Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Multifunkcionalne krovne strukture energetski efikasnih zgrada

dc.creatorKrstić, Aleksandra
dc.description.abstractModern architectural concepts, which are based on rational energy consumption of buildings and the use of solar energy as a renewable energy source, give the new and significant role to the roofs that become multi functional structures. Various energy efficient roof structures and elements, beside the role of protection, provide thermal and electric energy supply, natural ventilation and cooling of a building, natural lighting of the indoor space sunbeam protection, water supply for technical use, thus according to the above mentioned functions, classification and analysis of such roof structures and elements are made in this paper. The search for new architectural values and optimization in total energy balance of a building or the likewise for the urban complex, gave to roofs the role of "climatic membranes". Contemporary roof forms and materials clearly exemplify their multi functional features. There are numerous possibilities to achieve the new and attractive roof design which broadens to the whole construction. With such inducement, this paper principally analyze the configuration characteristics of the energy efficient roof structures and elements, as well as the visual effects that may be achieved by their application.en
dc.description.abstractSavremeni arhitektonski koncepti zasnovani na racionalnoj energetskoj potrošnji zgrada i upotrebi sunčeve energije, kao obnovljivog izvora energije daju nove i značajne uloge krovovima, koji postaju multifunkcionalne strukture. Različite energetski- efikasne krovne strukture i elementi, osim zaštite, omogućavaju snabdevanje toplotnom i električnom energijom, prirodnu ventilaciju i hlađenje zgrade, prirodno osvetljavanje prostora, zaštitu od sunčevih zraka, snabdevanje tehničkom vodom, a prema navedenim funkcijama u radu je izvršena njihova klasifikacija i analiza. Traganje za novim arhitektonskim vrednostima i optimizacija ukupnog energetskog bilansa zgrade kao i urbanih celina, dodelili su krovovima i funkciju "klimatskih omotača". Savremene forme i materijalizacija krovova jasno iskazuju njihovo multifunkcionalno obeležje. Raznovrsne su mogućnosti za nov i atraktivan dizajn krovova, a time i objekata. To je povod da se u radu uglavnom analiziraju oblikovne karakteristike energetski-efikasnih krovnih struktura i elemenata i vizuelni efekti koji se njima postiž
dc.publisherInstitut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourceArhitektura i urbanizam
dc.subjectroof structuresen
dc.subjectsolar energyen
dc.subjectrenewable energy sourcesen
dc.subjectenergy efficiencyen
dc.subjectclimatic membraneen
dc.subjectsolar collectoren
dc.subjectphotovoltaic moduleen
dc.subjectsolar protectionen
dc.subjectnatural lightingen
dc.subjectnatural ventilationen
dc.subjectkrovne strukturesr
dc.subjectsunčeva energijasr
dc.subjectobnovljivi izvori energijesr
dc.subjectenergetska efikasnostsr
dc.subject'klimatski omotač'sr
dc.subjectsolarni kolektorsr
dc.subjectfotoelektrični modulsr
dc.subjectzaštita od suncasr
dc.subjectprirodno osvetljenjesr
dc.subjectprirodna ventilacijasr
dc.titleMulti functional roof structures of the energy efficient buildingsen
dc.titleMultifunkcionalne krovne strukture energetski efikasnih zgradasr
dcterms.abstractКрстић, Aлександра; Мултифункционалне кровне структуре енергетски ефикасних зграда; Мултифункционалне кровне структуре енергетски ефикасних зграда;
dc.citation.other(18-19): 34-47



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