Network: Simultaneous flows [STRAND 2019]
The installation is questioning the phenomenon of simultaneous presence and absence in space and its material and non-material duality. Therefore, the context of former industry, functionally abandoned, consists of constant virtual, informational, emotional, ephemeral flows and processes occurring within their interaction. Accordingly, the idea of the spatial installation is to materialize and catch non-material flows occurring on a daily basis in the contemporary networked context and everydayness.
Architectural exhibition / architectural design / spatial design / project realizationSource:
[Challenges in architecture, urban design and art] : book of abstracts / [Seventh International Multimedia Event On Architecture, Belgrade, 2019], 2019, 49-49Publisher:
- Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association
- Rad je prikazan u delu publikacije - Nasl. str. prištampanog teksta: Exhibition book
Arhitektonski fakultetJerković-Babović, B.,& Simović, A.. (2019). Network: Simultaneous flows [STRAND 2019]. in [Challenges in architecture, urban design and art] : book of abstracts / [Seventh International Multimedia Event On Architecture, Belgrade, 2019] Belgrade : STRAND - Sustainable Urban Society Association., 49-49.
Jerković-Babović B, Simović A. Network: Simultaneous flows [STRAND 2019]. in [Challenges in architecture, urban design and art] : book of abstracts / [Seventh International Multimedia Event On Architecture, Belgrade, 2019]. 2019;:49-49. .
Jerković-Babović, Bojana, Simović, Anastasija, "Network: Simultaneous flows [STRAND 2019]" in [Challenges in architecture, urban design and art] : book of abstracts / [Seventh International Multimedia Event On Architecture, Belgrade, 2019] (2019):49-49, .