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dc.contributorНеделчева, Таня
dc.creatorStevanović, Djura
dc.creatorVidenović, Aleksandar
dc.creatorArandjelović, Miloš
dc.description.abstractTourism based on cultural values, under the auspices of ecotourism is a concept of tourist offer that will get a real momentum and discover its incredible potential in the future, considering each rural landscape abounds in unique natural and cultural characteristics. In the case of Serbia, marked the difference level of development, and therefore tourism in its eastern and western part. The premises of Eastern Serbia, in this regard are lagging behind compared to its western part. On the other hand, in terms of quality of natural and created number of significant values, said two parts of Serbia are no different to that extent. The reasons for this apparent lower level of standards in Eastern Serbia can be sought and found in her peripheral position in relation to the main traffic routes from the north to the south of the country, but also in the Border historically disadvantaged position with respect to Bulgaria. Balkan mountain at the border of two countries is geographically, but also politically, has been long period an iron curtain and the limiting factor of development east of the country. In recent decades, the turn of the century, political boundaries give way, and with the right to be thinking about a global view of the development of certain areas in every sense, even in the field of rural tourism, at local, wider - regional, as well as on international level. Interestingly, when it comes to the possible development of rural areas, to explore the characteristics of the villages in Balkan mountain, or compare them with the experience and qualities of the Bulgarian space, since the Balkan mountain to be regarded as a whole, as a region of outstanding natural value and potential. Tourism as a generator of development, would on the other hand, improve the modern socio - economic status of the population living in this area. Certain estimates of the economic aspects of development of different forms of tourism on Balkan mountain indicate huge capacities that this region possesses. The development of tourism in this area would contribute to a more comprehensive integration of rural settlements in modern trends of society, which would have a positive impact on improving the economic situation of individual households. Development of cultural tourism would mean investing in cultural resources, primarily in the people who live there and who are the bearers of development, its human infrastructure. People and the local population, the main brand of a room because the bearers of spiritual culture embodied in the culture of everyday life. Spontaneity, mutual cooperation, and unencumbered by borders and interweaving of different forms of tourism, creating an overall picture of a striking landscape, acceptable and attractive for visitors.en
dc.publisherBulgaria : OMDAsr
dc.sourceИновации, развитие и устойчивост в селските райони в България и в Европа / Иновације, развој и одрживост руралних подручја у Бугарској и Европиsr
dc.subjectOld Mountain (Balkan)sr
dc.subjectSerbian and Bulgarian villagessr
dc.subjectDevelopment potentialsr
dc.titleSerbian and Bulgarian village on Balkan Mountains as a tourist development potentialen
dcterms.abstractВиденовић, Aлександар; Aрандјеловић, Милош; Стевановић, Дјура;
dc.description.otherРЕШЕНИЯ ОТ РЕДОВНО ЗАСЕДАНИЕ НА НАУЧНИЯ СЪВЕТ (НС), Протокол № 27/07.11.2017 г. Решение: НС препоръчва публикуване на сборника „Иновации, развитие и устойчивост в селските райони в България и в Европа” в електронното издателство „ОМДА” след отчитане бележките на рецензентите.ru



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