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dc.creatorCiric, Dragana
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the paper is to investigate newly developed theories and forms of application of global monitoring and analysis closely related to spatial coordination and design decision-making. It deals with designerly advanced ‘location intelligence science and technology’ that enables the development of new aspects of spatial knowledge, thereby extending the reality with additional data used in solving various design problems; it manages and processes complex systems and structures of information while simultaneously making vast data-storages. A special remark has been made on the relation between design thinking strategies and the field of spatial analysis, monitoring, and location intelligence—a comprehension of architectural and urban problematisation of certain design situations in the light of broader geo-spatial (political or/and physical) conditions, whose scale sometimes transcends planetary limits and determinants. A more detailed look at the theoretical views and scientific background that made the digital world (the world of digitalised data and representations of reality) dominate our design perception and action by becoming a major subject of our design investigation, creative research, and innovation has been illustrated throughout the study, making important connections between design thinking strategies and strategies of spatial knowledge production through the design tools of tracing, mapping, and charting, or more broadly defined spatial coding and codification. In that respect, we may reconsider the ways in which consequently developed or adopted logics of digital transcription of our existing (documentary) or invented (fictional) complex environments through contemporary spatial and location intelligence platforms shape and define mindsets by which we develop and operate design ideas and articulate spatial tactics and strategies as parts of our metacognitive design activity.sr
dc.publisherBelgrade : University of Belgrade — Faculty of Architecturesr
dc.publisherBelgrade : Balkan Architectural Biennale — BABsr
dc.sourceBook of Abstracts [Elektronski izvor] / International Conference "Balkan Patterns in Urbanism and Architecture: Challenges" [within] Balkan Architectural Biennale, 19-22. 12. 2017. Belgradesr
dc.subjectLocation Intelligencesr
dc.subjectDesign Intelligence Strategysr
dc.subjectGeo-Spatial Monitoring and Notationsr
dc.subjectDigital Literacysr
dc.subjectBig Datasr
dc.subjectSpatial Complexitysr
dc.subjectData Complexitysr
dc.subjectSpatial Dynamicssr
dc.subjectGeographic Information Systemssr
dc.subjectGeographic Projecr of Architecturesr
dc.subjectDigital Mappingsr
dc.subjectDigital Cartographysr
dc.subjectSpatial Analysissr
dc.titleLocation Intelligence Dynamics and Complexity: The Questions of Design Thinking Strategysr
dcterms.abstractЦириц, Драгана;
dc.rights.holderDragana Ćirićsr



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