Now showing items 1060-1079 of 2761

      Likovna transkripcija i digitalna reprezentacija arhitektonskog prostora [42. Salon arhitekture] [1]
      Limit vs. Center – sub specie aeternitatis: The city between mythology, philosophy and ideology [1]
      Livability and Social Integration vs. Economic Crisis and Trends of Transition: Case Study of Local Planning in Belgrade [1]
      Liveable Open Public Space - From Flaneur to Cyborg [1]
      Living in the technopolis: Between reality and imagination [1]
      LKV nosači sa paralelnim pojasnim štapovima i njihova primena [1]
      Load-bearing capacity of metal connector plates depending on location and geometry of the nail [1]
      Load-bearing capacity of timber member finger-joint connections [1]
      Local Development Strategies Without Strategic Thinking: Lost in Between Politicians' Games, Administrations' Rigidity and Planner's Depression [1]
      Local development strategies without strategic thinking: Lost in between politicians' games, administrations' rigidity and planner's depression [1]
      Localization of Sustainable Development Goals in the Public Spaces of Donji Dorćol [1]
      Lokalne razvojne strategije bez strateškog razmišljanja - izgubljene između igre političara, rigidnosti uprave i depresije planera [1]
      Lost and Found: A Quest for Sustainability and Resilience in Rural Areas [1]
      Lost In Projection – Implicit Features Experience of 3D Architectural Forms and Their Projections [1]
      Lost in projection – Implicit features experience of 3D architectural forms and their projections [1]
      Lost in Translation - War Island in Belgrade, Serbia [1]
      Low carbon urban development in Serbia: Challenges and opportunities on the local level [1]
      Luka Knežević Strika - Live.Belgraderaw [intervju] [1]
      L’accessibilità urbana di una nuova casa di cura a Belgrado in Serbia [1]
      M Interior Lighting System [BAB 2017] [1]