Now showing items 510-529 of 2647

      Discovering the hybrid model of architectural drawing at the beginning of the XXI century [1]
      Discrete Continuities: Generative Design Explorations of Spatial Structures in Architecture [1]
      Discussing the Past or Airing the Depots: Refashioning Exhibitions of Socialism in Serbia [1]
      Dispositif between Philosophical Category and Architectural Concept [1]
      Dispositif između filozofske kategorije i arhitektonskog koncepta [1]
      Divčibare: estetika slučaja [1]
      Diversity of Planning Practices: Lessons and Experiences of Regeneration Projects of VIII and IX Districts in Budapest [1]
      Dizajn izložbe "Gasterbajterske priče: S one strane Plive" [BAB 2023] [1]
      DLM Interior – design and adaptation of living space [STRAND 2023] [1]
      Does the creative economy provide a sustainable urban form?: Some European experience [1]
      Dom Udruženja jugoslovenskih inženjera i arhitekata u Beogradu [1]
      Dome Beyond Its Limits or How Deep Is Your Love [1]
      Domestico Bakery Interior Design [STRAND 2022] [1]
      Doprinos Aleksandra Deroka razvoju nastave u oblasti istorije nacionalne arhitekture [1]
      Drivers' impressions under high-pressure sodium and LED street lighting [1]
      Drivers' Preference for the Color of LED Street Lighting [1]
      Drugačije sagledavanje javnog interesa u realizaciji velikih urbanih projekata u Srbiji - slučaj projekta Beograd na vodi [1]
      Društveni značaj zadružnih domova u postsocijalističkom kontekstu [1]
      Drvena konstrukcija centralnog dela krova crkve u Nikšiću [1]
      Drvena konstrukcija krova crkve u Švedskoj [1]