Nikezić, Ana, Pottgiesser, Uta, Stojanovski, Mihajlo, Ivanovska Deskova, Ana, Ivanovski, Jovan, Damjanovska, Tea, "Rehabilitation of Mass Housing as a Contribution to Social Equality: Insights from the East-West European Academic Dialogue" in Sustainability, 14, no. 13 (2022):8106, . .