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dc.contributorBehnejad, Alireza
dc.contributorParke, Gerard
dc.contributorSavamati, Omidali
dc.creatorMilošević, Jelena
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents a case study on applying a blended learning environment in teaching spatial structures at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture. The focused studio design course introduces architectural students to the challenge of designing spatial structures. The studio curriculum that we developed interactively combines analytical and systematic procedures with explorative design exercises, literature studies and organized reflection, computer program demonstrations, physical model studies, generative design explorations, fabrication of small-scale prototypes. The curriculum uses the benefit of learning in arts to learning in engineering transfer and the advantage of conveying methods and tools from science to design. As a means of extending studio activities, during the academic year 2019/2020, we used the blended model that combined online features and face-to-face practice in a complementary mode. We applied the Microsoft Office Teams platform and Class Notebook application for the implementation of the suggested approach. These tools aided communication and collaboration in the online environment and supported our process-driven approach to teaching by enabling the specification of assignments that engage and focus students’ thinking and the creation of students’ portfolios, grading, and feedback. This approach assisted students to develop in-depth content knowledge, critical thinking, creativity, and skills by working in (inter)active and inclusive
dc.publisherInternational Association for Shells and Spatial Structuressr
dc.sourceProceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2020/21 and the 7th International Conference on Spatial Structures Inspiring the Next Generation, 23 – 27 August 2021, Guilfordsr
dc.subjectarchitectural educationsr
dc.subjectstudio design curriculumsr
dc.subjectblended learning environmentsr
dc.subjectstructural designsr
dc.subjectspatial structuressr
dc.titleBlended Design Studio in Teaching Architectural Students Spatial Structuressr
dcterms.abstractМилошевић, Јелена; Блендед Десигн Студио ин Теацхинг Aрцхитецтурал Студентс Спатиал Струцтурес; Блендед Десигн Студио ин Теацхинг Aрцхитецтурал Студентс Спатиал Струцтурес;

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