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Integralna metodologija vrednovanja arhitektonskog nasleđa 20. veka u Bosni i Hercegovini

dc.creatorKahrović Handžić, Lejla
dc.creatorNikezić, Ana
dc.identifier.issn2406-0860 eISSN
dc.description.abstractThe legacy of the 20th century architecture in B&H is unrecognized as cultural heritage which results in great loses of important architectural work. An integral methodology was created with the intention to make the process of 20th century architectural heritage identification and value assessment in B&H systematic and context related. On one side, it is based on the theoretical knowledge that is rooted in charters, documents, and declarations of international and regional background with a stress on the authenticity and integrity of different criteria. While on the other hand, it is founded on the belief that analyses of architectural heritage have an equal representative potential and expertise visibility through graphical and descriptive form. Integral methodology was applied and demonstrated on the case study, the Crni vrh urban villa in Sarajevo, B&H. The results of the research are two folded: the first points out that the international set of criteria for the value assessment is complete only when specificities of the regional context are added; the second one shows that the graphical and descriptive part of value analyses and assessment are equally important and valuable and therefore inherently necessary in the process of creating conservation recommendations for the 20th century architectural heritage.sr
dc.description.abstractNasleđe arhitekture 20. veka u BiH je neprepoznato kao kulturno nasleđe što rezultira velikim gubicima važnih arhitektonskih dela. Integralna metodologija je formirana sa namerom da se proces identifikacije i procene vrednosti graditeljskog nasleđa 20. veka u BiH učini sistematičnim i kontekstualnim. S jedne strane, integralna metodologija se zasniva na teorijskom znanju koje je ukorenjeno u poveljama, dokumentima i deklaracijama međunarodnog i regionalnog porekla s naglaskom na autentičnost i integritet različitih kriterija. Dok se sa druge strane, zasniva na uvjerenju da analiza graditeljskog nasleđa ima jednak reprezentativni potencijal i stručnu vidljivost i kroz grafičku i deskriptivnu formu. Integralna metodologija je primijenjena i demonstrirana kroz studiju slučaja urbane vile Crni vrh u Sarajevu, BiH. Rezultati istraživanja su dvojaki: prvi ističe da je međunarodni set kriterijuma za procenu vrednosti potpun samo kada se dodaju specifičnosti regionalnog konteksta; drugi pokazuje da su grafički i deskriptivni deo analize i procene vrednosti podjednako važni i vredni, a samim tim i inherentno neophodni u procesu kreiranja konzervatorskih preporuka za arhitektonsko nasleđe 20. veka.sr
dc.publisherNiš : University of Nišsr
dc.sourceFacta universitatis - series: Architecture and Civil Engineeringsr
dc.subject20th century architecturesr
dc.subjectintegral methodologysr
dc.subjectvalue criteriasr
dc.subjectheritage identificationsr
dc.subjectvalue assessmentsr
dc.subjecturban villasr
dc.subjectBosnia and Herzegovinasr
dc.subjectarhitektura 20. vekasr
dc.subjectintegralna metodologijasr
dc.subjectkriterijumi vrednostisr
dc.subjectidentifikacija nasleđasr
dc.subjectprocena vrednostisr
dc.subjecturbana vilasr
dc.subjectBosna i Hercegovinasr
dc.titleIntegral methodology for value assessment of the 20th century architectural heritage in Bosnia and Herzegovinasr
dc.titleIntegralna metodologija vrednovanja arhitektonskog nasleđa 20. veka u Bosni i Hercegovinisr
dcterms.abstractКахровић Ханджић, Лејла; Никезић, Aна;



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