Приказ резултата 637-656 од 2525

      Experimental study on reducing temperature using modular system for vegetation walls made of perlite concrete [1]
      Expert Advisory Platforms: A Critical Analysis of Collaborative Planning Procedures [1]
      Expert Questionnaire Study Results: Serbia [1]
      Experts’ comments on introduction of participatory tools in urban planning in Serbia [1]
      Exploring Methods for Mapping Rurality in Housing Settlements: Cityscape vs. Landscape [1]
      Extended Process of Architectural Design: Sustainable Development without a Master Plan. The Case of Kagran Area, Vienna [1]
      Eколошки профил грађевинских материјала најчешће коришћених у стамбеној архитектури Београда [1]
      Facade - Adaptations and Transformations [1]
      Facade Panel Parametrisation in the Modernist Heritage of New Belgrade: A Multiple-Case Study [1]
      Facet colouring of nestohedra [1]
      Facility management - teorijski okviri i primena u praksi [1]
      Facility management in Serbia: State of the art and perspectives [1]
      Facility management – monitoring energy consumption in buildings for education [1]
      Facility management – praćenje potrošnje energije u zgradama za obrazovanje [1]
      Facility management – public sanitary facilities in Belgrade [1]
      Facility management: a paradigm for expanding the scope of architectural practice [1]
      Facility management: building maintenance during the covid-19 pandemic [1]
      Facility management: security and protection of buildings and their users [1]
      Facility management: the protection of frontage and other stone-coated surfaces [1]
      Facility management: Theoretical framework and application in practice [1]