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Urban typology: city square in Serbia

dc.creatorDjokić, Vladan
dc.description.abstractThe manuscript titled "Urban Typology: City Square in Serbiaâ", by the author dr Vladan Djokić is one of the rare recent domestic works within the field of urban morphology and typology, which owing to the high standard of its scientific and professional competence can be considered the fundamental contribution to this discipline. Urban morphology and typology are the fields in which key interests, professional and creative potentials have been focused, and also the identity of the theory and practice of urbanism and architecture. The basic phenomenon and notion of "the city square", for the urban morphology is as priority the synonym for the urban form as the "vessel", "shell", "tissue"... which houses the social community and its activities, equally as its memory and public values. In his research, Mr. Djokić combines several methods, above all the comparative analyses of the theoretical sources, ideas and practical applications of the examples of the urban forms, which are immanent to the morphological theory, namely to the history and theory of the urban planning and design. At the same time, the author is also assisted by the corresponding methodological tools of the urban history and the history of architecture and art. Thus this manuscript acquires an enviable level of relevance in versatile study of the city square, contributing to its more complete and rich scientific clarification. The particular value, same as the specific and even original contribution of this work and its author to the contemporary city building practice, reconstruction, renovation and protection of the urban heritage, is recognized in recommen-dation and guidelines for the development of the city square in Serbian cities, which are derived from the previous referenced researches. That is an enormous effect for the environment, society and builders who in some foreseeable future will not suffer from the excess of the public-mindedness and surplus of the builder wisdom and skill.en
dc.description.abstractRukopis pod naslovom "Urbana tipologija: Gradski trg u Srbiji" autora dr Vladana Đokića, predstavlja jedno od retkih recentnih domaćih dela iz oblasti urbane morfologije i tipologije, koje se zbog visokog standarda svoje naučne i stručne kompetentnosti može smatrati fundamentalnim doprinosom ovoj discilini. Urbana morfologija i tipologija su područja u koje su fokusirani ključni interesi, stručni i kreativni potencijali, pa i identitet teorije i prakse urbanizma i arhitekture. Bazičan fenomen i pojam "gradski trg", za urbanu morfologiju je prioritetno sinonim za urbanu formu kao "posudu", "ljusku", "tkivo"...koji udomljuju socijalnu zajednicu i njene aktivnosti, jednako kao i njenu memoriju i građanske vrednosti. U svom istraživanju Đokić kombinuje više metoda, pre svega komparativne analize teorijskih izvora, ideja i praktičnih primera urbanih formi, imanentne morfološkoj teoriji, odnosno istoriji i teoriji urbanog planiranja i dizajna. Istovremeno, autoru pomažu i odgovarajući metodološki alati urbane istorije i istorije arhitekture i umetnosti. Tako ovaj rukopis dobija zavidan nivo relevantnosti u raznostranom izučavanju gradskog trga, doprinoseći njegovom potpunijem i bogatijem naučnom osvetljavanju. Posebna vrednost, koliko i specifičan, pa i originalan doprinos ovog dela i njegovog autora našoj savremenoj praksi gradograđenja, rekonstrukcije, obnove i zaštite gradskog nasleđa, prepoznaje se u preporukama i smernicama za razvoj gradskog trga u gradovima Srbije, koje se deriviraju iz prethodnih refrerentnih istraživanja. To je ogroman učinak za sredinu, društvo i graditelje koji u dogledno vreme neće patiti od viška građanske svesti i suficita graditeljske mudrosti i veš
dc.publisherBeograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Arhitektonski fakultetsr
dc.subjecturbana morfologijasr
dc.subjecturbana tipologijasr
dc.subjectgradski trgsr
dc.subjecturban morphologysr
dc.subjecturban typologysr
dc.subjectcity squaresr
dc.titleUrbana tipologija: gradski trg u Srbijisr
dc.titleUrban typology: city square in Serbiaen
dcterms.abstractДјокић, Владан; Урбана типологија: градски трг у Србији; Урбана типологија: градски трг у Србији;

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