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Integrating the Concept of Green Infrastructure into Urban Design Education

dc.contributorJurenić, Tatjana
dc.contributorNedeljković, Damjana
dc.contributorČabarkapa, Aleksandra
dc.creatorŽivković, Jelena
dc.creatorNikezić, Ana
dc.description.abstractSavremeni pristupi razvoju gradova prepoznaju multifuncionalnu zelenu infrastrukturu kao jedan od ključih alata za ostvarenje održivog urbanog okruženja kojim se istovremeno ostvaruje korist i za ljude i za prirodu. Primena ovog koncepta u urbanom planiranju i dizajnu zahteva holističko razumevanje kompleksnih odnosa u urbanim socio‐ekološkim sistemima, kao i multidisciplinarni i multi‐skalarni pristup razumevanju, vrednovanju i transformaciji prostora. To stvara potrebu za razvojem novih znanja i veština, kao i za novim pristupom obrazovanju arhitekata i urbanista. Ovaj rad prikazuje teoretske osnove i metodološki pristup integraciji koncepta zelene infrastrukture u nastavu u oblasti urbanog dizajna i ilustruje njegovu primenu na primeru studio projekta “Ekološki urbani dizajn” na Master akademskim studijama arhitekture na Univerzitetu u Beogradu ‐ Arhitektonskom
dc.description.abstractCurrent approaches to urban development recognize multifunctional green infrastructure as one of the key tools for achieving a sustainable urban environment that simultaneously serves interests of both people and nature.The application of this concept in urban planning and design requires a holistic understanding of complex relationships in urban socio‐ecological systems, as well as a multidisciplinary and multiscalar approach to understanding, valuing and transforming space. This creates a need for the development of new knowledge and skills, as well as for a new approach to the education of architects and urban planners. This paper presents the theoretical foundations and methodological approach to the integration of the concept of green infrastructure in urban design education, and illustrates its application on the example of the studio unit "Ecological Urban Design" at the Master of Architecture program of the University of Belgrade ‐ Faculty of
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Arhitektonski fakultetsr
dc.relationThe research was realized within the Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education entitled Enhancing of Heritage Awareness and Sustainability of Built Environment in Architectural and Urban Design Higher Education (HERSUS)sr
dc.sourceOsmi nacionalni naučno ‐ stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Instalacije & Arhitektura 2021sr
dc.subjectzelena infrastrukturasr
dc.subjecturbani dizajnsr
dc.subjectobrazovanje arhitekata i urbanistasr
dc.subjectnastava u studijusr
dc.subjectgreen infrastructuresr
dc.subjecturban designsr
dc.subjecturban design educationsr
dc.subjectstudio‐based learningsr
dc.titleIntegrisanje koncepta zelene infrastrukture u obrazovanje u domenu urbanog dizajnasr
dc.titleIntegrating the Concept of Green Infrastructure into Urban Design Educationsr
dcterms.abstractЖивковић, Јелена; Никезић, Aна; Интегрисање концепта зелене инфраструктуре у образовање у домену урбаног дизајна; Интегрисање концепта зелене инфраструктуре у образовање у домену урбаног дизајна;
dc.description.otherZbornik sa Naučne konferencije Instalacije i Arhitektura, održane 2.12.2021. onlinesr



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