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Između informacionih mreža i fizičke strukture grada - novi uzroci klimatskih promena

dc.creatorMihajlov, Vladimir
dc.description.abstractBecause of the frequent and significant spatial transformations, an increasing climate change regime in urban areas occurs. In this paper a comprehensive reflection on these changes is analyzed, concerning one of the major causes - the social transformation and the growing use of information, networks and technology, used by city dwellers in everyday life. Advanced communications and the Internet provide urban concentration and decentralization, creating new spatial and geographic network, with a new allocation of space, for manufacturing and services. The consequence may be recognized in increasing individualization and social habits of city dwellers, as well as in modified way of households use, changing neighbourhoods and public spaces, transport systems, as the final outcome is the climate change. In this paper, the interdependence between information networks is emphasized - between virtual and physical environment, as well as changes in the way of life of the city, which ultimately lead to a new trigger for climate change. Users have never been more mobile in the physical space (commuting and tourist travel), while in the virtual space they are associated with the fixed points - everybody can be located, by using email or social network. Unexpectedly, the cause of the problem which is considered in this paper, is increased mobility in the real space, while city dwellers remain in one place, by using their virtual electronic connections. Thus, the role of city dwellers in creating climate change depends upon their spatial distribution and relationship towards information's and network activity. As a result, the drivers in city development are recognized on network nodes. Current crises in the global environment (economic, climate and social) indicate the need to develop multi-functional environment and a greater appreciation of natural factors. Therefore, as a decisive factor for the adaptation of urban structure on climate change is the integration of urban and spatial planning, urban design and architecture, through the public intervention of the state.en
dc.description.abstractZbog sve izraženijih prostornih transformacija u urbanim sredinama, u skorije vreme dešavaju se i sve izraženije promene klimatskih režima. U ovom tekstu analizira se sveobuhvatni odraz ovih promena, a jedan od glavnih uzroka vidi se prvenstveno u društvenoj transformaciji, odnosno u sve većoj upotrebi informacionih mreža u svakodnevnom životu stanovnika gradova. Korisnici se, u nikad većoj meri, kreću i putuju u fizičkom prostoru (komjuting, relacije posao - kuća, turistička putovanja), dok se zapravo u virtuelnom prostoru vezuju za fiksne tačke (svako se u svakom trenutku može locirati upotrebom elektronske pošte ili društvene mreže). Neočekivano, uzrok problema je sada činjenica da se fizički sve više krećemo u prostoru, dok ostajemo na jednom mestu kroz svoje virtuelne, elektronske konekcije. Sa strukturalnog stanovišta, uloga gradova u kreiranju klimatskih promena zavisi od povezanosti prostornih mreža i razmeštaja aktivnosti. Kao posledica, pokretači adaptacije i smanjivanja uticaja klimatskih promena biće oni delovi gradova koji su na čvorovima informacionih mreža i koji su izvor napretka područja, dok učestale krize u globalnom okruženju (ekonomske, klimatske, socijalne) ukazuju na potrebe razvoja multifunkcionalnih okruženja i većeg uvažavanja prirodnih činilaca. Zato se kao odlučujući faktor za adaptaciju urbane strukture na klimatske promene vidi integracija urbanog i prostornog planiranja, urbanog dizajna i arhitekture, pod krovom javne intervencije države.sr
dc.publisherInstitut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/43007/RS//
dc.sourceArhitektura i urbanizam
dc.subjectinformation networksen
dc.subjecturban structureen
dc.subjectclimate changeen
dc.subjectpublic interventionen
dc.subjectinformacione mrežesr
dc.subjecturbana strukturasr
dc.subjectklimatske promenesr
dc.subjectjavna intervencijasr
dc.titleBetween information systems and physical structure of the city: New causes of climate changesen
dc.titleIzmeđu informacionih mreža i fizičke strukture grada - novi uzroci klimatskih promenasr
dcterms.abstractМихајлов, Владимир; Између информационих мрежа и физичке структуре града - нови узроци климатских промена; Између информационих мрежа и физичке структуре града - нови узроци климатских промена;
dc.citation.other(33): 60-65



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