Приказ резултата 448-467 од 2736

      D+ Atlas : Atlas of Hidden Urban Values along the Danube [Картографска грађа] [1]
      D+ Atlas: Atlas of Hidden Urban Values along the Danube [46th Salon of Architecture] [1]
      D+ Aтлас: Aтлас скривених урбаних вредности дуж Дунава [46. салон архитектуре] [1]
      Daily Mobility Patterns: Publicness as a Lived Experience in a Hidden Pedestrian Hub [1]
      DALL·E 2023-06-11 16.31.27 - aerial view of well organised urban area where everyone lives harmoniously. png, 2023, уље на платну, 100x100 cm [1]
      DALL·E 2023-06-11 16.31.27 - aerial view of well organized urban area where everyone lives harmoniously. png, 2023, oil on canvas, 100x100 cm [1]
      Danube Strategy in Serbia: Education-Based Research of the Potentials of Serbian Towns on the Danube [1]
      DANuRB - DANube Urban Brand – The determination of the “DANUBE” cultural identity and solidarity [1. prize] [1]
      DANURB - DANUBE URBAN BRAND – Towards the strategy of the Danube towns by research [2. prize] [1]
      DANURB - DANUBE URBAN BRAND – Истраживањем до стратегије подунавских градова [2. награда] [1]
      DANuRB - DANube Urban Brand – Утврђивање „ДУНАВСКОГ“ културног идентитета и солидарности [1. награда] [1]
      DANUrB+ project / Danube urban brend + building regional and local resilience through the valorization of Danube's cultural heritage [1]
      DANUrB+ пројекат / Danube urban brend + изградња регионалне и локалне отпорности кроз вредновање подунавске културне баштине [ 32. Mеђународни салон урбанизма] [1]
      Das Unheimliche And Women: The Case of “The Tales of Hoffmann” [1]
      Das Unheimliche et les femmes: le cas des Contes d'Hoffmann [1]
      Das Unheimliche. Психоаналитичке и културалне теорије простора [1]
      Das Unheimliche: o (ne)prevodivom [1]
      Data collection methods for assessment of public building stock refurbishment potential [1]
      Dataset on Bac settlement stakeholders' perspectives on integrative urban design play as an instrument for managing wicked urban regeneration issues in sustainable way [1]
      Dataset on the energy performance of atrium type hotel buildings [1]